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FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - Printable Version

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Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - ROXANNE R. - 01-09-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She had hurt him, she knew that her words had stung.

"G-Greed, I didn't mean to-"

He had already turned away from her and was walking away, she could feel her heart aching at the mere thought of somewhat disregarding his feelings even if he had been a bit in the wrong for getting all angry over nothing. It wasn't like her and Seámus were together, Gods no, she hardly even knew much about the man who was father to Roan. She couldn't even tell Seámus and Kian apart, they looked the same to her and she felt nothing for either of them. Her eyes were lowered to the ground as she bit down on her lip pretty harshly feeling a few droplets of blood fall to the ground, she could feel her eyes sting as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She stood there with her head bowed down until the voice of her son brought her back to the present, she immediately wiped away the tears from her eyes offering her son a warm smile "N-no sweetie, you didn't do anything wrong. . . Eres mi angelito, he's just a grumpy old friend of Mama's. It was just me sweetie," She said bringing Roan into her gentle embrace to comfort him though it might have been more for herself at the small moment, she closed her eyes tightly pressing a few kisses to Roan's forehead and nose "He'll come to his senses and will love you just as much as I do, mi lindo hijo." Or at least, she'd make sure that Greed didn't end making her son feel upset like he did now, Roxanne now battled against herself debating whether or not to follow after the black jaguar. Part of her wanted to follow him to the ends of the world and her other half, well, she wanted to stay with her child and make sure the rest of his first day being outside went perfectly without anyone else ruining it. She would ensure no one else would or else she would personally strangle anyone who even attempted such a thing, eventually her large crocodile companion, Kalayavan made his appearance keeping near the shore and letting out a hiss to announce his presence. Rox pressed her nose once last time to Roan's forehead only to look back to everyone else there offering a halfhearted smile. "character's speech."

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - salem - 01-10-2020

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Soft, the tread of vine-wrapped paws, padding lightly across the sand.  Hidden behind the silhouette of pumpkin sockets, dark eyes gleamed.  Only gentle curiosity glinted in the gaze, watching a young child take his first steps into the wider world.  Bitter, the brief tinge of envy, memories attempting to recall the smile of a doting mother.  A youth gone out of the next too soon.

Salem let his head fall gently to the side.  A kind smile behind one that was carved.  "Hello," a quiet voice, muffled gently by the pumpkin.  A prayer unfurls in Salem's soul, idly hoping his odd appearance may distract and remind the younger boy of his original intent.  "My name is Salem."
[align=center][Image: aRoGvVP.gif]

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - Keona. - 01-10-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
A surprise.  That's what the name Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux flying through her ears was.  A surprise.  But Séamus never did give much warning, did he?  Another half-brother.  Where the others went, she did not know, surprised by them and then left wandering where they disappeared to.

The tiny Privateer felt her claws dig into the sand.  Her perked ears flicking down briefly.  The stab of betrayal deep in her gut.  Why did he never tell them?  Keona knows better than to assume he avoided sharing on purpose.  She'd been in his connection to the Typhoon during his time as a spy after all, she alone had been trusted with that information, to keep Goldie informed.  But it felt like he'd purposely left in the dark all the same.

Hesitantly, the little fae padded towards the myriad of voices.  Finding Kian, she lingered closely to his side, her pale sea-green hues dim.  Quietly, she murmured, "'m Keona."

"Aloha Roan."  Friendly.  Despite the confusion.  The uncertainty.  No need to bring more drama into his day.  He sounded worried enough.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - MYERS - 01-10-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]"Roan... You're so small. Look," He's delighted by the concept of something so tiny, fanning open his flesh paw and holding it up to compare: the kitten's hardly bigger than his palm. Again, he thinks, this is not the place for something born to be so kind. He wants to build a fortress and tell the harsh world to keep out - but by the look of it, the kit has been shut away for long enough. It's only as another figure approaches and the conversation sours that his protective stance is renewed.

He doesn't like the aggression in his voice, the muted anger that just threatens to spill out - he won't ruin the child's day with his own greed, no. (Ironic, that would be.) He won't take the joy away from this mother and son. He won't hurt them. Ahab raises broad shoulders and lets out a warning growl, the sound rolling deep in the back of his throat. The bear's massive claws curl against the sand, digging for something to tether him - and when he finds none, grains slipping between his pawpads, he drops back onto his haunches. Ahab struggles to find the right words as Roxanne offers them an uncomfortable smile. "...Don't cry." A sigh escapes him, finally. It isn't quite defeat, but as he watches Greed disappear, he thinks that his work here had yet to be done.

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - roan ; - 01-11-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Sadness. For the briefest of moments, Roan found himself wanting to curl up into a little ball and block the world out from around him, just so that he wouldn't have to deal with any more hostility. His young mind immediately wanted to shut the whole little event down and just pack it all up so he could retreat to the place where he had always felt safest, inside with his mother. However, before the child could give any serious thought to the prospect – or at least as serious thoughts as a four month old could give it – his mother was already in action. He heard her soft words as she wrapped him up in her arms, pressing gentle kisses to his head and reassuring him. The child stayed quiet for a long moment, seemingly contemplating things, when Kal approached, letting out a soft hiss of alert. Raising his head, Roan blinked for a moment before smiling faintly, mumbling as he pressed into his mother's warm pelt, "Thank you, mama... I'm glad that I didn't do anything..." After another long moment of just remaining within her arms, the kit turned his attention back to the others.

Salem was of particular interest to the child, considering his especially unique appearance. However, that didn't mean that Keona wasn't of interest as well. She seemed nice, and she even used a greeting he hadn't actually heard before! Smiling brightly at both of them as he recovered from the interruption, Roan slipped from his mother's arms, moving over in front of Salem, "Hola, mister Salem... why do you have a big orange thing on your head? You don't look like most cats I know!" Of course, Roan's point of reference was pretty low, considering before now he had only known himself and his mother. Turning then to Keona, Roan offered her a bright smile, purring cheerfully, "Hola, Keona! It's nice to meet you... where's 'aloha' from?" He knew of dia dhuit and hola, but this was... new. He couldn't help but feel fascinated.

Lastly, Ahab is the next one to offer support. His words were very awkward and perhaps not the best emotional support in the world, but he was trying nonetheless, and Roan found he didn't like the frown on the male's face. Tumbling over, the kit pointed up at his face with his paws, saying cheerfully, "I'm okay mister Ahab! See? No tears." Once he had pointed that out, he glanced back to the massive paw that had been compared to his head, firmly shaking his head from side to side afterwards, "I'm not that small! Mama says I'm a big handsome boy. You must just be really big!" To some, being called big might've been an insult, but to Roan, he was very much complimenting the bear. Big meant strength, like Kal and Brunhild, or mama.