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Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - tikki - 01-27-2020

giving this the smallest of bumps

kittens will be picked February 28th, and they'll be born on the 29th b/c leap year babies

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - selby roux ! - 01-27-2020

yay Smile

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - Orion - 01-29-2020

name — Atticus Roux
nicknames — Finch, Atti, Cus
origin — Atticus's name revolves around one of his parent's favorite books. Selby has a strong connection to 'How To Kill A Mockingbird', thus named their child Atticus. Along with this, Atticus' grey pelt resembles Crow's. Thus Atticus' nickname is 'Finch' to directly compare with his grandfather.
roleplayed by — Orion

current rank — Common member
past ranks — None

current alliance — Tanglewood
past alliances — None

Atticus is currently a domestic feline. He resides within a smokey-colored tabby body, similarly to his grandfather's. An elongated patch of white fur travel from his underside to the bridge of his nose. His fur remains fairly short and his height is significantly shorter than the rest of the children. Nevertheless, Atticus' build remains bulkier than the rest. Along with this, he inherited piercing facial features from his father. Royal yellow eyes reside in his skull and a prominent jawline pokes out from his face.

sex / gender— Male
age — He is currently an unborn child. His aging will coincide with the rest of his litter.
species — Domestic feline
breed — Striped Tabby
eye color — Yellow
fur color — Striped grey with white underbelly and maw
posture — Slouching, relaxed

illnesses — Unknown / Undiscovered
handicaps — Unknown / Undiscovered
powers — Unknown / Undiscovered
possessions — No possessions currently.

accent — North-Eastern American
languages — English only
voice volume — The domestic feline is naturally outspoken. When making a point, he will talk louder so he can be heard, though that does not make his argument correct. Stress can cause stern clapbacks and a sense of urgency within his voice also. Nevertheless, he is eloquently spoken in normal conversations. He's very willing to share his experiences and show off to a crowd.
common phrases —

personality description goes here

mbti personality type — ESFP, the 'entertainer' (extroverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving)
moral alignment — Chaotic Good/Neutral

strengths — Quick witted, creative, outspoken, noble
likes — Attention, direct family, public speaking
weaknesses — Impulsiveness, spontaneity, keeping secrets, deviant, over-thinker
dislikes — Injustice, overwhelming emotions

quirks —
hobbies — Undiscovered
beliefs / religion — Atticus follows no religion. He is currently agnostic, but not invested in a specific faith.
goals — Undiscovered

family name — Roux
parents — Selby x Moth
siblings — Undecided
other direct family —
— Crow Roux, ex-leader of Tanglewood (grandfather)
— Goldenluxury Roux, current leader of The Typhoon
— Pincher Roux, ex-leader of The Typhoon
— Guru of The Pitt
— Aurum, proxy of Tanglewood (adoptive)
— Roy of Tanglewood (adoptive)
Other unnamed Roux family members.

sexuality — Undiscovered
martial status — Single
spouse — None

best friends — None
enemies — None
apprentice — Too young and inexperienced.

birthday— Undecided
astrological sign— Undecided

accomplishments — Undiscovered
secrets — Undiscovered
regrets — Undiscovered

history — He isn't even born yet.
plots — Potential plot with Sweeney of The Pitt.

old notes:

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - axiom - 02-05-2020


Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - Grimm - 02-06-2020

[Image: ezgif-3-051af499e94e.gif]
[div style="width: 235px; max-height: 45px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 6px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 5pt; color: #8e8e8e; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify;"]You teach me now how cruel you've been — cruel and false! Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they'll blight you — they'll damn you. You loved me — then what right had you to leave me? What right — answer me — for the poor fancy you felt for Linton?
[div style="width: 355px; height: auto; margin-top: 10px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9px; color: #8e8e8e; letter-spacing: -0.5px; text-align: justify; line-height: 14px; text-transform:lowercase"]name — heathcliff roux
- lacks much opinion on the matter of his given name, though he may come to scoff at it when the truth of its inspiration becomes apparent
nickname — heath
- connects any such shortening as a sign of disrespect and thus vocal on his displeasure when they are used in regards to himself, though is degrudging in permitting select family to use them

origin — named after heathcliff from emily brontë's novel wuthering heights
- often remembered for the love between himself and catherine, rather than the final years filled with a want for vengeance in the latter half of the novel, he is regarded as the archetype of the anti-hero

gender — cis male
- is assured of this and there is currently no plans that will change this
orientation — homoromantic asexual
- greatly within the closet and refuses to admit such even to himself, time may only tell if it may come to light and he will find a way to accept who he is

allegiance — tanglewood
- though liked well enough it is all too readily apparent he harbours no sense of loyalty to any beyond the bonds of blood



imperfect reflection, within the regal silhouette well founded the points of both yet smudged the lines, something uniquely his own.

small is he until nought but a mere scrap of fur may he be deemed, slender the curves of body lithe in its structure. yet already discrepancies are found, widened the shoulders until broad in direct comparison are they to the thin hips his body tapers off into. of length the legs holding aloft it all, narrow until it seems a mere wind may cast precarious balance aside with no issue, different the story of paws rounded and overdone with thickened fluff between each toe. banner the extension of heavy fur streaming behind, ruffled and messy the feathering of lengthy tail, dense its packing about hindquarters.

mother is present in the depth of coat layered about the body more akin to father, a marriage made in poor decision. there is no reprieve, the paleness of undercoat overlaid with the overbearing weight of thick top cost. dense it along the hips and back, thinning where body and forelegs join yet soft the feathering of joints of each set of legs, thinner but of some length the presence of soft mane about length of slender neck. dark its hue, packed the agouti speckling a field of grey near black itself, yet linear the bands encasing the lower segments of each leg. gentle the manner of white speckled upon toes, fine the little locket resting upon chest and along a blaze do narrowed eyes view, final these touches upon a field of monochrome until no colour seems prevail.

wrong such view for pale but filled with the richness of green laced gold the eyes peering forth with shrew ambition, sharp the point within which muzzle tapers off into. present the ancestor of past until wedge is the head decorated with almond sockets, atop it all tall the large ears bearing soft tufts of white.

Crappy discord notes for now

↳While he may come off as rather cold and manipulative, at the very least such grows a more persistent, nagging notion that is hard to push aside, it is rather far from the truth. Indeed is he selfish in a manner that blinds him to the wants and needs of others, before all else he must look after himself but such may leave a sour taste in the mouth of others as he brushes them off with seemingly no care. There is no malicious intent behind such, the manner he express himself is, in and of itself, very minimal and easy to miss which he often ascribes to others believing that the displays of emotion are overly done, a spectical more then it is something to be regarded as reality

↳ Rather strict with himself as to what a gentleman is supposed to be, such is well attributed for how well he hides the self hatred and turmoil festering beneath the false mask. Suave and surprisingly down to earth upholding such an image has become his goal within life, cordial in all situations there are times he slips up all the same, during such is when it becomes clear it is all a mask he tires of as he grows older but refuses to put down for he knows nothing else

↳ Few and far between may learn of such he is surprisingly emotional and overly prone to bouts of over excitement when certain topics are presented. As one may expect he is rather learned in the study of medicine, though his knowledge is all theoretical and he is like to cause more harm than actually assist a patient beyond minor care, but he has a love of poetry, astrology, and mathematics, an odd collection but it is not difficult to find him paging through texts on an assortment of various odd topics. For all the good within such, for in such good spirits is when it grows clear there is an inkling of a smart, funny, and excitable person beneath his more cold and distant mask, it also has lead to issues with his anger, easy to spark but difficult to calm, and how readily he allows his emotions to grow for he has no outlet to safely release them, thus a grudge is a thing that eats at him for quite a time, any slip up merely stoking the flames of hate he refuses to show allowing no chance for redemption in his eyes

↳ As can be expected he is very much one that cares deeply, to such a point he can be deemed possessive, if not outright obsessive if allowed to go too far with his affection, and it extends to family as well. The connection of blood is one he holds in high regard and so very few can get through to him in a way the love for his family has been established, regarded with disdain and hostility those who try to insert themselves within. As it stands those, such as Leroy and Aurum, are permitted for he sees the happiness they bring certain individuals but thin is the ice they tread, such merely scraping the surface of how judgemental and cruel he can be in particular circumstances, the idea of perfection is one he holds close and thus is unfortunately pushed onto others

moth — delusion of a heart soft beneath her unknowing hands, a lamb bearing stolen fleece answering to her call with a good cheer rare in its rise. easy might it be to deem him all too much where she is concerned, atop a pedastal of such height she may never linger for long. but, for now at least, apparent is the warmth of affection he feels where moth is concerned, no wrong is she capable of

selby — the standard to which he is held, fine the example he cuts if flawed in ways eyes obscured by rose hued lenses may not notice. silent the manner in which affection is expressed but present is it in each beat of his heart, alight all at the utterance of work performed to expectation, a rival staged on a field of friendly competition

siblings — the bond of blood is one stronger then the waters of community. misgivings expected and weathered, flared tempers that do not match and grate along one another until the sharpness of cutting words is all that is left, but untethered the softness of undying love. no matter the misunderstandings of hardships upon a difficult road love is a tender bloom he treats with care, withered but never dying, always in his heart those tied to him by blood

friends — complicated is the way he views people, their use dictating how they are accepted, if at all. rather then permit one so close mere acquantinces ties may be cut with if so needed, for the time he entertains no need for such and buries any such desire for a bond deemed unnecessary

enemies — in comparison it is much easier to earn an ire that is quite fine and easily raised, in truth nearly all begin off on a poor foot no matter the way they conduct themself. such is not to say he is likely to deem any worthy, an advisary with a mind worth contenting his own is what he seeks, mere flies, a nuisance to be rid of many of those who gain temperamental anger

this is not guaranteed to happen but an outline of what i am playing around with

an avid reader with a well hidden soft spot for cheesy romance novels, even as a child something about them appeals to him in a way little ease does, such is the beginning of a shift in his own behaviour, inclined more to the acts of an old fashioned gentleman. for all of this it is still clear he can only get so far with such and confides within another budding worries that should not plague a mind so young, his head filled with fancy for a time when he is more mature yet taken with the idea all the same

grown close with this particular individual it is through the beginnings of a small crush he learns of his feelings, perturbed and confused by how he might find another boy likeable in such a fashion leading him to pushing this friend away without warning. alone by his choice the pressure grows and it becomes clear he can't continue like this but fears what may happen

forcing it all back it is as he grows that it becomes clear such will only work for so long, a romantic at heart he falls too easily and grows angrier as he understands no girl catches his fancy. grown tired of this he forces himself to fake being enamoured with a girl from another group, hoping the distance may be enough to dissuade any from pushing his clear aversion from acting in any romantic fashion towards her

either she learns he is faking his love for her and brings to his attention that she knows what he is doing, possibly this can nip things in the bud and his family can help him see the error of his thinking, or things spiral further out of control until neither can stop it

though not genuine in the way she thinks it he is possessive in his affection and time sees this fester, growing worse until she becomes an object more then a person, a thing to be owned and cherished. the details of how it all may end is more hazy, he is far gone thus the handling of the situation would largely dictate how he would react in turn

though slow to pick it up at first, as he struggles with being easily distracted, slow processing and poor understanding of new information, and often exhibits an inability to organise his thoughts, does enjoy reading but it must be at his own pace or he will struggle to a degree it becomes near impossible

quite a romantic at heart, keeps a small collection of rather cheesy and cliche romantic novels, they are very clearly worn by near constant rereads

surprisingly interested within insects and may even go so far as to begin a collection of butterflies and beetles, but for his childhood enjoys watching and sketching them

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - tikki - 02-17-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]another small bump and reminder that they'll be picked in about 10 days! Loving all the applications so far <33

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - tikki - 02-25-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I work on the 28th and 29th, and therefore won't have time to do litter stuff then, so I talked to Fluffy and we both agreed to do it today! Their birth will be retconned from today and pushed to Saturday so that their birthday is, in fact, the 29th of February, but so that you can start roleplaying them, they'll age realistically but have the mental capacity and abilities of a 1-2 month old.

That being said, congrats to [member=8745]Olalla[/member] [member=46]Felibri[/member] [member=1]Orion[/member] and [member=6163]grimm.[/member] !!
We liked all of the applications too much and couldn't decide on which three to pick, so all four of you got a kitten! I'll be posting the birthing thread here once I make it in a few minutes ~

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - trojan g. - 02-25-2020

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - Orion - 02-25-2020

eee i'm so excited!

Re: TANGLEWOOD SAWBONE X MEDIC LITTER -- open - Atticus Roux - 02-25-2020

here's his subbie! <3 thank you again