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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-27-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-27-2019

Time practically slowed. A golden eye shakily focused on Kydobi’s figure, observing the chaos he had chaos. There was blood caressing his soft fur and oozing from his body. The jaguar laid in shambles. Jervis felt his heart thump furiously against his chest, anxiety wracking up. He knew that his life was his ultimate priority, but seeing a fine adversary fall to their knees was disgraceful... and all because of him.

The ardent wasn’t quick to blame himself per usual, knowing that the marauder had signed himself up for the role. After all, they all knew Jervis was self-indulgent. Their hope of changing his way by sucking up to him was rather foolish. Kydobi was now the finest example of such. The jaguar was vicious marauder and a true Pittian that fought for their morals. Nevertheless, they still succumbed to Jervis’ unforgiving selfishness. Kydobi still laid in a pool of crimson. Kydobi still was sliced into. Kydobi was still betrayed by Jervis. Kydobi was... False hope was a strong motivator.

Yet there was a spark and the jaguar rose to his feet. What rose from the ashes of his demise was no longer a loyal Pittian, but a new enemy of Jervis. In that moment, he would much rather have a corpse on his hands than Kydobi’s wrath.


That damning shout woke him up from his haze. The vulpine’s attention recoiled back onto Goldenluxury, eyes wide in fear. He scrambled away as fast as he could, abandoning those near him and attempting to get to safety. Even if that meant the leader had to take down others in her way. In that moment, the tiger should of gotten her answer to the question. The Pittians were his pawns, along with everyone else who had fallen into his control. With all of his subjects in line, he had thought he was indestructible. Jervis truly believed he had checkmate. Unfortunately, Goldenluxury had a trick up her sleeve.

Without checkmate, Jervis was nothing. Frantic and fearful, he was running on impulse and had nothing to do but run. Paws thrashed against the jungle’s floor, only to come to a halt seconds later. His hair fluffed out, electricity flowing throughout his fragile composure. Lightning scattered throughout his spine. Successfully stunned, he remained in place. Jervis’ mind screamed for his limbs to move but they only shakily reached out for assistance, unable to physically push himself any further. In no time, the vulpine felt the world crumble all around him. All hope was lost.

Seething pain shot up his back. The burning sensation was too much for him to handle as the sword raked down from the top of his scruff to the base of his tail. The tear of flesh caused Jervis to rear with all the might he could muster, but he found himself unable to escape the inevitable. Instead he screamed. Oh lord, he screeched. If Goldenluxury’s fury hadn’t broken through the chaotic yelling, then his echoes of coward was would surely tell The Pittians their leader had fallen.

//mobile post

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-27-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - gael - 11-27-2019

A sudden chaos erupted in a portion of the battlefield -- whether or not it was a turning tide hard to say, but Gael felt his eyes flash.  For a second the wind around him died, a muted comprehension of events unfolding.  The faerie knew war enough to regain his focus, hardened and strengthened his simple resolve.  The jaguar lived at least, sensible enough to get away.  As the wind picked up around him once more, the black and red vulpine gently, but firmly pulled his daughter closer, to shelter her from the sight of a comrade's blood.

For a moment he regards Jervis, an ice-fire in his eyes.  "Coward." The soldier refused to acknowledge a leader unwilling to face death on his own feet.  Narcissistic fool.  He expected none to stand in to save the fox now, even as the tigress pressed her attack.  The would-be-pawns owned the game board now.  Checkmate.

Attacking: no one
Stamina: 90%
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - raziel - 11-27-2019

[align=left]Raziel Ó Faoláin
No simple desire could bring the massive wolf to a battlefield.  The steadfast pacifist lingered on the edges, watching with sad eyes.  Watching, intently, for a particular face among the enemy lines.  Raziel knew better than to assume an active battlefront an intelligent place to hold a conversation but it was hardly the first time the faerie had done so.

His family stood on this field and he wanted to keep them safe.  If he'll listen to me.  The last he spoke to his cousin had been a more than unfortunate circumstance.  Hostage trades never made him comfortable and that was exactly what he'd made of a situation.

He found them left alone, surrounded by fighting.  Raziel commended the sensibilities of everyone present to stay back from a father protecting his daughter.  Satisfied no one stood in his way, the dire wolf trotted forward, halting as he felt the airflow quicken.

"Gael, col ceathrar..." I know you're mad at me.  He breathed out slowly, eyes set.  On the way, he had seen Goldenluxary pin the Pittian's ardent; the fox who had taken his daughter.  The cause of all the bloodshed rested on that fox. "Gael.  I understand you don't trust the Typhoon.  Trust me, instead, if you can."

"Help end this conflict.  If you surrender, the others might follow your lead." Unless by some miracle Jervis found the sense to call off his fighters.  "le do thoil. No more blood."

attacking: no one (pacifist)
stamina: 100%

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-27-2019

Claws rake at the back of his shins as he plows to the floor with Goldenluxury's weight pushing into him. Her paw lands on his throat. Air struggled to enter his system as he breathed, but the fox kept himself afloat. The blade indented in his back was removed soon enough. Blood began to pool around him, but in his mindless haze, he barely noticed the destruction that the tiger had caused. Jervis was still trying to hold onto his fantasy. In his self-indulgent ego, there was still the belief that he held the upper hand. That someone or something would be his saving grace.

Gael's words had tried to pull him from his sadistic realm. The vulpine just eerily stared back at their icy gaze, processing their harsh growl slowly. What he failed to realize was that nothing was left for him. They were finished. The fall of a king was coming and Jervis was going to be the last to realize it.

There was no hope. Soft, indistinguishable mutters left him. A broken man looked out at his fellow Pittians with a weary eye. His gaze begged for their help, but none would be given. When no one came to his side for the first time in his life, the fox tumbled into madness.

What started as a soft snicker left Jervis. For a moment, he struggled to move and eventually accepted his fate with his face to the floor. He laid there, choking on his blood while laughing away. Mischievous laughter amped up slowly over time. His maddening laugh excelled to a cackle that erupted through the battlefield. The corners of his mouth curled into a sardonic smirk, chaos ensuing him. "You think-" He wheezed through the blood curdling in the back of his throat. "You think I'll surrender?" A dreaded choking chortle left him, his breath caught by Goldenluxury's hold. "Please."

From underneath Goldenluxury, his paw reached out. Blood splattered upwards as he slapped at the pool of blood in a fury. A narrowed gaze stared out towards his Pittians. Deranged fury could be seen within his expression as he awaited their assistance. "KILL HER!" he howled. The girl needed to perish. To get off his prized being and yet there they were, watching and not ATTACKING!

When presumably no help came, the ardent continued his obsessive temper tantrum. No longer was he a strong leader, but an overconfident embarrassment. His screams were pointless. They were defeated, but yet he kept yelling out for sincerity. "RAVAGE THEIR CHILDREN, DEVASTATE THEIR CORPSES, PUT THEIR HEAD ON A PIKE." His eye squeezed closed as he mustered out what he could. "GUT THEM." His vicious words ripped away from his throat with a level of frustration no one had ever seen from him before. "I WANT TO SEE ALL OF THEM COWERING IN THEIR SKIN." Other threats happened to leave him during this time, but notably it was all gibberish about dominating their enemies.

As his screams faded away into the silence, the tired fox fell limp. No longer did he yell, but all he did was stare out towards his members while the blood coddled his face like a pillow. Even their smallest movements towards their enemy gave him a spark of hope. Exhausted, but not willing to give up, Jervis yearned for The Pitt's true potential to overcome their foe.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 11-27-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
For someone who was usually so kind and warm in his everyday life, Aurum could certainly be a bastard when he was on the battlefield. He had remained in the sky for several minutes, his large wings keeping him up in the air as he recovered from the former barrage of attacks, taking gasping breaths of air as he surveyed the battlefield below. It was still utter chaos, and right in the middle of it were the forms of Goldie and Jervis, fighting against each other viciously. When Jervis tripped Kydobi into the path of the attack flying at him, Aurum's eyes went wide, and he opened his mouth to warn the jaguar, but it was already too late. The attack connected with horrible certainty, and Aurum flinched as he imagined the agony that was gripping Kydobi. Shortly afterward, he roared down at Jervis, bloodlust in his eyes, "You are insignificant speck with no sense of honor! I hope God has no mercy upon your soul!" He would've dove down and attacked Jervis himself, but it seemed as though Goldie had it handled, and Aurum didn't want to steal the glory from her. This had been her fight far longer than it had been his, and he had other things to worry about anyways. The guardsman found himself diving down to the ground near where Kydobi was, his paw steps heading for the injured jaguar, but yet again he was too late to do anything. When Kydobi finally staggered up to his feet, Aurum expected him to flee the fray and go somewhere to recover, but he was sadly mistaken. Instead of making what would've been the smart decision, Kydobi chose to go and rescue Bai Shi, a creature that Aurum doubted actually cared for even a second about the male. After all, it wasn't as if Kydobi had proven himself to be a wonderful judge of character up to this point.

Watching in shock as Kydobi launched himself onto Kanga, Aurum felt sheer rage grip him, warm fury running through his veins and seeming to make flames lick at the edge of his feathers. Even after everything that had happened, Kydobi had the audacity to continue to fight for this place? For Bai Shi? Bai Shi was the monster that had kidnapped Red from Tanglewood. Bai Shi was the bastard that had felt the heat of the vengeful angel's claws – he didn't deserve saving, and evidently Kydobi had just proven that he didn't deserve it either. Once again, Aurum had thought that perhaps a Pittian had the capacity to do good, and to surprise him, and yet again Aurum had ended up disappointed. He should've never hoped. After all, the only people he could trust were the ones fighting alongside him now, not bastards who defended a place that thought slavery was okay. If Aurum had one duty as an angel – even one estranged from heaven – it was to eradicate villains like that from the earth, and make them serve as a lesson to everyone else. Perhaps others wouldn't see his cause as so noble, considering what had just happened to Kydobi, but it was pretty damn clear that the jaguar was strong enough to still be attacking, and he was still standing up for injustice in the form of that horrible dragon, which meant that Aurum felt no guilt in stepping in, his divine retribution gripping him as he raced through the crowd, the ache of his muscles seeming to melt away as he focused on nothing but Kydobi, his usually blue eyes seeming to blaze a molten gold. If he couldn't exterminate Kydobi with his flames, then it seemed as though he would have to get a bit more physical.

Taking in a deep breath, Aurum braced his back paws against the earth before launching himself forward, charging into Kydobi's side and moving to knock him off of Kanga and slam him into the dirt. The angel flapped his wings to maintain his balance as they both went stumbling off of Kanga and into the hard ground below, a snarl leaving the guardsman. His voice was full of raw rage as he snapped at Kydobi, his fangs flashing as he started to try and pummel Kydobi in the face and chest with his paws and claws, viciously aiming for anything he could reach, "HOW? How can you continue to fight for these bastards, even after everything they have done to you? After what Jervis just put you through? You're either an idiot or you're evil, and I'm inclined to believe it's actually BOTH! His voice was cruel and unsympathetic, but he felt no remorse for his own words, because what he spoke was the truth. Bai Shi claimed he was some sort of groupless pacifist, but he was just as much of a Pittian monster as the rest of them, and all it really meant was that Bai Shi was so dirty that he would betray even the worst of the worst. So why? Why was Kydobi defending him? His thoughts were wild and rampant as his wings spread out above him, the flames licking between then forming a fire halo as he aimed to slam Kydobi's head into the ground, trying to dig his claws into the jaguar's skull. If he got a grip on the other, he would roar, fury bubbling up in his chest and showing in the flames that swarmed wildly around him thanks to his elementals, "Die, you bastard! Suffer for all the suffering you and all of them have caused!" He then tried to lunge downward and clamp his powerful jaws around Kydobi's neck, trying to crunch down as hard as he could in order to tear through vulnerable bone and muscle, trying to kill Kydobi and fill his mouth with blood. It was gruesome and terrible, but the angel cared little. This was just retribution. Violent retribution. It was earned, and needed, and if Aurum needed to be the agent of this divine destruction, then so be it.

Whether or not he accomplished his murderous task, his head lifted when he heard Jervis's shrieking, his eyes widening at the sheer bravado of the Ardent's brazen tantrum. The flames that licked all over the lion's body seemed to soften slightly, and Aurum felt... amusement slip into his gaze. Pity and amusement mixed together as he looked at Jervis, a laugh leaving him as he shook his head. He rumbled towards the Ardent, a cruel grin spreading across his muzzle, "Oh, Jervis. You are so, so pitiful. It now makes sense to me why you couldn't even earn the rank of Ardent on your own. You're nothing more than a sneaky, sniveling little shit who has no right being where he has gotten. I can't wait for Goldie to end you, right in front of the subjects that you so desperately try to claw shreds of respect from." He shook his head and let out a soft snort at Jervis's position before turning back to inspect Kydobi, his body still tensed and ready for more of a fight if need be. He just... he really couldn't believe that Jervis was so much of a twat that he would throw an honest to god tantrum in the middle of the battlefield because things weren't going his way... he really was the lowest of the low.

( powerplay allowed for yanking Kydobi down
Attacking: [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
Power: 35% )
template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - gael - 11-27-2019

For the Pittian fae, Jervis' tantrum commands fell on deaf ears.  The golden hazel eyes locked on someone else in front of him.  Mo rí.  A rare sight on the field of battle.  "Trust you?" The word feels like lead in his mouth; cold and bitter.  Gael trusted Raziel, in every way to only endanger him and his family more.  "I trust you, cousin.To be a weak-hearted fool.

He inclined his head thoughtfully, a scoff escaping his maw.  Whether or not the other Pittians would follow such an action on his part hardly mattered to him.  His true loyalty only lay with him and his own.  Kydobi, he may stand with and the jaguar still felt inclined to fight -- for Bai Shi of course.  A naive romantic's move unfortunately but Gael's attention remained too focused on Raziel to see how Kydobi's battle lead to Aurum once more.

Frowning, the vulpine redirected the wind around him and attempted to slam Raziel down with vicious velocity, ideally knocking the air out of the larger wolf's lungs.  "I trust you, cousin," he repeated softly. "But I do not trust your captain -- your pirates."

Attacking: [member=1217]raziel[/member]
Stamina: 85%
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tanga - 11-28-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

It pleased him immensely to see his attacks succeed with ease. It also satisfied him to see arrows sticking out of his pelts. This brute desired to cause pain and was pleasured to witness it.

A bit sadistic but it was nature. The weak would be weeded out. It happened all the time and it was happening now. The cries of Jervis only proved it. A coward indeed. And he would pause a moment to witness the sweet moment of the vermin being held by his queen. A gorgeous woman and in this moment he never found someone so attractive.

Then [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] would attempt to batter his belly and dig their claws in him. A chuckle would come from Kanga as he forced all his weight on them. Their kicks were successful and he huffed as the breathe was knocked out of him. A annoyed grunt would come as he raised his right paw with nasty hooked razors and put all his strength behind a slap aimed at the cat’s face

Knock some sense into the shit. A snort as he lowered his jaw to bite them however s force would knock into him. A hot burn would land on his back and he would holler. However the impact wasn’t as hard as it could’ve been and he was surprised it came from Kydobi. Before he could retaliate the weight would be lifted. He would turn away from Bai, focusing on the darker cat about to experience hell from an angel. A smirk was on his maw. Little shit had powers huh. But blood was dripping at an alarming rate from above. The brute blinked and looked at his back. Two burns on his shoulders and he was angered. His gorgeous little pelt. No his gorgeous manly pelt.

Oh well, he was sure some woman would find him far more attractive with proof of his valor.

“Watch this one die and be grateful I want to kill him more than your worthless ass.”, he would walk over towards Aurum and Kydobi. Keeping distance to watch her.

“See how the little man falls! I told you you would regret this Kydobi!”

A happy laughter was echoing.


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-28-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


they didn't need to see  hear or scent kydobi, they knew in the mettle of their bones, deep in their gut, that he was right there. his scent filled their wide spread nostrils, air barely flowing to their lungs before they took a deep inhale and uttered his name as they felt his weight land upon their opponent, "kydobi!" there was surprise, delight and horror in their voice. they could smell his agony, his blood. but they couldn't reach him ... not even when their heart screamed in their chest to get up and defend what was theirs!

strength rippled back into their limbs as they heard the sound of wings and the acrid scent of aurum filling their sinuses, rage fueling their bodies as they heard his voice, tail lashing from below kanga, jaws spread in a snarl. tucking their hind legs towards their chest, they aimed a powerful pushing score at Kanga's underbelly, hoping to rip at the fur and open the skin. they knew that the tiger would turn on kydobi, knowing that he wanted the kill. they had to quickly decide who the more dangerous opponent was, settling on kanga, praying that kydobi could hold himself against aurum in his weakened state.

"aurum ... don't you dare touch kydobi again. we've all worn blood on our teeth, in our eyes, on our claws, you are no exception. I regret what i did to red, but i did not lay a paw against him aside from his capture and his release. kydobi has made mistakes, I've made mistakes, even you have made mistakes. but if you continue to ravage what is mine, you will find yourself greatly regretting stepping into this fucking battlefield." they snarled, aiming a furious open clawed slap at kanga's face.

"and you! you tread back into these lands, kanga, and I will personally wrest your head from your shoulders, and throw it into the blood river! kydobi is mine no matter the shit you have with him, and frankly, you should be more concerned by the fact that i could easily end your miserable life. so, I tell you, think again about the jaguar that you want to mess with, which family will hunt you with a hunger like none other! do you want me to carve that into your thick skull, or will you back off? because i will kill you here and now, no matter how many times you rip my pelt from my corpse. death means nothing to me, tiger. do your worst!" they snarled, desperately ripping away from under him, fur and skin ripping under claws. they didn't care, kydobi needed them. he was hurt badly, they could smell it.

he wouldn't know of their promise, their dedication. they may have left to find a person to love and be loved by, but never had they stopped loving him. he was still the reason that they forced their eyes to open in the morning against the sand, the only reason that they stayed in this godforsaken land after losing so much. they were lost without him, the poor jaguar had become their symbol, their hope. it was a lot of weight to put upon him, but he was their only reason at this time,  and they found themselves waking, excited to go see idyllfields when the coyote wasnt caught up in their duties.

kydobi had given them this chance to move past the slaughter of their family save for their daughter and two younger sisters. he had given them the time to fall in love and covet him so fiercely that they would happily fall for him in battle. he had given them a reason to move on, and they would forever love him for it. turning their blind gaze on the jaguar, they snarled at aurum wordlessly, at a lack of what to say to their dearly beloved friend. "ky. you told me to leave, but there is no other place for me to leave to. if it was a test of loyalty, i would never fail you. so don't think that I'll let you face those who wish to see you dead, alone!", they roared, turning from kanga with a roar as they lunged towards aurum, in a bid to force him away from kydobi, letting their draconic body re-emerge, curling around kydobi if they were successful.  "stop paying a blood price that you'll never hope to pay out in any amount of lives, wǒ de xīn.(my heart)." they would rumble to him, drawing their body tighter around him in a protective circle, not caring for whatever damage laid against their body, it would heal. their jaw stung from kanga's slap, but this was a different battle now.

attacking: [member=4990]Kanga[/member] [member=6881]aurum.[/member]
powers : 76%
health: cleanly pierced chest/shoulder muscles, piece fragmented from right humerus, teeth marks on neck, tears in fur in several places -- burnt/badly shocked mouth and esophagus