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This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Printable Version

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Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - cry - 05-02-2018

  Cry rumbled under her breath. She hummed, shutting her eyes. Leave when you can. Boy she wished it was that easy. The raven opened her eyes, scanning the magpie over. The poor kid. She had no idea that there was no salvation here. If your looking for somewhere safe to rest your feet, you've come to the wrong place. She gestured to her injured wing. I've been stuck here a month. There's nothing but cats, dogs and everything in between. I can't count how many time someone tried to make me their next snack. She sighed, her eyes falling shut.

Jewelia. ... Jewelia, Jewelia. Poor thing

  Cry cawed quietly under her breath, tilting her head to stretch her aching neck. She stared back at the magpie. If you want to live here, you'll need to know how to hide. I can show you places later, if you insist. In a perfect world, they would be accepted just like any other animal would. But. None the less, before cry started talking, she was just another moresal to feed the village's people. It was sickening.


Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - pallid-i - 05-02-2018

He giggled softly and wasn't willing to let go of the magpie just yet. She needed the warmth. Though, he did end up shooting Cry a sour look. "You're making it sound like this place is horrible. Stop it with your lies, birdy." He said, lashing his tail back and forth. "I will keep Jewlie alive! She will be by my side forever." With that being said, he attempted to nuzzle the magpie with a purr.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - cry - 05-02-2018

  That's becasue you have it easy. Cry growled, hissing at the kit. What an ungrateful brat?! She only wondered how he would react to know his birth parents abandoned him in the snow to die. Jacob should have left the runt to freeze to death. She normally had a soft spot for kids but this one always managed to find away onto her nerves. Also talk about possessive. That wasn't creepy at all!


Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-03-2018

(Sorry for the late reply!)

Most of the creatures that lived in the clans were indeed predators. That factor had never seemed to change, and the majority of them were part of the felidae family. Killua had figured out some of the reasons why felines were so common when it came to the likes of the clans, and that was because felines had the best rate of catching prey. Canines were more than likely to fail during a hunt compared to the stealth that a feline could possess, and sometimes that was just enough for someone to choose to have their body to be that species instead of any other. Killua himself had no need to want to try and figure out how to change out of the body that he was currently in because it would just create more complications than to actually help him. If he were to change bodies, the blood work that had been done with him for over the course of several months wouldn't be in the other body. Which meant that he would have to start from square one and have to start his poison training all over again. Annoying yes, but if he wanted a bigger body that was exactly what was going to have to happen in the future. Killua also knew that his metal claws wouldn't transfer because it wasn't some sort of strange mutation that was present in other bodies. He had to have them physically implanted his body, not an easy task to do because his body had to fuse to the metal which usually meant taking a piece of his flesh and putting onto the edge of the claws so that the claws would end up attaching to the claw in the end. The assassin had to be careful if he ever changed body in the future, as he knew that shape-shifting ran in the family as a power, which meant that he could inherit it. Having inherited his mother's conjuration and his fathers air elementals, which both powers he had been born with. If his family knew that he was going to switch bodies, it meant that they would be able to take advantage over him and could just as easily poison and torture him for as long as they wanted. He also wouldn't have the same pain threshold that he has now, which meant tortures would be like back for when he was just a kitten and when he would scream in pain. He couldn't go through that again, so trying to get another body never really appealed to another assassin as there were too many complications to get around.

Either way, the number of predators probably wouldn't change in the groups, as domestic cats had the best hunting ratio compared to dogs, and they worked better in the snowy environment too. He knew that there were two different species of canine that lived in the Typhoon, but he wasn't sure if the majority of the group actually were canines. Not like he was willing to go and try and pay them a visit to find out. He wanted to stay as far away from them as possible. Killua wasn't the most intimidating when it came to being in a clan. When it came to size, that would probably either be Stark or Silent. Maybe even Hisoka if other's could sense the murderous intent that he always seemed to have around him. Killua also wasn't the largest either, but that didn't seem to matter all that much to those that met him for the first time. His metal claws giving off a vibe that told other's to not mess with him. His eyes tracked the movements of the magpie as she moved away from him, obviously in fear of him eating her. Killua made no gesture to say that he wasn't going to threaten to eat her, but also didn't make any moves to show that he was a threat either. Instead, he remained stoic with the expression on his face. His pupils would narrow though at the mention of Harrison's parents. "Oh yeah? Were you getting any ideas then?" Killua stated calmly and almost as a jab toward the bird. Even a bird her size could decide to kill Harrison for a small meal even if he didn't have that much meat on his bones. If the other was thinking about eating him though, he would make sure to watch out for her in the future. The albino serval would flick one of his nicked ears as the other began to speak, asking questions before answering them herself. "Yeah, this is Snowbound, its what the territory is called. We own this land, and yeah, the white stuff is snow if you've never seen it before." Killua said with a shrug of his shoulders. He hated repeating information to joiners but sometimes he didn't get a choice as other's didn't know what clans were anyway. The serval would sit himself down though at the other began to speak about how she didn't give her name to predators, and Killua couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "Oh? Does it look like I'm trying to eat you?" Killua questioned the avian as he raised a nonexistent eyebrow toward her. He had made no movements, and if he had wanted anything to eat he would just conjure up his own food. Not that he would tell her that. Intimidation was a good tool to use if trouble started. Jewelia. An interesting name. One that obviously didn't belong to the likes of a clan. And then she immediately asked for his name in return. He debated for a couple of seconds before he decided that there probably wasn't any harm, and if anything it would make the magpie trust him less. "Name's Killua." The Snowstriker would introduce himself without using much emotion in his tone when he spoke.

A hint of a Japanese accent rang out when he did speak his name. Killua simply sat back while August spoke to the other, probably relating to one another as being lower on the food chain. So was Killua, but he had his powers and his experience to help fight away the primal fear of being around larger creatures that could kill him with one kick. Then the raven ended up joining the fray. The one that didn't seem to like him, and didn't like anyone else in the group. He wondered why, but he was too tired to even bother asking her questions and he would let the female speak anyway she wanted. He wasn't going to control her. He wasn't a babysitter. His attention turned back toward Harrison though as he apologized, and a sigh escaped his jaws, raising one of his paws and aiming to ruffle the top of the kittens head, careful with his claws to make sure that they didn't touch the kid. "Just be careful alright? We can't all be everywhere at once if trouble hits." The assassin warns the other again but is quick to drop it all together as he drops his paw back down onto the snow. His attention turned back toward the Magpie that was being hugged by Harrison now. And it was obvious that he was going to keep track of the birds movements to make sure that he other wouldn't try to injure the kitten while he was around. "If you want you can stay here. We live in caves and we can give you supplies if you stay warm. You basically can come and go as you please." Killua would say with another shrug. Again, it was none of his business what other's did. However, his eyes snapped toward Cry when the avian reacted angrily toward Harrison. The fur on the back of his neck bristling as his metal claws unsheathed themselves into the ground. A low hiss escaped his jaws as he spoke again. "Exactly. Kits are supposed to have it easy. Don't snap at him again, if you're in such a shitty move then make yourself scarce." Killua growled toward Cry, before calming himself down. A sigh escaped his jaws before he addressed what Harrison said about Jewelia. "Harrison, she isn't some kind of object to be kept. She can do whatever she wants so she won't be at your side forever unless she wants to okay?" Killua had lowered his tone to almost sound soothing. What the hell was going on? Killua rarely ever talked nicely to others. Maybe it was because Harrison was so young. That probably had to be it.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - cry - 05-04-2018

  Cry mentally laughed. So the kids were off topic, she supposed. It wasnt her fault the kid was as thick as a rock. Nothing came from babying. If a kid was to learn, they needed to be exposed to the harsh truth. Thats how she was raised; allowed to make mistakes and feel the burn before being nurtured back to help by mother. He always took such gentle care of her and her brother. She missed his gentle eyes and warm embrase.

The fact Killua was snapping at her made her laugh. Hipocracy much? She was technically still a young child in her species. Yell at a child? Don't make her laugh. She spoke out before she could stop herself. White knight! How disgusting. What has the kid done to deserve this throne. Be cute? Cute is a useless, gross reactuion of sympathetic weakness that lead to a burn of resources and energy.



Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Blazic - 05-05-2018