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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 08-16-2019


Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 08-16-2019

//Oh my it's been awhile. This was at the bottom of my never-ending list, so thank you for bumping it. I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to continue sometime anyways but since you weren't always online, I wasn't so sure. We're too far into this, we have to finish!

// Lovely little story by the way. You always do really well with those... I think I'm going to throw in a few myself when I have time, esp since I have some great prompts.

A sigh left Severus. As a tear brushed against his finger, he pulled away from Ellie. Soon enough, the professor rose to his feet once again with an understanding gaze staring down at her. "We shall then," he muttered. Truly, he was developing a soft spot for Ellie. Unlike with his students, he wasn't going to tell her to step it up or fight for herself, but instead he'd guide her. Eventually she'd have to part from him though. Deep down Severus knew it was for the better, just as he always distanced himself from everyone else.

"Let's go-"

The cries of Dumbledore caused his head to whip around. He paid no attention to the aurors, instead leaving his sight on the headmaster. A scowl rose upon his lips. "Dementors," Severus responded dully, "but I think you already know that." After all, why would the aurors be here without prompting? That was his witty logic though.

Dark eyes drifted down towards the girl, noticing her sudden trembling, only to look back up at Dumbledore seconds later. "They got to the girl." Despite his distasteful reference to Ellie, Severus felt obliged to acknowledge her horror. He slide his hand down across her back and laid his skinny palm around her shoulder. "So to speak though, Pettigrew has arisen from the metaphorical grave and Sirius has found us..." Snape didn't believe a damn word he said. "Lupin, though, is obviously discontent right now..." His other hand gestured up to the full moon. "Needless to say, we've got a problem on our hands." Unless, that was, Dumbledore was hiding extra information from him again.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 08-17-2019

//I know I haven't been on a whole lot. I am getting ready to start at college and I was working a job on top of being out of state for two weeks. I've been getting on when I can. And I totally agree! We must reach this story's end, wherever it may go!
///And thank! And I would love to read some of yours!

Dumbledore was quiet for several long minutes. He barely seemed aware of the commotion of the aurors, some seeing to Potter and Black, others investigating the woods. He suddenly sighed heavily. "Now is not the time. Take the girl back to the castle and make sure she is alright. I will see to things here,"he responded dully. For once, Dumbledore seemed drained.

Ella was like ice to the touch. Any warmth her frail body produced was zapped away from her. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself, trying in vain to warm herself. Her clothing clung to her, acting as a force to drain her of her life. She began swaying, unable to fully support herself. She suddenly looked up at Severus, eyes dulling.

"I saw Mom,"She whispered to him, pale lips barely moving. "I saw Sage. She was scared...And she was hurting," The words rushed out of her mouth before she could stop them. She hated herself for it. Severus did not need such pain. He didn't need such knowledge. But to keep it locked inside was to die. She was beginning to think she would anyway. Lowering her gaze back to the ground, she was ready to give in to the intruding darkness. Only Snape's grip on her shoulder kept her from surrounding. She wasn't sure she could fight it much longer.

"Take Black to the tower and lock him in there. We will send a medic to tend to him later," one of the lead aurors barked to the others. They jumped to obey him, eager to get out of the cold. None of them took notice of Ellie's tiny whimper. It was too faint to be heard. She forced herself to raise her head once last time, watching as they dragged Black away. Potter was already gone.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 08-18-2019

I was reading through the old posts and realize I had forgotten about the memory Grey had given Ellie. I have an idea for it that I think is really cool. I'll bring it into play soon. It and a few other things.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 10-08-2019

Is this thread still alive?

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 12-05-2019


Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 01-02-2020

Severus just scowled. While he agreed on keeping Ellie safe, he wished to go after the Marauders. The professor had yet to realize that his seething, revenge-filled rage was his downfall. Luckily, Dumbledore was persuasive enough to push him in the right direction. Losing another one of Snape’s acquaintances would send him off the deep end... As if he hadn’t already done that.

Ready to move on, he tried to wordlessly pull Ellie along with him. Finding nothing but a limp being in his grip, his dark gaze shifted towards the girl. Ellie swayed in her spot, muttering along senselessly. Her words stung. They gave him false hope. His weak spot. The anger coursing through his veins exhausted him. Pained and defeated, he just froze. Severus didn’t know what to think or how to respond. Something told him to push her for more information, as if interrogating an enemy, but he held his tongue. This was no ‘Potter’ that he’d bash.

“Let’s go,” he mustered up. His tone was cruel and commanding, but not degrading whatsoever. With his words, he’d attempt to pull Ellie forward and lead her back to the castle. They both needed time to rest.

//back from vacation <3 time skip?

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-03-2020

//Cool and sure, though I am not sure where you want to skip to so, here goes nothing. I didn't realize you had posted on here. I never got a notification for it like I normally do.

Ellie had followed Severus without another sound. Even as she had been treated for her wounds and warmed up, she had remained as silent as death. Not even the questioning of others stirred her to speak. After some time, they had left her alone. Not even Snape himself could rouse the child. Whatever she had seen had shaken her to the core.

With everyone treated for their wounds, including an unconscious Potter, Fudge turned to Severus. He had listened to the man's version of what happened, questioning very little. He took Snape at his word, rather he actually believed him or not. The minster was just ready to put this whole nightmare behind him. As the story was finished being told, Fudge forced a nervious smile.

"While that is all good, and I do congratulate you, there is another matter we must decide on." The man glanced at the still Ellie. "The girl is going to have to be appointed a guardian. Seeing as how her parents are both...unaviable," He was clearly choosing his words with care, as he should, "you are her next of kin." Fudge fell silent after his last words, waiting for Severus' reaction. He knew his reputation, and he was not expecting him to take fondly to the idea of being stuck with a child.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-06-2020


Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 01-16-2020
