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*+☽ ━ badbye / storage - Printable Version

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Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - guppy - 12-27-2018

boy roux
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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dessert jujubes donut. Sesame snaps marshmallow liquorice jelly-o brownie liquorice I love brownie I love. Jujubes pudding marshmallow I love bear claw jelly chocolate bar muffin powder. Soufflé I love lollipop pudding dessert carrot cake halvah. Pudding I love donut cookie ice cream. Ice cream I love cake chocolate cake cake donut donut cake. Danish brownie candy caramels gingerbread caramels candy canes lollipop. Sweet jujubes croissant jelly-o bonbon. Lollipop I love oat cake. Caramels chocolate cake chocolate jelly beans jujubes bonbon wafer oat cake I love. I love toffee gingerbread I love gummies I love. Carrot cake sweet cake croissant. Carrot cake powder soufflé sesame snaps caramels halvah.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dessert jujubes donut. Sesame snaps marshmallow liquorice jelly-o brownie liquorice I love brownie I love. Jujubes pudding marshmallow I love bear claw jelly chocolate bar muffin powder. Soufflé I love lollipop pudding dessert carrot cake halvah. Pudding I love donut cookie ice cream. Ice cream I love cake chocolate cake cake donut donut cake. Danish brownie candy caramels gingerbread caramels candy canes lollipop. Sweet jujubes croissant jelly-o bonbon. Lollipop I love oat cake. Caramels chocolate cake chocolate jelly beans jujubes bonbon wafer oat cake I love. I love toffee gingerbread I love gummies I love. Carrot cake sweet cake croissant. Carrot cake powder soufflé sesame snaps caramels halvah.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dessert jujubes donut. Sesame snaps marshmallow liquorice jelly-o brownie liquorice I love brownie I love. Jujubes pudding marshmallow I love bear claw jelly chocolate bar muffin powder. Soufflé I love lollipop pudding dessert carrot cake halvah. Pudding I love donut cookie ice cream. Ice cream I love cake chocolate cake cake donut donut cake. Danish brownie candy caramels gingerbread caramels candy canes lollipop. Sweet jujubes croissant jelly-o bonbon. Lollipop I love oat cake. Caramels chocolate cake chocolate jelly beans jujubes bonbon wafer oat cake I love. I love toffee gingerbread I love gummies I love. Carrot cake sweet cake croissant. Carrot cake powder soufflé sesame snaps caramels halvah.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dessert jujubes donut. Sesame snaps marshmallow liquorice jelly-o brownie liquorice I love brownie I love. Jujubes pudding marshmallow I love bear claw jelly chocolate bar muffin powder. Soufflé I love lollipop pudding dessert carrot cake halvah. Pudding I love donut cookie ice cream. Ice cream I love cake chocolate cake cake donut donut cake. Danish brownie candy caramels gingerbread caramels candy canes lollipop. Sweet jujubes croissant jelly-o bonbon. Lollipop I love oat cake. Caramels chocolate cake chocolate jelly beans jujubes bonbon wafer oat cake I love. I love toffee gingerbread I love gummies I love. Carrot cake sweet cake croissant. Carrot cake powder soufflé sesame snaps caramels halvah.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dessert jujubes donut. Sesame snaps marshmallow liquorice jelly-o brownie liquorice I love brownie I love. Jujubes pudding marshmallow I love bear claw jelly chocolate bar muffin powder. Soufflé I love lollipop pudding dessert carrot cake halvah. Pudding I love donut cookie ice cream. Ice cream I love cake chocolate cake cake donut donut cake. Danish brownie candy caramels gingerbread caramels candy canes lollipop. Sweet jujubes croissant jelly-o bonbon. Lollipop I love oat cake. Caramels chocolate cake chocolate jelly beans jujubes bonbon wafer oat cake I love. I love toffee gingerbread I love gummies I love. Carrot cake sweet cake croissant. Carrot cake powder soufflé sesame snaps caramels halvah.

idk why i did this but it feels pretty rewarding doing so. all my characters minus glitchedcontroller bc this post was long enough already oof that i've planned to play on the site, including boy who i technically do play.

also, dream, if you need some pewds gifs for ur pewds character, i have a billion from when i played swedishfish on ff in case you want some ;o

Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - dreamiplier - 12-27-2018

!! i would love that! im not gonna rp him rn, i deleted his account lmao, but i might remake it now bc eyes yes

i love those codes ugh

Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - guppy - 12-27-2018

[Image: ettChBy.gif] [Image: zEecLal.gif] [Image: qO2gIcx.gif]
[Image: j6Y230V.gif] [Image: 0dFNvc1.gif] [Image: Raczb19.gif]
[Image: jPpOpMF.gif] [Image: CkudiQU.gif]  [Image: d7yUnxs.gif]
[Image: Ggk5dFU.gif] [Image: gmSqrdt.gif] [Image: Qv7eYrQ.gif]
[Image: TCF9u9o.gif] [Image: rKGyPtV.gif] [Image: lyWtUFT.gif]
[Image: XgmYBfv.gif] [Image: r04ymSi.gif] [Image: T3dAtdo.gif]
[Image: cMttjGx.gif] [Image: nX4fDhk.gif] [Image: 03OKUsP.gif]
[Image: hxh6WsX.gif] [Image: NZgy4Ja.gif] [Image: MnL79Aa.gif]
[Image: 6WOprlL.gif] [Image: iUxhF6g.gif] [Image: bB8ZSY5.gif]
[Image: vodHcia.gif] [Image: KW6sPlM.gif] [Image: 4vzLjjc.gif]
[Image: ep2Ifdy.gif] [Image: 5aQqIWt.gif] [Image: lTiwr8S.gif]

^^ those are all the felix gifs i have saved in my imgur! i had a bunch more (more recent) gifs saved to my laptop, but that was before i had to send it in to be fixed (aka b4 they wiped all my data.) even if you don't play your pewds character anytime soon, they'll be perfect icons to use overall ;o
asdfghjkl i need to watch more of his content. the last thing i watched was his bitch lasagna diss track.

<33 & if you wanna use it, go for it! tbh i might expand it more to be a complex bio template but that'll be for later

also just in case the jin wallpaper was blurry when you downloaded it, here's the link to it!

Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - guppy - 12-27-2018

[Image: 9Q3abxP.gif]

happycamper aestas / tags / plot / hub / roleplayed by [member=1886]guppy[/member]
my name is my life, a hopeful vibe, positive rather than a negative type. i live up to my name but ain't no price ━- say hello to my hope world, this is my world, my own story.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pretium odio non justo laoreet, vitae euismod est elementum. Praesent mattis faucibus velit, ac laoreet metus blandit non. Mauris rutrum tempor ipsum, vel facilisis ante egestas vel. Pellentesque nec tellus commodo, suscipit nisi sit amet, aliquet nisi. Curabitur lobortis placerat est, sed ornare sapien posuere sed. Proin viverra magna quis ligula malesuada mollis. Donec laoreet velit non justo tincidunt, eu tincidunt mauris rhoncus. In porta congue risus, at efficitur ante porttitor in.

Mauris malesuada justo dolor, at iaculis elit malesuada eget. In sagittis facilisis magna vitae sollicitudin. Suspendisse egestas nibh eros, eget vetis risus commodo eu. "Lusce dignissim faucibus iaculis." Suspendisse auctor eros quis purus accumsan, eu dapibus neque posuere. Vestibulum commodo commodo quam a malesuada. Aliquam justo neque, posuere eget diam sit amet, imperdiet mollis dui. Sed gravida massa quis justo iaculis, a molestie nisl condimentum. Sed enim lorem, finibus id feugiat vitae, porttitor vel ipsum. Sed maximus tempus facilisis. Integer pretium libero eu diam vestibulum, ac rutrum lectus blandit. Phasellus et tellus vel orci tristique efficitur.

Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - dreamiplier - 12-27-2018


eyes yes pls @ the bio template 11/10 would steal

thank you boo but i got it perfectly owo
also im thinking of asking my mom if i can just go with my dad to church on sunday since she'll probably wanna be with my grandmother now that she's in the hospital, since they're going to some party anyways at 2 so
also also im on disc if you wanna talk rn


Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - guppy - 12-27-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu turpis mauris. Mauris quis sem eget nunc facilisis vehicula eget vitae sem. Proin augue lorem, tincidunt nec orci ac, viverra finibus quam. Cras fringilla auctor dui, sit amet maximus nulla malesuada et. Suspendisse nibh eros, viverra vel leo in, finibus maximus turpis. Proin cursus eros vitae accumsan bibendum. Aenean maximus, ex sed molestie aliquam, ipsum erat facilisis lacus, vitae efficitur quam ante ut felis. Mauris consectetur imperdiet mi, vel molestie felis faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse vehicula libero et nulla dignissim, nec rhoncus eros lacinia.
i know a place that's tucked away, a place where you and i can stay
➊ ➋ ➌ ➍
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quam lorem, placerat nec magna vitae, dapibus porttitor arcu. Nunc aliquet ante at velit tempus feugiat. Duis ornare, elit vitae lobortis pretium, nunc sapien tempor enim, in eleifend lorem erat non metus. In lacinia id felis viverra pulvinar. Phasellus lacinia orci id viverra malesuada. Pellentesque consequat purus in malesuada elementum. Praesent ut justo et enim venenatis efficitur at at massa. Sed ac erat sodales, mattis justo ac, tincidunt velit. Aliquam scelerisque gravida libero, nec ultrices ligula iaculis sed. Duis metus urna, dictum a eleifend vitae, elementum ut ex.

Phasellus pulvinar ultricies ligula, vitae mollis ipsum vehicula ut. Praesent ultricies dolor risus, quis convallis velit pharetra nec. Sed eget dignissim turpis, et fermentum quam. Nam odio massa, dictum ut nisl id, vehicula elementum sem. Nam commodo ornare ipsum et hendrerit. Nunc condimentum augue non viverra hendrerit. Vestibulum venenatis interdum lectus, vitae venenatis lorem porttitor id. Duis mollis imperdiet elit sed consequat.

this was a pain in the ass to code bc the transform code is my enemy but my stubbornness prevailed / i have no idea what this can be:

Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - guppy - 12-27-2018

the new thing to find out about me is that when im coding, i literally forget the rest of the world exists. terrible habit, but what can ya do
bUT PEEP THAT MOTIVATION AAAA. glad those icons helped ya out there ; o if you do play him, i'm excited on what you'll do with him!

honestly that seems like a good idea!! tbh i feel like you need another mini-break, especially when it comes to those certain family members. but i really hope your grandma gets better soon <33 and that justin shuts his ass up
also now finally on my way to discord asdfghjkl i should just always have it open


Re: *+☽ ━ badbye / storage - dreamiplier - 12-27-2018

smh i don't see you on disc yet gup

i've noticed LMAO

mini-breaks, pfft, nah
maybe lmao
i'll be fine, i know she's okay so im not worried do you mean ryan