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RE: storageee - axiom - 06-14-2024


Khal Karstark of the Cinnamon Khalasar hates carnivores. A dragon ate his mother. A cannibal ate his daughter. A vampire turned his son into a parasite. Now? This stallion bites back.


The Cinnamon Khalasar, Dothraki-inspired herd of herbivores, roams vast prairie lands bordering the Grand Canyon. Named for the Cinnamon Forest to the north of their lands, this nomadic herd runs for themselves.

The Cinnamon Khalasar rejects the sedentary lifestyle of agriculture, seeing it as an affront to their primary deity, Gaia, the personification of the Earth. Instead, they embrace a strictly vegan existence, sustaining themselves on the bounty provided by the prairie, the forests, and the rivers surrounding the Grand Canyon. The Lachrymose River, winding its way through the Grand Canyon and with its network of tributaries, serves as their lifeline: water. While the Cinnamon Khalasar is nomadic, their camps are carefully situated along these waterways, ensuring access to vital resources.

Spirituality plays a pivotal role in the lives of the Cinnamon Khalasar. They adhere to a belief system rooted in the ancient Greek pantheon, with Gaia as their supreme deity. Reincarnation is a central tenet of their faith, shaping their worldview and sense of morality. This belief in the cycle of life and death influences their relationships with other creatures, especially their reverence for herbivores and wariness of carnivores.

While they are known for their hospitality toward herbivores, the Cinnamon Khalasar approaches relationships with omnivores with caution. Trust must be earned, and only then will they forge alliances or accept outsiders into their fold. Carnivores, however, are viewed with hostility and fear, as the Cinnamon Khalasar is majority prey species. Anyone who is sentient and choses to kill to eat is automatically untrustworthy. Any predator incapable of talking and reason is untrustworthy.

Therefore, the Cinnamon Khalasar has a reputation for fierceness and bravery.


The Cinnamon Khalasar lives to the west of a grand canyon. The canyon itself is gorgeous and occasionally treacherous during the day, and forbidden at night due strange lights, odd noises, and shifting tunnels. The grasslands and prairies are full of lush vegetation and a surprisingly abundant amount of wildlife (prairie dogs, coyotes, birds of prey), as well as several tributary rivers which feed into the Lachrymose River within the canyon.

CINNAMON FOREST — The north of the territory is a lush forest with an abundance of cinnamon trees. Many medicinal herbs are found here, and the forest is an excellent place to rest in shade. The tributary for the Lachrymose River which runs through here is called the Melancholy River.

LACHRYMOSE RIVER SYSTEM — The forests and prairies have a river system where all the rivers feed into Lachrymose River, which is the river within the Grand Canyon. These tributary rivers are all named after synonyms of Lachrymose.

LAKE LACHRYMOSE — The southernmost landmark is Lake Lachrymose, where the Grand Canyon feeds a massive lake system. This lake is enormous (the size of Lake Superior) and has almost ocean-like waves and currents. The beaches tend to be either sand, pebbles, or rock. The Lake is surrounded by mixed conifer-hardwood forest with no cinnamon trees.

THE VAST PRAIRIE — Most of the territory is a vast prairieland. Excellent for grazing and finding interesting plants, but not excellent for protection against dragons or setting up camp. However, there are strange things in the prairie, such as:
GIANT, MOVING CINNAMON TREES  — Massive individual cinnamon trees as large as a mature redwood tree are isolated upon the prairie landscape. You never see two giant cinnamon trees next to each other in the prairie. They can be seen for kilometers, but they are not trustworthy landmarks. Nobody knows how, but they tend to… wander.

STATUES TO THE GODS — When a blacksmith is particularly proud of their work, they may decide to place a statue of their creation as a landmark upon the prairie. The Thinker marks a section of the prairie where an trustworthy opening to enter the Grand Canyon that leads to Mooney Falls. David Slaughters Goliath marks a section of the prairie where a concentration of various medicinal plants grow. Hercules Fights a Snake marks where the first Khal Karstark (or was his name Khal Stark?) is supposedly buried.

THE GRAND CANYON — The Lachrymose River has worn away a massive canyon system. Many smaller rivers slide down the higher elevation points to join the Lachrymose River. Feel free to use any landmark of the existing Grand Canyon for thread starters or casual mention in roleplay posts.
OOH AHH POINT— This beautiful view of the Grand Canyon is often a meeting place or a hangout spot for the Dothraki. It’s considered quite romantic!

GAIA’S HEART — The Lachrymose River’s most extreme bend within the Grand Canyon is referred to as Gaia’s Heart. It looks beautiful from above, but it’s a nightmare to swim in!

MOONEY FALLS — Within the canyon, numerous beautiful waterfalls cascade down. But this one is especially beautiful. Mooney Falls is considered one of the most romantic places in the Cinnamon Khalasar’s territory.

CANYON RACETRACK — During times of less rainfall, several parts of the Canyon make excellent racetracks. However, these areas are prone to flash floods and can be treacherous even when the sky looks completely blue.

EXECUTION CLIFF — While the view from Execution Cliff is beautiful, the sheer drop to the river below has killed many distracted Dothraki. Thus, Execution Cliff became considered unlucky, and then began to be used by Khal Karstark of the Crimson Khalasar (the current Khal Edd’s father) for executions. Normally, when a Dothraki dies, they are buried where they died. However, when a Dothraki is executed by the Khal’s hooves, their corpse is tossed over Execution Cliff.

CAMP SETUP — While the Cinnamon Khalasar is known to move camp sporadically, they always have the same setup wherever they are. In winter, they are upon the shores of Lake Lachrymose. At any other time of the year, they are anywhere in the grasslands. Most Dothraki prefer to sleep under the open stars… unless they’re willing to pay for and carry their own tent.
BORDERING RIVER — The Cinnamon Khalasar always puts their camp next to a river for easy access to water. If you’re starting a thread, you can assume this is the Lachrymose River or one of its tributaries. Named tributaries for the Lachrymose River include any synonym for “lachrymose” you can think of, such as Weepy River.

CENTRAL BONFIRE — During cold nights, the Cinnamon Khalasar will make a central bonfire to keep warm and cook hot vegan meals for everyone. Even during the warmer months, the herd often keeps the central area between tents clear for socializing.

DOCTORS’ TENT — Because medical professionals are critical to group survival, Doctors have a large tent dyed in bright blue for visibility. This tent is managed by the herd, not the doctors themselves, and doctors will often have their own personal tents like the rest of the individual Dothraki. However, this tent is where all doctors’ supplies are kept and where doctors practice. Inside, the tent is a large space which smells of burning lavender and with plenty of beanbags and blankets for waiting patients. Because this is one tent, there isn’t a lot of privacy, so doctors usually will only see one patient at a time unless there is a medical emergency.

SMITHING FORGE —  Most recurring campsites have the infrastructure setup to support smithing. The stone kilns and iron anvils are somewhat weather resistant—but, really, they’re too heavy to drag along during moves. When camp is being established, blacksmiths will work together to test the safety and efficiency of the infrastructure. This means that, while this is a lot of extra work, all the blacksmiths have knowledge of how forges work and can trust in the safety of the communal forge.

THE KHAL’S TENT — The largest tent, dyed cinnamon and purple, is the Khal’s tent. Khal Edd Karstark usually uses his tent for private meetings discussing necessary but uncomfortable details on managing the Cinnamon Khalasar. Inside, there is usually sandalwood burning for incense and a collection of soft blankets. A small trunk contains heirlooms and belongings from deceased Karstarks.

SHRINE TO GAIA  — Every recurring campsite has a shrine to Gaia. These shrines are of various sizes and skill level of construction—some are even made of marble, not metal! Creating a shrine to Gaia is considered the last project of any apprentice before they strike up independence from the tutelage of their blacksmithing mentor, so there are an abundance of these alongside the Lachrymose River and all of its tributaries.

SHRINE TO A LESSER GOD — Most recurring campsites also have at least one more statue of a lesser god (even Poseidon is a lesser god to the Cinnamon Khalasar), and blacksmiths are encouraged to add their own statues to the campsites… but those statues better not be eyesores!


The Cinnamon Khalasar worship the Greek Pantheon, but with one major difference. Zeus is replaced with Gaia, Mother Earth. Anyone can worship whichever Greek god or goddess as their primary deity, but everyone is expected to pay Gaia her due. While the group are herbivores, they do not allow agriculture, because agriculture is blasphemy to Gaia.

GAIA, MOTHER EARTH — The skies and lip of the volcano are the domain of Requiem. When Requiem is appeased, the climate is stable and everyone prospers.
DEATH RITUAL — When a Dothraki dies, they are buried where they took their last breath. The Khalasar holds a mourning period of setting up camp (if feasible) near the burial site. After seven days, the mourning period ends and they move camp. Burial sites are marked upon maps maintained by the Khal, though each family also maintains their own map upon their loved ones. Visiting graves is common, and many of these graves become sites for setting up camp.

RITUALS — To honor Gaia, Dothraki will frequently create art of her flora and fauna. Since everything is natural is in Gaia’s domain, Gaia is everywhere and easy to honor.

REINCARNATION — Dothraki believe that, upon death, the individual’s soul rejoins the reincarnation cycle.

INITIATION RITE OF FASTING — When a stranger wishes to join the Cinnamon Khalasar, they must prove their loyalty through the initiation rite of fasting. This rite is to begin immediately upon their joining (so joining on a full stomach is, perhaps, smart) with the next sunrise starting as the official count on the clock. While they are fasting, at no point can they consume anything which is not water. During the initiation rite, your character is encouraged to contribute despite their fast, as this demonstrates loyalty and willpower; this means your character, while enduring their fast, can participate in threads. The length of days is also not required oocly; the rite is completed when the roleplayer writes out the rite completion.
HERBIVORES — The length of time for herbivorous species is 3 days and 3 nights. On the fourth morning, they are offered a delicious vegan meal.

OMNIVORES — The length of time for omnivorous species is 7 days and 7 nights. On the eighth morning, they are offered scavenged meat. If they do not refuse the scavenged meat three times in a row and, instead, take the meat… then they are chased out or killed. If they reject the meat three times in a row, then they are given a delicious vegan meal.

RITE COMPLETION — You have two options to complete the initiation rite. 1) Type out a one-shot with the ending on your character accepting their salad (which the Khal will reply to with verification). Or! 2) Ask the Khal’s roleplayer for a private thread for the morning of salad offering.

FULL MOON CELEBRATIONS — During Spring, Summer, and Autumn, the Khalasar hold celebrations during the full moons. Most of these celebrations are simple parties, which may include: alliance celebrations, weddings, birthdays, and/or baby showers. Occasionally, about once or twice a year, these full moon celebrations will get rowdy to celebrate some particular thing within the Khalasar.

BLACKSMITHING — Dothraki utilize blacksmithing to protect themselves against predators, such as:
ARMOR — During times of war, the forge rings with metal taking shape. While most animals in the Dothraki do not utilize weapons—their hooves are enough to split skulls—they utilize body armor to protect themselves against the claws and fangs of predators.

STATUES — Dothraki, either as individual artists or teams of artists, often create statues in the gods’ image to leave in the territory as shrines and landmarks.

WINTER SOLSTICE — During the coldest months of the year when edible vegetation is at its lowest, the Cinnamon Khalasar migrates to the southernmost part of their territory, which is an encampment on shores of Lake Lachrymose and its tributary river. During the first full moon after the move, the Dothraki send paper boats carrying their wishes down the Lachrymose River.

BIRD COMPANIONS — Because of birds’ glorious birdsong and their helpful tendencies to eat parasitic insects, the Khalasar enjoys bird friends of both the talking and non-talking variety. Many birds (and flocks of birds) follow the Cinnamon Khalasar. Despite the fact many birds are scavengers by nature and will eat meat, the fact birds do not kill means they are liked by the Cinnamon Khalasar, though birds of prey are despised. It is not unusual for a Dothraki to keep a bird as a pet.


KHAL — The leader of the Cinnamon Khalasar. His word is law.
Edd Karstark — roleplayed by Axiom

BLOODRIDERS — Bloodriders are the Khal’s trusted, which can include his descendants, his friends, or his lovers. They are in charge of hosting consistent raids, managing battles, and overseeing tasks for members. If there are more than one when the Khal dies, then they usually split the Khalasar and make their own luck.
? — roleplayed by ? 
(3/3 open)

DOCTORS — Doctors are the medics and therapists. Mainly, they heal the wounded and are expected to to be mediators of conflict within the Cinnamon Khalasar.
? — roleplayed by ?
(unlimited number)

ARAKHS —  Arakhs are the senior combatants and/or blacksmiths of the Cinnamon Khalasar. Most Arakhs are both blacksmith and combatant, but not all. These animals are trusted to make quality armor and defend the Khalasar.
Zedd Karstark — roleplayed by Axiom 
(unlimited number)

SCOUTS —  Scouts are, well, scouts. They are in charge of watching the borders, the ecosystems, and scouts may alert the Khal if they need to move camp to avoid threats or overgrazing. Many scouts are also excellent cooks and messengers.
Icarus — roleplayed by Axiom 
? — roleplayed by ?
(unlimited number)

DOTHRAKI — The Dothraki people; anyone who can run with the herd. Either born into the Khalasar or are joiners who have passed their initiation rite.
unlisted, unlimited number

INITIATES — These outsiders are enduring the initiation rite of fasting. They cannot eat anything for three days and three nights (seven if an omnivore), and can only drink water during their fast. Violence against initiates is not accepted, but initiates should try to make themselves useful to the group and prove themselves while they are fasting.
unlisted, unlimited number


The Cinnamon Khalasar is chaotic good.

They currently have no allies or enemies. Everyone is presumed neutral, but they will MURDER ON SIGHT when spotting obligate carnivores or obvious vampires.


— The Khal’s word is absolute. Disobeying their word is under punishment of death.
— Carnivores are to be killed on sight. Regardless of whether they can talk or not. This also includes anyone discovered to be a vampire.
— Omnivore species are considered untrustworthy. Outsiders seeking to join will have to prove themselves harder than an herbivore, and an omnivore outsider seaking to trade with the Dothraki might find the prices higher than expected.
— Discrimination amongst herbivorous species is outlawed. However, the Dothraki are traditionally majority equine.
— Sexual violence is forbidden.
— All BoB rules apply OOCly and ICly.

RE: storageee - axiom - 06-14-2024


The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - axiom - 06-14-2024


The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - KARSTARK - 06-15-2024


The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - ZEDD - 06-15-2024


The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - axiom - 06-24-2024

Summer Character Development Challenge for the Descendants of the Departed
Welcome to the Descendants of the Departed’s Summer Character Development Challenge!

The Summer CDC ends on September 1st. Then, maybe, it will be replaced with the Autumn CDC.

The CDC challenge can be completed per character or per roleplayer. If you have five characters and you want to complete the CDC's nine squares for all five of them? I'm not going to get in your way! Likewise, if you have three characters and you want to complete a row using one character for each square? Totally fine. You do you!

Requirements for completing a square (pick A or B):
Option A - Post a thread with a word count of 500 or greater which fulfills the prompt.
Option B - Respond to someone else’s thread for that prompt  with at least 500 words (one response of 500 words, two responses of 250 words each, three responses of 200 words each, ect)
1: Requiem

Your character participates in the DotD’s worship of Requiem, the deity of creativity. Requiem is the deity safeguarding reincarnation, and a soul can increase their odds of a better, more favorable reincarnation by demonstrating courage, loyalty, and intelligence in their current life.

Options for worshiping Requiem include:
- Crafting art. And, possibly, giving said art to friends. This could be practical art (like a cute and fluffy blanket) or purely for aesthetics (like a painting).
- Deciding on a goal, and then planning on how to achieve that goal. When that goal is reached, tossing the paper into the top of the volcano.
- Alternatively, your character can have a thread discussing Requiem with Vale (the inquisitor for Requiem) and if your posts reach to the word count total requirements of 500 words, then that counts! Feel free to reach out to Axiom on Discord or on-site for a thread with Vale to complete this prompt.
2: Black Sand Beaches

Have your character enjoy one of the black sand beaches on the Big Island. This can be fun (like swimming or surfing) or practical (like spearfish hunting or catching crabs).
3: Viper Island

Your character investigates the “snake supremacists” on Viper Island. How does this go? Does your character get attacked? Does your character cleverly shapeshift into a snake and try to learn information by becoming one of the snakes? Does your character go on a killing rampage and try to slaughter as many of these culty fascists as possible?
4: Bones & Crafting

Your character participates in the DotD’s cultural practice of turning bones (or obsidian) into armor, such as skull masks. What material or corpse is your character working with? What do they make? How do they feel about their creation?

If one of your character’s friends or family perished during the eruption and earthquake, perhaps they transform these remains into armor, weapons, or art?

Start a thread of any topic. Word count must be 750 words or greater. Evoke the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) at least once per sense.

Want to overachieve? Try using the ABCDE method to structure your thread starter like a self-contained story.
6: Cannibalism

Write a flashback which is a literary technique to provide backstory on a character. To make sure roleplayers can respond to your character, make sure to set the present scene, so other characters can react to your character even while your character is lost in their memory.

In the present, your character is eating… what? A sentient animal? A non-sentient coconut crab? A vegan meal?

In the past, your character either chose to participate in DotD’s ritualistic cannibalism of the dead or did not. Why? How do they feel about that choice?

Back in the present… does that memory change how your character feels about their meal?
7: Coconut Island

Your character kills a rhino-sized coconut crab or 10 normal coconut crabs. How do they do this? With trickery, brute strength, or some other method? Are they proud of their accomplishment or is this feat nothing to them? Are they looking forward to eating the coconut crab(s) or are they more concerned with providing for other Descendants?
8: Rainforest

Your character explores the newly reforested rainforest (setting reference) to do… what? Hunt monkeys? Gather tropical fruit? Birdwatch?
9: Vayu

Your character participates in the DotD’s worship of Vayu, the deity of destruction. Down deep in the volcano’s underground tunnels, the sacrificial lava pit awaits. What do they throw inside? Garbage? Something from their past which haunts them and they wish to let go?
Middle column “Big Island prompts”: (2, 5, 8)
Your character gets a remote beach OR section of the rainforest on the Big Island gets named after them. This blurb will be added to the guide!

Diagonal with the gods: (1, 5, 9)
Your character gets a gift from vale for being pious (the gift is a small dragon sculpture made out of coconut crab shells to go in their personal cave). This gift can be received in a private thread with Vale or assumed to have happened, roleplayer’s choice.

Diagonal with the Islands: (3, 5, 7)
Your character is officially a badass for surviving both of the murdery murder islands! They get a shout out in the next meeting from Meteor.

Middle row body horror prompts: (4, 5, 6)
Your character gets a “free” bone knife and bone knife crafting lesson with Xanti. This can be roleplayed out in a private thread or not, roleplayer’s choice.

Complete all nine prompts? Your character gets added to the guide as a holder of the Summertime Riptide title. PLUS you receive 1,000 gems from Staff.
Please reply to this thread with your prompt tracker. You can either post it when you’re done or post the WIP and update it as you go. You do you!

Roleplayer Name:
Character Name(s):
Prompts List:
1: linkhere

RE: storageee - XANTI - 06-25-2024


The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - VALE - 06-25-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ gyrfalcon
The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

RE: storageee - VALE - 06-25-2024

all that is left is the change !
Descendants of the Departed ★ Inquisitor of Requiem's Creation ★ shapeshifter
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