Beasts of Beyond
WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED ☆ markers - Printable Version

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Re: WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED ☆ markers - fulzanin - 11-13-2019

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Feza did seem to be paying attention. As much as Feza could be considered to be attentive, of course. She was still shifting rapidly on her feet, ears flicking rapidly. "Mmm. Nah. Don't think I've met this, that Beck guy." The vibrant feline rolled her shoulders. Again, something that probably should have spiked some form of curiosity was ignored. Feza did that so much that it just happened without a need to dedicate a thought to it. The ability was so deeply ingrained that it did not conflict with her sporadic thoughts. Which was good, for she was paying attention to her fellow Guardsman's words. Her ears were raised and twitching, moving a little closer to stare. "So like, does the line thingy, does it point that way? Or is it just on the other side of the tree?" Feza felt as if she was asking good questions. She had her doubts that she would remember much after the lesson was complete. Her memory was terrible, and in addition to purposefully forgetting certain parts of her life, there was simply her standard bad memory. Her tail slowly flicked behind her, noticing the approach of Aurum's son. The vibrant feline offered a smile, maintaining her joyful appearance even when she was doing her best to seem focused on the task at hand.

An idea came to mind. This was a better idea, in her mind, and it hopefully wouldn't be considered annoying. She paced back a little, tilted her head down, and breathed hard. A sheet of ice, her scratching in a mimicking of the markings that the other had created. She needed a way to remember the markings - already she could feel some principles slipping. So she had a portable way to remember, even if the sheet of ice would probably melt before the marking session was fully over. "I'll, I'll help re-do them too. See, see I got the template right here. Gotta make sure that, that I don't, uh, don't put the wrong marker somewhere." The vibrant female tapped a paw against her.. honestly scratchy template. It was makeshift, but it did show the Feza form of dedication. She smiled again, hopeful that her aid would be accepted. Her fluffy tail fell still behind her, head turning to the side. "Wait, we have poisonous water here? Since when?" Only after her brief pause did the other's words fully register in her mind. She didn't fancy that idea, not at all. Feza stuck her tongue out, as if to visually show her huffy attitude towards poison.

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Re: WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED ☆ markers - wormwood. - 11-14-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
It seemed as though both Crowley and Feza were eager to help, and that was... pretty great to Aurum, honestly. Despite Crowley internally scolding himself for acting so helpful – particularly when it came to Aurum – Aurum felt a bright and almost proud grin coming to his face as he heard the demon, a pleased chuff leaving him before he spoke, "Ah, that'd be great, Crowley. Any help is really appreciated. Hopefully covering the territory with enough of us won't be a problem." As of late, Crowley had actually been pretty interested in hoping most of his fellow tanglers – something Aurum had definitely noticed and appreciated – but Aurum had also noticed that Crowley took a special interest in helping him in particular, whether it be with his garden or with this. It was sort of sweet, in a way that the angel decided not to look into any further, because he was pretty sure not only would it drive him crazy, but Crowley would somehow just be able to tell and spontaneously combust. Still, if Aurum had known that Crowley tried particularly harder at helping he and Tanglewood than the other had ever tried at helping Hell? Well, he would probably have even more questions floating around in his head to ask the other celestial being. For now though? His focus was on the task at hand, and Crowley wasn't the only one showing interest.

When Feza mentioned that she had never met Beck, Aurum got a doubtful look to his eyes, but was quickly distracted from that by Feza showing genuine interest in the lesson at hand, something that Aurum couldn't help but smile at. It was rare to see the snow leopard actually focus her attention on anything for more than a couple of minutes, especially when it was something that in no way involved partying, so this was almost revolutionary. Flicking his ear, the lion rumbled with a shake of his head, "There's no directional marker for that one, it's just on the other side of the tree. Arrows are mainly used for directions, so we don't wanna make things too confusing." As Aurum glanced down to review the markings that he had already carved into the ground, he didn't even notice Feza's idea, his fellow guardsman ambling over to a nearby sheet of ice to start writing. When he lifted his head again, his heart sank, assuming that Feza had lost interest and moved onto the next thing, but then he saw what she was doing, and his eye lit up. He chuckled at her creative use of the near winter freeze, saying as he pawed at one of the nearby trees, "That's a pretty good idea, Feza. How about you and Roy take one half of the territory, and Crowley and I will take the other half? That way the work is spit evenly between the four of us, and will hopefully go faster." Truthfully, he would've made the opposite pairs of himself and Roy in addition to Crowley and Feza, but he thought that perhaps Roy wanted some sense of independence, and maybe being with someone besides his father on a task would do that. As he turned to check with the others to see if that arrangement was alright, he heard Feza's last remark, and a soft chuckle left him, "Some of the areas of the territory... a lot of them, actually, are still pretty irradiated. This leads to certain areas having irradiated or poisoned water." It was a grim reality, but at the very least it was easy to tell when  the water was poisonous – there was dead wildlife all around it.
template by orion

Re: WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED ☆ markers - spacexual - 11-14-2019

Most days, Roy finds himself either with his father, or entirely alone. Existing with one, two other individuals is all he's known in his life. He told Bo, over and over, he would make lots of friends, but that idea...was much scarier now. He didn't have his brother with him. He didn't have as good of control over his flames. He didn't know much of anything about the world he is in now. There were no history lessons over a seemingly different reality than their own. No tests. And, there was certainly no teachings over family, or friends. He has his father now, and it still hurt, but it was good enough. It was more than that, really. He had somebody, and that was something to be grateful over. But, he could not rely solely on his father. That wouldn't be fair to the lion. He has already hurt him too much. But, it is so scary.

Working together only made sense, and was a conclusion he would have drawn himself, however his dad was hosting this lesson, and he definitely did not want to take over, in any way. His ears twitch as he hears his father say his name, paired with Feza's own. Immediately, his neutral expression frowns. Not intentionally, of course, he would not want to hurt anyone's feelings. But, as the boy's paws tap the ground and his eyes shift around anxiously, it is clear the decision made Roy nervous. Not necessarily because he has any ill thoughts towards the brightly colored leopard, but he is not so sure he's ready to go off alone with anybody but his dad. His head lowers farther and he brings his gaze towards the female slowly. "Okay," he can only murmur out in response to his dad's words. He would not protest. He is sure his dad wanted to do something other than be with him all the time, and he is supposed to be welcoming this new home. And so, the boy would offer a tiny, shaky smile towards Feza, saying no other words.

He was gonna make this awkward, wasn't he? He didn't know how to make small talk.

Re: WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED ☆ markers - fulzanin - 11-15-2019

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Feza didn't think that she would be able to fully describe the feeling of utter joy that swelled in her heart when she was told she had a good idea. Yes, it did show how used she was to rejection, the giddy noise that sounded from her and the delighted bounces, but the snow leopard truly did not care. Being praised was such a wonderful feeling. Her fluffy tail swung sharply behind her. She deepened the marks she had made on the ice, checking over the labels. Her spelling was horrific as ever - not to mention minimal as to not ruin the integrity of the ice - but the snow leopard certainly could comprehend her own writing. Her gaze was determined, as if this was the most important task that she had been graced the entire day. "It is a good idea." Feza echoed, as if just to confirm such a rare statement to herself. She had a good idea. She had an idea that had been approved of. She was being praised. The vibrant female could barely believe it. "Splitting up. I mean. Gotta cover more ground that way." Feza swiftly covered up her echo of her own praise, swiftly assigning it to the next idea to come along. It mimicked her sporadic and indecisive thoughts well.

Being told who her partner would be, Feza could only return the smile. Wasn't this Aurum's son? She wasn't certain. She hadn't been around for the announcement - if there had even been one (and it was debatable if Feza would even remember) - and therefore could barely grasp such from what she had heard around camp. Her paws itched, they itched to try and throw something festive into the mix of this lesson. It was a heavy desire, evident by how she shuffled on her paws as if it would help burn off the hyperactive energy that surged beneath her vibrant pelt. Nervousness was barely registered, and she flicked her tail off to the side. "I guess we'll, we'll take that way." She decided, beginning to take steps in the direction that she had suggested. Her wings had unfurled from her sides - how badly she wanted to just take off and do this her own festive way. But, alas, that probably would ruin the point. Feza could barely force herself still while she awaited for confirmation that her selected direction was alright, a paw hovering in the air mid-step.

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