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U̶̵̴┊THE SERPENT BEARER - Printable Version

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Re: U̶̵̴┊SPIRIT - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

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Re: U̶̵̴┊MEMORIES - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

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Re: U̶̵̴┊INVENTORY - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

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Re: U̶̵̴┊QUOTES - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

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Re: U̶̵̴┊LINKS - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

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Re: U̶̵̴┊WRITING PT. I - OPHIUCHOS - 08-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]It was rather strange that the scars a Star would bear could be transferred over to their guise from their true form, as if their celestial soul is ever marked with cruel reminders of who they were, what they had become: A Fallen Star.

Sickness would dwell in Ophiuchos whenever they would see, or even simply think about, their interlayer covered in hundreds of holes and bumps and lines, each presenting a story of their pain, their sin. How long had they suffered? How many did they killed?

Too long. Too many.

Ophiuchos never wanted to see them—be with them. Some wore at least few scars in pride for their survival, some wore them to say damn the life itself. The rest just didn’t want them on sight, and they, like Ophiuchos, were certainly reassured that was okay as well.

Nightmares had yet plagued Ophiuchos’ mind, even after stopping the upcoming apocalypse. Though, they were not as many as beforehand, their terrible memories continued to torment them, making sure they would know they were always a monst—

“Ophiuhos,” came a call, layered with two voices together in a cautious coating of concern. It floated in Ophiuchos’ head, brushing softly against the walls, and they thought they were still dreaming. “Are you alright?”

Ophiuchos slowly turned their head over to the source. Their gaze found Didimoi standing by the door of their room, his arm against the corner as he awkwardly played with his fidget cube. “Yesss,” they replied, “I am alright.”

Though, when in deep thought or emotion, a harsh hiss became apparent in their voice; this was one of the times their body would say they were not alright at all.

Didimoi frowned, and Ophiucho figured he would leave them alone, but damned to all when he only walked closer and stood beside them at the balcony. “You appear to be distressed,” he stated plainly. He paused for a brief moment. “Or, should I say sound.”

Anyone knew even with Ophiuchos’ dark lensed glasses, by the wrinkles of their face and the movements of their eyebrows and lips, their emotions could still be detected solely from their expression. Because knowing exactly what Didimoi meant there, Ophiuchos only stared, and he knew he was about to get fucked over if he continued to press their skin at the wrong area.

Didimoi ducked his head in an apologetic manner and chuckled awkwardly. “Um, legit, though, what’s bothering you?” he asked again, his head tilted. “Was it a nightmare again?”

Ophiuchos glanced away. They may as well speak the truth, seeing Didimoi won’t leave them alone, despite how easy they could take him down. “It wass ssso,” was all they said. What else could they say about it?

Didimoi pursed his lips, thinking, and gestured his head to their bed. “Oh, you can’t give up now! You deserve to have some rest and Stars know what will happen to you if you don’t get enough of them for the morn—“

“If it meanssss the nightmaress will s-s-stop, then I don’t care what happenssss to me!” snapped Ophiuchos. They trembled with their eyes burnt from the rising tears. Their hands clenched at their sides, bearing the desires to shove Didimoi away and let them be alone, screaming until their flames engulfed them whole.

Though, nothing came into reality from them. There was just sadness. It was silent, and it was frightening.

Didimoi shoved his fidget cube into his pocket and sighed. Either at himself or Ophiuchos, genuinely, he sounded sorry. “Please. It will help you a lot if you continue to sleep, and I’m not asking you to do that for me or anyone else, but you.” His hand carefully reached out to Ophiuchos’ and giving them a look as to ask permission, Ophiuchos only nodded, and Didimoi locked their fingers together, Ophiuchos’ veins now filled with his emotions.


Ophiuchos stared at their hands and removed the tears with their other. The love and care from Didimoi soaked their flesh and bones, cleaning them from terrors their nightmares had left behind. They let themself fall into Didimoi’s care. “Okay,” they said. “I will sleep again.”

Didimoi gently pulled Ophiuchos back into their room and closed the door behind it. “And this time, I will protect you from your nightmares.” He glanced back at Ophiuchos and grinned widely. “They won’t even know what will come to them.”

Ophiuchos scoffed, but didn’t say anything and let Didimoi put them back to their bed with their glasses on the drawer. Didimoi laid beside them, their skin brushed against each other and brought little sparks between them. Ophiuchos sink into the feeling and sighed out of relief. “Thank you,” they whispered, facing toward Didimoi’s face. They caught a glimpse of adoration in their eyes, and they blushed. They nearly looked away, though, Didimoi kept their gaze locked onto him, his kindness, his everything for them.

“It hurts so much, but you will find your true rest,” reassured Didimoi.

“I think I already know how to find it.”

“Already?” He tilted his head. “How?”

Ophiuchos kissed his lips. Soft. Sweet. Trust.

“Through being with you.”