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as iron sharpens iron | open, newcomer - Printable Version

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Re: as iron sharpens iron | open, newcomer - RB Graveyard - 01-22-2020

EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]

Her expression and body language almost instantly changed. Though Virgil's first impression was far from the best, Eulogy felt bad for the way she had acted. With a soft smile, she gestured her paw to the lion whom towered over her. "The man's right lass," she cooed. "Though it may seem like we're just a big group of felidae like creatures and a big spider.." Eulogy let her paw fall down back down to the ground. "Tanglewood is a caring group with a verity of species who have a surprising amount of medically inclined minds." The tigress let the smile fade as Virgil's hackles raised, Eulogy's fading smile was soon replaced with a frown; the dog had a temper. One that would be a problem if she didn't learn how to hold her tongue. The female gave an annoyed snort, what a fucking day.

"As he said, though you haven't made the best impression," her soft voice spilled from her pink lips. "We'd all love to get to know you better and Tanglewood would be delighted to have you, so long as you watch your attitude." Sarcasm tainted her words; only really obvious to her and maybe a few others. With a soft chuckle Eulogy flicker the tip of her tail. Getting through to her was much harder than she had originally thought. Hopefully she would come around. "My name is Eulogy," she followed Virgil's glare over to the Proxy. "The bruised bum you've been staring at-" she turned towards Aurum; a smile plastered to her face as her whiskers frayed. "Maybe you'd like to introduce yourself instead." Eulogy gave another small chuckle as she turned her head back towards the dog.
OOC: Sorry Aurum  :T

Re: as iron sharpens iron | open, newcomer - wormwood. - 01-22-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

Things were still escalating, much to Aurum's dread. The young proxy was readying himself for a possible fight, not particularly keen on breaking up Vathmos, Eulogy, and Virgil, but thankfully, it seemed as though his mediating had won the day. He saw the way that Virgil's hackles slowly fell as he spoke, and he let out a soft relieved breath, his own tense body relaxing and letting his wings droop back down at his sides, like usual. He could see the way that calmness entered Virgil's eyes, but it was unfortunately accompanied by others as well. Confusion, for one. Aurum was still unaware of why the wild dog had initially disliked him so fiercely, but he could tell that she was feeling conflicted, if only from the way that her head shook minutely, thoughts being shoved aside for a later date. Once she had relaxed, her attention turned down to the carcass in front of her, and Aurum found himself wondering how everything was going to go down. Virgil no longer seemed to be readying herself for a fight, but she didn't seem very enthusiastic about joining their little band of merry men, either. The lion took a deep breath, opening his maw to tell the canine that she could reside there temporarily, if only to regain her strength, but Virgil cut him off, her quiet voice echoing through the air. Please.

Her voice was full of quiet desperation, and Aurum paused, trying not to look too surprised. He had figured she was going to deny, tooth and nail, even considering the possibility of joining Tanglewood. It seemed as though he was pleasantly surprised, at least for today. The male felt a smile split across his face, and he remained silent for only a moment longer, allowing Eulogy to speak. He winced a little bit at the sarcasm in the tigress's voice, not wanting the other to drive Virgil off after such a hard fought battle to get her to stay, but thankfully the moment passed quickly, and he was being asked to introduce himself. Blinking, the proxy nodded his head to Eulogy before turning towards the wild dog in question, offering her a kind and warm smile before he spoke, "We will be happy to welcome you into Tanglewood, Virgil. You will be well taken care of here, and I promise there is some good food, even if it's hard to find." He chuckled a little at his own joke, trying to put her at ease, "My name is Aurum, and I'm the proxy around here. Or, second in command, rather. If you need anything, you can always come to me, and I'll be happy to help." Perhaps he was laying on the hospitality kinda thick, but it felt like it was necessary. After all, up until a couple of minutes ago, Virgil had been completely ready to turn tail and leave Tanglewood all together. It was better to be too nice, rather than too cruel or sarcastic.
template by orion

Re: as iron sharpens iron | open, newcomer - Felibri - 01-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]A hodgepodge. Who knew what she was getting into. Virgil found comfort in the presence of people who looked like her and thought like her. This was better than nothing, perhaps. Much as Aurum seemed to make an effort, Virgil wasn’t so dumb as to not pick up on the sarcasm. She knew condescending ... she just, never expected to be the one subject to it. Granted, she had never done bad things, and for all her steadfast loyalty to her pack, there had been moments of doubt. Some people whispered that there was a brother in every generation, who was slaughtered and the leaders used his blood to bathe his sisters. Or when her astute littermate Togo pointed out that the wounds from Bismarck’s neck didn’t resemble the powerful rip and tear of a lion, but that of a painted wolf. It seems strange to me, Virgil. I saw them giving her nasty looks in the days up to it. Bismarck was always a bit more cool-headed than her sisters.

Well Virgil, she had never gotten caught up in the conspiracies of it all. She just didn’t want her throat torn out. Her leaders gave her a will and ideal to live for and in return, she had offered her loyalty. Even though she had gained some sort of lowly position in this group, she wasn’t sure compassion and pity were ideals she felt worth living. After some thought, she supposed that these qualities were what saved her life just now. Aurum ... was difficult to find him anything other than charismatic, even if he did bear the stench of maleness.

Eulogy, on the other hand, she was finding more insufferable than Aurum’s little guard-hyena. “The feeling’s mutual.” She rumbled, irritated that she was being forced to put on good behavior in order to keep her place in the group. Virgil’s golden eyes flickered back to Aurum, brutally stung by the irony (again, how many times would she be slapped in the face with subverted expectations?) that her new second in command was an animal of the species that had killed her former. “You must really despise me, I’m sorry.” The lycaon whispered to herself under her breath. “I suppose I’ll need someone to show me the best places to get food ...” She responded in a tone that gave off the impression that her mind was somewhere else, distant. “Th — hmmgh!” She cut herself off with a grunt, clearing her throat. Aurum was really difficult to dislike. She had almost caught herself saying “thank you” to a male.