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I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - Printable Version

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Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-15-2018

FULL NAME Aphra Cipher
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Typhoon
—ranking Crewmate
2 years
—mental age 2 years
—aging ratio 1 year every February 14
—zodiac sign aquarius
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
personification of lust
is a succubus
infertile in her main body and is unable to produce kids
has a black crown in her room; formerly her father's
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed Oriental Longhair
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a long-bodied, thin and lithe pure white Oriental Longhair with ice-blue eyes. she has a lip ring, as well as hoop ear rings, and a gold-pearl necklace. she also has a beauty mark on her muzzle.
—smells like roses, the ocean
—injuries n/a

[b]SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed bengal
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a short, long-bodied silver bengal cat with darker, almost black spots. she has ice-blue eyes, and as a small beauty mark on her muzzle.
—smells like roses, the ocean
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] holds herself high, chin up
—posture 'perfect', sits straight with her tail in the air
ESTP ("The Entrepreneur") - Chaotic Neutral - Slytherin
arrogant - dreamy - glamorous - blunt
possessive - sarcastic - stubborn - demanding
delicate - domineering - extravagant - faithless
ORIENTATION[b] pansexual and panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush pretty much everybody but kids and her father/siblings
—friends n/a
—family caesar cipher (father), vigenere cipher (uncle), atbash cipher (aunt), horizon cipher (half-brother), gordon cipher (half-sister), billiam cipher (half-brother), cleo cipher-roux (daughter), silus cipher-roux (son), kathrine cipher-roux (daughter), nyssa cipher-roux (daughter), sylvina cipher-roux (daughter), coriander (cousin)
—enemies n/a
may start fights - will fight back - won't try to end fights - may kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] difficult to get along with; she believes she's higher than anybody else
—platonic relationships hard to get along with, see above
—romantic relationships will sleep with anybody, however having a "true" romantic relationship is extremely hard for her; she can't commit
—rivalries extremely easy to become her enemy
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD WHITE

Joining Thread - July 2, 2018
Tags - Updated November 26, 2018
Character Study - Updated on November 26, 2018
Birthing thread - July 20, 2018
Details about her life as a kit - August 15, 2018
Returning to The Typhoon - November 10, 2018
Stole Caesar's crown - November 13, 2018

TV Tropes:
Casual Kink, Harem Seeker, Love Goddess, Playing Hard To Get, Polyamory, Sugar and Ice Personality, All Women Are Lustful, Combat Sadomasochist, Conceive And Kill, Dominatrix, Extreme Libido, Freud Was Right, Horny Devil, Instant Seduction, Lust, The Tease, Alpha Bitch, The Baroness, Bitch Alert, Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, Daddy's Little Villain, Femme Fatale, Femme Fatale Spy, Honey Trap, Make Way For The Princess, Manipulative Bitch, Spoiled Brat, Haughty "Hmph!", It's All About Me, Narcissist, Proud Beauty, The Unapologetic, Ungrateful Bastard, Attention Whore, Chaotic Neutral

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-22-2018

//Small gore warning in the 3rd paragraph!

"I only did what I thought was right -"

Caesar's throat was tight as he spoke, his ears pinned against his head as he stared at his paws. Blue blood covered them, glistening in the light that the room provided. He could feel Vigenere's glaring stare and tried his hardest not to look at his brother. He knew what his brother would look like. There would be a look of betrayal, a look of disgust, a look of hurt. Caesar knew his brother - and Atbash, too - didn't want things to come this far. But they had to, his siblings just didn't understand. What Caesar said was true; he only did what he thought was right. Murdering the King and his Court was the only way to make things normal. His two littermates believed otherwise, but what he believed was true. To them, things would be back to normal, almost. Vigenere, Atbash, and their parents would go back to the Seventh Tier and live like they did before they got exiled - or at least, earn their ranks back. But Caesar wouldn't. Caesar could never go back to being in the Seventh Tier, not with the threat he posed to the King. And yet, his family dared to say things would go back to normal!

"No, you didn't!" Caesar could hear the tears in Vigenere's voice as he yelled. Caesar shuffled his paws and wrapped his tail closer to his body as his older siblings went on, "You did this for yourself! And don't act like that's not true, either." There was a growl in his tone that made Caesar close his eyes. Vigenere had some truth in his words; it was true that Caesar did this for himself. Without a King and without a Court, it was a chance for him to become King. It was a chance for things to restart. It was a chance for him to be in charge. "If there's anything I hate more than a fucking traitor, it's a little prick who is too damn afraid to admit what he's done wrong."

Caesar said nothing in response, and only looked over at the King's body, who was impaled on an icicle that came out of the wall. The icicle went through the Tasmanian Tiger's chest, blood dripping from the wound, almost turning the translucent color of the ice a deep blue. His mouth was agape in a silent scream, his glazed eyes showing the pure fear he felt the last seconds before he died. He deserved this. Caesar told himself. This is what you wanted. He ruined your life. But was it really the King's fault? It was the Shaman who told the King of Caesar's powers and future; the King was only protecting himself when he exiled the Cipher family. Caesar tried killing the Shaman, but she was too quick for him and ended up outsmarting him, so of course it was only natural for him to go to the next threat: the King. The one who had the ultimate say in everything that went on in the Dimension.

Caesar wasn't going to admit that he was wrong. He wasn't wrong. Caesar finally forced himself to look at Vigenere, staring straight into his brother's eyes. Vigenere was practically crying, something Caesar barely saw him do. His eldest brother was shaking, but Caesar couldn't tell if that was in anger or if it was because he was so distraught over the situation. "I did what was right for us." Caesar growled in response to Vigenere, glaring at him. "Vigenere, why can't you understand it when I say that NOTHING was ever going to be the same!" Why did the former Soldier refuse to believe him? Even if he was in the Guard, that didn't mean he knew everything about the King and the Court. The Guard was only a small part of the Court, and didn't attend any meetings unless they were about war, and even then, only the elites were invited to speak with the King. Vigenere was not a part of that. "You don't know everything, Vigenere! You weren't even fucking invited to the meetings."

Vigenere was clearly hurt by his younger brother's words, but Caesar didn't care. He knew what he was speaking was the truth. Vigenere wasn't the only one who could speak like that. "Why don't you care about anybody else's feelings, asshat?" He snarled, blinking away tears. Caesar could tell that Vigenere was fighting off something - whether it be the urge to hit him, or to cry; he didn't know which it was, but it was certainly something. "All you care about is yourself. You may not have been allowed to return back to the Seventh Tier, but why do you want to see your own fucking family unhappy?" Caesar only shook his head in response. He didn't know how to respond to that, if he were honest. Was that really what he seemed like? A heartless monster who only cared for himself? Then so be it. That'll be what he was going to be known for, then. That was fine.

"Because the only thing that matters is power." Caesar spoke as he rose to his paws, shaking them slightly and sprinkling blood on the floor. His lips were curled as he stared at Vigenere, as if daring his brother to make a move. But Vigenere never did, and only let out a defeated sigh as he relaxed and walked off, his tail tip twitching as he walked. Caesar watched him leave before marching to the King's corpse. This is exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be in charge, he wanted to have power. He wanted the King to be dead, and he finally got what he wanted. No matter what Vigenere and Atbash said or believed, this is what was good for them. And Caesar was going to make sure that they learned that. King Caesar. The demon thought to himself with a smirk. I like the sound of that.

This was going to be fun. He was going to rule this Dimension or burn it to the ground. Whichever came first.

//Prompt inspiration:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-24-2018

Vigenere had always been the responsible one. He had always been the 'leader' of sorts between his two littermates. It made sense; he was born first, therefore he just naturally had a more responsible personality. He was always looking over his siblings and trying to protect them as much as he could. When they got in trouble, he defended them. He scanned the surroundings, making sure things were okay. That's just how he was. He always thought he had a good bond with his younger brother and sister, he thought nothing would tear them apart, he thought he knew what they were doing at every moment.

But he was wrong. Vigenere would have never expected to see Caesar dragged into the King's Court, beaten up and bleeding from recent wounds. The feline stared in shock to see his fellow Soldiers surrounding his younger brother, growling demands at him. Vigenere briefly caught Caesar's eye and tried to connect to his littermate through their minds, but Caesar pushed him away with a glare. Vigenere visibly flinched, flattening his ears. What's wrong with him? He frowned. This was the first time Caesar had done that, and Vigenere would have never believed he would have done it. It hurt. Vigenere couldn't understand why his littermate would just push him away like that. "Caesar?" Vigenere tried again, but to no avail. There was no mental connection whatsoever, just static, as if Caesar had cut off the connection they had.

Two Guards left the scene, shoving Caesar onto the ground. The young demon winced, gritting his teeth as he landed onto the floor. "Caesar!" Vigenere yowled in alarm, jumping forward, only to be pushed back by his fellow Guards. Vigenere stumbled back, shaking his head. "What are you doing? Let me see him!" He growled, but only got a shake of heads as a reply. Something was up, Vigenere could tell by now. He could practically feel the tension in the air, cackling like electricity. Something was terribly wrong, and it somehow tied to him. Vigenere glared up at the people he thought were his friends, before the sound of doors slamming open distracted him.

A Tasmanian Tiger followed the two Guards that had left only a few moments before, a snarl on his face. He was looking directly at Caesar as one of the Guards spoke to him, his facial expression showing how angry and disgusted he was at the young feline. "Vigenere Cipher." Suddenly, the King was looking at him and Vigenere snapped his attention to the Tasmanian Tiger, alarmed. "You are hereby dismissed from the King's Guard. You and your family are no longer welcome in my Court." The King's words were cold, cutting right through Vigenere.
"What?" Vigenere called out, casting another glance at Caesar. What did he do? The King didn't answer him, and focused on Caesar once more.
"I will decide on what to do with him later." The Tasmanian Devil declared with a flick of his ear. "For now, take them both to the dungeons. Alert their family where they are. They will remain there for the rest of the night." And with a flick of his paw, the Soldiers begun to move.

Vigenere let out a yowl as a lion picked him up by the scruff, and tried wriggling in the giant cat's grasp to escape. Of course, this didn't work, and Vigenere was soon too exhausted to keep trying. Eventually, the two siblings were brought and thrown into the King's dungeons, and Vigenere let out a hiss of pain as he felt his body hit against stone. Caesar was thrown in after him, barely having any reaction as he hit the floor once more.

"Caesar!" Vigenere called out, scrambling to his paws as quickly as he could and rushed to his younger brother's side. The smaller feline shifted slightly, glaring up at Vigenere.
"Leave me alone." He grunted. Vigenere only stared in response at first, studying Caesar. He took note of the cuts and bruises all over his brother's body, before realizing who inflicted the wounds.
"Where you fighting the Shaman?" Vigenere asked in shock, widening his eyes. His paws hovered above Caesar's body, almost like he was trying to heal his brother. Of course, that wouldn't work; he had no healing abilities, but still... It gave him a sense of comfort. Caesar, however, once again shifted and moved away from his older brother.
"I did." He growled. "But it's none of your damn business why."
"It's absolutely my damn business!" Vigenere exclaimed. "Especially when it involves me suddenly being kicked out of the King's Guard! What in the name of the Seven Levels of Hell did you do?"
Caesar was silent for a few moments before he answered. "I tried killing her. She ruined our life with that omen." He spoke in a monotonous tone, not revealing anything about how he felt. It was almost as if he didn't care about what he had done, which sent Vigenere into rage. His position, his rank, was stripped just because Caesar believed in some stupid-ass rumor the crazy old witch talked about. The very thing he had been working his entire life for... was gone! All because of Caesar!

"What the hell were you thinking!" Vigenere spat, flattening his ears. "Obviously nothing but yourself!" When didn't Caesar think of himself? Maybe the Shaman was right, maybe he was no longer the brother Vigenere had once knew. "You ruined my life, Caesar! I worked my entire life for this, and now it's gone!" What was Athena going to think? What was she going to do? Oh, love, I'm sorry... How was he even going to explain this to her? Was he even going to see her again?
"I did what was right." Caesar replied and turned his back to Vigenere, clearly wanting to end the conversation. To which Vigenere would comply to; there was no use in arguing. Caesar would never listen, anyway.

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-27-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/26/18

> Gordon Cipher | Female (she/her)
> 2 year (16 human years) physically; 2 year mentally
> Sunhaven | Goldenblood [HP] | Impressionist [title]
> Former Starstuck Guardian [sHP] of The Ascendants

> Single
> Caesar Cipher xx NPC (second generation)
> Sister of Billiam Cipher (roleplayed by @/pallid-i)
> Half-sister of Horizon and Aphra Cipher
> Aunt of Nyssa, Silus, Kathrine, and Sylvina Cipher-Roux (Aphra Cipher xx Pincher Roux)
> Niece of Atbash and Vigenere Cipher
> Cousin of Coriander (adopted by Atbash Cipher)

> Abyssinian-Munchkin mix; short-legged golden she-cat with a black stripe going down her back and tabby markings on her face. She has green eyes, and a scar that goes from her stomach to her side. She wears a red flower on her left ear.

> Named after James Gordon from the DC Universe
> Quiet and shy
> Clingy
- DISORDERS post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), anxiety disorder, separation anxiety

> Physically easy, mentally easy
> Won't start fights but will try to stop them through peaceful means / pacifist
> attack in BOLD GOLDENROD
- POWERS: Reincarnation, Mental Bond (with [member=986]billiam cipher[/member] ), Clairvoyance

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-03-2018

"I don't hate you, I never could hate you. I hate the way you make me feel."

Atbash shook as she stared at Caesar, tears in her eyes. She blinked, trying to force the tears away, but they came right back, and Caesar had no reaction to them. Like always. But she knew he cared, she knew how much it hurt him internally to see her like this. So why does he act like everything's okay? She didn't understand. Nothing was okay. Nothing would ever be okay. "Do you know what it's like, Caesar? To be terrified all the time?" She knew he could hear the pain in her voice because she could hear it. Her throat was tight as she spoke, and she took a shaky step forward towards her brother. Caesar narrowed his eyes and stepped back as she did so, his ears starting to flatten. He didn't answer her.

It was true; she never could hate her brother. She loved him dearly and she missed him so much. But she hated how he made her feel: terrified, afraid of what he would do next. She was afraid he would turn tail and set this Dimension on fire, or kill or injure her to keep her silent, or hurt Vigenere, or hurt the members of Snowbound. She was afraid of how he would react to things, including her confronting him now. Caesar had always been harsh when it came to criticisms, but maybe he wouldn't do anything when it came from her; she knew that he liked her the most between her and Vigenere, so maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

"You're so reckless and confident and it kills me." Atbash went on after a couple of heartbeats, tilting her head to one side. Caesar wouldn't even look up at her now, and she knew that she was getting to him, and that even hurt her. She hated seeing him so upset, she hated him looking so defeated, but that was his fault. He'd always been this way, even before their family was exiled. Hell, the reason they got exiled in the first place was because of Caesar's recklessness and carelessness! And that still didn't stop him; in fact, it seemed to make it worse. To the point where he murdered the King in cold blood and set their home in flames, causing the Dimension to collapse in on itself.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." Atbash let out one last choked sentence, closing her eyes and letting the tears flow now. The she-cat briefly sat down for a couple of seconds, hanging her head as she cried. I really don't think I can. She wanted everything to be okay. She wanted everything to go back to normal, but it couldn't. There was no going back. Even with Caesar being so powerful, she knew - and he knew it, too - that he couldn't go back in time and changed what happened. The past happened and the past hurt, so much to the point where it was causing Atbash constant emotional pain. She wanted to go back to the way things were, when she and her two brothers were living happily with their parents and were care-free children. She wanted to feel her mother's breath on her as she sang them sleep, she wanted to feel the warmth her mother gave off at night. She wanted to feel her two brothers curled up beside her, snoring in their sleep. But none of that could come back.

Atbash heard Caesar move towards her, and she immediately got up and ran off, her eyes still closed. She could feel her younger brother's stare as she ran, but she choose to ignore it. She just wanted to get back to Snowbound and believe that everything was okay again. At least in Snowbound she didn't have to forcefully face her past.

//Prompt inspiration:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-04-2018

//Small trigger warning for a small amount of gore in the first paragraph and mentions of abuse in the second

"You gave up the right to be my father the day you decided I was some toy to you rather than a child."

Horizon's teeth were bared as he stared down at Caesar, his claws digging into the feline's shoulders. Caesar didn't fight back, which was strange for him, but Horizon didn't care. All that mattered now was that Caesar seemed to be listening for once and actually seemed to be tired from the fight. His father's pelt was battered with scratches, and Horizon was half-tempted to just bite his father, to sink his teeth into his father's body and let the venom in his fangs take care of the rest. Caesar would burn from the inside, the venom attacking the demon's blood cells and leaving them to rot. Caesar would writhe beneath him, screaming for mercy as the venom burned his body from the inside. But that... wouldn't be as satisfactory as it sounded, if Horizon was honest. Horizon didn't want to kill his father, but he did want Caesar to know the hell he put him through. Even if Caesar could just possess another body, the mere idea of having to deal with the fact that he killed one of his father's bodies would shake him to the core. He knew that's what would happen. He would be happy at first, but one the fact hit him that he killed his own father, that feeling of pride would disappear.

"Don't you dare ever say I owe you anything, ever again!" Horizon spat at Caesar's face, and the demon recoiled, scrunching up his face. He was tired of his father saying that he owed him things. That just because Caesar gave him life, he owed him everything. Caesar had said that his entire life, even though Horizon treated him like shit. Ever since he became six moons, Caesar had prepared him for the Arena and set him against 'prisoners' to kill. And if he didn't succeed or did it in a way that Caesar wanted to, the demon ended up beating Horizon for it. He smacked Horizon, leaving him with a few claw marks that bleed, or hit the little devil so hard he ended up knocking against the wall. He constantly yelled about how pathetic Horizon was, how he wished Horizon had never been born, how he was so disappointed in him.

Horizon inhaled, trying to force those memories away. No matter how much mistreatment he went through, he still couldn't bring himself to kill Caesar. He knew that Caesar just wanted power and fame, and although the demon's ways of doing so were fucked, he still couldn't bring himself to kill him. Horizon did love Caesar, as much as he could, but even so, that didn't excuse the feline. Caesar was still a fucked up person, no matter how much Horizon wanted to believe he was a good person. That person was gone by now. But Horizon wasn't going to be the one to kill him. He couldn't make himself do it. Horizon released Caesar, letting out the breath that he been holding. He turned his back on the demon, head hanging low.

Before he could react, the demon got up and launched himself at him, and Horizon felt claws digging into his neck. Panic began to flare in his chest as he stared at Caesar as much as he could through the corner of his eye. His father's lips were curled back in a snarl, blood dripping from his nose. Horizon tried to open his mouth, but Caesar pressed against his neck harder, cutting off the circulation so Horizon could get air. Horizon didn't know why Caesar didn't just kill him, since he was clearly so pissed, and he didn't get a chance to even ask the demon before his vision started to fade to black.

//Prompt inspiration:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-27-2018

[Image: K1bPg53.jpg]

Caesar Aesthetic made by [member=64]Cheeters[/member] ! ^

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-27-2018

"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands. Left you weak, left you hungry; when there's supply you still demand."

Vigenere would be lying if he said Caesar hadn't always been a little hungry for attention. He was the baby of the family, having been the last born in the litter. Their mother had always babied him for as long as she could, and Caesar would always whine if he didn't get enough attention. But even as they grew older, Caesar's want for attention never stopped. Vigenere thought it would eventually, but his brother still craved it. Sure, he didn't whine as much as he did when they were kittens, but he did throw little temper-tantrums. He threw things around, pouting until he got his way. It was funny how he and the rest of the family ignored this trait of his, and instead thought he'd grew out of it. But boy, were they wrong.

"You're beginning to drag the ones you love down. Will this phase ever end? A thousand arms to hold you, but you won't reach for any hands."

Caesar's want for attention got him in trouble in more ways than one. At first, their parents thought nothing of the matter until Caesar got caught by the King. Vigenere remembered that day; he was still in the King's Guard at that point and he learned that Caesar had somehow snuck into the Court as the King held a meeting with them. He remembered how the rest of the Guard had laughed at him, saying how those in the lower Tiers were always trying to find ways to get into the higher Tiers, explicitly targeting Vigenere as they spoke. But that wasn't the worse of the cases; Caesar eventually tried to attack the Shaman, which of course would get him attention. Attention from the King, attention from the Court, attention from the Shaman, attention from everybody. It would bring him fame if he managed to actually harm the Shaman, but luckily he hadn't. The only bad thing about the situation was that Caesar's actions got Vigenere demoted from the King's Guard and them almost immediately being exiled for treason.

Vigenere had been pissed when that happened, and eventually their father had to pull them apart to prevent Vigenere from beating up Caesar. Caesar had cost him practically his life. If he just stayed in the King's Guard, he could have gotten closer to Athena and he would eventually manage to be King. His family would immediately be brought up into the First Tier and he could put Caesar in the King's Guard in his place and give Atbash the chance to become the Shaman's apprentice. But no, Caesar had to attack the Shaman for spreading some rumors about him. At first, Vigenere hadn't really believed those rumors. Sure, Caesar was an attention whore, but he would never destroy their home, would he? But as time went on, Vigenere soon realized that the Shaman was right. Caesar would do anything if it meant fame and power, even if it meant destroying his home.

"'Cause I don't feel like I'm getting through to you!"

Vigenere tried to stop him, he really did. And so did Atbash. Their parents didn't really do much and didn't believe the rumors either, but Vigenere thought that having his siblings talk to him would work. Both he and Atbash offered support to him, saying that they'd always be there for him, even if he couldn't return to the Seventh Tier like they could. But Caesar only snapped at them, saying that if they weren't going to be on his side of destroying their Dimension, then they were betraying him and they weren't worth his time. But even still, Vigenere and Atbash tried to talk to him and offer support, and he still pushed them away, believing he was above them all in the entire situation. He believed that destroying their home was the only way to erase what the Shaman and King had done.

"Always thinking about the 'me, me, me'!"

That's all Caesar cared about was himself, Vigenere would soon learn. No matter how hard he tried, nothing would change Caesar's mind, and that seemed to be all his brother cared about: himself and his beliefs. It had always been that way, Vigenere realized. Ever since they were kittens, Caesar had always wanted things to be about himself and if things weren't going his way, then he got extremely upset. Destroying their Home Dimension was the worst of Caesar's outbreaks and it hurt Vigenere to hear that his brother didn't even seem to care that he killed their parents. Caesar almost acted proud of this fact, despite watching them burn alive. Caesar seemed happy that he left his parents and home to rot and that his plan succeeded. He didn't even care that Atbash had been wounded in the very flames he caused! He approached them one last time before he left for Earth, asking them to join him one last time, before Vigenere declined and Caesar immediately left, telling them that they would regret not joining him.

"Self-destruct, spiral down, until your want becomes your need."

Vigenere knew what Caesar was eventually going to cause himself to do. He knew Caesar had feelings and emotion and even if he didn't want to admit them himself, Vigenere knew that Caesar regretted what he did. Or at least he knew for a fact that deep down he did, in his subconscious. And him not coming to terms with this fact would cause his subconscious to fight against his mind, slowly causing his body to rot from the inside out and become Corrupted. Corruption was a painful process for dream demons, and they often died from it. If their bodies did ever become Corrupt, they constantly bled from their eyes, and loosing so much blood in such a short amount of time would eventually cause their body to just... wither away. If Caesar didn't come to terms with how he truly felt, then his body would go Corrupt on him. It was fact.

Caesar always believed that the things he wanted were the things he needed. He wanted attention, he wanted fame and power, but he didn't need those things to be happy. Males in the Seventh Tier were treated 'normally' for the most part and got a helluva lot more rights than the females, so if anybody was unhappy with their life, it would have had to been Atbash, not Caesar. But even Atbash found the positives in life, and always believed she'd be sold off to somebody she truly loved, even if her brothers didn't believe that. Vigenere never regretted joining the King's Guard, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss them, but he knew that he didn't need to be in the King's Guard to be happy. Hell, he didn't have to be King or be with Athena to be happy, although those were things he wanted very much.

"I can't bear to hear the sound of your body, body hitting the ground!"

Even if Vigenere absolutely despised and hated Caesar for what he had done, he knew deep inside he really couldn't stand to see his brother hurt. At least he could admit that out loud if somebody asked him, unlike Caesar. But even so, Vigenere knew he couldn't stand to see his brother in pain and would probably help Caesar if he became Corrupted, even if he knew there was no going back at that point. Vigenere would probably be at his brother's side if it ever came to that point and try to ease his brother's pain as much as he could. Even if Caesar was the one who caused the most pain in his life and didn't seem to regret it. Vigenere just couldn't let himself stand by and watch his brother become Corrupt without helping him. It would hurt too much to even see him like that.

//Song lyrics are from "Jenny" by Nothing More; some/most lyrics were skipped as they had no relevance to this oneshot

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-27-2018

FULL NAME Bruce Walker
NICKNAMES Brucey/Brucie
CLAN/GROUP[b] Zealandia
—ranking Berserker [HP]
—former ranks Himthiki (OOCly promoted to Berserker)
9 years
—mental age 9 years
—aging ratio 1 year every May 15
—zodiac taurus
—pronouns he/him
believes in greek gods/greek mythology
can breathe underwater
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] mythical creature (need to buy item before roleplaying)
—breed underwater panther
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a large underwater panther with brown eyes; his left eye is blind. two grey horns sprout from his head, and he has gills on his neck that allow him to breathe underwater. he also has spikes going from his neck to his fish-like tail. he has a long scar on the left side of his face, beginning at his forehead, going over his left eye, and ends at his neck.
—smells like the ocean
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] bruce is very confident in himself and holds himself to high standards; he usually keeps his chest puffed out and his head held high.
—posture good
ENTJ ("The Commander") - Chaotic Good - Ravenclaw
adaptable - admirable - benevolent - confident
determined - proud - stern - tough
compulsive - steely - tense - willful
ORIENTATION[b] pansexual and panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family pisces walker (adoptive son)
—enemies n/a
won't start fights - will fight back - will try to end fights - won't kill without reason
—platonic relationships easy to get along with, he's very understanding
—romantic relationships has trouble getting into romance, but will be very loyal and caring towards his partner
—rivalries hard to become an enemy, although those that are, he will treat them harshly
—physical difficulty medium
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD BROWN

Joining Thread - August 6, 2018
Tags - Updated August 8, 2018
Listed as a Berserker in the Guide - August 7, 2018
Character Study - Updated August 13, 2018

TV Tropes:
Australian Accent, Awesome Aussie, The Leader, Hot-blooded, Determinator, Hair-Trigger Temper, Honor Before Reason, Overprotective Dad, Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?, Absurd Phobia, Primal Fear, The Alcoholic, Good is Not Soft, The Fettered, Old Soldier, Rugged Scar, A Father to His Men, Machiavelli Was Wrong, The Strategist, Street Smart, Before I Change My Mind, Code of Honour, Cruel Mercy, Everyone Has Standards, The Men First, Pay Evil unto Evil, Prove I Am Not Bluffing, Chaotic Good, Not Afraid to Die, Drowning My Sorrows

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-27-2018

FULL NAME Pisces Walker
—ranking TBA
2 years
—mental age 2 years
—aging ratio 1 year every March 6
—zodiac: pisces
—pronouns he/him
is a shapeshifter (need to get item before roleplaying)
can breathe underwater
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] mythical creature (need to buy item before roleplaying)
—breed underwater panther
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a small underwater panther with blue eyes. he wears a necklace with the pisces symbol on it
—smells like the ocean
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] pisces is a very quiet person, so his body language will usually reveal how shy he is; his tail is kept close to his body and wraps around his paws (even when standing up) whenever he's nervous
—posture normal
INFP ("The Mediator") - Neutral Good - Ravenclaw
aspiring - compassionate - intuitive - gentle
artful - dreamy - emotional - mystical
aimless - fearful - childish clumsy
ORIENTATION[b] homosexual and homoromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family bruce walker (adoptive father)
—enemies n/a
won't start fights - may fight back - may try to end fights - won't kill
—platonic relationships easy to get along with, he's very understanding and trusting
—romantic relationships is almost "in love with love", he falls very easily
—rivalries hard to become an enemy, although those that are, he is wary of
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD BLUE

- N/A
Tags - N/A
[url=http://]Character Study - N/A

TV Tropes: