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IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Printable Version

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Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - toboggan - 01-12-2020

Noor was being a fucking brat at home because her father had left her with someone.

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Jervis - 01-13-2020

Long before the gathering, the darkness rightfully encapsulated the fox. Chains tugged at Jervis’ wrists and a thick collar wrapped around his neck as he laid against the cold floor of the prison cell. With every rebellious pull away at the wall, the metal band choked him. Even after hundreds of attempts to escape over the span of weeks, there was no success. The restraints didn’t budge.

Another day. Another tug. Another failed attempt. Another temper tantrum. Weakened by his debacle once again, Jervis threw himself violently against the wall. Just like every previous time, another colorful slur left his mouth. Finishing his defeated and shrill scream, he slumped onto the ground. A restless sigh echoed around the room.

The silence was unnerving to him. There was no man to criticize him. Not even a soul to praise his otherworldly leadership. Just nothing. Jervis dearly craved even the slightest of attention. It was what kept him going... but no one visited him. Fourthwall hadn't even tried to rescue him. For once in his life, he felt alone. Nobody wanted to assist him. If no one was going to keep him company, he would do it himself. From mocking his enemies' voices to creating false scenarios of victory, the self-serving fox had done it all. In no time, he was indulging into his manic muttering. Thus began his long-awaited decent into madness.

Jervis truly thought he was going to rot in the cave. Something changed eventually. There was never a shimmer hope until now. A light. In the distance. A silhouette of a figure followed. The vulpine jerked forward impulsively, only to be pulled backwards by the chains. Nevertheless, he remained on the edge of his toes. Squinted eyes stared out into the distance, awaiting the figure to come closer. "P-please," he called out foolishly, "Help me!"

His call into the unknown was met by a gruff snort. A large snout, followed by a flash of grey fur, appeared before his vision. It was not long before he realized the wolf's scent lingered of The Typhoon. "Please," came the voice. The stranger's tone mocked the ardent's. "You're pathetic." Ivory teeth flashed in front of the vulpine, causing Jervis to retreat back to the wall behind him. Frightened by his inevitable fate, Jervis pleaded for his life. It was met by nothing but a cackle.

Not long after, they were off. As the wolf pulled him along by the chain on his neck, the fox unwillingly followed into the light. One unscatched eye narrowed out towards the bright sun in the distance. Soulless pupils widened as he grew close to the exit. For the first time in awhile, Jervis truly saw himself. A golden gaze shift towards his paw. The ardent’s, or ex-ardent’s, shock left him silent. What was left of the glorious vulpine was no more. Imprisonment hadn’t bent kind to him. His once shining, slick pelt was now a matted mess that reeked with piss and the salty stench of blood. Dirt manifested under overgrown claws. What muscle he had faded away, leaving him with nothing but bone. Skinny as can be, the fox was notably weary. With every step he took, he could feel himself loosing balance... but the guard just kept pulling him along.

Jervis trudged along, but not without a fight. Every breath he could muster was followed by a prompt screech of dismay and an insult to come. There was not a pejorative phrase he missed. He'd even tried to run off with his chain in tow, along with attacking his guard. Nothing worked. They always reverted back to Jervis being pulled along with the wolf walking in silence... Pitiful.

Goldenluxury's makeshift stage came into view. Though his pleads grew stronger and his discontent was obvious, the wolf still led him towards the pole in the middle of the stage. With a huff, Jervis was forced against the pole. ”PUT ME DOWN YOU FILTHY FISH FUCKER!” he yelped. The wolf laughed. No acknowledgement nevertheless. He was surrounded by thick chains in no time. His foe made sure to tug them tight against his neck and ribs for ultimate discomfort, along with successful asphyxiation. Heaving from his excessive amount of screaming and new addition, the vulpine found himself nauseated.

As a golden eye stared out in the distance, watching others gather and Goldenluxury begin, his attention failed to gather what the wolf was doing around him. He had only noticed once the light appeared before his gaze. His head threw itself backwards and his body reared away from the flames in disgust. Jervis tried to scramble away, but was successfully held against the pole by the chains wrapped around his neck. The visions of Crow dipping his head into the flames with Goldenluxury in two flashed through his head. What they had done to him had left him traumatized. They had single-handedly ruined his image. No facade remained. His promiscuous beauty was no more. Only the ever-vegeant ardent remained. Thus began his downfall.

As the flames encircled himself, Jervis’ eyes remained sewn shut. Only one thing caused his attention to shift and her voice stuck out like a sore thumb.


At the sound of her voice, his eye shot open. The tiger stood mid-stage, away from the flames, but close enough to keep an eye on him. With her foreign twang, she spoke aloud for all to hear. ‘A show,’ she proclaimed. One for all to see. A free-for-all round to follow. Though her words were quick and to the point, he still managed to protest. With every word, Jervis shouted back vehemently with disgust. The smoke caused him to cough occasionally during his loud objections, but it appeared as if no one was paying attention to him.

Hissing furiously, he whipped his head around towards Goldenluxury. Jervis spat towards her feet, challenging for her to come closer. “YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?” the ardent yowled. As he spoke, he wildly yanked on the chains in hopes of escape. TRY ME. His maw curled up into a mischievous smirk. “I AM JERVIS CALLAHAN, THE VICIOUS VULPINE OF THE NORTH, OVERTHROWER OF STRYKER, BANE OF ELYSIUM, ENEMY OF TANGLEWOOD, DESTROYER OF THE BLACKGUARD, AND THE TYPHOON’S TSUNAMI. NOT TO FORGET RIGHTFUL ARDENT OF THE PITT.” True to his confidence, he gloated as much as he could. He barely took a breath between his words, losing himself to a coughing fit afterwards. “I. WILL. THRIVE.”

Momentarily, the fox peered into the audience. Though he saw none of his allies in the audience, he didn’t let that sour his mood. There was always a plan. Someone would come soon... Hopefully. Prideful as always, Jervis continued on with his spiel. “I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE.” Goldenluxury’s, along with Crow’s, would be a fine addition to The Pitt’s collection. “MY ARMY WILL ERADICATE YOUR CORPSE, PILLAGING WHAT THEY CAN.” It was obvious they were false threats, but if it got him the attention he craved, then it satisfied him. A legacy would prevail.

His first thought of assistance was Kydobi. The panther had always been there. From the beginning, and sadly to the end, they raised Jervis’ up and assisted him dearly. That was ruined though. During the battle, Jervis had pushed Kydobi into the line of fire and ultimately played a hand in killing him. Yet Jervis held onto his hope. Maybe, just maybe, a shred of loyalty remained.

Something had changed though. Amber eyes held a fiery rage, unkempt and ready to burst. In a turn of events, despite Jervis' praise, Kydobi's loyalty shifted elsewhere. He wanted to hear Jervis suffer. "What?" he spat. Karma was a bitch. Exasperated, yet enthused by the idea, he snorted. "Come on. What'd she give you?" He laughed. "The key to a private island on the edge of your new clan?" He leaned forward, chains keeping him from falling face-first into the floor. "You can come back, rule beside me, and end this," Jervis hissed. "Or you can wallow and suffer the consequences in the future." Little did the vulpine know, there was nothing that could change Kydobi's mind. Either way, his words hid another meaning. Truthfully, if the offer was accepted, Jervis would only lead him on again. This time Kydobi would be finished. For good.

Pushing back against the pole, he listened to Leroy's speech. An eye rolled profusely. "Who the fuck are you?" As Leroy turned to Goldenluxury, he mimicked the canine's threat under his breath. What a twit. There was no indication of what he did exactly, but it some nobody could say something in retaliation to him, then Jervis would give it to him. That took some balls. Nevertheless, did he care? Not at all.

Next came the brave lion. As always, Aurum had something to say. Their confidence and courage was outstanding. Just like with Leroy, they spoke of being indirectly affected by his wrath. Per usual, the ardent was satisfied. Here was another animal crying wolf though. "Go to hell," came his slick reply. The more discourse his final moments had would ultimately lead to his potential escape. For as much as he wanted to preserve himself, he couldn't help but notice there was no one for him to live for. Perhaps Fourthwall. Nothing more.

With a growl, he addressed Bai Shi. "You can't ever figure out where your allegiance lies, you traitorous cunt," he spat. The fox was impartial to the strange dragon, especially after they repeatedly changed placed. Hell, he'd even considered promoting them for a short time, but with how often they roamed, he never did. "Muster up some courage to pick a place and stay in it before you proclaim anything."

Finding Warringkingdom's face in the crowd, his eye narrowed. They had never been brave enough to go after The Pitt by themselves. Goldenluxury was lucky enough to convince them to attack. She was cowardly, along with the rest of her goons. Elysium deserved to suffer for that. Easy to takeover and control, Jervis was surprised he never took the opportunity to do so. It would of meant more power for him. "I find little remorse in watching the children of your doomed clan burning," he rumbled deeply. "Your group will be remembered as the clan that barely fought back. At least I'm someone who used my power to it's extent and dominated all of you fucking lousy bitches here." Hopefully his words would blow a fuse. He was looking for her to finally strike back.

Besides those that arrived to his live-action funeral, he truly missed a few significant figures. Surely Crow would want to see him suffer. Seeing that his boy toy was here, why wouldn't he be? As always, the Tanglewood leader had always disappointed him. Stryker too. Where did they lurk in the shadows these days? That damn leader left his possession a long time ago after their lucky escape. There were a few other victims he noted mentally. Ultimately, he was displeased by the turnout.

Most importantly, he was missing those dear to him. Even though Kydobi had once been one of his dearest allies, they had betrayed his trust. Fourthwall seemed almost nowhere in sight for the time being. Besides those two, and his future children, he could barely make a list of those he cared about.

Defensive and frightened, Jervis threw his attitude forward and dished out insults as needed. Not once did he consider that his lover would be here, but here he was. Fourthwall himself. Not only that, but with his children in tow.

In the distance, the wolf's familiar pelt caught his attention. Immediately, his heart sunk. He could almost feel Fourthwall's wine red eyes piercing his skin. Their muscular body seemed tense from afar, but through the wicked flames, he could barely tell. Even if it was Jervis' imagination, he knew that Fourthwall cared. For once in his life, he truly regretted his actions. The chance at a real relationship, or even a slight sight of another one-night stand, had slipped away from his paws. Regrettably, there was no way in hell that Jervis was going to admit his sexual relationship and possession to the wolf though.

No ensemble followed Fourthwall though. There was no group following his ideal partner and presumed vicar. Eventually though, smaller foxes appeared beside the wolf. His suspicion was not confirmed immediately, but he had the lingering fear. It was not until one marble fox yipped the truth.

'Look our papas are here..'

Emotions sunk in. His mouth was agape and from what little vision he had, he stared down at them aghast. Four little foxes sat there, disobeying their father in proper Callahan and Fallout fashion. One was a red fox with black speckles lining their back, another similar but partially melanistic. The other red-toned fox held a marble pattern. Finally, the one who spoke out, was a true marble fox. Their white and grey pelt stuck out among the crowd. They all seemed so innocent and small still... He couldn't help but feel guilty. They were losing a father; someone who would appreciate them and raise them up to their true royal stance. Jervis' eyes began to slowly fill with tears.

An idea shot through his mind. The thought was dirty, but worth it, as it was his last hope. Using his children as a way to receive mercy was cruel. In his mind, if he escaped the situation, he would able to raise his children and eventually ensue his revenge through them. Perhaps even have more children. Maybe with Fourthwall again or another one-night stand to suffice his needs. Even if this didn't happen, Jervis would hope that his litter could carry on the duty, along with his short-lived lover. He would try nevertheless.

That was his ticket out.

And his only one.

So the show started again. This time with a change in attitude. He was pleading... begging for mercy. Passionate rage flowed through the vulpine as he lurched forward violently. Jervis pulled at the chains with a growl. His actions were in Goldenluxury's direction, hoping to gather her attention. His snout was barely crossing through the flames, stinging at his hairs. Ivory teeth gleamed out in her direction as he snapped threatening and his paws wildly swiped forward. Fur shot towards the sky. A golden eye pierced in the other leader's direction. "I HAVE FUCKING CHILDREN, YOU SICK BASTARD!" he shouted with all his might.

As the flames danced across his nose, the vulpine desperately flailed. He wanted out. "I'LL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT." came his anguished scream. For a moment, his gaze shifted back to his children. Did they know what was happening? Would this traumatize them for the rest of their life? The thought stabbed him in the back like a knife. What would become of them? Fourthwall might give them the attention that they craved, but it would never suffice their mental fuckery. Just like his own family, trauma would be a big factor to their future. He could see that the Callahan line may be problematic and chaotic. Perhaps, with a great miracle, they would become something better than him. Sadly, their damning almost seemed inevitable.

The ardent turned back to Goldenluxury. He choked and coughed as he did so. His tail laid between his legs and ears pressed against his skull. With nothing but preventative remorse, Jervis stared up into her gaze. "Please," he whispered. His voice ascended back into a grave caterwaul. "LET ME L-LIVE!"

His bargaining had always been successful at first.  When he desired to overtake Stryker, he succeeded. The Typhoon even fell for his facade. Persuasion had always been on his side. Why wouldn't his special skill work now? Ultimately, it had ended up biting him in the ass. One more marvel wouldn't hurt. After all, raising his children to be a true Callahan would be a pleasure. Would his wish be granted though?

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Kydobi - 01-14-2020


[OOC: ]

It wouldn’t be much of a surprise to see Tanglewood being one of the first groups to attend. They made their hate for the Pitt very clear, not even the ruining and successful battle had satiated their need for revenge.

But that was to be expected from such ignorant folk.

Despite all his hollering and screeching, Kydobi could see the fear. Hell, he could smell it. Taste it even. The fox knew his end was coming and was desperately pulling out every last trick he had. It was a shame to see someone so low. Someone who still felt that the world owes him.

When their eyes laid on him Kydobi saw the glimmer of hope. And it caused him disgust as well as guilt. Part of him wanted to help, wanted to believe the fox. But experience had taught him that he knew better. The fox was a silver tongue, a poor one at that. Their facade crumpled because he was not careful with his actions. He didn’t plan ahead at all. A fiery gaze hardened at the empty promises.

But before he could reply others would come and give their two cents. Kydobi would turn his head to look at Leroy, he listened to their words and snorted softly. Apart from that his gaze did not flicker. He would not allow the dog to stir emotion. But the threat would not be forgotten and it would only give the jaguar more reason to lead.

Even Aurum could not ruin the newfound Ardent’s focus. Kydobi couldn’t lie to himself, he was slightly irked by everyone else’s harsh words. All of them lacked the right to be so cruel. Because none had suffered worse than the Pittians themselves. None of their names were marked and judged just because of the actions of one crazed man. None of their homes were on the brink of utter loss. Sure they had lost people. But many Pittians were lost during the battle.

They called them cowards for not leaving but made them unwelcome to everywhere outside.

They cornered them And forced them to fight. But gave them unfair judgement when they saw they would not bow.

If Leroy wished to stir trouble then so be it. The dog did not know who he was messing with.

Finally he would get a chance to address the fox, “I promised you my loyalty and my protection. But you took and took and never gave me anything in return but pain. I am to lead my people, and I will be sure your name is nothing to no one. Because we were nothing but pawns to you Jervis but now you see how the king is helpless without any to serve him. See yourself out of this one, none will help you here.”

Kydobi swallowed a lump in his throat as he smelled the puppies. Heard their breaths. He turned to see three of the little mites standing there. He tensed his body in surprise, they did not deserve to see this. Eyes would flicker to Fourthwall. Did he bring them? No. Surely he hadn’t. None would scar their children in such a manner.

Needless to say guilt would set in. His chest tightened and Kydobi spoke, “Take them home. This is no place for children.” Immediately Jervis began to holler and Kydobi couldn’t take it. He had forgotten that the ex-ardent knew nothing of the pups. The cries and begs of the fox would reach deep into Kydobi. Pulling his most sincere sympathy. Being a new found father had awoken something in Kydobi. Given him a purpose and although the fox had done terrible deeds he knew this pain.

He couldn’t bear to feel it. He cleared his throat and his eyes fell to Goldie. This was up to her. Maybe just maybe the fox would get some alone time with his family. Just enough to leave a lasting impression.

“Perhaps we should let him say goodbye.”


Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - bubblegum - 01-14-2020

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - trojan g. - 01-14-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"][[ ic opinions only lmao ]]

Eyes would turn towards her siblings as they showed up, ears pricking as she noticed which ones arrived and when, curiously about to ask what happened to Noor, why she wasn't there, when she heard voices. Eyes would flicker up to where the leaders were, listening as they spoke, as they decided to speak upon their father's actions, and that's when she realized they were not there for fun, it was something bad that was going to happen. All the bad things that they were saying Jervis did, and she wasn't going to have any of it.

She listened, and she waited, until Kydobi mentioned to take them home, `this is no place for children` no, she was going to stay, that was her father up there, and she would not be leaving his side. "No!" She'd speak out, angry at the idea of being dragged home once more, unable to see her father any longer. "I'm not going home, and you can't make me!" She'd step up towards the four leaders in an attempt to run behind her father, ears pinning to her head in defiance. "I'm not leaving my Papa, you're all saying mean things and it's nasty! He doesn't have to be alone to hear it." She would turn to Kydobi, eyes narrowing in anger, "And I thought you were nice Mr. Kydoobi, but you're being mean too!"

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Mercede - 01-15-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

She would listen in utter silence, finding minimal comfort in the presence of her sisters. Apart from their accusations all she could look at was her father.

His screams pierced her ears and she winced. Pinning the soft triangles against her head. Every time his voice raised his caused her heart to skip, a jump in her chest. By the time he laid his eyes on her she was quaking.

By god the little girl was scared.

Tail tucked and eyes stinging she saw his state and even at her young age she knew her papa was not well. She just wanted to talk to him, she couldn’t quite understand what he had done so bad. He needed help and instead they were being mean.

STOP! She would scream, her mind releasing a minor wave to all those who were receptive to the pups word. it held no power other than to be heard. She lacked control and some could say it was her heart calling out.

All these things people spoke of were actions the little girl could not fathom. All she understood was what she saw and what she saw was overwhelmingly unfair.

“This is his goodbye”

Goodbyes were for when you were parting. Where was their father going? Was he coming back? A feeling or perhaps an intuition the girl couldn’t explain told her she wouldn’t see him. But the evidence before her couldn’t really be understood enough to tell her just why.  How could he say goodbye when they never even got the chance to exchange “hello” to each other?

When Kydobi looked at them and told them to go home she scowled her eyebrows. No! She would yell in her mind.

No! Sweeney would rebel and in fact run up to their father. And Mercede wasn’t sure what to do. She looked at Fourthwall then her gaze flickered to Kydobi. She didn’t understand why he was doing this, wasn’t he on their side? If so shouldn’t he be here to save papa?

Well maybe he was acting, maybe he was undercover. Yes. That was it. Her papa and Kydobi would help save her other papa. It was all a surprise. Surely that was the outcome.

While she admired Sweeney for her bravery to run, she didn’t want to get dirty. Instead the pup would look at Juno and whine. What could they do? Save him! Help save him.

“That’s my Papa! That’s our papa!”, she hadn’t seen him but her papa had spoke of him. Told of him.


Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - deimos - 01-22-2020


That was ironic, wasn't it?? Sam stepped into the area, her eyes narrowed. The mismatched pair, the scars arcing down her chest and across her side, her back, her face. It caused her to snarl, the teeth shown as her lips pulled far back due to the sheer anger, panic, fear from seeing the bastard on stage. Playing the fool, like he always had. She stepped up close to the post, but not close enough to be touched, by any means. She had pushed through the crowd to get here. She had a fucking right to be there, that was for sure.

She didn't give one maligned glance towards the children nearby as she started to speak. Fucking forget the children, her public opinion. "You don't even deserve this much." If you expected her to yell, you were dead wrong. There was a pity in her voice, a contempt of hate for this piece of trash standing before her, tied to the pole. "To be paraded, to be able to say goodbye? What a fucking joke." She said, raising a paw up. "You hadn't given any of us a chance to do the same. You had better be fucking GRATEFUL."

Her paw lowered before she could hold herself back from tearing him apart. She gave Leroy and Gold one glance, one nod, before turning with another grim look. Her eyes finally traced over the children. She paused for a moment, her lip curling in extreme distaste that the monster on stage managed to pass on his genes before she, no, anyone could've destroyed them. Crow, Beck, Pastel- she managed to pull herself away and settle down near Aurum. No, despite the brace face she has put on, she was shaking. Her claws had dug into the ground, her fur on end and ears flat, eyes wide and body shaking.



Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Crow Roux - 02-08-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Coming face to face with the man who killed his daughter was not at the top of Crow's list of priorities. Ever since he laid his gaze across her limp corpse, he found himself unable to shake the memory from his head. In the seconds that followed Pastel's demise, any progress he had made in recovering from his tumultuous youth had reversed itself. Crow couldn't sleep again. He didn't want to leave his house, and when he did leave his house, he only really felt at ease by Leroy's side. In the months that followed, he saw her everywhere, yet that was not where it stopped. When it was too quiet, he could hear her calling for help, a false memory he created, and he blamed himself for not being there. He knew it wasn't real, but that didn't make it feel any less real.

The feline felt it was quite pathetic.

He hung toward the back of the crowd, his willpower channeled toward keeping his feet planted where he stood. As much as he wanted to run away, he would not let himself. The feline trudged forward toward the familiar faces he sought, and his gaze swept across the flames that would seal Jervis's fate. He saw his daughter again, except this time no one was going to help her.

Crow was trembling as he fell into the solace of Leroy's figure. He wanted to go home.

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Jervis - 05-09-2020

To say that Kydobi was lecturing him was a surprise anyways. What made them think HE was the rightful ruler to The Pitt after their dismay in battle or their betrayal? Someone had to hold a grudge. Surely, his children would. A king, despite the panther's grueling words, always had followers. Even the vulpine's darkest times and final moments, he would prevail. The situation was his to control. With the right words, he would manage to gather what pawns he had left. Jervis' game was never fair.

To hear that Goldenluxury had given control over to Kydobi was no surprise to him. Despite her dislike for the panther, the captain knew Kydobi was easily manipulated. Wasn't it cruel that she could take advantage of Kydobi, but Jervis could not? "Your people?" Jervis' gaze narrowed through the flames that licked at his snout. If Kydobi thought they would obey him for the cowardly goody two-shoes he was, he was insane. The panther was all talk. He doubted that anything would come from his reign besides disappointment. "Traitor," he spat. The fox merely sneered at the thought. With one simple word, he finalized his acknowledgements towards this disgrace of a Pittian. Kydobi would burn eventually.

Reeling back, he turned towards Goldenluxury once again. That bitch. A swift growl left his throat. The attention was what he thrived off of, whether he liked it or not. Making a show of those he had hurt or the raids he had to conduct were always his speciality, but perhaps, he had gotten too much attention. After all, if he worked silently, would his demise be quieter? Even so, it wouldn’t have given him the power his name held or even the Callahan last name. Confidence practically surged through his veins.

A snort left him. ”That’s different,” he responded. ”I didn’t mean to harm the innocent ones.” That was a lie. Crow’s child, Pastel, was brutally murdered within his grasp. He would lie to save his ass though, even if he doubted it’s chances. ”If someone died, they deserved it.” Anyone against him or their families had always had a target against their back. If one stepped out of the line, then they or their beloved would be punished. It was as simple as that. Unfortunately for Crow and his daughter, they did not understand that concept.

And just like those who despised him, he received the same fate. His request to interact with his children was denied, merely phrased as ‘this is his chance.’ The vulpine scowled in Goldenluxury’s direction. Through the flames, his piercing gaze zeroed in on her. ”A fatherless child,” he spat. ”How cruel of you.” Had she ever known the feeling of being disregarded by a parent or their death? In his eyes, she was privileged. Her family loved her, a group admired her, and she had control over her land without any question. Jervis was inherently jealous. Little did he know, she had lost her mother at a young age and had led a life of travesties unknown to him.

Jervis' confidence seemed to fade. Realization was setting in. Had he really been alone his entire life? Was the glory out of fear? Had they lied to him? He had always been alone. No one was coming to the lying bastard’s assistance anytime soon, especially when he no longer had any cards to deal. Not even his children could save him now. Goldenluxury would not spare him today. Never again.

Rapidly, his head whipped in the direction of Fourthwall. Tears streamed down his face. With no answer from the canine, he urgently screamed out. "Tell me their names," came his begging from the stage. Jervis lurched forward, tugging at the chains that held him to the pole. The flames surrounding him scoured his skin, burning him relentlessly. Scorched skin reached out. The finality of the situation soon hit him. Death was coming.

There was no escape.

In the distance, his gaze locked with Sweeney’s. Her incessant screaming broke him from his haze. As she rushed up to him, his heart skipped a beat. The fiery confidence of her’s matched Jevis’ own easily. Still running with the narrative of mercy, he pulled himself towards Sweeney and deeply stared into her eyes. His jaw quivered anxiously. ”Baby,” he bitter-sweetly cooed to her, ”It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay…” The fox choked on his words, tears beginning to swell up into his eye once again. ”Papa’s here.” With a scorched paw, he reached out. Flames licked at his fur, causing him to wince, but he tried to grasp at his daughter for one time. Just for once. To his demise, he was too far. ”Tell them, tell them to let me go,” came his pleading words.

With Mercedes’ outburst, he found another pup of his in the crowd. Unreceptive to the other’s dismay, just like Sweeney had been, the ardent was pleased. Along with that, he saw something in her. Her instant control of the situation by being a mental overseer made her a prominent descendant of Jervis. Despite being on death door’s, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. His children, whoever they may be, were staples of him. Jervis was proud. The Callahan line would live on, even without him.

Jervis exchanged weary glances between his children. ‘Papa,’ they called him. He felt guilty to earn such a title, especially when he wasn’t present for their birth, but he knew deep down that they were family nevertheless. They understood. They would with time at least… ”I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

His veil was wearing thin, revealing the man under the facade. Jervis was self-preserving ultimately. Despite his children being a priority, he subconsciously acknowledged that they were only here to carry his name and legacy along. His cruelty had no bounds. If he were to live, no one would be able to predict his sporadic doings. It was more of a liability to keep him alive than dead.

He had so much to say. So much to do. Yet, his time was running out and the ticking of the clock was growing louder. Jervis hesitated. The children desired his presence, yet could not receive it. Even if he escaped, a target would be on his back and perhaps even theirs. Incessant thoughts of desperation overwhelmed his senses. For as much as he pulled on the chains, fought through the wispy flames, and fought Goldenluxury, he could not escape his inevitable doom. His children would be left without their Papa and Fourthwall would be their sole carrier, but were they truly up to the task?

But as he spoke, another was growing impatient. The Typhoon leader’s gaze narrowed towards Jervis. With a scowl, Goldenluxury’s narrowed her mismatched eyes upon Jervis. She had listened to him plead his case for long enough and they had already decided his unavoidable fate. Irritated, she moved suddenly. There was no hesitation in her next words and the movement that followed.

”Times up.”

The fire surrounding him rushed forward, encapsulating his body. Smoke filled his lungs, causing his throat to dry out within seconds.  ”YOU THINK THIS IS THE END OF THIS?“ he rasped through the rising ashes. Adrenaline surged throughout his body, allowing him to continue further. ”YOU’LL FUCKING SEE THE WRATH OF THE CALLAHAN’S.” The oxygen around him was wearing thin. ”YOU. WILL. BURN!” Jervis’ last bout of fury was finalized.

Stinging pain traveled throughout Jervis’ body as the flames licked at his fur. Through the flames, he spotted Crow in the distance and a deep sneer appeared on his maw. Golden eyes narrowed. That bastard of a cat had caused his trauma. If Crow hadn’t caught him at his weakest and thrown him into the flames, then he would have never been placed on this stage to die. For as much as he wanted to scream out towards the former leader in dismay, he could not. Jervis was finally silenced.

Jervis’ slitted gaze turned to Sweeney. His child. She was here, watching him die firsthand. While Mercedes was in the audience, she was by his side. With what energy he had left from his sudden adrenaline rush, the fox finally stepped back towards the post and let the chains relax. She did not need to see this. Golden eyes stung deeply as he tried to cry admist the flames, but the heat had left his eyes dry and any fluids had begun to evaporate from existence.

The aura of heat caught up to him eventually. Karma had come around. With no oxygen left to supply, he was left gasping for air. Not only that, but the blood in his body had begun to boil and evaporate, breaking down his interior organs. The pain was immeasurable. Jervis’ damned body fell into shock. His unconscious body slumped into the pillar, accepting it’s eventual fate.

Slowly, his skin began to melt away and seep towards the floor. His dermis splits open, allowing fat to splurge out from his body and onto the floor violently. This fuels the flame further. Jervis’ tissues succumb to the flame. What remains of the fire scorches his exposed muscles and nerves and exposed blood vessels cauterize. At this point, what remains of his inner organs is now inoperable and his body remains burned beyond belief. All that’s left is a husk of. May his tyrannical reign end.

The flames diminish. Smoke lifts away from stage, revealing his deeply charred corpse for all to see. Jervis was finally dead. Long live the Callahan’s...


[ Powerplay of [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] granted by [member=20]Reggan[/member] + it's been awhile Wink ]