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storageee - Printable Version

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Re: storageee - ninazu - 09-17-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed feugiat sapien. Proin rhoncus vestibulum eros, ac pharetra massa eleifend vel. Donec ac iaculis lorem. "Aenean eget justo eget risus gravida pretium sed non augue," sed sem tortor, rhoncus vel interdum nec, consequat vitae mauris. Sed nec nisi nec libero semper finibus et sed nulla. Donec a vehicula odio, in malesuada ligula. Proin et magna nec nunc sollicitudin elementum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In a ligula eget magna dapibus euismod vitae sed tortor. Donec ac semper neque. In eleifend justo purus, eu iaculis ante efficitur a. Ut placerat ultrices lacus ut aliquam.

Re: storageee - METEOR - 09-18-2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed feugiat sapien. Proin rhoncus vestibulum eros, ac pharetra massa eleifend vel. Donec ac iaculis lorem. "Aenean eget justo eget risus gravida pretium sed non augue," sed sem tortor, rhoncus vel interdum nec, consequat vitae mauris. Sed nec nisi nec libero semper finibus et sed nulla. Donec a vehicula odio, in malesuada ligula. Proin et magna nec nunc sollicitudin elementum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In a ligula eget magna dapibus euismod vitae sed tortor. Donec ac semper neque. In eleifend justo purus, eu iaculis ante efficitur a. Ut placerat ultrices lacus ut aliquam.

Re: storageee - axiom - 09-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-size:27pt;line-height:.9;color:#000;font-family:impact;padding:8px;letter-spacing:1.2px"]「 I DON’T CARE 」[div style="width:330px;font-size:9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify"]Tell me what you wanted / I’ve been calling back to those before us / But they didn't hear / I’ve been losing friends and enemies / It’s even now / I looked underneath the dirt and bodies / And there’s nothing there / If I can hear the voices echoing / It’s in my head / Did you find a higher purpose? / It never worked for me / I'm just waiting around / Tell me where we're going / —————————— I DON’T CARE!  | INFO

Re: storageee - axiom - 09-21-2020



Re: storageee - VALE - 09-22-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ rotting, mutated jaguar
“Slimy little facey-face,” Vale hissed. Saliva and goop dripped out of zir mouth, accompanied by a barbed tooth. With each hot exhale, a chunk of their rotting body tore away. These pieces collected at Vale’s shadow like mothballs beaten out of old fabric. “Your hypocrisy speaks for itself, even if you refuse to confess.”

Vale’s red eyes only moved from the Elysium leaders when Hebi’s voice cut through the silence.

One eye apiece on Hani and Alani, one of the remainder liquified to slush and dripped down the jaguar’s face. Zir forked tongue flicked out and caught the goop, licking it up. Vale’s face twisted into a rictus of annoyance. Each of zir tails lashed in time like a wave moving left to right.

“Stand back?” Vale hissed, repeating the jaguar’s words. “Does this one actually inspire so much loyalty, that, you must threaten violence in defense of their murky motivations?”

Another eye watered, slowly turning to mush, and a trail of running liquid ran down Vale’s muzzle. The mutated beast stood still, tails flicking and connecting together as though magnetically drawn to click together. They fused, and clumps of fur and flesh sloughed off, revealing bone and putrid flesh.

“I have no quarrel with you.” Another shark tooth clattered between zir paws. “Besides, why are you threatening me? I’m not the one that lobbed lightning at your two facey-face leaders, am I? Here I thought guard dogs could distinguish the difference between an elemental attack and an interrogation.”

Re: storageee - ROSEMARY - 10-08-2020


“A regular stroll is enough. I often find the best and strangest things when my intentions are open,” Rosemary said. She started walking, the half-empty satchel bouncing against her shoulder. Her right ear flicked as she listened to Vigenere, and she scanned the marshy area as he spoke. She didn’t interrupt him.

Her nose twitched, and she altered course slightly. The smell of mint grew steadily stronger, until she stopped in front of a bushel of water mint and milkweed. Her orange-amber eyes narrowed as the plants shivered, until she telekinetically severed small pieces and floated them into waiting tins in her paws.

“Things only bother us once we decide they bother us. It seems that heavy thing is too sentimental to bother you–or, I suppose, it might bother you more to leave it behind.” She tapped the sapphire skull charm hanging off a gold earring. “This is much the same to me. Pincher gave it to me, long ago. Back when Tanglewoods and the Typhoon hated each other.”

The ocelot stood up and resumed the stroll. Her forked tails flicked as she looked up to the tree tops. “Time flies, indeed. I watched Goldie grow from a child to a capable leader, but I haven’t changed so much, myself, in that time. And the Typhoon is… different. Less testy, less hierarchical. I think it’s for the better.”

“Tanglewoods, though… I have never thought much of you lot, to tell the truth. I think I remember Beck and only him, as the face of a bunch of idiots who trap each other more than outsiders.”

Re: storageee - axiom - 10-15-2020

note to self ... extra powers
x shapeshifting (bought for rosemary but ended up never using it?? doesn't suit her)
x foliage familiar

Re: storageee - axiom - 10-16-2020

“A regular stroll is enough. I often find the best and strangest things when my intentions are open,” Rosemary said. She started walking, the half-empty satchel bouncing against her shoulder. Her right ear flicked as she listened to Vigenere, and she scanned the marshy area as he spoke. She didn’t interrupt him.

Her nose twitched, and she altered course slightly. The smell of mint grew steadily stronger, until she stopped in front of a bushel of water mint and milkweed. Her orange-amber eyes narrowed as the plants shivered, until she telekinetically severed small pieces and floated them into waiting tins in her paws.

“Things only bother us once we decide they bother us. It seems that heavy thing is too sentimental to bother you–or, I suppose, it might bother you more to leave it behind.” She tapped the sapphire skull charm hanging off a gold earring. “This is much the same to me. Pincher gave it to me, long ago. Back when Tanglewoods and the Typhoon hated each other.”

The ocelot stood up and resumed the stroll. Her forked tails flicked as she looked up to the tree tops. “Time flies, indeed. I watched Goldie grow from a child to a capable leader, but I haven’t changed so much, myself, in that time. And the Typhoon is… different. Less testy, less hierarchical. I think it’s for the better.”

“Tanglewoods, though… I have never thought much of you lot, to tell the truth. I think I remember Beck and only him, as the face of a bunch of idiots who trap each other more than outsiders.”

Re: storageee - axiom - 10-16-2020

[align=center][div style="font-size:17pt;line-height:1.1;color:;font-family:georgia"][i]cotton candy dreams[div style="font-size:8pt;line-height:.1.1;color:;font-family:arial;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-2px"]
[  smilodon populator  |  3 month old cub |  he/them or xe/xyr  ]

Re: storageee - ninazu - 10-25-2020

Ninazu hummed at his words, unable to put thoughts into words. Their imprisonment remained a dark spot in her memory, no matter how many times she meditated. The psychedelics came closest to removing the gunk in her mind from such trauma, but the lioness never liked remembering that time. To remember was to drown in powerlessness.

She threw more gold in her satchel, until Stryker’s comment draws her eye. Eyebrow curling up, she glanced over her shoulder before turning her head. Her golden eyes widened.

“One would look equally good on you, my lightning bug.” She hooked one on a claw, raising her paw until she held it at Stryker’s ear level. Smiling softly, she hummed again, this time in satisfaction. “Quite handsome, indeed. The iridescent metal matches your eyes.”

Her flames licked her cheeks, the mane contracting in size but flickering wildly. Ninazu’s eyes narrowed, before her expression returned to a relaxed grin. “Things did change. Before… that… we were both too wrapped up in our own desires. I we hadn’t gone through that mess together, I doubt either of us could trust the other completely. Ironically, all of that bullshit means you’re the only one I could trust completely.”

She inhaled sharply, the flames expanding, and exhaled a puff of steam through her nostrils. The flame’s edges tinged green. She glanced away from his face, staring at the earring in her paw for a long moment.

“Perhaps it’s time we… show off our bond. And using stolen jewelry to do it is about as us as we can get.”