Beasts of Beyond
chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Printable Version

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Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Kydobi - 09-23-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

It hurt his feelings, it really did, that Bai Shi did not appreciate his efforts. Not recognize that the jaguar was only being aggressive because he cared about them. Then their noses touched and Kydobi's ears would pin back. His heart felt heavy, quenched, and started to drop.

He looked at the tigress once she began to boss the dog around. Seeing the shock upon the coyote's face made it seem like this wasn't something that happened often. A snort of bitter pleasure escaped him. Then Goldie addressed him and Kydobi looked at her. His expression reverted to boredom, he did not care what she had to say.

All he was thinking of was Bai and that dog.

"I do not care about the history of the Pitt. Don't be mistaken Goldie, I never lied to myself about what the Pitt is and was once I learned of their ways. The only time I was delusional was to thing I could change it and make it better.", he took a step forward watching her wings splay, "I almost did. I hadn't lied when I said slavery was all but abolished... But you interfered and ruined it. Now I've seen more slaves and hear more screams hear than I ever did before."

He flicked his ear looking at Bai briefly, hurt touching his core when he saw their state, "The people you intended to help are only being hurt more. Leave it alone, only more will die. And when the Pitt is gone another brute will try to take over, will. Make a new group. You can strike him down every time a new one arises... But you will not live forever." Slight sorrow in his voice at the thought.Bad was a breeding parasite and people were its hosts. It would always find a way to continue on despite the efforts to vanquish it.

And now he worried that he was losing the only ounce of good to another. But he couldn't assume... right? Perhaps they were just friends. Bai had confessed many times over to Kydobi that they had feelings over multiple occasions.

"Look out for me. Few days most..."

Claws unsheathed and sank into the sand in the attempt to stop himself from launching at them.

Ears perked and his eyes opened as anger sparked. The beat of his heart hammered and blood roared in his ears. A rage the jaguar never knew, he had once prided himself on his slow temper. Rarely did he ever get angry and never had he been vengeful but for a reason, when he logical addressed it, he had no reason to want to hurt Idyll.

Amber eyes would follow them walk towards their leader, satisfying Kydobi in his "humiliating" exit. He narrowed his eyes, deciding patrols would be amped up shortly.

"You made too many excuses today Bai. I've come to the conclusion that since no other group will take me because of where I am now, that I must defend what I do have. The next time I see that coyote, he will never want to return.", he hid the feeling of betrayal behind a mask of duty. Not his best facade, but if one paid attention solely to his words and not his quivering lip or tense shoulders, they would be convinced. His back had turned to face Bai, "Everyone's just as mad as Jervis. They all have slaves of their own they just don't call them such. The way she ordered her dog and the way the dog came to obey in fear of her. Tell me that did not mirror the very thing she is trying to destroy?"

He turned his body all the way around "They were too close to home for comfort. Neutral land it may be but perhaps they stumbled upon you because they were here for more sinister reasons."

As much as he wanted to walk away and sleep this away he would not. Instead he would walk over to the dragon and gently nudge them, searching for that physical comfort. Searching for it because it would somehow provide solace in showing that their was still that feeling.

"C'mon Lynn.. I'll take you home.", he said softly. Eyes stinging a little, an emotion he was far from a stranger to but a master at suppressing. He knew that after this he would avoid Bai for some time.

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - teef - 09-24-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


they listened to all that was said, focusing on the scents around them, blind eyes closed and breathing out. "perhaps those who are under you, should be wary of your claws, golden woman. even the grandest of gods and leaders turn on their own.", they murmur, ear twitching in their mane, scaled body resting against the ground in some sort of relaxed fashion.

they hated the words, an order from a woman who rarely gave orders. shaking their head, they opened their gaze, feeling idyll move in accordance to goldie and kydobi's respective words. they could feel the biting frustration rising and burning the nooks and crannies of their mouth, filled with a hateful explosion that they struggled to keep behind their cruel fangs. they were not going to poison idyll, not against their group and family. they had no reason to ruin their life.

they struggled with their sudden explosion of words, listening to the buzz of heated conversation, focusing on the smell of the hard baked desert sand mingling with the crisp sharp scent of the jungle, distracted by the underlying scent of a freshly brewed tea, mixed with a light floral perfume combined with pine needles and rain. their head moved, locking onto idyll's location, brought the brisk scent of them and everything that they stood for. their blinded gaze searched for that glimpse of the shadow of their dearly departed lingering so close to idyll, almost upon the other, mirroring the movements and it was too much for them to take. were they supposed to move on? to love another?

breathing in the scent of roses that followed idyll, they let their own brisk breath out, feeling crushed deep inside of their heart and mind. exhaling, they got to their feet, stretching their body in an arch, yawning as they watched idyll off, their words ringing in their mind. this time, with the threats that kydobi made, their decision was made. they would be the one to visit idyll, for their own sake and for the safety of the sage, their personal safety be damned when it came to visiting them.

turning their attention back to kydobi, they snorted, "a slave is a slave, kydobi. if idyll was her slave, than you and I are no better, kydobi, as we would be slaves of jervis himself." they rumbled, gaze tired and drained of all will to stay awake. "and perhaps I was so close to this border because I had sinister thoughts. stop getting too wrapped up in your own mind, kydobi or you will fear your own shadow soon. my excuses are only the truths, my friend, which you hesitate to see today. where have the days gone where you used to trust my word more than accuse it?" they sighed.

they could sense the underlying meaning to his words in that he was defending what was his, "if you are so keen upon defending what is yours as you call it, act upon it no matter what shakes you to your core because it will not always be available when you find yourself ready to take it. I might be a pittian, but I am myself before I belong to this group and though they scent the pitt on my skin, they do not see the scars and stories on my body beyond what the scent tells. the enemy is not always one who is different, it may be as close as your pet, but leave the worrying to one more suited to worry their life away. kydobi, I am more more than capable of taking myself back to the territory. but I will let you guide me this time."

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Kydobi - 09-27-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Kydobi listened, heart sinking deeper and deeper in his chest.

"We are all slaves to something, or someone. Only few are so wise as to recognize it. ", he looked at them talk his face losing its animation as he began to shove emotions in the closet and lock it tight, "So be it."

He would guide them in silence. Not wanting to hear anymore heavy words and warnings. He was done with today.
