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the weight of an invisible crown - joining - Printable Version

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Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - Warringkingdoms - 03-01-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Nemhain landed beside her, Rin twitched her tail in greeting, then glanced back at Abidemi- only to notice tears building in his eyes. Reaching a paw out, she opened her mouth, but before she could say anything he fell over on his side. Her own eyes widened in turn, and she jogged over to his fallen form.

  Watching his stomach rise and fall with breath, she nodded to herself. She hadn't really expected him to die of fright, but it was nice to confirm that he was still alive. Before she could engage in any further examination, however, Abidemi started again. Stepping back to allow him room, she listened as he explained himself. He was still interested in joining, he just hadn't expected... this. That was fair, they were a very strange bunch.

  As he apologized, though, she waved a paw. "No need to apologize, that's hardly the most dramatic response we've gotten," she said, twitching her ears. "Things have been... strange for all of us lately. But you're welcome to stay here- there'll be an opportunity to swear in as a full member at the next meeting if you wish." If this were a god, she figured, he probably wouldn't have fainted upon seeing his target appear. There was no harm in allowing him into the territory.

  With a quick glance behind him to confirm that there were no attackers approaching, she added, "My name is Rin. I can lead you to the mountain camp or the sea town, whichever you'd prefer."

Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - arcy - 03-03-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

Well, Videogames can't claim to understand shock-based unconsciousness, but that was ... really fast, actually. Was it like .. a hit the ground and stay out for five seconds thing? Maybe Videogames should like ... research it or something sometime. It's not like anyone tried to explain anything to him before. It's not even something Videogames had seen before.
"It's really not a big deal," Videogames chirps agreeingly, beaming. At least they didn't need to worry about carrying him. Nemhain was probably the only one here that could -- besides her and Abidemi himself, Videogames was the largest one here, and he was still rather small. "I'm honestly just impressed you still want to join if you got spooked that badly," His grin stretches wider. He just hopes the young lion will get over it fast enough -- things can get kind of weird. Not that Videogames has experienced much of it himself, mind, but he's heard of a lot of weird stuff.
"You gonna be good for walking yet?" Videogames glances at Rin, who'd already explained a fair bit of the standard stuff. Abidemi seemed pretty shaken still, after all. ... It has the unfortunate sideaffect of possibly being read as him accusing Abidemi of weakness, though. He hadn't thought one through well enough. Yikes.



Re: the weight of an invisible crown - joining - candorosa - 03-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]He can't help it--a shrill laugh escapes him, abruptly cutting off into a series of coughs. He tries to cover up his blatant amusement with a bandaged paw, poorly. Still, he can't believe Abidemi actually fainted. (Despite his state of amusement, he takes note of the interesting bits of information the others just showed him.) He manages to calm himself by the time Abidemi regains consciousness.

Lemy grins up at the lion. "Yeah, yeah! Don't worry 'bout it Demidemi! Can't say I blame ya, Nem's real scary, she could probably eviscerate ya with a clap of Rinny's paws," he keeps his tone conversational. He tries to reach up to the lion's head and give it a few pats. He keeps going, unsure as to why, but-- "Make sure to stay behind an adult when a god attacks 'kay?" He doesn't elaborate, simply trots after Rin, making sure to stay ahead of her as he walks. If another attack were to happen, he's sure Rin would make a pretty willing meatshield.