Beasts of Beyond
ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN ☆ injured - Printable Version

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Re: ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN ☆ injured - selby roux ! - 01-02-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby flicked an ear and nodded as Kiira came to his assistance. Though he never forgot of her existence, she never stuck out in his mind as much as Moth did. Perhaps that was a good thing, considering the nature of his relationship with the Maine coon. Of course, it never hurt to be friendly with one’s colleagues. He’d have to get to know her better.

Aurum was speaking. He paused in his work to listen to his words carefully, shock filling him at the question of death. “No way,” he promised. “You’re gonna be okay. I’m not gonna let you go. You’re my friend, and... and I can’t do that to Moth, alright? So don’t mention dying again. Or I’ll be mad.”

Having said that, he quickly returns to what he was doing.

Re: ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN ☆ injured - wormwood. - 01-03-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
He wasn't sure he had ever been in this much pain. He was used to pain, since it wasnt as if his angeldom made him immune to it, but never had he felt something like this. When his wings first grew in came in as a close second, but the bitter stinging pain of the fucking hole in his chest took a pretty firm spot as number one. Still, even as his limbs were practically shaking from the overwhelming pain that gripped them, Aurum found that he wasn't actually that focused on it. Instead he was focused on the faces around him, all staring down at him either in worry or shock, and he honestly wasn't sure what they were shocked about. The extent of the injury, or the fact that he could be injured at all? Aurum had never thought of himself as invincible, so it had to the former, right...? There was one face in particular that emerged from the crowd, however, that stole his attention away from everyone and everything else, the pain growing to be only a dull and static buzz in the background of his mind. Roy. Roy was worried, and crying, and his voice was breaking... that wasn't good. This was all his fault. This couldn't be happening. Aurum was supposed to be his Father. He was supposed to be the comfort and light in his son's life, not something that caused him troubles or sorrow. A soft wheeze left Aurum as he heard Roy's desperate whispered words, wanting to shift and wrap his arms around his son but stuck in place, unable to move in fear of making everything worse. That made him really want to scream, but he just bit down on his tongue, the world giving another unpleasant lurch around him. He wasn't sure if it was because of Roy's reaction or the bloodloss, but either way it was unpleasant enough to make him close his eyes, a soft whine leaving the lion's parted jaws.

Hearing Abathur's monotone voice in the background attempting to comfort Roy, Aurum opened his eyes again, squinting slightly against the new onslaught of light. With a bit of a struggle, the lion was able to turn his head to the side, pressing his large nose against the side of his son's face as he mumbled, desperate to wipe the tears from Roy's eyes, "Roy... Roy, I love you so much, okay...? Everything's gonna be fine, I promise..." He wasn't sure if even he could believe his own words of comfort spoken slowly to the tiger, but he had to at least attempt to believe them. After all, if he didn't try to fight and climg to the shreds of life that clung teasingly above him, then he would be failing Roy entirely, wouldn't he? As he thought about this, Selby spoke up again, a look of shock twisting across the feline's face and passing just as quickly as he firmly said Aurum wouldn't be dying today. Aurum felt a faint smile spread across his muzzle at this, and he mumbled almost tiredly as he let his blue eye fall shut again, darkness enveloping him and soothing the pounding headache behind his eyes, "Thanks, Selb... I trust you..." His head was spinning as he spoke, even with his eye shut, and soon enough he felt the darkness looming even closer, consuming him and lulling him into a deep sleep. He fell silent as he slipped into unconsciousness, the blood loss finally dragging him under. He was still alive, his heart beating steadily in his chest saying as much, but he wouldn't exactly be chatting with anyone again for at least a while.
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Re: ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN ☆ injured - spacexual - 01-04-2020