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A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Printable Version

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A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Starrynight ! - 04-29-2018

//since the negotiation is ongoing, you can participate as if luna has returned, una!

Odd looks had been shot the leader's way as they spotted him upon his normal perch - the platform - but why hadn't he called out? Today was the meeting, right? The energetic feline was climbing precariously on top of the massive telescope, sniffing at it and peering into nooks and crannies, staring at the mechanisms and wires- things of the like. What was he doing? Eventually, it seemed, he found what he was looking for (or finished whatever he was doing in the first place), for he stood leaning on the railing of the platform as he normally did. "Hey, guys! It's time for another meeting! Gather around, please!" The familiar cheer and smile had returned to his face. It was certainly much better than the last meeting.

As per usual, he took to sitting down and waiting as the first few began to show their faces, gathering around on the carpeted floor and turning expectant eyes up to him. After a decent number had come together, Starrynight took to peering over the railing again. "First things first! I wanna welcome the newcomers that had appeared within the last two weeks! Please give a nice warm greeting to [member=549]Xion,[/member] , [member=68]raygun.[/member] , [member=556]↝ remy ↜[/member] , [member=486]NOCTIS[/member] , [member=500]★ HAZEL[/member] , @MAES HUGHES , and @Eternalwar ! Also, please welcome back [member=226]venta.[/member] ! It's been a while since I've seen you!" His tail swished behind him gleefully. "We have so many members now! I just wanna say that I'm so glad all of you are here. Thank you!"

As for the next order of events... Starrynight's face became a little more solemn. "I know most, if not all of you are aware of what's going on with Tanglewood. I know you're upset about what they did to Luna. But please, I'm asking you, don't start anything. It's not too late to come to a verbal conclusion to this. Don't start any fights, don't trespass, don't do anything. Please." He wanted to do everything he could to avoid a war. Putting everyone in danger was the last thing he wanted. "If it comes down to it, I'll try to reason with Beck one more time. Or as many times as it takes. Until then, please don't go near the Tanglewood border without one or two people with you. If you scent Tanglers within our territory, please don't track them down. Just let me know. Okay? I trust all of you." A soft sigh escaped the milky feline.

"All bad news aside, I'd like to offer another reminder that we have weekly tasks and always need volunteers! Roy has offered to host the next week's tasks, so thanks for that!" he directed at the tiger-turned-bobcat. What was next? Oh- right. His haunches waggled slowly from side to side. "I have a big surprise for all of you tomorrow night! I'll let you know around noon tomorrow. Until then, I'm not telling anything! Not a peep!" With that, he took a seat again. He would continue once more people arrived.


Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Character Graveyard. - 04-29-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Her first meeting since she had returned from Tanglewood. It was a relieving sight, a meeting in her home. Tanglewood's swamp wasn't a nice place to be, especially the dark room she had been in.

The female had taken a seat near a small group of NPCs and she stared upward at Starrynight as he spoke.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - ↝ remy ↜ - 04-29-2018

Remy hadn't been aware groups like this had meetings. They supposed it made sense, considering to keep the group organised they'd all have to be aware of things happening, and a group meeting would be the best way to make sure everyone knew what was going on. Remy didn't have the best of hearing, but they'd just barely managed to hear Starry calling out. It took them a few moments to figure out who had actually called for the meeting, but once their gaze landed on the blurry figure of the cat who they'd assume was leader, they began to slither on over. Even if that wasn't the leader, Remy figured it would just be an opportunity to make a new friend, so it couldn't hurt to head over.

Once they were close enough to hear Starry with ease and see him better than before, they slowly coiled themselves up in their version of sitting and listened. They were a bit surprised to hear all of the newcomers called out; it must've been hard to keep track of that, and they were sure they never would've been able to had they been a leader.

Remy had no idea who this Luna is, but they'd heard stories of this Tanglewood and decided whatever they'd done to her must've been pretty bad. They hoped it'd be resolved soon; to join a group like this that wanted no conflict, only for another group to cause a fight would be a huge pain in their ass. At least the leader was making sure the group members didn't stir up trouble.

A surprise? Wasn't a surprise for such a large group kind of hard to make happen? Remy would've shrugged to themselves if they had shoulders. It wasn't their problem. Well, it sort of was, but it sounded like a good surprise, so they weren't worried.


Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Margaery - 04-29-2018

Margaery had been different recently- tired, less enthused, a shadow of the normally charismatic, chatty girl she used to be. Things had not been easy since joining the Ascendants and she had written off her drastic change in mood as a byproduct of a new environment, new information, and a perpetual worry for her daughters. It didn't help that the condition of her lungs was deteriorating as well and, seeing as this group still lacked an official healer, she could do nothing but hope and pray that they didn't stop working all together.

As she heard the call for a meeting, she moved to the area quickly, bluish gray eyes falling upon the familiar form of Starry. She offered no words as he spoke, merely listening and bobbing her head accordingly.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - radeken - 04-29-2018

Radeken was there, holding something fabric in her mouth. Just a snatch of material from a shirt or a sweater, perhaps, but she seemed very determined to tote it around with her. The wolf took a seat, looking up at her leader with the cloth pinched tight in her teeth.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - BASTILLEPAW - 04-29-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Oh, Bastille was pissed. That probably was not a shock to anyone, frankly, and he did not do much to hide it; no, when he arrived at the meeting it was with visible tension, the energy around him practically vibrating with his contained anger. He tried not to blame Starry. He really did. He knew that the Seraph was just trying to keep the peace, but fuck -- he wanted to rip Beck's little ghostly throat out and smack him with holy water or some shit. He wanted to see that Tanglewood perished in the worst of ways. He was vengeful and bitter and it was a dark look on him as he sat himself down somewhat close to Margy. (He would not admit it, but he took comfort in her presence and was using it to help ground himself.)

He looked irritated as Starry spoke, enforcing his no engagement policy, but Bast held his tongue and his temper in check. Beck would fuck it all up eventually, anyway. Those slimy Tanglewood fuckers were too big of assholes to simply let up, and Bast would get his opportunity. He was certain of it. In the meantime, he swallowed his protests and his insistance that they strike back and forced himself to stay quiet for the rest of the announcements. Only for Starry, though.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Meetings. She had always enjoyed these things, especially when good news was the topic. However, this meeting was a jumble of both good and bad things. She was frusted at Luna's unfortunate situation, and she wanted to act on that anger. But Starrynignt wanted nothing of the sort; civil talks would hopefully win, like he wanted. She only prayed it would work out that way. Albeit, with her experience, Suiteheart knew madmen could not be trusted to talk things out.

She stole a glance at Margaery and then at Bastillepaw. Both seemed to be battling their own demons, and she wished she still possessed emotional manipulation. If she could take away some of their worried for even a split second, she would do it in a heartbeat. But she couldn't. So instead, she would sit between them and try to offer some solace with a half-hearted, reassuring smile.

She intertwined her tail with Margaery's, hoping to offer comfort in the physical form. This scared her a bit, for physical interactions had terrified her since their reunion, but maybe it would help her wife. Maybe. "A surprise sounds exciting, huh?" she asked, voice soft.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - ★ HAZEL - 04-30-2018

Hazel had been to these before. They’d held them in her old clan, but she had never been part of the announcements, and they had never applied to her directly. So to walk in and hear her name mentioned among the other newcomers gave Hazel a special sort of shy bounce to her gait and glow to her aura, the tips of her ears flushing hot. She wanted to say thank you, but thought better of it, knowing she wasn’t that important of an asset to the clan.

Hazel settled down on her own after a few seconds of looking for someone familiar. Well - backtrack. She saw plenty of familiar faces, but none of which she actually noticed were alone. She could sit near Margy and Suite, but they were next to Bastille, and he was still putting off odd vibes. He was radiating a quiet fury, and Hazel wasn’t sure she could hold herself together next to that.

So she tucked her paws underneath her chest and curled her tail, teeth rubbing gently on her bottom lip by habit. As she listened, she felt a prickle of curiosity at Luna’s name. Mm...maybe she’d ask about that later, when miithers wasn’t about to deadass fall asleep and drop her phone on her face. As for the surprise...interesting. Hazel wasn’t super invested in surprises, but this one seemed just a little ominous.
— hazel — "speech" — six months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Roy Mustang - 04-30-2018

Roy was the next one to pad in, the melanistic bobcat arriving shortly after Hazel. This was the second meeting Roy has attended here, the first one didn't feel like it was too long ago. Back in that meeting, he had been welcomed into the group, and he remembered Starrynight mention things regarding Luna and Beck. This time around, his close friend Hughes was welcomed in, which Roy automatically looked for in the crowd. If Hughes decided to attend, Roy would stand near him. But what caught his attention next was the situation about Beck. Almost instantly, the bobcat was rolling his eyes at Starrynight's comments regarding the situation. Roy actually has a similar mindset to Bastillepaw, unlike Bast, he's not going to stay quiet. "With all respect Starrynight, I doubt that you'll be able to reason with Beck." He spoke up with that confident tone of his, that was also mixed with an authoritative, serious tone. "You've already gone to him once about the situation, am I correct? And from my knowledge it didn't turn out as you planned it to be."

"Anyways, Beck even tried to attack me a few days ago- I doubt he has any interest in what you'll have to say to him," He said with a small frown, as his tufted ears drew back to his head. "The only reason why I'm okay now is that I defended myself from him." He was still mad regarding the guy being a ghost, it had seemed quite convincing when Roy saw that pile of ash. Anyways, that alone probably will start something if Beck didn't take it well, he was sure the Tanglewood leader had been quite surprised when the Flame Alchemist retalilated. He wasn't a pacifist like his clanmates, he wasn't going to stand here and do nothing about it. It looked like Starrynight wanted to go towards pacifism with the situation, despite how ruthless and a threat the enemy is. Roy didn't want to get pushed around because the leader of this group refused to fight. This is his current home, whether he likes it or not, and he'd rather feel safe in it than in danger.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - calliope - 05-01-2018

Oh, they had meetings at this place? Huh, that was interesting. She'd been to some form of a meeting before, only really to assess a few crises back at her old home. Despite their stressful nature, she'd been able to assess her situations better. Besides, she practically needed them to make sure everything was going to be okay in the end. She decided to hold that same view, applying it to whatever this meeting would be about.

Almost hesitantly, the serval arrived on the scene, casting a nervous glance around towards everyone. Wow, there really was a whole lot of people. She stopped for a moment, letting out a tiny cough, and wandering into the meeting space. Though, she made no attempt to greet or sit anywhere near the others, just paying attention to the announcements. There was something that specifically stood out to her, and that was the situation with Tanglewood. That situation sounded troublesome, and not to mention, dangerous. Her worries were only confirmed even more with Roy's words. If Beck was as dangerous as he was making him sound, then what was the rest of Tanglewood like? What would that mean for the Ascendants? She decided to stay silent for the time being, wanting to listen to everyone else's opinion, before even daring to think of throwing in her own.