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Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - tezuka - 08-15-2018

jin, singing Im The One I Should Love, me, stubbornly holding my eyes open thru the tears

TRULY rialto gets so mad he clenches his fist. ugh YES its bc youre so small and cute. disgusting. let him rub orioles head for a few moments.

HE!!!! (shintaro. hes SO pwoerful)

i think .... yeah im wondering if it should be like!! the same!!! or just subtly different? it could be a thing that the older vamps dont Talk Abt Emotional/Serious Stuff w/ marko so he is sometimes left in the dark nowadays . mb that plays into markos bad memory? theyre worried he cant handle it or smth?? bc they feel responsible.....
i can imagine early dynamic them being all EASY LAUGHS fool antics lots of ribbing each other. wow rialto n alex having the most fun messing w a mortal in !!! a long time!!! or if marko was really polidori.. then I Dont Strictly Want Emo But, then it would probably look more like 2 dangerous vamps trying to convince him into being a lil more risky, Have Fun Livin u blessed mortal fool.
i think the circumstances of how/why rialto changed marko is important too!! mb that could change a lot of things

Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - ace - 08-15-2018

im just thinking, if they meet marko after cat finds rialto n alex, then they'd have to be off with him a lot, which she wouldn't mind bc she likes quiet n alone time but then one day they come back with a HUMAN pumping that good blood n cat is like, i thought we killed our meals before bringing them home

Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - tristitia - 08-19-2018

Hi, I play the Ladybug to the Chat Noir!

Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - ace - 08-19-2018

WELCOME to funky town!!!!

Re: SAN CREADO PLOT/CHAT THREAD - tezuka - 08-22-2018

yes welcome!!!!