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kugawing’s pile of art realm - Printable Version

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Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: 03s2Tuk.png]
Remade profile picture for an old character on WCRPG that I hope to one day bring back! Sanzu was a photosynthesizing cookie obsessed dragon who had a habit of phasing into people's rooms in order to bring them those aforementioned cookies. She was only a couple months old, and couldn't fly as no one taught her how. She could be considered a grass dragon as she tried her best to only eat by photosynthesizing, but sadly couldn't quite reach the caloric intake required.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: cZpQ755.png]

The Kinstu is a made up species that originally was a Kirby fan species! They're a deaf species that have poisonous spikes and can almost break the sound barrier with their flight speed. They are ruthless when they are told to fight. They were created in order to defend planets from being able to be wiped out by invaders. The Kinstu is a new species, but they are steadily being created in order to create alliances between their creator's and other planets.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: AVudZg6.png]
An adoptable I was going to put up on Amino, but decided not to. Not sure what I'll do with him anymore but, hey, he exists! Maybe one day he'll be a character or maybe he'll still be an adoptable. Who knows! He has mutations to have fins and breathe underwater, but doesn't currently exist..uh, anywhere.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: jQ86vxb.png]
A dryosaurus from my favorite game: The Isle! This skin probably can't actually happen in game, or so I'd think. It was based off a skin I had, though. This dryosaurus is a forest dweller named Kanther, and is the dominant female of her gang. Kanther is a fully grown dryosaurus and has gestated and incubated many eggs. Sadly they've all been infertile. She blames it on her mate instead of admitting to it likely being her that is the problem. If she can't produce a heir, she'll likely be tossed from her position as dominant female.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: GjxNvcy.png]
Bubua, the magicless Lighsni, the faker, the one with eyes that see through lies and knows the secrets which are lost to time. Bubua is a young and flighty panophobic Lighsni. She is constantly afraid of every and anything. Her greatest is hydrophobia. She was drowned, beaten, starved, and ridiculed for the entirety of her childhood. She in current day is broken and distorted.
In this AU, Bubua had been sealed up in a cardboard box for the entirety of two hours with no breathing holes. In a stressed out lack of thought she plucked her wings clean of her feathers. Then, when she was rescued, her eyes were removed by a knight who considered himself to be as equally skilled in medical procedures as his combat. She was forcefully sedated despite her pleas. Then she was bathed, and one of her eyes was removed. The other was taken out in a fit of rage. Her feathers are still regrowing, but her entire quality of life has been dissipated.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: KwIxMyh.png]
Colotak, the light fixture hating clony. Clony are a species of feathery bats. They are small, around a foot tall. These creatures are actually sentient fluff that lives on a metal endoskeleton. They create a low mechanical blast that destroys all machinery around them. They hate the color red. They speak telepathically to each other, and are a group centered species. If one of them is hurt, it is a swift decision to either fight to save the harmed or to use them as a distraction to flee as fast as they physically can.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: M24a329.jpg]
The dandelion ninjas. The thieves of the night, the beasts that come to claim any who wander in their path. These menacing plants can burrow into the dirt and stick their tails out in order to seem like ordinary dandelions. Curious children that tug on their stems are swiftly grabbed, bitten, and eaten. Dandelion ninjas used to be photosynthesizing creatures, but have long since forgotten that way of life. Now they are fully carnivorous, and the large leaves on their back are for nothing more than a threat display.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: ZaTxRHG.png]
This would honestly be my first time ever drawing something in the steampunk theme. Requested by an old friend of mine, actually! I didn't even know what steampunk was before he asked me. Don't really have much of a use for this character, as it technically isn't mine. Still pretty proud of how it looked, even if the color scheme looks kinda like McDonald's vomit.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: pU7JnTc.jpg]
Here's a break from regular art with some SFM posters! I'm still very new to SFM, so if anyone encounters this and wants to shoot me some tips, feel free! I haven't used it in a month.
Why is Agent 3 fighting the raptors from ARK in Aperture Science? It's anyone's guess! There's actually a secondary image to this that I'll likely upload at a later date. Agent 3's cape was a pain to set up, but I'm still proud of how this turned out! I definitely will likely be making more of these in the future.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[Image: EQcyG6W.jpg]
There's a secret mess up in this image. Don't know why it's there, but it's far too late now to deal with it and fix it. My tablet's messed up in that way.
Ipikati is the Monster Hero of the Spore Creatures game that I own. He's horrifically overpowered and is essentially the apex predator of his world. Ipikati is a protective brother, and refuses to let anything happen to his little Oogie without him doing something about such.