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it's already almost dawn;; winter - Printable Version

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Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - redvox. - 12-12-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The others that had arrived here due to the fog mostly meant very little to Vox. This wasn't to say that he thought so little of them that they didn't matter, or anything else so condescending. It was just that he didn't know any of them, and they were all from different groups that could very well end up being his enemies one day, even if he very much didn't want them to be. Of course, this was all until Fourthwall showed up, someone that he very much knew and respected. Hell, Vinny had even rather enjoyed Fourth's company. It wasn't as if the hybrid had left because he had hated anyone within the Pitt. In fact, he had rather liked the company of everyone else there, but... it had been the principles. His morals had clashed so horribly with the Pitt's, particularly after the raid, and that had been what had motivated him to leave and form the Halls. Still, it hurt to see Fourth again like this, especially considering the other refused to look at him for more than the briefest of moments. The gat truly wanted to say something to the other, but it seemed as though it wasn't the time, given that they had another task at hand to deal with. Taking a deep breath, Vin moved forward to inspect some of the packages, turning one over with the claws of his wings to inspect it. He nodded a bit with Marine's and Aurum's words, before he mumbled softly, "It does seem odd that some fog spirit would take us all out 'ere 'n' then give us weird, nonspecific gifts.." While he was attempting to discern what package would be for the Halls, he noticed Fourth moving over, grabbing one of the packages and moving to try and open it. Vinny mumbled softly as the other did this, frowning slightly, "Fourth..." However, it was already too late to stop Fourthwall, so Vox just found himself watching curiously, wondering what could be inside – if it could even be opened.

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - fulzanin - 12-12-2019

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Feza could say with full certainty that the repetition of 'one' was unnerving. It left her vibrant pelt to fluff out in discomfort, uncertain about the entire predicament at hand. This wasn't festive, not festive at all despite the presence of gifts. Nervously she kneaded her paws against the ground, as if it would help her work out her nerves. Who was doing the chanting? Was it some really weird prank scenario, with some person who could control the fog standing out of sight? Feza was, honestly, expecting someone to come leaping out and shriek 'surprise' or 'gotcha' at the mixed group present. It gave reason to her rapidly looking about. Feza jumped a little when she felt touch, but a brief glance assured her that it was just Aurum. It was not as if Feza felt any physical contact often. Yet it was comforting. She knew the lion was very powerful, and it was good to know that he was here. If anything bad happened he could deal with it, right? She felt confident in the Captain's capabilities. "Maybe we can all take one and, and, and- we take one and see what's in them? And, and if it's not for us then we can, we- just switch the boxes. Not switch, not- not switching them. Change them? Is- is that a better, is that better? Or share all the stuff in the boxes. Sharing's good, right? So we could, but, but, it's one- one?" Her mind was sputtering from her nerves, slowly shuffling on after the other Tangler present, not wanting to be too far from someone familiar.

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Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Orion - 12-14-2019

As Fourthwall moved towards the box, the invisible figure watched with a cold glare. As the box entered the hellhound's presence, he darted forward to the hellhound's side. With a swift kick of his hoof, the present moved further away. It jolted in the northwest's direction. It seemed to be going towards The Pitt. The mist that entranced them all earlier would appear before the canine's eyes. The mist's mysterious path would lead them back to The Pitt to open the gift before their groupmates. 

He shifted back towards his adversary. The buck lurched close, almost coming in contact with Fourthwall. Blaise's cold breath brushed against the Pittian's ear. "Alone," came his soft whisper. 
blaise - winter spirit of the pitt - white buck with pastel blue horns and icicles dangling off of them, along with baubles

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Crackers - 12-14-2019



The presence was unexpected for the most part. There had undoubtedly been a sort of 'feeling' about the place, as if those who were there were under survellence of some sort, but he hadn't actually seen or sensed this invisible presence in any other manner beyond that. It's sudden manifestation caught him off guard, and the fox tensed with fur bristling, readying himself for a fight- but the hoof wasn't aimed at him, and it seemed to send the 'gift' shooting toward his home territory.  Wine red eyes never left the stag, suspicious and curious all at once. Who was this? Why were they giving them these things? Why were there so many rules and mysterys? He wanted to ask, but there was no time.

"I don't know who you are, but I'll look for you again." the fox would say just as softly, though from his tone it was impossible to tell if this was a threat or not. It hadn't been intended as one though. Fourth had questions he wanted answers to, but with the box on it's way toward the Pitt he had to get there before any of his clanmates did. What was inside was for The Pitt and he didn't want Golden compromising it by taking it for himself when it was meant for his people, whatever it might be. Besides, he had to check it out first. What if it was a trap? There could be something dangerous in it, and he didn't need any more casualties in his clan.

And so he turned and went padding after the 'prize' he claimed, leavin the others to their own business while he saw to his.



Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Honey - 12-19-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

Although more people came, none would respond to her question. She knew she was smaller and a child and easily overlooked so she would keep quiet from now. Instead of inquiring further she just let the adults continue on.

Others may have looked at Fourthwall with contempt for being so bold but she admired them for their courage. She suffered from social anxiety and being the first to do anything among a crowd was hard.

Quietly she would watch, the instructions were clear. Just grab one, why did grown ups have to overthink? The painted child slowly walked forward toward the gifts, fearing people would tell her not to or give her disapproving looks which would hinder her attempt. Her she’s were soft, not trying to have any attention on her.

In her peripheral she saw the box move away from Fourth as he tried to open it. She would stop to look, tail tucking between her legs further.

“I promise I’ll only take one”, she would promise softly as she gently grabbed a box. Very carefully she would begin to drag it, still a bit big  for her petite build. Fearing the consequences, Honey prayed it didn’t open by accident.

“Thank you for the present” she would whisper as she made her way back to Elysium.