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THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Printable Version

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Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - guts - 12-31-2019

She was, admittedly, not very good at taking things seriously. Her smile rarely left her face, except whenever someone got hurt and she had to go into doctor mode. Otherwise, she remained upbeat and lighthearted, even when she wasn't supposed to be.

It was probably a bad idea to go traversing the marshland without anyone else, y'know, just in case she got stuck in a trap or found herself face-to-face with an angry gator. Still, her little celebration over reaching the border unharmed was cut short when, after a moment or two, she finally noticed how the air had shifted. She glances around and finally notices the group gathered; it was honestly a feat to not notice them in the first place.

Her smile drops, an expression of faint concern entering her features as she watches from afar. A rock of dread settles in her stomach. This didn't look good.

Stepping closer, Adelaide tried to keep her steps light, not wanting to get caught in the midst of whatever storm was about to start. She had come just in time to hear Kydobi go on about how Aurum had killed him. The story gives her pause, frown deepening as she listens. How could he do something like that to him?

She had yet to hear about all the Pitt had done. She had heard their name in passing, but she never got much more than that. People around here seemed not to like them very much, but of course, she had no idea why. It sounded like this guy had it rough.

It didn't sound like he was lying, either. Why would he lie about something so awful? And to think someone from the very same group she found herself in had done that. Perhaps she shouldn't have been assuming things, not knowing the full story, but she couldn't help herself.

When what looked like a huge bug presented itself, her focus was quickly diverted, almost surprisingly so. She perks up in intrigue, a grin breaking out on her face. A new specimen! It was fascinating to her, to see so many unnatural things in these animals. Not only the fact that they could speak and think, with their own moral code and beliefs, but their physical attributes, too! So far she had no problem with this new world.

But then she remembers what's going on around her and she pauses. Probably not a good time to freak out and cause an even bigger scene. Calm down, Addie, you'll get your time. So she waits, tensed, eyes darting from one face to another. Waiting for something to happen.

The band was pulled tight, and at any moment, it felt like it would break.

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - wormwood. - 01-01-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
The words that left Kydobi's mouth were like pure acid on Aurum's ears. So much twisting of the truth and guilt tripping just to make it seem like he was in the wrong, when reality here was a fucking Pittian, standing on their border preaching to them about what was right and wrong. He snapped back nearly immediately at Kydobi after the first comment, his tail still lashing viciously behind him, "You know very well that Goldie isn't our enemy. Goldie isn't a fucking Pittian. You are. She's just forced to stay in your shithole of a territory until she can find one of you bastards suitable to run the place decently, and I unfortunately doubt that'll happen." His words were cold, and cruel, but he meant every one of them, taking another step forward. Even though lava was not yet pouring forth from his mouth as it had once done in Astiar's presence, his words still felt like they were bubbling and burning as he snarled, "You can act as if you are in the right all you want, Kydobi, but your mangled half truths will never be accepted here, because we can actually see them for what they are. Simple manipulation. I didn't attack some 'poor defenseless Pittian'. I attacked and I killed an enemy of Tanglewood. One that had fought me fair and square just moments before, and was in the middle of attacking another when I pulled you away. I won't say I didn't kill you, because put quite simply, that would be a lie. But do I regret it? Not at all. I would fight and kill you again if I needed to. Hell, the only reason I don't kill you right now is because of Piers. Because you are not some poor defenseless Father. You are not some pitiful innocent soul who was denied the right to see your child because some unjust lion came down and brought swift justice upon your head. You are nothing but scum. Lying, manipulative, murderous scum, who lives in a group that ruins lives. The next time you want to lecture me about morality and fairness, I want you to think about Beck. And Sam. And Kiira. And Red. And my fucking son. You don't get your have the high ground when you died defending the group that stole my child from me, and brainwashed him. I will not have you manipulating Piers like that." He was practically trembling with rage as he spoke, every sentence bringing him a sentence closer to the male, and the faintest step closer to crushing his windpipe once again. It would've been so simple... so satisfying. After Piers spoke, Aurum turned to him, his one blue eye boring into the boy as he said softly, shaking his head as he let out a sigh, "He's feeding you lies, Piers. He was never some defenseless warrior on the field that I murdered. I killed him in battle, when he was attempting to maim and kill another. He's doing nothing but manipulate you, as I'm sure was his plan from the moment he left the Pitt." He couldn't make it so that Piers would believe him, but he would make sure that the child could understand what had really happened, even if it was in the most simple of terms, since he hadn't been there to witness it for himself.

Aurum was intent on keeping his word, and letting Kydobi speak to his son, even as he heard Kaz's soft words that he was expecting orders, but then something unexpected happened. As Aurum was watching the scene, rapidly growing tired of Kydobi's dawdling, a second Pitt scent entered his nose, along with the sound of buzzing. Eye darting upwards, Aurum froze as he saw Astiar descend down alongside Kydobi, the creature doing nothing but sitting there and staring at them evidently because of Kydobi's presence. And that... that was the straw the snapped the camel's back in two and stomped on it. Not only was Kydobi here, spewing lies, trespassing, and trying to manipulate his own son, but he had brought the fucking creature back onto their territory. The creature that had stolen his son from him. The creature that had already trespassed on their territory before. If Aurum had been tightly wound before, just barely holding himself back from attacking, he had finally lost it. His claws sunk into the earth as he roared to those present, fire immediately flaring in his chest as his anger surged to life, no longer bound by him holding it back, "Tanglers... ATTACK! Get these intruders off of our fucking territory, now! This is ENOUGH!" He had enough of pleasantries, trying to remain neutral, and grinning and bearing it. Kaz was already awaiting orders, and he got the feeling that Snarl was as well... well, now the proxy had provided those orders. Immediately after snarling out his vicious and deadly words, Aurum gathered flames up into his mouth, spewing a huge flame ball at Kydobi to drive him backward, back towards the Pitt. He wouldn't try to maim or kill the other... not yet at least. If Kydobi or Astiar chose to fight back and attempt to stay? Well, that would be a whole other story.

( attacking: [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
Kydobi can just dodge the fireball if you want lmao )
template by orion

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Kydobi - 01-01-2020


[OOC: ]

The fear in his son’s eyes nearly broke his heart. His child, was he a hostage? Stuck here? This was wrong. This boy was too young to be worried for anyone’s well being in such a manner.

“I can still be there, I will. Look, I’ll leave for you- but just know you’re always welcome at the Pitt. You’ll find you won’t be met with any hostility, people there are kind. Or those who have survived the battle are. Even to visit for a moment... don’t hesitate.” truth be told, Kydobi felt bad for putting that image in his head. He had selfishly caused the boy hurt but it was imperative that Piers knew Kydobi wasn’t there for a good reason.

“You aren’t alone.. come find me. I won’t disappear again.”

Kydobi looked at a slim cheetah arrive, staring him down like it could possibly be a threat. A growl tumbled in his throat as he stepped away from his son. A warning to them all. He was viciously outnumbered and the lion knew it. That’s why he sat so smug.

Then a familiar buzz would appear and Kydobi’s face sank. Oh no.. he enjoyed the dragons company and usually didn’t mind it. But in this situation he would be forced to protect them if they didn’t process what was happening.

“Astiar- go home. It isn’t safe. Not safe Kydobi knew that things were about to go awry. He paid little mind to the maned wolf showing up, but he briefly noticed the shocked expression on her face. And it brought him satisfaction. Even Piers changed opinion of Aurum was pleasurable.

But he did not lie.

There was nothing more exhausting and enraging than someone accusing you of lies when you were telling the truth and nothing but that.

Aurum would speak again and Kydobi rolled his eyes. Nothing he hadn’t heard before. A fallen angel for a reason.

“For clarification, to those of you listening. I am not a bad man. This fool blames and unrightfully judges all pittians based of the actions of one bad man.”

He would turn his back to Astiar, resting his tail on them for comfort. He sensed that Aurum was about to attack.

But he needed to get one last word in, “bleeding out from my neck, electrocuted... and trying to save my blind comrade from a merciless grown tiger? That’s when you swept in from above and rammed me to the ground.”

He stared dead into Aurum, “I still feel your teeth. Even though a child was watching then, that did not stop you. Even when her little vines tried so hard to stop you. You didn’t stop.”

He felt the tension and snarled, allowing his eyes to glow as heat builder up inside.

“You call us the monsters and yet you forget about the lives you took from us. You call me a manipulator and yet it seems you’re trying to draw attention away from you and your true nature Aurum. Your bias is what makes you the savage one here. You’re the one pushing your opinions of me into everyone else.”

He screeched for them to attack and Kydobi gave one last look at Piers. Begging them to leave, not wanting them to get hurt in the crossfire.

The ground began to rumble under their feet as Kydobi used his earth elementals. The ground was trembling violently. A warning.

He could’ve dodged the fireball easily but Astiar probably wouldn’t have. He had to consider them, snarling he would raise a rock from the ground. it broke from the impact but Kydobi would shove the dragon, wanting him to flee.  He would ignite slowly, the fire crawling up his legs. He allowed it to form a arc in front of him.

“You will not touch us.”


Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - toboggan - 01-01-2020

Tanglewood's leader lingered.

Shade provided by the overhead leaves made for practical cover, for the looming vegetation's shadows concealed his soot-toned pelt with relative ease. Whilst concealed, the mongrel observed the unfolding situation, resting soundly upon his haunches, albeit readying himself for anything funny. Making out the enemy's words came as a moderate challenge, although snippets of the charcoal-painted feline's dialogue were perceived throughout his ridiculous tirade. Referrals had been made regarding an offspring, one such belonging to Kydobi, not to mention the footnotes concerning the forest tribe's 'nefarious' behaviour (which prompted a disbelieving snort on the general's part, nearly killing his cover). Rich, it was, coming out of the Pittian's mouth. His folded ears failed to pick up any more clear speech coming from the jaguar, though he isn't deterred by this. Aurum would tell him what was what later, anyhow. Following Kydobi's flawed denunciation, the proxy makes a counterargument. At this, the furs that tickled his spine gradually rose upwards.

A mess lay just beyond the horizon, Leroy could tell. He felt it begin in his tail, a tingling sensation that hummed of oncoming tribulation, before the sensation evolved into a shiver and eventually scale his back's entirety. Movement initiated in his haunches, shifting in restless anticipation whilst the lion addressed the opposing large cat. Aurum's words, as outlandishly aggressive as they were, laded him to the brim with sheer anticipation. And at the very moment which the attacking order escaped the maned male's maw, albeit genuinely unexpected, the canine sprang into action, lunging from the shrubbery he concealed himself within and breaking into a sprint towards the two adversaries.

On a moment's whim, he makes note of the big cat's current target - Kydobi himself. The two made quick work of getting into battle position, and already found themselves hurling elemental attacks at one another. With that in mind, Leroy chooses a mark of his own. Astiar, he thought he heard the marauder dub it. Talk about an eyesore. The poor thing appeared as though it belonged in a horror novel, the way it looked. Killing it wasn't in his intentions, despite it being Pittian and all - though he wouldn't refrain from doing so assuming push came to shove.

It looked a lot bigger up close. Doubts began brewing in his stomach's confines, yet he understood that he long passed to point of return. No turning back now. "'ey, fucknuts!" he calls in a deriding manner, attempting to gather the beast's attention, before leaping towards [member=7712]Astiar's[/member] chest and trying to sink a good tooth or three into its figure. Now, this was a risky manuever. On the possibility he miscalculated his jump, he'd harshly land on his hind legs, possibly causing injury. However, if his leap was successful and his pearly whites pierced the dragon's membrane, Leroy's fall would be broken, and a moderate level of damage would be dealt to Askiar. The wolfhound does not intend to cause harm, though. Not to Askiar, at least. The thing seemed as though it hadn't the foggiest idea as to what is was doing, thus the general only wished to drive it away.

Kydobi was a different story, though.

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - fulzanin - 01-01-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
His attention was briefly ensnared from slowly flickering his gaze between those present to the sudden shouting that had ensued. These trees and this forest were filled with people that shouted. Not good. Shouting was what had happened before he had been burned. Shouting was what the lion had done before. He couldn't understand. It explained why when battle stances were prepared, the dragon continued to simply sit there. He didn't grasp the conflict at hand, not in the slightest. It flew over his head, it was not something that he could grasp. The blue antennae that stretched from his head curled downwards when shouts continued to ensue. He did not like shouting. By no means was Astiar bothered by loud noises. Sharp buzzes frequented his wings, meaning that the dragon certainly had a tolerance for noise. It was little and thin indentions of repetitive observations that Astiar could recognize. Shouting lions led to burning. Burning led to pain. Pain is coupled with hunger. Hunger is the greatest motivator. His head craned down a little when Kydobi's tail rested on his massive form. It eased whatever little nerves had arisen. His wings stilled again, and small clicks sounded from his mandibles.

The ground shaking, of course, did startle him. Finally Astiar stood back up, shuffling in an ever nervous manner on his talons. The use of elemental abilities was far beyond his comprehension. His antennae rose and stuck straight up in the air, and chitters parted his maw and were accompanied by the clicking of his mandibles. Then there was fire again, fire from the shouting person, fire from the lava, pain. It was pain, but there was something there to intercept it. Elemental abilities, again, were not something that Astiar was able to understand. He was shoved, and a stutter step backwards was taken. Fire was bad. Fire was pain. Pain was deadly. The cicada's head craned to briefly check behind him, and his feet began shuffling backwards. His wings were spreading, and he was just about to take off. More shouting sounded. He couldn't understand what was being said at all, but the loud noise warranted his attention. Astiar's head swiveled, ears raising back up a little. Then, then someone came and latched onto his segmented chest. Soft yellow flesh rested between the segments of his dark, harder outer scales. Teeth sinking in confused him until pain struck him. Pain. It was pain, and he did not really know how to deal with pain. The dragon's tail swung behind him sharply, and his balance momentarily teetered. He did not what to do about suddenly being attacked.

When he had been struck by lava and teeth before his only response had been to back away. Cicadas did not fight. Cicadas did not have many forms of defense other than sheer numbers and camouflage. Astiar did not have either, standing out in the open with his sheer size. The dragon, however, was not just a pure cicada. He was a cicada's mind thrust into the body of a dragon. A horrible mutation that had overtaken his emergence from his nymph form into what should have been his adult, regular cicada body. Dragon mentality had never broken into his cicada instincts. It certainly didn't now. Fight or flight struck his mind, and flight it was once again. He had been shoved, he had been told by Kydobi to go home. Not safe. Two simple words. Go home. Not safe. He didn't try to shake Leroy off as he had the lion upon being attacked while feasting upon a tree. Astiar was too panicked to think of such a thing. Pain from the bite, pain from being clung to, and remembering the pain of the fire was fueling his desire to obey Kydobi's order. His wings spread, and began buzzing violently. Not as if he were preparing some sound based attack against Leroy to retaliate for being bitten. No, instead he was lifting up off the ground and fleeing off. His sudden take off was abrupt, hind legs bunching up to help him spring up into the air. Astiar's head briefly turned, watching the fire that consumed both opponents. Fire was pain. He could not help, help did not cross a basic creature's mind. One sharp shriek noted his rise into the air, and he rose as swiftly as he'd appeared and took his loud buzzing noises with him - and the Proxy, too, if he didn’t manage to disengage swiftly enough to the cicada’s sharp response to his atttacj.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - suvi. - 01-01-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Well.  The vixen felt her ears flatten, her tail disappearing from behind her in a small glitch.  No right to be? No.  She didn't think that was right, no.  Clearly the jaguar was naive.  The raid on the Pitt would not wash away the blood they've shed, the lives taken, the prisoners tortured.  No.

In the end, both sides were simply angry with each other.  Both, to her, seemed to have plenty of 'valid reasons', but in the end, she didn't care.  Kiira was tired.  Tired of the bloodshed.  Tired of the violence.  Tired of a commonplace for hate, encouraged on both sides.

No.  More than tired.  Sick of it.

As Aurum and Kydobi went back and fourth, her frown soured.  Her mitch-matches hues grew bitter.  She had long since grown wary of Aurum, discouraged by his tendency for anger and potential for viciousness.  She had no doubt that he probably had killed the jaguar, with her little cousin watching.  But Kydobi was not helping, trading bitter words until the lion finally had enough of their futile argument.

Her white paws dug irritably into the ground.  She would not attack.  Orders, no orders.  Kiira was a healer, not a fighter, but even if she hadn't the medical rank, she would leave before her claws injured another.  Especially in such a pointless conflict as this.

Now I see, she mused with a growing ill feeling.  Faithless fools.

For a moment, Kiira's cold stare fixed on Aurum.  Frustrated.  Upset.  Then her subconscious responded, lashing out around her.  She didn't want anymore violence.  Neither sides were 'right' here.  "Stop.  Th-this is a pointless fight.  N-no one needs to be hurt today."

"Kydobi... Plea-please just leave." Try again.  Something, she thinks hopelessly, but he needed to leave.

[ anyone in close range to Kiira can have headaches of varying degrees ^^ It's her mental manipulation acting out ]

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - deimos - 01-01-2020

Some say a fools fate is nothing more then a downfall.

But who was to call Kydobi a fool? If you had a child you knew you'd care for, wouldn't you take the chance to see them? If you were an ignored son, wouldn't you yearn for a true father, even just to learn who he was or how he acted and nothing more? But there was an iritable buzzing in the back of his ears as Aurum screamed at the top of his lungs. Acted out in the anger that he held besides himself. Leroy leaping from the bushes, Suvi trying to use his words. You aren't alone. Come find me.

His ears flattened, his hair on edge. He crouched down, taking a step back. From the trembling earth, his sudden pounding headache. Tears fell from his eyes, but they felt foreign. Something caught in his throat. A scream? A growl? What did he desire? Why was he alone? His mind snapped, twisted, and Piers was gone.


// out

template by orion

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Blazic - 01-02-2020

SNARL[size=24pt]  [align=center]

Were all the pittians this big? The feline in front of them was nearly two feet taller than her, and the abomination-to-nature that skittered down from the branches was massive, too. Eyes darted around, as Aurum shouted - Didn't give much thought to that... insect? And why nature allowed them to exist. They were just another threat, a chattering mess who reeked with the stench of The Pitt. It was lucky, she considered a moment, that those arriving to the scene were of Tanglewood's larger bracket. Snarl and Miller, of nearly the same height, though Snarl was heavier. Aurum was by far the largest, measuring in a similar class to their Pittian enemy, and with the powers to match.
Aurum was fucking pissed. She didn't blame him, she'd heard the tales spat by her comrades - His frothing only served to remind her of their past mistakes. Blood meant nothing - This cat seemed to think himself a silver tongue, try and paint himself a tragic story. His story didn't matter, either. The rules set forth are still the rules. No one gets special exceptions, no matter their tale of pity. He's not special.

Took a step, as Aurum spat fire, angling between it and Miller as she went, a subconscious action.
Fuck, right. The warfare here was elemental. Snarl had no powers of her own aside from brute strength and constitution, but she'd be damned if she didn't stand up for Aurum, and get this fucking interloper out of her clan.
Caught her balance as the ground rumbled and whined, paws widening against the ground as she snarled. Finally, orders set the hyena loose - only spared the leaping Leroy a small glance as his flying host began buzzing, fear in their eyes. They weren't a threat - or at least, the feline in front of her was one much larger.

The hyena charged straight at [member=4490]Kydobi[/member] from the side, looking to sink her teeth in to the back of his shoulder/armpit and tear the muscle, letting go and stepping back regardless of whether her hit was sustained. She didn't hope to kill - that could rebrew conflict, with the rest of the Pitt, or with Goldenluxury herself. She simply aimed to disable his own methods of attack - The hyena knew firsthand how hard it was to move with suitable enough wounds in your legs, and those front were of more importance, due to their lethal claws.

Reeled and blinked for a moment as a wave of mental pain hit her, and Kiira spoke of  stopping. But. Fuck. Okay, she was fine. She'd had worse hangovers. She was fine. Wrinkled her nose. Didn't speak, didn't make threats.
Snarl wouldn't snap at his ankles if he turned tail and ran like his buggy friend, but if he aimed to hold his ground against his vast outnumbering, well, who was she to encourage that behavior?

If he stayed, she'd aim to absorb any hits aimed especially at the smaller members on the scene, or, if none of them were victim to attack, any aimed at Miller - Figured she could take them much better than the others, and Aurum could care for himself. She let out a throaty growl.

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; height: 90px; width: 40%; clip-path: polygon(11% 0, 87% 0, 100% 49%, 89% 100%, 10% 100%, 0 53%); margin-top: -745px; margin-bottom: 785px; margin-right: 27%"]

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Kydobi - 01-02-2020


[OOC: ]

They angered him, although he had tried so hard to keep his temper. He couldn’t. He watched his son run away, run away forever. There was this deep thick sense of dread in his stomach that he would never see them again. That something not so good was going to happen.

That feeling bubbled up from his stomach in hot rage and filled his whole being with heat. The air above his body waving and dancing as it bounced off.

A sharp pain in his head and he roared. It irritated him, the constant dull throb wouldn’t subside but it didn’t cloud his perception. He looked at Suvi but had to snap his head back in time to see a dog latch itself onto Astiar.

”No! No he doesnt understand! Leave him alone he doesn’t fight!”, but the damage was done and Kydobi’s gaze darkened. He stared in the distance, his mind losing itself in the chaos. The past was blurring with the now but it was all the same. A fight. A battle. A death.

A sinking feeling, no one was listening.

He only ever meant well.

The sharp cry of Astiar brought his attention back, but not totally. His eyes were solid orbs of molten, the black pupil glowing a lighter shade like hot steel. He was quaking the ground was violently shaking, the leaves rustled above. The intense rattle of the bushes and branches sounded more like war drums than rain.

Kydobi was breaking more and more everyday. And who was to blame? Aurum.

Immediately he would sent thick tree roots to wrap and twist themselves around [member=6881]aurum.[/member] targeting his front legs and wings. If successful it should hold the lion down for the most part or in the very least deter his movement.

While a creature of power, she was not a creature of stealth. His heightened senses immediately picked up on her.

[member=8853]Snarl[/member] would launch herself at him and he let out a vicious roar. As if the earth itself was hollering. Just in time he would move but not without harm. Her teeth locked and pierced and eventually met as she took a small chunk off his back.

He snarled as she stepped back. Blood already budding from the divet. Quickly he would take a step closer as he went up in blue flames tipped in red.

“I could kill you mutt. But I am not your false idol.” he recalled what Goldie had told him the day before.

He was to rule. This was not how a leader should act. He would need to change his decisions and soon. The flames died down, merely a warning for others to stay back.

But one thing was sure, Tanglewood was the enemy. Silently he vowed that he would see an end of the group. Perhaps a purge of his own like Goldie?

But this was information they would not know yet. The Pitt was a dangerous enemy under the rule of Jervis, but easily overpowered because it was overseen by a man only interested in himself. A man who couldn’t see any picture bigger than his own reflection.

Kydobi was different. He had been raised to lead and run a kingdom once a long while ago. He was a thinker and he would make them all regret this. A chess player. And although he couldn’t read, he had knowledge.

“I promise you, when you look back on this day, the day you denied me a conversation with my son  and the day you killed me Aurum,” he stared the brute dead in the eyes with pure malice, “it will be with remorse. Then, you will never feel anything again.”

Just like that he was gone. Using his intangibility and invisibility to become a ghost. Kydobi would silently and smoothly escape the scene.


Attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member] [member=8853]Snarl[/member]


Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - THEM - 01-02-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He bristles, a little impatient, and casts another half-glance between the opposing parties. Did Aurum always talk that much? Damn, Kaz thought he liked the sound of his own voice sometimes.

I am not a bad man. Oh-ho-ho, now they were getting philosophical? He’d need a drink and a proper sit-down to discuss what, exactly, constituted bad, because slavery and torture definitely weren’t holy virtues - but Aurum seemed to have it under control with his verbal dressing-down.

He wants Kydobi all for himself. Or, rather - he wants to be the one that wipes that smugly victimized look off the bastard’s face. He gets his chance when the Proxy’s low growl evolves into a heightened screech, ordering an attack, telling the giant fucking bug to fuck off on the side. In all honesty, Kazuhira wasn’t very well equipped for this situation, but that wasn’t going to stop him from giving a valiant effort all the same.

Snarl’s already moving, and he falls into rhythm beside her. Easily he slips his weapon from its sheath - but there’s another scream before he can go for the Pittian’s throat, anguish ringing in his ears and pounding in his skull. He’s momentarily distracted (a fatal flaw, his lack of defense against the magical sort) and casts a sharp glance around to spot the interloper. Another Tangler? He thought Aurum made it clear that they weren’t here to discuss peacemaking - the cheetah growls against the pounding in his head, shakes off the distraction.

But when he turns around, there’s a flash of fire - this place is a goddamn circus, he thinks distantly - and then.


The Pittian’s gone. Escaped before he could stick around to take any damage. Kazuhira swears something elaborate in his native tongue; his jaw locks around the handle and he whips around. He’s going to put Kiira in the ground for that, he thinks, misdirected rage seeking an outlet from where it burns in his chest. While the scene behind him is chaos, it’s hard not to lock in on the monstrous cicada that still lingers, hesitant, on the scene. They don’t look like they’re even aware of what they’re doing, here - they must be some kind of attack dog, brainwashed by the mind games Kydobi probably used to keep everyone under his thumb. But, fuck it. Ethics were out the window after all that monologuing from the Pittian himself. He still wants blood.

The dragon-cicada-thing is already trying to take off at its handler’s orders. Leroy’s locked in, and probably going to end up a few meters off the ground if he doesn’t let go. There’s a split second where Kaz doesn’t know what he wants first: to cleave through the dragon’s underbelly with a sharp knife, or get their General to safety before he can take any serious damage. He lunges before he can decide.

The dragon’s unsteady ascent keeps them low enough for Kaz to reach with enough momentum. He charges, throwing all his effort into running like a cheetah ought to - and with a single leap (graceless, they don’t have enough time or space to make something elegant out of these maneuvers), Kaz attempts to throw Leroy off. It’s for his own good, really. He’ll break his legs, dropping from that height. He’s already accepted that he’ll take the brunt of the damage (now and later - Leroy probably won't be pleased), twisting to keep the General from hitting the ground before him; if he’s still breathing in a few seconds, he’ll pick up his knife and go for the cicada again. Or - maybe Snarl will. It doesn’t matter anymore, not with their real target having slipped through the cracks so soon.