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float upon the air - return - Printable Version

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Re: float upon the air - return - Warringkingdoms - 01-04-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Nemhain referring to "lady Sanzu" caused Rin to turn her head, quirking her brow. That was... overly formal, she would say. That aspect definitely could not have come from Rin, from whom you were unlikely to get even a "sir" or a "miss". Honorifics, while useful in some situations, weren't common in her mannerisms.

  As Nemhain left to fetch water, Rin nodded in response. Yes, water would be good- the fish would contain some water, as almost all foods did, but not enough to quench the thirst that a three-month hibernation would build up. "Valerian is another Elysite, and yes, we can bake cookies with him in a little bit," she said, glancing back at Sanzu. While she remembered most of the snickerdoodle recipe, Sanzu might prefer a different flavor, so they would ask him later.

  ...Then she wanted to know where Nine, Playerone, and Kanga were. Well, she remembered seeing Kanga at the Pitt raid, so she had to assume he was still around, and she knew Play was still here. Nine, though... that name was only vaguely familiar. They had probably only met once, if that.

  "I'm afraid I don't know where Nine is," Rin answered, tugging at her scarf. "Player is still here, though, and so is Kanga- he just keeps to himself. We can go see them after you've eaten your fill, if you'd like."

Re: float upon the air - return - nemhain. - 01-06-2020

Nemhain's mannerisms were... interesting, to say the least. Her more formal nature tended to come with the nature of personas as a whole, since obviously they were manifestations born out of living to serve someone else. Some would argue that it was a connection akin to slavery, but it wasn't really the same. It was more like a familial bond, sort of like one brother in a pair choosing to use his life to protect the other. Sure, Nemhain's purpose was to be connected with Rin and to serve her, but she did have the ultimate say in whether or not she would do so. She wouldn't die unless she flew far, far away from Elysium, or was killed by some huge manifestation of power, so it wasn't as if she was under the threat of death if she didn't do as Rin wanted. Still, the formal words that slipped from her beak...  they just had a tendency to come naturally, even if she didnt realize what she was saying. Soft, polite, and formal were probably not the first things to come to mind when thinking of how a creature designed to bring terror and destruction upon enemies would be, but it wasn't as if Nemhain was in constant fight or flight mode, and for that she was grateful. She'd rather have the world that she was in now, with its mix of battle and peace and interacting with others, than the "world" that she was in before, where she was forced to do nothing but wait and watch from afar. Those had been dark days, and some would even say days that could grow a darkness in one's heart.

Back to the task at hand. Nemhain allowed herself to fly out a bit, looking around before she was eventually able to pinpoint the location of a water bucket. After closing her claws around it, she flew back up into the air, making her way to where she knew the water supply was. She filled the bucket up to about halfway before she took to the skies again, holding it especially carefully as she made her way back to where Sanzu and Rin were, along with Lemy. Landing again nearby, Nem carefully maneuvered her talons to put the water in front of Sanzu. She chirped deeply, tilting her head to one side as she watched the child feast on the last bits of fish, "Here is your water. Be sure to drink slowly, we don't want you to choke." She knew the child must've been thirsty after presumably months of sleeping, but she also knew that drinking too quickly could just lead to sickness and possibly even vomiting, which would really only leave Sanzu back where she had started. As Nemhain settled back down into a comfortable sitting position, she caught the tail end of the conversation Sanzu and Rin were having about old members of the group. Curious, Nem took a moment to sift through the memories she had available to her, a faint frown coming to her face when she saw the one memory of Nine that was clear. Looking to Sanzu, Nem mumbled thoughtfully, "Nine has not been seen in... months now, I believe. That does not necessarily mean the other is gone, but I am unsure of where she may be." She tried to convey sympathy for the child through her voice even as she laid the facts out simply. She really did feel bad, considering the fact that Nine had probably meant a lot to Sanzu if she was one of the first people the child asked about.