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riddikulus — p - Printable Version

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Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-15-2018

Nick glanced at her, sheepish in his silent response as he rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand. That was an understatement, but he wasn't about to correct her. He embarrassed himself enough already that day. Quickly, his gaze swiveled back to the grand doors as they opened. "H-hey, I-" he started as his hand was grabbed and he was pulled along by Temnota. He quickly fell silent, the hall hushing when the first years entered. He kept up the pace, careful not fall over himself or trip up Temnota. Nick looked about the place with wide eyes, barely spotting his smiling, silver-haired sister before he decided to glue his gaze to the ground after nearly tripping. His face felt hot and he was sure someone had snickered at the poor first year.

As the first years were instructed to stop before the small platform, his wide eyes darted up at the deputy headmistress, who explained they were to step forward when called to be sorted into their house. Nicholas glanced to his right toward Temnota, then down at their hands before he pulled away and wiped his hand on his robe. He unfortunately often had rather sweaty hands. There were a few cheers around them as the first few students were called up and sorted. Finally, "Nicholas Rhodes!" Attempting to steel his nerves, he smiled and very carefully stepped up to sit on the stool. The hat was placed on his head and all the eyes on him made him want to squirm on the stool, but he held stool as the hat muttered nonsensical musings into his head. Moments later, "GRYFFINDOR!" Feeling as if a weight had been lifted with the hat, he breathed a long sigh of relief as he beamed at his sister, who was doing her best to cheer the loudest among their housemates. Hopping off the stool, he hurried to the Gryffindor table.

"Temnota Romanov!"


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-15-2018

The girl had chuckled, at Nicholas’ apparent lack of courage. They had made it to their seat quickly, though the black-haired girl wanted to punch or kick the person who she thought sneered at Nicholas. She turned, eyes blazing with fury but she couldn’t find who it was. So she let out a huff, a mix of the two Gaelic’s falling off of her tongue.

She leaned back as best as she could, listening to the announcement. Alphabetical names, by last name. Ah. She would be one of the last ones. That was fine with her. She’d have to deal with her brother less, and wouldn’t be called first. She shut her silver eyes, waiting. However, as Nicholas was being called, and the two were fast friends, she wanted to listen to his house. Genuinely. So she sat up, a grin on her face, and watched the nervous boy become sorted. It appeared he was ready to die, it looked as if he wanted to move and just get it over with. She couldn’t blame him, everyone was watching him. As the call for Gryffindor was announced, Temnota looked at Nicholas proudly, a warm smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. She clapped, whispering in Russian to herself.

And soon it came. Her turn. She had hoped she wouldn’t be placed in Hufflepuff. Temnota did not have time for her brother’s antics. She slowly walked up, her gaze lowered, somewhat unconfident, a bit scared as she forced herself onto the stool and the Sorting Hat was placed upon her.

A gold gaze locked upon her. He had disdainful eyes, a frown etched into his maw. He had hoped this little otrod’ye would not have gotten into Hufflepuff. He held loyalty to the house. It would be a shame if such a mistake was allowed entrance into his house.

Up on the stool, Temnota and the Sorting Hat were having an argument. The Hat had wanted to place her in Hufflepuff. She was kind, generous, patient, loyal, and fair. Traits that a Hufflepuff were known for having. But the girl would rather go and drown in the Black Lake than rather be in that house! C’mon Sorting Hat. As long as I’m not in Hufflepuff, I’ll play the piano for the entirety of time I’m at Hogwarts and I’ll help you compose your songs! The Sorting Hat eventually gave in, even making an audible sigh as it searched for a house for her traits. She was smart and clever. She also knew how to make comebacks. And she had a mind like no other... Six minutes passed. She was a Hatstall. And then... It let out a loud call, “RAVENCLAW!” And suddenly, she felt the same as her shy friend. A huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders  and her head. A small smile appeared on her face, as she walked over to the table with her fellow Ravenclaws.

Suddenly, angry, upset, bitter— those were the words to describe the Russian she was hearing from the Hufflepuff table. She whirred, turning with wide silver eyes. Her gaze appeared hurt as she took in the words. “Вау. Посмотри на себя. Ты не попал в этот дом. Я так рада, ты грязный Келт. Нам, конечно, не нужно, чтобы вы разрушали величие Хаффлпаффа.” After that, a cruel laugh escaped Lukyan’s lips, his golden eyes shimmering as he moved across his table, gently placing his hand on the table cloth. Upon seeing Temnota’s hurt expression, he became even worse. “You do not understand what I just said, do you? And you dare call yourself a Romanov? A true Romanov would know Russian! Here, let me put it this way so you’re simple mind can understand it, otrod’ye. I am so glad you are not in this house. Hufflepuff. Why? Because. You aren’t worthy of being in it. You’re just some stupid bastard child Father had on an affair,  you shouldn’t even be here. It’s a surprise that the magic gene got passed down to a filthy half breed like you. His tone was menacing as he let out another cruel laugh.

That’s when a young boy, though likely a third or fourth year, kicked him. ”Oi, bampot!” He called, his thick Scottish accent sticking out. The young lad had a scar on his left eye, though his blue eyes were narrowed in fury. His black hair swept to his side and he huffed, swinging and punching Lukyan. “Is that really the first impression you’re gonna put on our house?” The boy roared. Lukyan collapsed, knocked out and with a bloodied nose. He turned to Temnota. “I am sorry, Miss. That is not how Hufflepuffs act. Please, I’d like to show you what a true Hufflepuff is like. If you need help, just call “MacTavish” in the hallways and I will be of assistance.” With that, there were many cheers and claps for the lad knocking out the narcissistic prince.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-16-2018

Circe had made a spot at the table for her brother when he approached, looking much happier than he had been all day, with his worrying and nerves. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders as he sat beside her, shaking him slightly and ruffling his hair. He ducked his head, trying to shoulder off the attention, his cheeks pink. Still, he had a wide smile. The hall grew quiet again and stayed quiet, for what seemed like forever. Whispers started up about the five-minute mark and Nicholas looked genuinely worried for his friend on the stool. When her house was finally called a minute later, the cheers were the same until angry Russian cut through the noise.

Circe immediately turned in her seat to spot the boy at his table. What did his big mouth have to say now? Whatever it was, it didn't sound nice. His cruel words in English afterward reinforced the statement and she narrowed her eyes, jaw clenching. The air around them became very tense as the hall grew silent once more, listening to the Romanov spew his venom. The silver-haired girl's fists clenched. The nerve of him. He never had anything good to say, on top of that, he was really embarrassing whoever it was that was targeted at. She'd had the thought of getting up and shutting him up herself, but someone else from his own table had the same idea. Watching Lukyan getting socked in the face was the best thing she would see in a while, she was sure of it.

She joined in the cheers for MacTavish. "Students, students, be quiet!" It wasn't much that got them quiet, but they still chattered excitedly to each other after that display. Quickly, someone sent for Madam Pomfrey.

Nicholas couldn't believe what had just happened. His cheering for his new found friend was cut short by the incident and he could only conclude that was the brother she spoke of. When all was said and done, he had a little bit of insight into their situation and suddenly understood Temnota's previous comment about their relationship. Still, it was worrisome. He didn't join in the praising for the boy being punched, considering he hadn't even been paying attention. He stared at the table, trying to fathom what would lead someone to speak of their little sibling so harshly. He tapped his fingers absentmindedly on the table, frowning deeply. Even if Circe annoyed him at times, he could never draw so much hatred for her the way Temnota's brother did for her. In front of the entire school, no less. With a quick glance at the Ravenclaw table for his friend, he made a quick note to talk to her as soon as possible the next morning. He wasn't sure they would just a chance that night.

Madam Pomfrey bustled into the room promptly, getting someone's help to gather the knocked out Lukyan before making to the hospital wing with haste. With a glare at MacTavish, the deputy headmistress wrapped up the rest of the sorting quickly and the headmaster made his typical beginning of the year statement before the feast began. Nick was quickly pulled into conversations with the older students as his sister introduced him to her friends, obviously proud of his sorting despite the teasing.


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-16-2018

Charms class. First class of the day. Best class of the day. It was taught by the head of Ravenclaw, after all. It deserved some sort of special credit. With eyes sparkling and glowing, Temnota entered the class. She had on, proudly, her Ravenclaw robes. As her eyes scanned for a place to sit, she saw Nicholas and rushed over. “Hey, Mr. Rhodes! Mind if I sit here?” The girl asked, slightly blushing. She should still be able to focus around him. But she was really eager to be around her one friend.

That’s when another Ravenclaw, a young blonde-haired girl with green eyes, named Astrid Smith walked over. She had a menacing look on her face and pointed at Nicholas. “What a crybaby. It’s a wonder he got into Gryffindor! How did you even manage to get in, instead of going to the sniveling Hufflepuffs?” The girl sneered at her seat. Yeah. Temnota already didn’t like her, as Astrid made fun of her in her free time. Temnota turned, before looking at Nick with empathetic eyes.

Transfiguration class. A difficult class, but not like Lukyan would admit that. The young boy sat in his seat, staring at his book, and attempting wand movements. Maybe he could make himself look more beautiful. Or the Rhodes more ugly. Or he could turn that otrod’ye into a damnable cat! He chuckled to himself, staring at his short wand.

//Mobile. Lame starting post, I’m sorry.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-16-2018

Despite his sheepish reluctance to accept it, Nicholas did rather well in the area concerning charms. It never took him long to get down the movements or the incantations. He simply just "got it". Still, that wasn't the only reason he was excited about the class. He was eager to learn more and they shared the class with Ravenclaws, so he was just as eager to get to see his friend. As he was pulling out his text, Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), he spotted Temnota's entrance and smiled as she approached. Carefully setting his quill atop the empty piece of parchment, he leaned forward slightly in his seat.

"Of course you can sit here, Ms. Romanov." He offered the formal address in return, tapping the seat beside him with a small nod. Quickly, the smile fell away and he looked at Astrid, mouth ajar and brows furrowed. He wanted to shrink back immediately, some stares making there way toward the three, but mostly at the shyer boy. "Huh, I..." His near silent start tapered away as he had no response to the girl's insult. His gaze dropped to the table in front of him and he twisted his head around the hem of his robe, chewing the inside of his cheek. Maybe he shouldn't have hoped so hard for his placement. He really didn't belong.

Circe would've rather been on the pitch instead of sitting in a class on such a nice day, but she had no room to complain or compromise. At least the material wouldn't be a total bore. There was a lot of fun things that could be done with transfiguration, she supposed. What really got her, though, was the supposed hard work it would take to actually do any of the cool stuff she'd devised in her head. She took a seat where a bunch of other Gryffindors settled in the back, setting her things on top of the desk. Catching a glance of Lukyan as she looked around, she squinted. She had forgotten they'd be sharing this class with Hufflepuffs. Normally, they were a good house, but he definitely was not a good guy. An outlier.

Pulling out a regular piece of paper, she scribbled a doodle that depicted her knocking him off his broom with a bludger and folded the paper into an airplane. At least, it had a pointed front and wings. Muttering the levitation charm under her breath, she sent the thing flying across the room at him, quickly slipping in her wand back into her sleeve and turning forward. She watched for his reaction out of the corner of her vision.


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;font-family:verdana;width:60%"]
A sigh escaped Temnota, and what should have been a happy day was ruined by yet another mean-spirited person. She clenched her fists, ignoring Nick’s comment and watching as he turned his head inside and as gazes fell upon the three. It appeared as if they could never be left alone! Instead of being foolish and adopting a “punch first, talk later,’ strategy, such as was done to her brother, she decided to insult Astrid back, first by hopping above the counter and into her seat. She gently rubbed Nicholas’ back, and then shot her eyes to Astrid, a mean comment spewing out of her mouth. “Crybaby, huh? Huh. At least he isn’t dimwitted, Ms. Smith. After all, a Ravenclaw should know not to mess with a Gryffindor. You cause a lion to be upset, and you get scratched.” It was an attempt at a clever response, seeing as to how Nick did not have one.

It appeared to work, Astrid’s eyes narrowed and she gave a huff, storming off to a seat in the back. A chuckle escaped Temnota before she leaned down to Nick and whispered, “Hey, are you okay?”

Well, it appeared Circe and Lukyan could agree for once. After all, he would rather be out on the pitch too, and showing how great he was. Well, he supposed he could do the second part in the class. He might as well just wait for the games to begin. Lukyan leaned back in thought, when a paper airplane came flying at him. He grasped it, and opened it up. Wow. How immature. Muttering Russian curses under his breath, he folded the paper inside out, and then did a doodle of him in response. It showed him using Revelio on her, to show how she truly looked, as a monster. A small snicker escaped him. He took out his own wand, whispered the Levitation charm, and sent the airplane back. A smirk appeared on his maw as he waited for her response as well. So, it began. The paper airplane wars.

//short sorry

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-21-2018

Nicholas was caught between wanting to be happy at Temnota's comeback and standing up for him, but also being upset he couldn't do it himself. How could anyone ever take him seriously if he just cowered away all the time? He wrung his hands together, a half-hearted smile on his face as he glanced up to see Astrid storming away. He shrugged a shoulder, looking at Temnota and nodding slightly. "I'm okay, thank you..." he mumbled. He pulled his textbook closer and flipped through it, clearing his throat and looking around carefully. Most of the kids turned away from the scene now, nothing of interest coming from it.

His leg bounced, foot rested on a bar on the stool. He absentmindedly rubbed his cheek, as if it would get rid of the growing pink and warmth from the embarrassment. He did his best to distract himself with the text in front of him, before class started.

Circe smirked as she watched him, waiting ever so patiently for the return message. She caught the airplane quickly, glancing over to the see the professor getting ready to begin class as the last of the students and shuffled in and settled. Opening the paper, she rolled her eyes and scoffed. Lame comeback, Romanov, she thought to herself. When the professor silenced the class and requested they turn a page, she quickly flipped to the page and then grabbed the quill. She continued her first picture, now depicting Lukyan holding onto his broom with one hand and sobbing as the bludger danced around. She folded it, waited for the professor to turn her back, then sent the airplane flying with the appropriate charm.


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-24-2018

Temnota's gaze softened as he shrugged, and his smile did not seem genuine. His mumbling made her even more worried. She felt something bouncing, and saw his leg bouncing, and he seemed too interested in his book to really care. She shifted awkwardly, and attempted to make conversation. "Hey, drook, I thin you're quite advanced in Charms! Isn't that one past where we are in class?" It was really... forced and awkward, but it was something. Her silver gaze was fixed on the boy. She turned towards him, one of her arms on the desk or counter.

Lukyan caught the paper airplane, watching the professor to make sure she had turned her back. Then, the golden-eyed boy opened it. Did... did she just draw him sobbing? Before she turned around, the boy turned the page. Oh, she was so going to get it! Could he get her in trouble? No, no. That was too risky. Instead, he appeared to keep the paper airplane, a mischievous glint in his eye. Instead, he had another idea. Taking out his short wand, watching as the professor was writing something on a chalkboard, he whispered the book transfiguration spell. He would attempt to turn Circe's book into one that was... well, not meant for class. A smirk appeared on his evil face.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 07-08-2018

"Huh? O-oh yeah... um, I just get them really quickly. I find them really easy..." he said quietly with a real smile this time. He looked up from the book to her, "Um, do you like Charms?" he asked, unsure of how else to continue the conversation past that. He was never the best at that, especially after being embarrassed. Soon, class would start, though, and they would have to continue it later.

Circe waited for about two minutes for another paper plane before decided victory in this little skirmish was hers and she paid no mind to him for the next several minutes. She was completely unaware of the change to her book for about ten minutes, in fact. When it finally came time to use the books, she glanced down and immediately threw her arms over it, eyes going wide. She threw a dangerous glare at Lukyan, eyes narrowed. Damn him. She'd definitely get him for that one. She shoved the thing into her bag, deciding to deal with it later. She'd have time to get him real good. For now, she shared textbooks with a friend.
