Beasts of Beyond
THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - Printable Version

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Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - bubblegum - 12-23-2019

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - redvox. - 12-24-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
To be honest, Vox hadnt had some sort of grand ulterior motive when he had left the Pitt in order to form the Halls. In fact, the only reason he had left was because he missed his old home, and didn't feel as though he could agree with the morals that the Pitt had so desperately clung to during the raid. However, Jervis was no longer in charge now, and with Goldie in charge, along with the good people within the group no longer underneath the fox's paw, Vinny felt more at ease being around them. When Goldie came padding up, the hybrid looked up at her in surprise, slightly intimidated by the large creature in front of him. Thankfully for him, she didn't seem irritated by his presence on the territory, and he relaxed slightly before speaking, "I'm glad ta hear that the Pitt will be comin'. This place was my home in the past, and I believe in second chances, so nothin' messed up will be happenin', and if anybody tries ta cause trouble, they'll get tossed out on their ass." It was, after all, just meant to be a fun little event to bring people together. Blinking in surprise as Goldie asked him about the Halls's "business", Vinny paused for a moment before responding, "Oh! Well... we're a peaceful neutral group that lives in a forest civilization. We've got a whole pantheon of gods we worship, and we believe in justice above everythin'. In fact, that's why we're invitin' the Pitt. Since we believe in second chances." It was a very simplified explanation of the group, but Vox had a lot of groups top get to, so it seemed sufficient to him.

( here is the link to the event! )

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - aine. - 12-24-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —
Lightly, Aine's ears flicked back.  A look of brief panic almost, for she hadn't thought too far ahead in her questioning.  What did she want?  Well.  Aside from the scary tigress gone or some fun games.  She shifted her paws.  "Um..."

"A um... A plushie?" She used to have a few.  In the old house, before it all burned down.  Her father had not suggested they go back for anything and she... Felt too uneasy to ask.  The thought of their old home always made her frown.  Besides, it was rather far, wasn't it?  "Mhmm a plushie."

That decided, she shuffled closer to her father as the scary tigress appeared to speak herself.  An official answer.  Whatever that meant.  They were gonna go anyway, weren't they?  Why did it matter for someone else to make a decision?  Poli… Poli… Must be... Politics.  That sounded right.

She still kept closer to her father, watching Redvox.  "I'll... Make you a present too, Mr. Vinny."  To be fair to him.  Besides, friends got presents for each other.
— I'll come back when you call me —