Beasts of Beyond
WHISPERS OF OCTOBER — joining - Printable Version

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Re: WHISPERS OF OCTOBER — joining - AMUNET - 08-20-2019

the promise of a fight is enough to catch the savage's attention , anger, tension - wraith ultimately . Ament does not know why this clan is so tumultuous , more so than his old one of salt and sand . Tanglewood is , more primal ( something inside him eases at the behavior , he is unsure he could handle soft anymore ) .  it makes breathing through the rot and tinge of bog all the more easier ; with the promise of blood hidden behind every encounter .

the black faced raptor looks between the gaps of the woven roots , deep blue eyes watching vathmos leave and most of the tension seem to disipate with their departure ; ament has half a mind to follow suit - but there is something new - and ament's biggest folly has always been his curiosity.

still , he is weary now . he knows better than to charge in , but aurum is there , if by the grumble of the lion's voice is enough to bring the beast closer , slipping between the roots of one of the many tree's he has hidden against and closer towards this new one - this thing that his clan welcomes . It would only do to at lease recognize the other , determine - if they are allies - prey , or predator ?

there are few that could be considered predators to the vernandi, fewer to Ament himself - under the Lygari he had taken many down by his own merit - with someone else's mind carved into him , even now ; even a hollow beast ; Ament will always be lethal

Between Vathamos' stark laugh , the raptor comes to stand where they once stood - farther away from the group . watchful - weary , but interested, if the slight curve of feathers atop his head were meant for anything , but the quick - rapid - fire flicker of pupils towards the rest gathered there - the small fox ; aurum ; and the strange one - the new one . the raptor bobs his head down to a lower level - to peer at the wild dog that was shoved deep into the mog . A noise escapes him ; a soft chuff as he properly scents mayari feathered tail bobs behind him apprehensively ; waiting for the fight or flight reaction that always seems to be instilled wherever his presence lie .

Re: WHISPERS OF OCTOBER — joining - MAYARI M. - 08-21-2019

Mayari's attention is quickly diverted away from the haughty spotted hyena, roaming eye-level before flickering downwards to find the voice's source. She doesn't think she's seen anything like Suvi before, but the painted dog startles at the mismatched eyes staring back at her, somewhat like her own. She becomes aware of the partial blindness in her right eye again, foggy and blurred—white, unlike the golden iris on the left side of her face. She lowers her head to look at the arctic fox a little better and offers the tiniest of smiles.

"Salamat, Kiira. I like your name as well," she responds, pausing briefly to weigh her options before adding, in a quieter tone, "A medic? Do you think there might be something that can be done to remedy my eye?" She whips her long tail around at that, pointing the blunt tip to the wounded eye. The wound has only begun to close but it continues to twinge with pain, a physical reminder of betrayal so close to home. She doesn't think she'd want to keep even a scar, but a part of her is convinced that it wlll leave a lasting mark no matter how hard she tries to get rid of it.

It aches again. Sometimes, she thinks the wound is alive.

The smile on her face takes on a lonelier shade as she straightens her head to address Wormwood, but before she can even part her lips, she feels herself being shifted back and down, her muzzle pressing deep into the wet and soggy earth. Her entire body begins to struggle immediately, flexing familiar muscles as an angry snarl burst from the back of her throat. She pushes with all her strength until the weight of the spotted hyena leaves her, but by the time she's able to pull herself out of the muck, Vathmos has disappeared into the undergrowth, leaving a fuming wild dog in her wake.

"Don't you dare run away from me, puta!" Mayari is ready to come after her, to attack, but before she can even move two steps from the indent she had left behind, the painted dog comes to a screeching halt in front of the raptor, eyes widening in surprise.

The utahraptor is definitely something Mayari hasn't seen before, and her gaze flits from his feathered head to his thick tail in curiosity. There's power underneath its facade; agility, too, if she's seeing its hindlegs right. She lowers her head and cocks it to the side to get a better angle, before straightening again to look at the creature's face. Her gaze deviates only for a second, flashing Wormwood and Kiira a questioning look, but it gravitates back to the utahraptor automatically, eager to learn more about the strange being. She thinks it's rather pretty, for a beast that could likely snap her neck in half.

"Hello," Mayari offers to Ament tentatively, waving the tip of her odd tail in greeting. She doesn't know whether the creature can talk or not, but she figures she might as well make a better impression for herself after the stunning failure she's achieved so far (not that she can blame anyone but herself for that incident... and Vathmos, too—yes, definitely blame Vathmos too). "I'm Mayari."

Re: WHISPERS OF OCTOBER — joining - wormwood. - 08-21-2019

Worm really really wished that he could've done something to stop the actions that were already set into motion when Vathmos started speaking. He instantly tended up as the hyena started to let out little sparks of electricity, and he was about to scold her when suddenly she moved forward and shoved Mayari over. He winced and let out an irritated sigh as she went stalking off, and he watched as Mayari quickly got up to her feet, spitting and shouting in anger. He couldn't really blame her after what Vathmos had done, but he was also trying not to encourage all the aggression and bitterness. He rumbled softly to Mayari as he shook his head, his tail twitching in disappointment at his friend's immature behavior towards a newcomer, [glow=#165042,1,400]"I am... sorry, for Vathmos. She tends to work on base instinct first and foremost, and she doesn't really understand the point of being polite to new people that arrive. I promise I'll have a talk with her at some point about not just... shoving others over and then leaving."[/glow] He doubted that it would work well, considering she didn't like listening to him very much, but he could try at the very least. Unfortunately, in his head he imagined it would go very similarly to their very quick conversation after Vathmos had attacked him in her blood rage state – quick and mostly one sided.

He was about to explain to Mayari that they could hopefully help her out with her eye without much difficulty, thanks to their very accomplished and hard working medical team, but he was interrupted by the arrival of Ament. Looking up at the utahraptor, he smiled crookedly at the other tangler and gave him a small nod and a gently touch of his tail to the raptor's shoulder in greeting. Wormwood had an interesting friendship with the mostly feral beast, known mostly as Aurum to the other male, although he wasn't really aware of it, given how Ament didn't speak in more than just the odd screech or chitter. Knowing full well of this, he turned to Mayari and said with a soft warm rumble, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Ah, uhm, he won't respond to you. At least, not in any full words or sentences, mostly just in little screeches. His name is Ament, though. He's another member of the group, just doesn't really talk."[/glow] He would've just said that the raptor was feral, but he knew that certain members of the group could have issues with the more feral members, and while he hoped Mayari wasn't one of them, he wanted to be cautious, in order to protect Ament.