Beasts of Beyond
the pitt chatting & plotting - Printable Version

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Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Jervis - 05-19-2019

that'd be wonderful, yeah!
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Crackers - 05-19-2019

[member=3615]JERVIS[/member]  that would be great! You'll have to excuse Fourth if he comes off as a bit of an ass, it's entirely IC lol
I'd love to do some actual in-depth plotting with these guys if your interested. I have a bio for fourth in my siggy so if your interested and feel like browsing you can hit me up with any ideas you might have Smile

Who should make the thread?

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Jervis - 05-20-2019

[member=5081]Crackers[/member] That'd be lovely! Some in-depth plotting would be great, actually, since it already looks like they would have some interesting development together. If you have a Discord or want to talk over PM, perhaps that'd be for the best.

If you wouldn't mind, could you do that? I'm still in a weird spot.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Crackers - 05-20-2019

Not a problem! I'll tag you once it's up and send the PM now Smile

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Crow Roux - 05-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - gregory - 07-29-2019

eyyyy since the pitt and blackguard are becoming one group wassup

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Jervis - 07-29-2019

yes!! they're more of 'absorbing' than merging, seeing that we're taking no aspects of the pitt and it's a takeover so :000
but still so cool!!
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Crackers - 08-05-2019

If anyone wants a thread with Fourth just lemme know! I'm trying to get some proper friendships and stuff formed between him and the other members Smile

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - Jervis - 09-14-2019

My dearest apologies for being inactive. It's been such a rough week and I haven't been able to hop on until now. I'm going to try and get a few quick posts out but please don't expect anything large.

Re: the pitt chatting & plotting - gregory - 09-14-2019

hey, dont worry dude! we get it <3 rl comes first!