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eternal flame- open, tangler - Printable Version

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Re: eternal flame- open, tangler - ROXANNE R. - 02-28-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The smell of faint blood caught her attention, she bit down on her tongue trying to ignore the soft buzz in her mind. It was a bit easier to control now after her meal a week ago but the smell still made that one bit of her brain want to go on a feeding frenzy though right now, she was doing quite a good job in keeping it down. The pregnant Privateer would limp over seeing Sam, Goldie, and Michael with a wavering gaze well, it didn't take Roxanne long to see who had been bleeding and her mouth was already holding onto some bandages  "I got some bandages." She would say with a light dip of her head, she would hold them out to Goldie. Her eyes traveling over to Sam's body wondering if the same beast had attacked her, Roxie felt her throat grow slightly dry until she remembered that she had a few marigold flowers on her "Oh, these too..." Once more they would be handed over to her niece, it seemed that's what had been troubling Goldie the whole time; pregnancy. Roxanne frowned slightly though she used her only good wing to smooth down a bit of her bristling fur, her spotted tail curling around her belly as she began to wonder who exactly had knocked up her niece. Little did she know was that her question would be answered eventually, the older Roux would take a few steps back until she was near Michael.

Even if she didn't know who the father was, it didn't matter since she was sure that Sam would step in and help Goldie. From the potluck event, well, Roxanne wasn't naive to how the duo felt towards each other. A soft smile graced her spotted face, she was happy to know that someone would be there for Goldenluxury in her time of need. Her heart aching slightly wishing that the father of her own cubs could have been around as well for her and the unborn cubs, her curved ears pressed themselves against her head. But she had family here and they'd be there for her. The ache in her chest soothing, silencing. Just for now. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: eternal flame- open, tangler - deimos - 02-28-2020

She gave a small nod of appreciation. The worrying tears in Goldie's eyes brought her her own tears, sniffling a tiny bit and nuzzling in against her. "I couldn't care less the gender. Honestly." She gave a tiny lick to Goldie's cheek, before settling herself in place again. "And don't bother apologizing. It's alright. Scary. Stuff like that." Sam knew she would have been just as scared if it happened to her, which was why she didn't bother to tell her no. She exhaled softly, shifting to look her in the eyes. "But you're far from alone, Gold." She patted her, before looking up suddenly.

Someone else. Shakily, Sam drew into herself, pressing back up against Goldie now. She was in a weakened state, and you couldn't blame her for shying away. She was fearful of things that could happen to her, thus trying to find solace and leaning into her lover. Ears twitched quite a bit as she exhaled softly, realizing it was just another Typhooner from the scent he gave off. Sam's mismatched eyes studied the character for a moment, before grumbling to himself. Her shoulders dropped a bit, relaxing and petting Goldie gently, almost without realizing she was doing it.

Her eyes drifted back towards her leg with a grimace, grumbling to herself. Right, her leg. She looked at the job done reattaching her leg, wincing at the large scarring around the area, and the loss of function still weighing her down. She exhaled through her nose in an exhausted manner, feeling it taking her body back over. However, as Roxie approached this time, she was much more reserved in her action, the sudden sleepiness making her look over slowly instead of quickly. And honestly, she looked just as non-threatening as Michael had. Her eyes scanned her, and she grew closer.

Sam's head tilted up as Roxie delivers the bandages and herbs. She gave her a small smile, nodding gently. "Thanks, I guess." She replied quietly, shifting a bit. Sam looked back towards Goldie, lifting her brows. "Well?"



Re: eternal flame- open, tangler - michael t. - 02-29-2020

Michael felt a wave of relief wash over hin when Goldie responded not with harsh words and rage over the scene between her and Sam being interrupted, but instead with nothing but her usual, calm leaderly tone. What she said made sense, and he nodded his head a bit, trying to think back to the last time he had seen Idyllfields. He and the sage hadn't met formally in the past, but they had been pointed out to him during Roxie's process of showing him around, since she knew he might need further medical attention for his torture wounds. He hadn't seen them since that first tour, and he supposed it made sense that Goldie would rather that Sam receive immediate help. Rather than having to wait for him to rush around trying in vain to find where Idyll had disappeared off to. He nodded his head a bit, his short tail flicking wildly with nerves behind him as he turned to go and find the supplies mentioned... only for Roxanne to show up with everything just a moment later. The bobcat blinked in surprise at her for a moment before a soft laugh left him, twisting himself back around again to face Goldie and Sam, since he didn't really have anything to go off and get now. His worry relaxed further when Roxie sat down beside him, making him feel less like he was outnumbered by Goldie and Sam, having accidentally intruded upon the scene.

Pressing a little bit into Roxie's side in greeting, Michael hesitated for a long moment before he spoke, his voice silent and muted, since he didn't want to interrupt any further, "Uh... congrats you two. Good to see ya happy, Goldenluxury..." He didn't yet feel comfortable enough in the group to call Goldie by her nickname, mainly since, while he was already very close to Roxie, he wasn't particularly close to Goldenluxury, and was still becoming adjusted to his new surroundings when it came to The Typhoon. The dark furred male glanced down at his paws for a moment, shuffling them together before he pressed into Roxie again, this time in a sort of goodbye, rather than greeting, "Since you've got the bandages and everythin'... well, I'll be going now. Seems like a family thing... bye Rox." He offered the larger female a little crooked smile before he turned and went, padding back into the treeline and away from the rather loving scene. For one thing, he wasn't supposed to be here. Lile he had said, it seemed like more of a family affair. Secondly, the entire thing sort of just made him uncomfortable. Family, and love, and babies, and all of that... it wasn't really anywhere near the realm of Michael De Santa's jurisdiction, at least for now.

( out! )

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: eternal flame- open, tangler - MARINA - 03-16-2020

A foreigner. Marina's nose sensed something different. Not only was their murky scent lurking around the area, but the salty scent of a familiar female was present. The unnerving thought of danger crossed her mind, causing her to change her task and rush over towards the situation.

Eventually, she came up to the path near the railroad. Before she reached the two, she stowed away within the tall grass. While her coat was not beneficial in a camouflage situation, she hoped the intruder would keep their attention elsewhere. When things grew tense, Marina would jump in. Whether that was to heroically save Goldenluxury or to intrude on an ally talk, she did not know. Something just didn't feel right. For now, she would remain in the background.

Indeed, her gut feeling was right. There was no danger present, but an overflow of emotions was about to pursue. As the stranger wandered forward, Goldenluxury practically fell to her knees. Her voice was soft, almost caring towards the stranger. She was concerned. The female Tanglewooder merely responded with an overview of what was going on, but Samantha's tone remained similar to Goldenluxury's own. A deep connection remained between the two. Marina did want to admit it, but she kept her hopes high. This couldn't be a lover, but perhaps a family member. Anything but that...

Marina pushed forward into the underbrush, watching closer. What came next threw her in for a loop. The word 'pregnant' rang throughout her head. Had Goldenluxury cheated on her with this girl? But it became apparent that it was not that. In fact, Marina was the one who assisted in the cheating. She was about to have children with a liar. The jaguar felt sick to her stomach, even more than the pregnant leader. 'Nothing but you,' Goldenluxury preaches. An affirmative nod follows her words. Marina's heart drops, causing her to lurch further back into the shadows. The feeling of betrayal travels within. Would her children throw her aside as a bastard mother and accept Goldenluxury or Samantha to be their true parents? or would they collectively agree to side with all?

What had their love become? Had that night in the underground aquarium been a joke to Goldenluxury? Marina's anger bubbled up in her chest. Not only that, but they had children. Real, live children coming. The jaguar couldn't even bare the thought of staring Goldenluxury in the eye. Collective fear and frustration pulsed through her mind. Tears began to stream down her face. Marina, knowing her cover would be exposed if she continued on, wandered off. There was nothing more to see here.