Beasts of Beyond
FOR THE DEBT I OWE - joining - Printable Version

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Re: FOR THE DEBT I OWE - joining - ABATHUR . - 10-18-2019

He was being lowered to the ground, allowed to leave - or perhaps being asked to leave, averbally? It was probably the latter. Made sense, at least, he didn't imagine it pleasant to carry anyone, even a small thing like himself. The child rolled off, stepping off with a bit of a stumble - he was a bit woozy still, probably something to do with blood. He read about that, one time, in one of the books his parents took from him. Not something he liked remembering.

You are in the Pitt.


To him, someone who wasn't exactly in the know about the groups of the world, the name confused him. "But we aren't in a hole." He said, offhandedly, a question implicit in his statement. They hadn't descended at any time, had they? Did he black out sometime? He couldn't quite remember if he had or not. What a bother, what a bother - if they had, then he would look stupid in front of them, and that was just....

"Sorry, I didn't - sorry," he stammered out, somehow managing to avoid why he was apologizing in the first place. How did you convey "I'm sorry that I may have said something stupid in the case that I did, even though there's a chance that I didn't" in a less convoluted way? He oh so disliked speaking too much. Gave him more opportunity to make mistakes.

He distracted himself with the other questions the gat asked, and tried to focus less on his own mistakes and more on answering the questions. So,
so many questions. "Uh, yes, I remember that stuff. My name is Abathur, and... well, I walked. Through the desert."

Not many other ways to reach this hole-place anyways.
tags - "speech"

Re: FOR THE DEBT I OWE - joining - ARGUS - 10-18-2019

green eyes, without pupils or scarletta. The traitor found themselves already interested; now so they could empathize with the rest of them. There was a gleam within the dragon's gaze, a smile curling along the ridges of their maw just blank enough to be off putting. but conversation flowed, and Argus was paid little mind to- though the kitten seemed to watch them openly: and argus in turned watched them. Watched the nerves, the shyness : Their smile fell soon enough as Argus took to taking the leftover water skin after the kit was done with it. Making not to fill it later at the very least.

The discussions of where exactly they were brought argus themselves back into the present. Ten eyes watching the pair interact quine;t before stepping in - their words cutting through with a somber tone "[glow=#cc3232,2,300]walking through the desert is dangerous during the day, without supplies.[/glow]" Argus oouldn't count on their talons how many bodies they had stumbled upon trying to make the trek, when they came through the day to reap the bloodied bones to clean and carve for use. to them: all the bones were small tiny, and abathur was so small in comparison to them...

self consciously, they moved to collapse their wings. Digits along the wings curling to grip the fur along their neck. With their wings down their serpentine nature seemed all the more apparent, taking off the size and the mask, and the eyes...

"[glow=#cc3232,2,300]What you did was foolish[/glow]". the words were harsh, even in their maw ; but it needed to be said. There was a reason the pitt seemed like an oasis - because it was. No one really paid to mind the fact that survival was a struggle; with politics in the way it was so easy to get detracted by the simple things: Life, the desert - a typhooner that the dragon caught was a fucking miracle they made it - however foolish.

"[glow=#cc3232,2,300]Abathur...[/glow]" Argus' voice was always a growl, always on the cusp of a snarl because argus was never talkative, never liked to converse where dwellers could twist their words and their allegences. It was so easy to play this game of an intimidating being - speaking so little was just another part of it. But here, argus actually made the effort to make their voice softer. "[glow=#cc3232,2,300]i am glad you made it through.[/glow]"

Argus pays no mind to the similar name ; the memory of a monster ; apathetic to the world - like them. Names were names. Argus' own was the one they chose ; it was their own fate resigned to ; a title ; a calling card.

Re: FOR THE DEBT I OWE - joining - Kydobi - 10-18-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Kydobi had happily remained quiet, seeing that Argus had brought what was dearly needed. Initially what they said was very true.

However he would step in when he called the child foolish, "Lay off him. He's just a little kid, the fact he made it to the jungle is something to marvel. Let's not make him regret it. " nostrils flared as he looked at the dragon. Really, Kydobi was always one for teaching lessons but not when they weren't appropriate. Even if the dragon made up for it in the end, he knew the words that reprimanded would longer longer in the boys mind.

"Let's just focus on keeping him alive, acquainted, and comfortable.", he turned to look at the little kit, "He's very strong." he smiled at him.


Re: FOR THE DEBT I OWE - joining - ABATHUR . - 10-21-2019

As the drake lectured him, Abathur could feel himself reflexively withdrawing himself. He very well knew it was a stupid idea, but... what other choice did he have, really? "It was stupid, yeah, but... don't have anywhere else to go." He was very much more nervous than he was before, wanting to run away again, though he lacked the energy to do so. This was too much like many other lectures, and he tentatively waited for the yelling to start.

The yelling never came.

Not only did Argus offer a small, noticeably softer comment, expressing joy in his existence, but Kydobi, one of the caravan of people who were apparently worried about his living, if Argus's words were any indication, was actually saying that the multi-eyed being was too harsh. Too harsh? That was barely a reprimand, to him. Truly, he was used to much worse. Were his parents worse than he thought, or were these just some truly caring, nice people?

Little did he know it was a clan of murderers and slavers - not that he understood either concept very much.

After Kydobi finished his very nice... tirade? rant? His very nice speech to Argus, Abathur took a moment to consider what he was going to say next. Despite the warmth blooming in his chest from the charity of these folks, the anxiety of earlier still permeated his being, leaving him awfully wont to be very careful about what he said. If he didn't, perhaps he would say something wrong, and be kicked back out into the blazing sands.

The kit shook his head and said, slowly, "Thank you for the water," in as polite a voice he could manage, desperately trying to ignore the shudder in his own voice. "What do you mean by comfortable?" He asked, silently praying to a god he didn't believe in that the act of questioning wouldn't set someone off, wouldn't activate some tempestuous bomb that would result in something awful.
tags - "speech"