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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 03-20-2019

//I figured you'd be building it up so! <333

Watching Lupin turn into a mad beast was the sweet revenge he desired, but seeing Potter run off into the night with him and Ellie off with the rat peeved him to no end. Severus hesitated. Did he go or stay with the two children left? With Sirius gone off with Lupin and Pettigrew into the woods, he felt as if the students could handle themselves. Snape did not want to admit that Ellie played a huge factor in his decision. "Bastard," he spat underneath his breath. Dark eyes shifted behind him, rounding on the two that remained. "Stay here." Ron exchanged a worried glance with Hermione. Before they could protest he had disappeared.

Through the underbrush he went. Traveling down the steep cliffs, he followed the tracks of the child and the small pitter patter of the rat's. Robe traveling in the mud and eyes alert, it was safe to say he was displeased. Greasy hair was flowing into his eyes and sweat dripped down his forehead to his pointed nose, signaling his distaste and worry. "ELLIE!" he shouted roughly. Hopefully she would respond.

// That story is so sweet!

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-20-2019

//Yep. I've got some stuff up my sleeve.

There was no response to the man's shout. Only a lonely owl could be heard in the still, hooting softly. Everything seemed to have calmed, and there was no trace of the madness which had just occurred. Through the trees, soft beams of moonlight illuminated the forest. It seemed as though Severus was the only person in the world. Alone, and in the forest.

A soft cry suddenly greeted his ears. It was further ahead of him, echoing from the banks of the nearby lake. Though he had never heard the cry from the girl before, it was unmistakably Ellie. She sounded wounded, and scared. Moments after the sound, a cold dread blanketed the forest. Shadows passed over Severus's head, heading in the same direction he was. The dementors were on the hunt.

Arriving at the lake, a terrifying sight awaited. Black and Potter were together on the lake's bank. Black was sprawled across the ground, hurt and unconscious. Potter was in no better shape than he was, for he was draped across the man's chest where he had fallen. Overhead, the dementors were kept at bay by the silvery blue light of a fading patrounus. It was impossible to tell what it had been. There was no sign of Ellie.

For several long moments, nothing happened. Suddenly, one could detect soft crying. Huddled in the shadows, Ellie was on her hands and knees in the water, soaking wet. She was covered in mud and blood, evidence that she had fallen from the cliff's steep edge. She had not even noticed Severus was there, too consumed in her pain and misery. In the cold, it was only a matter of time before coldness crept into her small body, weakening and possibly killing her. She knew not the danger she was in. Even as he watched, the dementors began to notice the girl. They began drifting towards her.

//Thank you! I just find it amusing because the two of them end up together.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-29-2019


Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 04-02-2019

//Apologies, vacation! <333

Severus paused. All around him was darkness that encapsulated his pale figure and crow-colored robes. Nevertheless, it was quiet. The silence rubbed him the wrong way. Through the hoots of the owls and the breeze rustling through the bushes, there was nothing for him to pick out particular. For the first time in a long time, the half-blood prince felt uncomfortably alone.

Not long after a cry emerged. High-pitched and desperate, it had to be Ellie. A feeling of dread swooped over him and he rushed further into the dark forest, unaware of the danger before him. What could of happened in such a short time?

A sudden wave of distress rushed through his veins. The area around him began to drop suddenly in temperature. Jack Frost nipped at his pointed noise and the tips of his fingers as he plowed forward. His eyes began to water. Through the tears he spotted the two on the ground, unconscious as can be but safe. A silver stag kept the dangers away. It faded away fast, but it's effects were successful. Whomever kept the dementors at bay was in his thanks. That did not eliminate all of the danger though.

Once on the criminal and the chosen one, the dementors were now on the child. Their wispy robes floated through the sky and hovered over to her. Skeletal like hands reached out towards her as they grew near, thirsting for her dread. Fear pulsed through the air. Severus trudged forward anyways. His wand outreached towards the direction of the hazy cloud. With confidence, he spoke.


//pausing bc it's your choice on how it effects ellie

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 04-02-2019

///You're good! I thought you were.

The dementors hissed their anger as the silver doe. They shrank away from the girl, their final chance at prey, before fleeing into the darkness of the forest. The air began to warm, and the environment seemed friendly. However, none of the three victims moved. Black and Potter were still out cold, but Ellie had roused. She raised her head, looking around. She spotted Severus within a minute.

Ellie did not move for several seconds. She seemed to still be caught in a daze. She suddenly looked at the patronus. She studied it before getting up on shaky legs. She fell, squeaking slightly. She shook her head before trying again. She began stumbling over to Severus. When she reached him, she grabbed a hold of his robe. She was too weak to support herself. "Severus..." Ellie's voice trailed off as she closed her eyes.

From the woods, several pairs of feet could be heard approaching. Not long after several people appeared at the edge of the trees. It was the Minstery.

//Sorry this is so short. I'm not feeling well.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 04-02-2019

As the dementors fled, the doe began to fade out, but not before passing Harry by and making its way to Ellie’s side. It hovered over her. Bright silver eyes stared down in wonder at the children before them. Their calm stature brought comfort to the situation. Just as Lily has always done.

Severus had watched in wonder. Once dreadful, now saddened and in pain. His shock disappeared as soft, barely audible within the harsh winds of the woods, words reached his ears. Though the dementors had left, there was still the after effects that someone had to take care of. Once again, Severus was off into the woods and going to meet Ellie in a time of need. There was no time to waste.

As he grew closer, the doe looked back at him. It’s personified expression was almost content to see the half-blood, yet looked betrayed and horrified. Soon enough, Severus reached Ellie and the doe’s silver light faded. The four were left in the darkness. Black robes fluttered through the grass as he came to Ellie’s side. He bent down on one knee and loomed over her face, watching her gaze succumb to fatigue. Ellie,” Severus whispered helplessly. His hand reached out towards her face, holding her help up by her chin. A long thumb stroked at her cheek. Back and forth it went, caressing at her face in hopes of keeping her away. ”We’ll get you out of here.” Greasy hair fell into his face. It practically hid his shame. For a few moments, he sat in silence and didn’t even realize the footsteps from afar.

To those approaching, they would see the remaining light fade away and could even make out the shape of the doe. The marauders within the Ministry would most definitely know his fatal flaw, but would they choose to point it out?

//That’s okay! I hope you feel better dude. <33

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 04-03-2019

Little Ellie was barely aware of the world around her. She kept her eyes closed but took comfort from sensing Snape so close. Her eyes filtered open as he grasped hold of her chin. She smiled at him weakly, but the terror from whatever the dementors had done to her was still there. She began swaying before grasping onto his shoulders, steadying herself. She lowered her head, dizzy. "I want to go home,"she whispered. Something wet dripped onto Severus' finger. "I'm scared."Her voice trembled.

"Severus!"Dumbledore cried. He hurried down the slope, aurors from the Ministry not far behind him. Reaching him, Dumbledore glanced worriedly from the child to the man. "Severus, what happened?"he asked. The aurors meanwhile had gone over to Black and Potter. One of them shouted, "They're alive!"They began getting ready to move them.

Ellie began trembling violently. The chilly night air was seeping into her bones. She slowly raised her head, her eyes meeting Severus'. Even at her tender age, she feared death was approaching her.

//I'm beginning to feel a bit better.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 04-15-2019


Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 05-16-2019

Another short story
Sage was in the library, at a table, her head in her hands. She was so tired, so exhausted. She had thrown herself into her studies, trying to avoid everyone and everything. It was her sixth year at Hogwarts, but the world felt so different, she wasn't sure the school was still the same place she had once loved. Severus wasn't making things any easier, Sirius either. She hated them both in this time of weakness.

Sage felt a hand on her shoulder, but she did not look up. She didn't want to see who it was. It was either another person offering their pity or someone else who wanted to bash her for her brother's decision. When the pressure did not disappear after several minutes, she finally looked up. She was surprised to see Professor Dumbledore standing there, gazing down at her. Without a word of explanation, he sat down in the chair beside her. Several more minutes of silence followed.

"You're still angry at Severus." It was a statement from the professor, not a question. Sage nodded as she looked away anyway. She was more than angry; she was furious. How could Severus have done such a thing? How could he...How could he have left her?

"Severus made his own decision, Sage. You must make yours." Dumbledore's voice was gentle, but it felt like a slap to the face for Sage. She didn't want to think about this right now. She didn't want to feel anything or think about anything. She just wanted to be, an empty shell.

"Severus is my brother, Professor. He's all I have. I just don't understand how he could have joined the Death Eaters. I don't understand what he thinks he will gain from being on their side. I don't understand," Sage chocked up. "I don't understand how he could have left me."

Dumbledore wished he could think of a way to comfort the girl. She had always been so happy, so cheerful. A light in the darkness which others circled around. She had always offered hope. Now, she was only despair. "I know you don't understand why he did what he did, but you still have your own choice to make Sage. A war is coming, a war which no one can stop. You must choose where you will stand, just as Severus has chosen where he will stand."

Sage bailed her fists, anger consuming her. "I will not fight Severus, Dumbledore. He is my family, my blood. Nothing changes that. Family is all we have in this world. What is the point of me fighting a war if it means I lose the one thing I am fighting for?"

Dumbledore regarded her with new respect. "And what of yourself Sage? What if you lose yourself?"

Sage raised her gaze to him, studying the ancient face. She knew what he said was true; she feared she would lose herself in this war. She was not one to sit by and let others fight her fight. She never had been. She may not have been a Gryffindor, but she was brave. She was smart. She was Sage Snap.

"I cannot give you an answer yet, Professor. I don't know if I can give you the answer you want. But you're right; I have to make my choice."

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 06-08-2019
