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RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - Printable Version

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Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - melantha - 05-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]Based simply on Bucky’s reaction, Melantha almost feels a pinprick of remorse. Perhaps she could have said that kinder. She did not intend for it to come off as rude, but then again, she’s not exactly known for being a ray of sunshine. Her people skills are...lacking, to say the least. ”Sorry..” an awkward expression colors her plain features. She’s also extremely bad at apologizing, but Melantha is an honest creature so the words come out all the same, even if they are less than eloquent. ”I’ll just call you WinBuck, then.” See? Melantha is capable of compromise. She is reasonable. Not a monster. Maybe a bitch, but not a monster. ”Bucky-Barnes-Or-Winter-Soldier is a bit of a mouthful.” the worst part is that she thinks she’s funny. There’s also a chance that she’s more guilty than she’s letting on and she’s doing a terrible job of lightening the atmosphere.

In spite of her efforts to make amends for her social blunders, Melantha nearly looses it when Bucky misunderstands her words a second time. Ah, the curse of being a moody youth—emotions constantly shift from highs to lows and back again. Her eye twitches, but Mel keeps it together. Be nice, be nice, be nice, be nice. the inner mantra is supposed to work. It’s not working. It needs to work. Please work. ”I know you do not have any. That’s why I said that in the event that you were successful, we would ask them to be returned.” She’s doing good so far. She’s as cool as a business woman. The evil voice in her head tells her that Bucky’s an idiot and to yell at him, but she’s better than that douchebag.

It’s the homestretch now. Apologize! You can do it! Her teeth begin to ache so she unclenches her jaw. ”I apologize—“ her eye twitches again. Keep it together. ”—if my words were confusing.” So many apologies. And she partially means it. She’s sorry that she offended anyone, but she’s not sorry that people are stupid. Stop that, be nice. Being nice is not nearly as easy as Jacob and London make it look. ”You can join if you want, or you can pass through. As long as you both follow the rules.”

/ic opinions

Re: RESET // DOUBLE JOINERS - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had no idea how the conversation seemed to devolve into some sort of chaos but he was able to at least pick out all the important bits. Well, perhaps chaos wasn't the right word for it. He was probably just a little out of it. He hadn't been getting enough sleep lately but it was hard to not resist the natural call of rest. It'd become routine after such a long time and now he only slept when absolutely necessary. He knew it wasn't safe and it made the smell of smoke grow even stronger with each day but he hadn't been able to find a way out of it. Even now, smoke invaded his nostrils and lungs, trying to warn him of a fire that was only in his mind. He did his best to ignore it but sometimes he could get preoccupied with what his own mind built up for him. It was confusing and frustrating but he still needed to focus on the present moment.

"I'll take ya' back ta' camp n' I'll get ya' patched up. Ya' shouldn' be walkin' around with somethin' like that. You'll be able ta' rest for a few days at least so I can make sure it don' get infected or anythin' like that n' then ya' can choose whether ya' wanna join for good or if ya' wanna' stay a li'l longer or whatever ya' like. Camp ain't too far from 'ere, thankfully. M' name's Jacob, by the way. 'S nice ta' meet ya' both." Jacob wasn't sure how to address the confusion about the stranger's names. He certainly didn't know his real name, but he found himself agreeing with Melantha. Then again, he'd heard some pretty strange names since leaving the city so maybe it wasn't that far off. In any case, Jacob just planned on going as long as he could without saying any name or referring to the man at all vocally. It wouldn't be a problem if he never had to make a decision. Jacob stood and began to turn in the direction of camp. "Jus' follow me if ya' wanna' head back righ' now. I was meanin' ta' head back soon anyway." His legs had been bothering him long before he reached the strangers and learned he'd have to be back at camp soon anyway. Besides, this gave him an excuse to cut things a little shorter than usual. If he'd gone interrupted, he might have pushed himself further but he was thankful for the idea of an early break. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP