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My skin is a story [o, sparring] - Printable Version

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Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - Vathmos - 08-04-2019

Oh no, Vathmos was still going. She scrambled up, heaving as blood started to drip from her mouth. It was her own blood, and her tongue started licking and cleaning her gums, the copper taste filling her mouth. Her head tilted to the side, breathing heavily and releasing another snarl, the noise following with a high-pitch shrill. She let out another shriek, then changing to a gross, shrill laughter. "Steujpaida liohn..."

Vathmos began to move towards him, circling around him and aiming to bite his hind leg again, her bite overcharged by her electricity.


Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - wormwood. - 08-04-2019

Wormwood realized, with a start, that Vathmos was bleeding from the mouth, and he hadn't let her bite him. Eyes widening, he rumbled softly, getting the general gyst of what she had just said despite the language barrier, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Vathmos, you need to stop this! You're hurting yourself, and you're gonna hurt me!"[/glow] His words fell on deaf ears, however, as Vathmos came charging again. He tried to whirl around to protect himself, but he wasn't fast enough,his bulk not being as fast as the hyena's slim speed, and he felt teeth sink into his leg, charged with power. He let out a roar of pain, feeling the electricity surge through his body as blood ran down his leg. Quickly whipping around, he aimed to slam his paw, claws out, into Vathmos's face, trying to knock her forcibly off of him and hopefully knock her out.

Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - Vathmos - 08-04-2019

Vathmos took to hit, releasing her bite and taking a step back. She seemed dazed for a moment, her body arcing with electricity as blood leaked from the new cuts on her face. She could keep going. She opened and closed her jaw, as if making sure it still worked, and slightly winced as she did so.

That slap probably would have knocked her out in normal circumstances, but with her body invigorated by her rage, she could take a few more hits. She stood still this turn, still huffing and puffing, her fur sparking and teeth crackling, as storm clouds started to gather overhead.


Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - beck. - 08-05-2019

    It wasn't often he snagged himself front row seats to a bonafide fistfight. Clawfight? The wiry feline shrugged to himself, having wordlessly arrived on the sidelines to spectate. Entertainment was a rarity in his perpetual afterlife of boredom, especially when he lacked any new movies to binge. Watching a training session would have to suffice until by some miracle he could secure his grimy paws around the comforting case of a recent film not yet inscribed to his memory. Beck idled a distance away from where the two brutes exchanged blows, painfully aware of his diminutive size compared to them. Truthfully, he neglected to pay attention to the scuffle, finding much more interest in shredding apart a dandelion stalk, its bloom plucked and discarded in the mud.

    His notched ear perked in response to Worm's cries for help. It seemed the fun began without his notice. The poltergeist stumbled to stand, honey-brown eyes blinking at the pair as Vathmos proved herself to be a living lightning rod. With a punctured wheeze, the apparition shifted to a form scarcely seen on eventless days; a dark-furred stag lurched into the affray, aiming to plunge himself in between the natural enemies, his bony flank shielding Wormwood as he twisted his head to face the sparking Vathmos. "Hiya Vath!" he crooned, his voice shrill as ever despite originating within the broad chest of an elk. A crooked grin parted his half-mutilated snout, revealing razor-sharp teeth despite the change in appearance. "How 'bout ya fight me instead, huh? Give ol' Worm a breather." Lifeless eyes glanced the hyena over -- he could hold his ground against her, right? Her electrified teeth were null against the poltergeist, but the strength behind them could snap the fragile bones in his legs with ease. Well, better he was injured than a creature who would bleed out and never pick himself back up.

Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - wormwood. - 08-05-2019

Worm's chest was heaving with effort as he stayed away from Vathmos, his eyes wide and his heart beating so loud it practically drowned everything else around him. When Beck came to his rescue, a relieved sigh left his body, and his back legs gave out from the burning pain that was searing through him. He still felt the blood rolling down his back leg from where he had been bitten, and he wheezed out softly to the elk in front of him, unable to move, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Thank... thank you, Beck. I don't know what's wrong with her..."[/glow] His heart and mind were still desperately yelling at him to get the hell away from Vathmos's electrified fangs, but his legs didn't want to work, and his eyes already felt so heavy.

Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - Vathmos - 08-05-2019

The storm clouds above started crackling, as Vathmos continued snarling and whooping, turning into a laugh and more snarls. She took a few more steps away, as if distancing herself from them. The deer was a bigger danger to her, and those antlers were dangerous. No matter. She'd win this fight. The clouds finally shot off, lightning shooting down from the sky.

It backfired. In a blinding light, it hit her, and the thunderclap soon followed behind. Vathmos stood still for a moment, a jagged line singed across her fur. Vathmos fell to the ground with a pitiful thump, finally unconscious.


Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - fulzanin - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza had originally come over for something to munch on. Having food was a good way to open up conversation. 'Hey, pal, this is good, wanna try some?', was what her plan originally was. Of course, at the sight of all the electricity and..pain, well, it had caused for her fluff to stand on end, and for her to cease in her walking. The storm clouds were quite terrifying, if she were to be honest. And..then the lightning struck one of them- Feza couldn't quite tell from her late arrival as to who had summoned those clouds in the first place. The snow leopard didn't think they had been present overhead when she had been trotting along to come and get food. So they were new, and likely unnatural. Why? Feza didn't think it was normal for suddenly appearing storm clouds to strike people- or perhaps that was just her lack of experience talking. Still. That had to hurt, to be struck by lightning. She hadn't ever before, and she'd like to keep it that way.

"Ouch," Feza muttered, her ears dropping. She resumed a slow trot to come over, her blue eyes wide with fright. "Can't say that, uh, getting struck by lightning would be on her itinerary, huh? That's gonna hurt when she gets up." She paused, her attention finally coming to the realization that of course there were more injuries: she had merely gotten too absorbed in watching the lightning come down to note another injured person. "Is, is he alright? He looks pretty hurt too, eesh.." She was wincing hard at the sight of what the spar had caused, her wings tucked nervously close to her plush pink fur. What had caused such a thing? Had lightning struck twice or something of the like? The snow leopard had arrived too late to truly tell, and her blue gaze continued to rapidly swap it's startled glint between the injured lion and the struck hyena.

Re: My skin is a story [o, sparring] - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

The lion's eyes widened considerably when he saw the bolt of lightning arc across the sky, and he let out a shout of both fear and concern. For who, he wasn't quite sure. But evidently his concern should've been for Vathmos, as she collapsed to the ground, her fur practically smoking from the force of the elemental blast. Wormwood let out another cry and went racing over, despite the shock of pain that ran through his body leg at running to her side. He looked her over, nosing through her fur and mumbling softly to the hyena, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Vathmos, what the hell...? Please wake back up. Please don't be dead... I don't know want happened to you, but you can't have killed yourself..."[/glow] He nosed against the hyena's neck, letting out an utterly relieved sigh when he felt a slow but steady pulse coming from Vathmos. So she wasn't dead, just collapsed, probably from the pain and shock of being hit by an entire fucking lightning bolt.

Turning when Feza arrived, Wormwood rasped out at the snow leopard almost desperately, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Feza... Feza, either you or Beck needs to go get one of the medics. I don't think I can stand much longer, and Vathmos really, really hurt herself."[/glow] As if on cue, his back legs gave out from the pain they were under, and he collapsed to the ground beside Vathmos, his breath coming out in uneven gasps. He would later be mad at Vathmos for what she did to him, and would probably have some problems being this close to her again, but right now all he was worried about was the fact that they both needed medical help, and there were thankfully others nearby who could get it for them. Hopefully Selby or one of the others would know what the fuck to do for a lightning bolt attack, since he certainly had no idea. Powers were still so wildly new to him that, for all he knew, Feza could really be dead, just with electricity still running through her veins.