Beasts of Beyond
I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - Printable Version

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Re: I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - suvi. - 01-08-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
[ I'd like a prompt as well! <3 ]

Tasks.  A more vague of a memory by the day.  The petite vixen decided the change of pace would be nice.  Direction.  Her snow white ears perked up at the call and hesitantly, the medic began to trot over, finding herself along the edges of the gathering crowd.

The director was someone she had yet to meet one and on one.  Miller.  Kiira flicked a disappearing ear, only barely conscious of her body's glitches.  A mild annoyance in result of stepping into a crowded place, no doubt.

Her unmatched hues locked on Miller warily.  She didn't know him.  He didn't know her.  Well.. Not a lot to do about that in the moment.  "I... I'll take a task, as well."

Re: I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - dallas. - 01-08-2020

Weekly tasks, huh? Well, he may have been a mite later than the others, but that didn't mean that he couldn't get in on this action. After all, this place had taken him in and begun to care for him, even when he had been injured by Vathmos, so the least he could do was try to repay them back a bit. Padding slowly over, the canine ignored the ache in his bandaged side as he sat down, his tail wagging absently behind him, "Er, could I 'ave somethin' ta do too? Preferably something easy." He flashed Miller a small crooked smirk after saying this, knowing full well the other would probably do the exact opposite for such a comment. He just couldn't help himself though.

( ooc prompt too, please! <3 )

Re: I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - guts - 01-11-2020

Next to bound over excitedly was Adelaide. She had never met this guy before, not formally anyway, having only heard his name in passing. Still, she grins at Miller and comes to a stop beside Dallas, bumping the other canine's cheek with her nose in greeting. "I'll take one, too, please!" she says with her tail wagging a mile a minute behind her. She hardly even noticed she was late.

//ooc prompt too, pls and thank!

Re: I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - RB Graveyard - 01-13-2020

EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]
Distant chatter had brought her in, the somewhat familiar faces of the Proxy, the giant spider, and Miller brought a smile to her face. It was good to know that their were people in Tanglewood that she could talk to and not be on edge or have an awkward conversation with, though she didn't mind having a conversation in general. The tigress stared up at Miller, that at her fellow Tanglers, this was her home now. And she was grateful, Eulogy lifted her maw; her whiskers spread out and moved as she talked. "I'd like a task Miller," the woman smiled. "If there are any left." Eulogy flicked her ears as she heard the muted chatter of the small meeting. Her eyes shifting over to the lion, guilt tearing at her smile. She felt bad dragging the lion into the marsh and putting him through the stress of pulling her out. Maybe she would help the lion out; help him recover?

Re: I AIN'T EASY — WEEKLY TASKS (TO 1/14) - THEM - 01-13-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]ooc.
- kiira contemplates something about herself that she previously chose to ignore.
- dallas finds somebody insulting a friend, and reacts the best way he knows how. find two people (the friend and the bully) to play out this thread.
- adelaide narrowly escapes a gator attack.

He didn't see Kiira enough to get to know her - but he remembered the Pitt, and he remembered the headache that emanated from one powerful source, and frowns a little. Might not've been her fault, all of that, but it left a sour taste in his mouth all the same. Hopefully their next opportunity to meet outside of business circumstances would be peaceful. "Kiira, visit the farm and take a headcount of the remaining animals. We'll put a few to slaughter and stock up the tavern in case the weather throws us any hardballs." Not that she had to do the hunting, but the thought that the winter wasn't quite over yet lingered in the back of his head. Tanglewood wasn't prone to heavy snow, but even torrential sleet or hail could lock them in town for days should the marshes flood.

"Dallas." Like hell he'd get off easy. "Go fishing. Spear fishing. You can find scrap metal in the junkyard for your hook, and I'm sure there's a pole or two-by-four in there somewhere to attach it to." The docks hadn't seen much attention lately, so he was sure there'd be plenty of fish. Again, he was thinking of winter's last gasps taking them by surprise - plus, why not give Dallas a challenge?

Adelaide was a new face, one he'd merely caught a glimpse of in passing. Yet like most others, he'd caught her name through the occasional overheard conversation; he figured he ought to know it for the sake of his position and work such as this. "Adelaide, have a book discussion at the library. Try to get some of the younger Tanglers into reading, and teach them a thing or two. It's a good skill to have."

Last was Eulogy, the tigress he'd last seen covered head to toe in mud. It was refreshing to see her looking, well, refreshed. "Of course. Eulogy, dress up the old statue in the center of town. Maybe pull out some of the weeds, wash out the dirt in the cracks. Dig up some of the stonework and plant something around it - s'up to you." She was new, and it was a good opportunity to work with some of her clanmates. An easy team-building exercise would help her get around and learn the faces she'd yet to meet.