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pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - Printable Version

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Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

do i need to get out my truth stick, guts

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - guts - 05-03-2018

shifts eyes noo

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - tricky - 05-03-2018

hi mind if i barge in?

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

[Image: s-l300.jpg]
here's the stick of truth and im going to hand it to u guts mk

hey tricky! ur just in time to see me probably destroy guts

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - guts - 05-03-2018

;;w;; spare me my life pls

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

i will spare ur life when u tell the TRUTH BOI

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - Orion - 05-06-2018


Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - guts - 05-06-2018


i'm a murderer. i murder people
/hides behind orion

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - tricky - 05-06-2018

oh me too

Re: pls chat w/ me i need love // pallidi's chataroo - pallid-i - 05-07-2018

that wasnt so hard now was it guts

tricky pls we dont need more murderers. we're gonna lose members bc ny'all