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⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - Printable Version

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Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]they're written down in eternity ———— general
→ daeshim merveilleux jung / tequila, teq, quila, nyquil / born intersex / identifies as agender / they/them pronouns / 25 years old / formerly associated with the stone wolf tribe, blue angels tribe, the apex clan / roaming at this time / will eventually join the badlands
but you'll never see the price it costs ———— relationships
→ pergélisol merveilleux x eun jung / romantic interest unknown / sexual preference unknown / ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅛ relationship / single / not looking / no crushes / no "maybe" crushes / no future crushes
the scars collected all their lives ———— appearance
→ 5'10 / ?? lbs
when everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat ———— personality
→ trait, trait, trait
before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream ———— interaction
→ extreme physically / trained in combat / knowledge on traditional medicine (herbal medicine) / won't start fights / won't will end fights unless it's severe / always shows mercy / non-threatening or peaceful power-play is allowed

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]daeshim "tequlia"
– knows real name but uses the name tequila their father calls them since they were little; only tells those they true their real name
– has ovotestis (prev. called true hermaphroditism); neither reproductive organs are fully functional
– agender; forever and always they/them pronouns
– shit ton of siblings and loves them all

- practices shamanism. more on the traditional side. open to learning/discussing different healing methods
- shamanism does conflict with their christianity and is still trying to figure out whether or not to continue their practice in their "main" religion
- snarky but sociable. loves to interact with others. thrives in it
- does not use contractions in speech (isn't, doesn't etc). uses formal words
- usually has a calm/cool demeanor. rarely shows other emotions unless it truly brings it out. smiles are a rarity
- formerly was in a modern tribe. left because it went against their beliefs and morals
- tequila does not kill, nor do they support killing; not anymore. they've had enough of that in their younger years. unless pushed to limits will they actually kill someone, but they typically aim to hurt others to the point of fleeing/backing off. always shows mercy.
- loves tea. will definitely make anyone tea if they ask for it. uses tea for typical ingestion or for medical purposes. recommends everyone drinks some herbal tea once in awhile.
- understands and speaks english, french, and korean. potential knows more languages because of their variety of siblings from mothers of different ethnicities. will not speak french or korean unless an individual doesn't speak english.
- be a rude bitch and they'll be rude right back. not in my home, no ma'am.

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]- zombie, unfortunately, as this ever resting bitch face despite not acting that way. he gives off vibes of intimidation and authority, but he's far from it. more like a child shoved into an adults body. while he doesn't need to be supervised or cause trouble, it doesn't mean he won't end up in any.
- quite the cheerful and happy-go-lucky type of guy even if his facial features never change to show it
- eyes are windows to the soul, right? it's best to continuously look at his than judge the expressions on his face
- okay, but i forgot that he has a lazy right eye. he can control it most of the time, but you know. it just... happens. "lmao, imma go what i wanna do. look straight ahead? nah, imma look to the side for a bit"
- slovakian. speaks his native language along side polish, russian, and english
- okay but he spokes in a soft voice and?? rcenwceo, he basically sounds like a favorite asmrist of mine. here's a sample. "imma put yo ass to sleep. it goin' be great"

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][align=center]congenital anosmia
a condition in which people are born with a lifelong inability to smell.

[—] zombie inherited this from his mother, who also couldn't smell. her grandmother and older brother have it, but her younger brother and sister can smell just fine. it's more of a hit or miss type of deal. nobody knows this unless they specifically as him to smell something. if you ask him if you smell good then there's a good chance he'll say yes even if he's wrong. it also affects his taste as well. if you were to blindfold him and give him and apple and onion, he wouldn't notice a difference. he can taste, but he can't taste. there is no such thing as flavor to him and doesn't find it to be an issue if someone brings it up. there's nothing to miss if he never had the chance to miss it at all. though, he might try to fool you considering he's listen to plenty of people describe how something tastes and can give you that answer, seemingly able to taste his food even though he can't.

[—] anyone can give zombie a good scare if they question him when it comes to answering how something smells. you could bring him to a location that reeks of dead animals and he wouldn't bat an eye at the smell. persistent questioning if the smell actually bothers him will cause zombie to visibly tense. it even gets worse if someone makes food and asks for his sole opinion, not basing it off of others. normally he can look at whatever he's eating and give an answer based off of response he's heard from people outside of the place he resides ("oh, it smulls eh'strem'lee sweet." "ah, the spiciness is evident in dey frum a whiff auh-lune." ), but if the individual is staring him down and is able to tell if he's lying will cause zombs to leave immediately.

[—] sometimes he likes to imagine what others can smell. it's not accurate to what others experience, but there are times where his mind creates a smell from what he's heard.

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][align=center]amblyopia ( lazy eye )
a vision development disorder in which an eye fails to achieve normal visual acuity.

[—] this has been with him from a young age and has persisted throughout his life. this occurs in his right eye while the left eye is perfectly normal. his parents never took him to the doctor to get this checked out and the blackout didn't help out in the slightest. he parents noticed after seeing his eyes misaligned one day when playing with his boys. of course, they had no clue what amblyopia and simply decided to let it slide. so long as the left eye wasn't covered then he was fine.

[—] he can generally "focus" the right eye on what he's looking at so long as he's paying attention. though there are times where the eye does its own thing and turns to the right and sinks down. he doesn't take much notice considering he has poor vision in that eye, but will become alert if he looks into a mirror to see this going on.

[—] he's never told anyone he has a lazy eye and won't bring it up unless someone asks. questions about it don't bother since he's grown up with and shrugs it off. you can joke about it, but he won't take too kindly to it.

[—] covering up his left eye will send him into a panic because that's his good eye, and the right eye only sees blurry or fuzzy shapes, unable to distinguish what objects and people are. it's not advise to test this out for kills. he has the looks of a killer and can easily turn into one.

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

❝ — Rich kid, asshole: paint me as a villain
Don't be mad cause I'm doing me better than you doing you ; Better than you doing you, fuck it, what you gon' do? — [ ★ ★ ★ ]

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

❝ — like fire, h e l l f i r e, this fire in my skin
this burning d e s i r e is turning me into sin —– ★

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

counterfeit hypocrite  —– holy shit

「 once a upon a time in a land far away, there lived a little boy and he cried all day —–

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt; text-transform: lowercase;"]
suicidal thoughts | jake hill and josh a:
suicide forest | jake hill and josh a:
nuketown | josh a and jake hill:

Re: ⌠✬★*´´☽ — PRAY FOR THE WICKED ⌡ - drachen - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt; text-transform: lowercase;"]
the wolf | siames:
you fooled me | divided by friday:
rhythm of the room | divided by friday:
better off | divided by friday:
honey whiskey | nothing by thieves: