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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - aine. - 11-28-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Chaos.  The world around still seemed to be bent on chaos.  The lion bothering them had left.  Taking rest in the skies.  For a little while.  Hazel hues found the clash of authority, only to be pulled closer to her father.  Protection from the sight of a gruesome attack.  But it was only the first of two.

Aine blinked as a familiar wolf approached her father.  Outside his circle of wind.  Talking.  Surrender.  A common word today.  The petite vixen blinked, but the sound of the fire-lion's voice cut her ears.  Loud.  Vicious.  Merciless.  Kydobi.  "No!"

Her father's focus on their cousin let her slip.  Scramble outside of his circle of protection.  Rage-desperate-panic-filled tears streaked down her cheeks.  The jaguar was covered in blood.  So much blood.  Her friend. "Monstre! Allez-vous-en!"

He should scare her.  He did.  They all did.  But Mr. Kydobi was her friend.  They were hurting her friend. The little fae slammed her paws into the ground and attempted to strangle the paws of both Aurum and Kanga with vines. "STAY AWAY!"

attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member]  [member=4990]Kanga[/member]
stamina: 80%
[Image: HfnJZUK.png]
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - raziel - 11-28-2019

[align=left]Raziel Ó Faoláin
A spark of hope lived in Gael's words, if only for a moment.  Despite his haunted past, filled with regrets and losses, Raziel remained optimistic for the best.  The best, especially, in others -- Gael was still family to him after all.  Had they not grown up together?  Had they not laughed and lived beside each other?  Even when the world came crashing around them, war brought to their home, had they not stood together?

For a time, they had, but Raziel saw that time slipping away.  He had seen it long ago, right after his parents' deaths.  Still, he chose to simply hope.

In vain, he found for the moment, seeing the distance and anger in his cousin's eyes.  That hardly meant he would refrain from trying in the future.  Even when he found his own eyes widening, shocked by the sudden attack.  The air tore free from his lungs.  For a moment the faerie heaved, unable to breathe properly.

Hardly a king feeling bound to traditional values, Raziel hardly considered the weight of Gael's decision -- another fae striking the royal head.  He only strengthened his resolve to reach his cousin somehow.  He's scared.  For Aine.  The wolf understood that fear, as a father himself.

Even as he tried to rediscover air, he saw the smaller fox move away.  Drawn by the sight of a friend in peril, the child opted against staying close to Gael.  Oh dear.  "Gael," he heaved out desperately, "Aine!"

Attacking: no one
Stamina: 75%
Health: recently had the wind knocked out of him; regaining normal breathing.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-28-2019


[OOC:mobile ]

Before anyone could continue, he would be ripped away from the solid back of the tiger. Completely caught off guard by someone he thought had left the battlefield, he would crash into the ground. The breath knocked out of him since his right leg couldn’t catch himself in time. Wincing Kydobi would snarl, baring his teeth. Warning the cat.

It seemed the universe was trying to stop him from doing the only thing every fiber of his being was trying to do. Eyes flickered to see a paw go across Bai’s face and he growled. Eyes flowed, internal fires building despite his injuries. Steam rose from the boiling blood of the wound. Cleaning it but not healing it for it had been teared too far apart for such things.

He would pull himself up on his feet just in time for Aurum to come in. Once again he had let his guard down, a heavy paw would take across his face. It left a gash across his right cheek and down across to his left side of his muzzle. A snarl in reaction and he barely dodged the flurry of claws and his heart released it all. All the anger all the rage all the love for Bai. In a immense whoosh he was ignited. Blue flames mushroomed around him before tightening. He heard nothing and no one. Bai Shi’s voice was distant and far. He was mad. Angry. Hurt. And scorned.

“I FIGHT FOR NO ONE ANYMORE!”, he was tired of loyalty. All it got was him chewed up and spat out. No more titles, he only felt obligated to protect those who had shown him kindness. Bai, Aine, Gael, August, even Redvox. Them. It was all for them. Jervis never valued him! He was nothing to Jervis and Jervis was nothing to him now. Nothing but a mistake, a bitter reminder of his need for validation! Validation he never seemed to attain. People never understood him, he only meant well. Everyone tried to walk all over him and no matter what he attempted someone would complain. All his efforts to find a home. It got him here. He roared, flames flickered in between the flesh of his wounds. A heavy glow, of blue flames radiated off of the brute. He stared at Aurum with eyes of molten.  All he saw was Aurum, an obstacle that he had tried to get around but was being forced to go through. And he intended to burn it all.

A ragged breath could be heard from Kydobi. His breath was short but it wouldn’t stop him.

If the brute held the same resistance to flames, it was unknown to him. But in his weakened state Kydobi could not control the flames and they start to lick the ground before him. Spreading slowly but surely unless out out by someone who saw the dangers of a fire in the jungle.

Teeth bared, he would open his maw to try to meet the lion. Knowing his right arm wouldn’t do too much for him, he would raise himself on his hind paws and shift all his weight on them. Lifting himself on his rear to try to meet. However the lion was stronger than him at the moment. The lunge downward was successful, Kydobi’s legs buckled and he went down. Terror reached him as he lost his breath and realized he couldn’t regain it like he should.

But he wouldn’t give up, the flames would rise and grow with his effort in an attempt to push off the ground. Two boulders of fire and fury colliding. Clearly one would mash in.

This man had to be stopped. Kydobi was the one to do it for sure. Ironically both were driven by the same desire to continue the fight. For the people they loved. Huffing... gasping Kydobi would push. A whispered cry would come from him as he desperately attempted to pull in air. Then there was a tightness in his a chest and it morphed not a piercing pain.  Wincing as teeth sank into his neck. But he couldn’t breath anyways, something was wrong.

He felt extreme warmth leaking down his neck and joining the stream of blood coming from his freshly torn wound on his shoulder. He would look, pressure building in his head. He couldn’t breathe. His whole body was not replenishing it’s oxygen debt and it was weakening. His vision began to darken as concentrated spots of black specks began to slowly grow into blots.

A hoarse breath turned into a hollow gaping mouth, like a fish out of water. Even when Aurum turned away, he was suffering. Sweet release he would not experience. Instead terror gripped him. As Aurum addressed Jervis, what was left was a dying man. A desperate man. Softly he would sink to the ground, gently collapsing under his weight as the world faded in all manners. The first to go was his sight as he descended into darkness. Then the roar in his ears of screaming vessels dulled to nothing. Eyes would calm to their natural amber hues before straining themselves and staring blindly at the floor. God he was  cold.

The ground around him was still burnt and raked up from his clawing the ground in terror. Eventually his vicious clawing slowed to a stop. He had no time to think properly. To process he was not going to make it. So many things were wrong, my heart fix my heart. Couldn’t breath. Head hurts. Body hurts. Everything hurt. Down to his last moment Kydobi was seeing what was wrong and trying to fix it. His lungs gave one last quench and he couldn’t help but think of his life before this land. Of his mother, how would she look at him if she knew how he ended? Perhaps Kaziko was correct, he had failed. His spirit was the first thing to go and a broken heart was what truly killed him, even his flames died with him.

The last sign of life inside the Marauder was flickered out. A familiar golden body would curl to protect him, speak in his ear, but he would have died by then. Otherwise, solace and safety would’ve been provided. Perhaps even immense relief. But the last thing he had felt was sorrow.

Laying in the middle of the battlefield was a cold example of a fool who had tried and given his all in vain and didn't realize it till the bitter end. If one looked closely there was a thin black trickled of tears in the corner of his open eyes, staring empty into the ground a little ways ahead.

Attacking: [member=6881]aurum.[/member]
Stamina: 0%
Wounds:  deep scar wounds, deep wounds across both hips and up thighs that keeps stretching open when he runs, minor facial scratches across nose bridge and muzzle. Extremely deep slice from the right side of his chest and up his neck, major heavy bleeding. Slight burn wounds from electricity on his neck. Tear in his neck and throat. Gash across his face. Died from cardiac arrest and asphyxiation


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-28-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-30-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
There's a second. A mere, minuscule second, where the entire world around Aurum goes silent. The only thing the angel could hear was his own pounding heart and the gasps of breath that left him as his attack was successful, a grin spreading over his muzzle as both he and Kydobi went crashing into the dirt below. As soon as Kydobi roared, the world seemed to scream into motion again, a cacophony of noises filling the golden male's ears as he fought against Kydobi's strength with his own. He could feel flames licking at his fur, attempting to injure him and bring his downfall, but he was too focused on his goal, his jaws lunging downward and gaining purchase in thick, black fur. His teeth sank into vulnerable flesh, and he could feel Kydobi wheezing and struggling beneath him, as well as see the light and life slowly draining from his eyes. It didn't feel good, the blood rushing into his mouth and staining his front half, but it felt necessary Kydobi had sealed his own fate moments ago, and now he was paying the ultimate price for it. Cold immediately seemed to slide over the body beneath Aurum as Kydobi's flames died down, his body conserving all power in a desperate attempt to not fade away, to not die. However, there was nothing it could do, and before long Kydobi's life drained from his face, a sickening sense of satisfaction filling Aurum as it did so. It felt good, finally taking some sort of revenge on the group who had hurt not only him, but his family over and over again, with so many he loved suffering at the claws of the Pittians – Sam, Beck, Red, Roy... Kydobi's death could be considered a payment, not only because it caused the jaguar suffering and brought sweet retribution, but because it brought Bai Shi pain as well.

Speaking of the dragon, it seemed as though Aurum would not get much peace, even after successfully killing the Pittian marauder. His head raised when he heard Bai Shi speaking to him, and he let a laugh leave him, the lion shaking his head. He spoke in a low and hoarse voice, not a sign of sympathy in his eyes, "You want me to not touch what is yours? Perhaps you should've thought of that before you kidnapped Red, heretic." Bai Shi had no place to speak in Aurum's eyes, having brought such immense suffering through his capturing of Red that he couldn't possibly think that Aurum would forgive him, or have stopped in his advance. The Tanglewood guardsman opened his mouth once again to say something else to Bai Shi, but he was cut off by the wrapping of vines around his paws, strangling his legs and keeping them in place. His eyes glanced around for the source of the attack before they narrowed in on Aine, the vengeful angel's gaze softening slightly when he saw the poor girl. It wasn't her fault that she was involved in this, tricked into caring about people who were nothing but betrayers and killers. Sighing, Aurum let his paws go ablaze, roasting the vines around his legs before gently pushing Aine back with his own earth elementals, a small vine coming up and pushing her farther from the battlefield. With his attention focused on Aine, however, he didn't even notice Bai Shi coming at him, the dragon successfully blindsiding him. Aurum let out a roar of anger as he was tossed from Kydobi's body, giving several large flaps of his wings just so that he wouldn't crash roughly into the earth. He was regaining his breath as he watched Bai Shi wrap protectively around the corpse of Kydobi, and he felt a slow smirk curl onto his muzzle. He spat at Bai Shi as he began to ascend, glowering at the other male, "Suffered as I have suffered, scum." Red's torture for Kydobi's death. An eye for an eye, as Aurum saw it.

Once he was once again up in the sky, Aurum could feel the adrenaline beginning to drain from his body, and pain was wrapping him in her cold hands, gripping his muscles and the various wounds that covered his body. His attention was only drawn away from his own exhaustion when he heard Goldie's firm shout to stop, his one good eye focusing down on the Captain of the Typhoon as he stayed airborne. He listened intently to what the female had to say, a relieved sort of noise leaving him when she announced her intentions of what to do with the group. Sure, there was always the chance that they could refuse her terms... but they would be wiped out, and she had to know that, didn't she? He was fairly confident in Goldie's ability to both intimidate the fuck out of the Pittians, as well as find someone suitable for the job of the next Ardent – even if he truly didn't think anymore that any of the Pitt was worthy of saving. The guardsman sighed and slowly looked around, scanning the battlefield for any other tanglers, before he remembered what had happened to Selby. The medic had left in such a frantic rush after being attacked, and he would surely need help back at home... Aurum had to get back, and soon. Bidding one last glance to the seemingly frozen battlefield below, the angel decided to take his opportunity to slip out, sending one last scathing glance at Bai Shi and the corpse that he held tightly in his arms before the lion turned and flew off, his entire body screaming for some sort of relief from the fighting. He had a family to take care of, a group to make sure that was safe, and a friend to go and help, which meant that he didn't have time to stay and revel in both his victory over Kydobi, and the victory of the three groups over the Pitt. He had a strong feeling this wouldn't be the last he would hear of either series of events, but he found that he wasn't too terribly worried about it. Both he and everyone else on the battlefield had now proven that they were not to be challenged or disrespected, and were a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully that would instill some sense in the Pitt, or anyone else who sought to bring harm and chaos to the various groups. At least, that was all that the angel could hope.

( powerplay allowed to push Aine back
Attacking: no one
Power: 30%
Out! )
template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - gael - 11-30-2019

The vulpine never fully thought he'd go to the length of attacking Raziel.  The line seemed too far to cross.  He may have disagreed with his cousin's pacifistic attitude but he had never thought of taking the extra step.  A dramatic move to make and his cousin remained too naive to even see it coming.

He just lay there, catching his breath.  Gael's eyes narrowed, the thought crossing his mind to drain the air around the wolf; suffocation to rid the fae of their current monarch.  He did not however, his hesitation allowing his mind to register Raziel's sudden warning.  Aine?

True fear danced in his own eyes, alarmed that his daughter had been targeted or woun-- attempting to attack that damn lion again.  The child only sought to protect someone she cared for but Gael knew a losing fight when he saw one.  Aine came before Kydobi, regardless of his respect for the jaguar.  "Aine, a leanbh!"

The fox skidded after her as Aurum forced her away, a warning growl erupting from within his chest.  In that moment the final strike of lightning hit.  Gael focused on holding Aine back with a foreleg, gently but firmly preventing her from running back for Kydobi, who's form now seemed too lifeless for the faerie to deny the death of.  Of everyone, the jaguar failed to deserve such a brutal end.

"Aine, a leanbh," he murmured softer, eyes dark with the simple knowledge the child only understood death so well.  "I'm sorry." Would that we could do something better for him than simply grieve.  The retribution the vulpine felt inclined to offer would only repeat the cycle -- he'd be overtaken by numbers too quickly to properly pay the blood debt.  Fine.

Gael turned his cold gaze onto Goldenluxury, his ear twitching indifferently.  Trust and respect, she would forever lack from him -- a given she no doubt expected.  You desired enough destruction when you set the jungle ablaze.  She almost reminded him of Raziel, if not for the fact her words meant nothing.  His growl returned, dark and protective for Aine whom he still held close.

Slavery, he possessed no taste for.  Most fae regarded the practice as barbaric; belonging to long past times.  He simply saw the Pitt as a home with a strong enough backbone to see what needed to be done, done.  A home possessing beings with the nerve to protect their own with brutal efficiency.

With creased brow, Gael turned back to Raziel, measuring the wolf up.  "Reminds me of someone.  So 'honorable'." For all his irritating pacifist, smooth-talking ways, the faerie king never sought to complete an action in-which he realized children might be endangered.  He still tasted smoke on his tongue.

Dismissively he clicked his tongue, then raised his chin to glance about for other members of the Pitt.  Curiosity drove the fae forward, inquisitive if any dared to oppose the demands.  Reasonable as they were, Gael only disliked the thought of answering to a Captain willing to place any child close to the flames.

Perhaps he should take a page out of Seamus' book -- observe for a time.  The fox would use the opportunity to see Kydobi properly buried and respected; the fallen warrior deserved no less. 

"I accept those terms, captaen," he offered, his voice void and cold.  "Ach feicim thú le haghaidh nathair díreach cosúil le mo chol ceathrair."  She assigned Séamus to practice his favorite task of espionage, after all.  Yes, she reminded him so much of Raziel, with the twin's willing for violence, of course.

"Pittians? Speak up if this is too unacceptable for you, but hardly any of us own slaves anyhow," a true and worn fact in recent times.  One exception came to mind yet Gael had stepped in that case personally -- for Aine.  "I am not suggesting to simply bare our necks, but I for one have a daughter to protect and a friend to bury."

// captaen - captain
Ach feicim thú le haghaidh nathair díreach cosúil le mo chol ceathrair - but I see you for a snake just like my cousin
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tanga - 11-30-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Truth be told Kanga was angry. Angry that the minor blows had landed and angry that Aurum stole all the glory. This was supposed to be his time to shine. But not the chicken cat stole it.

Envy and contempt would be in his crimson hues as he watched Kydobi pitifully lose the battle. Even the flames, although spectacular and terrifying in the beginning, began to fall short. In all honesty the tiger thought the man had more in him. As Aurum sunk his teeth in, Kanga would find his maw watering, jealously prowling around to see different angles of what he wished could be him.

To taste the life rush out of the stupid cat. That would be great. And Aurum took that from him, perhaps he should kill them now while they aren’t looking? Prove his point. Like Golden. But this was the way Kanga was, he needed an enemy. An enemy was a goal, an enemy was validation and proof when conquered and defeated. An enemy could be all you need. That’s why the brute didn’t go long without one.

He was edging closer and closer despite Bai Shi until he nearly tripped cause something tight coiled around his legs.

“Agh!”, a deep voice would holler as they began to tighten. Snarling he would ravage the green cords, tooth at first and once a paw was free they stood no chance. Where did they come from? He would snap his neck till he saw her.

The little brat. He crouched, watching her. Staring at her. Analyzing and fantasizing about her limp body in his jaws along with her father’s. Foxes were vermin, hadn’t Jervis proven it so? Vermin needed to be handled or else they begin to infest.

He would remember the child’s face. Perhaps one day, she’ll be unfortunate enough to be caught alone.  Staring dead in her eyes, till she noticed, he would slowly raise his upper lip to reveal large ivories and he would menacingly run his tongue over them. Meanwhile a deep and low guttural growl would rumble. A warning. A threatening promise.

By the time he looked back, Kydobi was dead. A frustrated growl would come from him. Kydobi was supposed to be his. He felt the need to do something, things had not gone his way and this required a large gesture. He wanted an eye. A soft little amber ball carved out from the corpse. A trophy. Or maybe a claw? Perhaps the heart? The more gruesome the idea the more appealing it was to Kanga. But he would not move to do such a thing. For even if he wouldn’t admit it to himself, he knew not to mess with a dragon.

Goldie would speak and she would snatch all his attention. He watched her deal with the fox and his mouth would drool for different reasons. Such power and violence... gorgeous. She would make him apex children. And she would, because few women could resist Kanga. In fact none had. He planned to court her shortly after. Kade too wherever that scarred beauty may be.

He gave one last look to Bai in bored disgust before walking closer to his Goddess.
