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ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Tena M. - 05-11-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The sudden outburst of new life brought a broad smile to the petite sand cat's face.  Her bright blue eyes gleamed happily whenever she spotted new faces bustling about camp, new voices and a myriad of new names to learn and remember.  Mother knows she had quite a few to store to memory.  And say today.

Tena was not about wasting time, so she had bided some before trotting to a small porch amid the mountain town.  She had not wanted to call an assembly that would last only a minute; with all the newcomers, this would be far more productive.  I should set up a schedule though, she mused, glancing around.  Enough Elysites were up and about.

The Demdji cleared her throat softly, preparing to raise her voice.  "Elysium!" Perhaps she would never get used to all eyes and ears on her, but it was the price of leadership.  "It's time for an assembly, so come on over."

"For all those new and not so familiar with me, my name's Tena.  I'm your Magna." And still fairly new at it, but that was unnecessary information.  "I don't have much to say beyond thanking Kade for organizing some tasks, so if you haven't talked to her about getting something to do, you might think about it."

"We do something special here in Elysium, in terms of our joining process," she began explaining with a smile.  "@natini. , [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] , [member=4952]moomin ![/member] , [member=4932]fae .[/member] , [member=186]| KILLUA ZOLDYCK |[/member] , [member=442]S. FERRO[/member] and [member=4792]Honey[/member] ," by the mother, "you have been offered shelter within Elysium, for which you have all accepted and we are grateful to have met each and every one of you."

"To become a true Elysite, you must swear this oath; do you promise to protect this community with all of your strength, to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary?  Most importantly, do you swear to uphold the values of community and justice, to always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself?"

- no big announcements
- weekly tasks are being hosted by [member=1077]kade .[/member] ( big thanks! c: ) - here
- welcome to @natini. , [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] , [member=4952]moomin ![/member] , [member=4932]fae .[/member] , [member=186]| KILLUA ZOLDYCK |[/member] , [member=442]S. FERRO[/member] and [member=4792]Honey[/member]
- picnic
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Warringkingdoms - 05-12-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]It'd been a couple weeks between her arrival and the assembly. That made some sense- up until the sudden burst in newcomers, there wasn't much to talk about. At Tena's call, Rin made her way over and took a seat, listening in. If Kade was holding tasks, she probably ought to grab one.

  Then came the oath that she had heard people talk about. The oath aligned closely with her general lifestyle, with the possible exception of "not giving too much of herself," but it was meant for people intending to become full members. "I would, but I have places to go within the next few weeks," Rin answered, with a small nod. "I thank you for your hospitality, however, and I will aid you for as long as I stay."


Killua lost track of how many meetings he had been to in his life. Most of them didn't really have anything interesting to say or even think about for that matter. Killua sometimes decided to skip out on meetings so that he wouldn't have to be around other creatures and simply get the details of what happened from someone that lived here. It wasn't all that difficult after all, as news travels fasts when it comes to the clans anyway. There was also a decent amount of etiquette in a meeting, something that Killua usually didn't follow all that way. It wasn't uncommon for him to simply speak out in the middle of a meeting if he didn't agree with what was being said. This happened when he was Snowbound when nothing was done when his friend was attacked and yet the subject was still brought up. He was angered that Snowbound was so willing just to let their members get injured, and not be the type to even fight back for their own safety. Those that considered themselves to be peaceful groups usually weren't all that strong and had strange morals that Killua couldn't really get behind. Yes, Circusclown had taught him some important morals, but that didn't mean that just sitting back and watching others get hurt was one of them. Killua was the type of creature that resorted to action when others decided to talk through their problems that had never solved anything. The Typhoon was a prime example of this, as he still believed that Pincher had manipulated Jacob in some way for the canine to just openly enjoy the place when it was the place that he was tortured and was nearly killed in. The assassin would have more than likely attacked the patrol that had arrived on the border if it hadn't been for everyone else, and that Argus was there, knowing that he wouldn't win in a fight against her. Then everyone else started to think of the Typhoon as friends, but Killua saw nothing but manipulative adults that were trying to manipulate the minds of the innocent. Just the thought of the place brought a segment of rage through his chest as he wanted nothing more to beat them into the ground. Was Guru still alive? Part of him hoped that the caracal was just so that he could slice open her throat and show her that she was nothing but garbage underneath his paws. The former Snowbound deputy was busy gathering information about Elysium and what had happened since he had lived in the place he considered to be his home. There were some interesting events that had happened while he was gone, and part of him wondered if the events didn't happen if he was still around to help those around him. Killua did feel a small bit of guilt for having disappeared after his injuries, because what if his friends needed him?

Leaving them behind in Killua's mind was the same as betraying them, and his brother had always said that if he ever did make a friend, that he was doomed to kill or betray them in the future. Thoughts ran rampant inside Killuas head as he made his way through the camp preparing to leave. The albino serval wasn't really around camp all that much, staying to the outskirts of the territory or even the observatory where he felt the most comfortable. He also didn't have a place that he could call his own, still not trusting anyone in the place where he was taking shelter. He had no idea if this arrangement would be permanent, or if he would end up moving on somewhere else. Killua was finally knocked out of his thoughts at the sound of a familiar voice. He had only met Tena once before coming to Elysium, how long ago he couldn't exactly remember. She was in Snowbound for a small duration, but that was about all he could remember. Killua turned his head to notice that Tena was standing on a porch, and it sounded like it was the beginning call of a meeting. A heavy sigh escaped the apprentice's jaws as he began to silently make his way over, stopping at the very back of the ground to avoid getting closer to anyone else. A neutral expression was spread across his facial features despite the terrible thoughts that had previously occupied his mind. Killua tilted his head at the name of the leader position. Magna. Well, it wasn't all that unique as it simply sounded like magma, but maybe it meant something in a different language that he didn't know about. While he listened to Tena talk, Killua opened his jaws and conjured up a raspberry flavored lollipop, quickly closing his mouth as the candy fell into his maw.

Considering that this group was neutral with every other clan in the area, he doubted that there would be anything of note or importance to Killua. The assassin would twitch one of his massive ears in recognition to the call of his name toward Tena, and also Stark. The wildcat would then listen to the oath that was required of them to be considered members of the group. Killua didn't immediately agree to most of the terms that were that would be required of them. He had just gotten here and they expected him to have a large amount of faith toward them? Killua never expected anyone to trust him or to even save his life if it did come down to it. Killua never went to other clanners for help either, so that was completely off of the table as he kept to himself mostly. The albino serval was incredibly independent of those around him, and those that knew him would be able to tell this. Killua swirled the lollipop into his mouth for a couple of seconds before finally speaking out. "I'm going to pass on that oath. I don't have any trust in a place that I've only been in for a couple of days to be able to swear an oath." Killua would explain, and would even gesture with his paws. The oath was a smart idea, but also dumb because someone could easily lie and agree with the terms and no one would be none the wiser. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to cause any trouble, but you're going to have to wait a lot longer before you see me promising something like that." The assassin said with a low huff from his jaws. Would Stark say the same? He didn't know. Compared to other creatures, Killua wasn't against speaking his mind, no matter what others would think of him.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - arcy - 05-12-2019

trying to hold the wind
Moomin had, very specifically, avoided thinking about how long he was going to be staying here. That he was just sort of ... stuck here, since he couldn't find his way home. I mean, there was seriously a whole mountain as a landmark there, and he couldn't see it, so ... here he was. So, yes, Moomin was avoiding his problems, but there was no getting out of it now. The bear's ears fall back as he looks up at Tena, eyes wide and nervous. Swear an oath. Swear an oath. Swear an oath.
It wasn't bad. It was something that Moomin didn't mind agreeing to, but his heart still sinks, tail curling around himself. This would be his new home, if he agreed. It didn't feel like home. He didn't mind the people here, either. He glances around at those gathered -- Killua and the, um, other one had turned down the oath. That meant he could, too, but Moomin was going to be realistic. This was his only real option, and he was going to be here for ... a long time.
How does one swear an oath? This was all so ... important. Formal. The valley hadn't ever had official meetings. There wasn't anyone in charge. His tail is swinging, agitated.
"I, um," He says quietly, hesitant. He continues on, stronger. "I do. I will." He promises, only just loud enough to be heard. His eyes promptly find his paws again, ears pressed flat against his head. This was it, then. He swallows. He hoped he hadn't made a mistake. He hopes he can make some real friends, soon.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years


Swear an oath?

Well, he never did an oath when he had led a clan of his own but every leader had their own system and he would respect Tena's way of leading or welcoming newcomers. Swear an oath. He wasn't certain how long he was going to be staying but he supposed it would be for a while before he ended up going into one of his search missions. He almost contemplated the whole thing since he often didn't find what he was looking for, the canine limped over finding a spot near Killua but gave the kid his space having taken note of his tension the last time Stark had idly brushed against him. The Alaskan Malamute listened to what the servalline said and then the polar bear that was Moomin, his nose twitched for a moment already knowing his own answer and well, he usually followed his own beliefs and notions. But it made him ponder over the fact if you didn't swear the oath perhaps he wouldn't be noticed as a member of the community and passed up for possible promotions, he would have loved some clarification right about now but he didn't want anybody to know his possible intentions for himself. He had to put trust in others that he was award of but how could he bring himself to do that when he barely knew anyone here aside from Killua? The old canine eventually parted his jaws to speak "I gladly would've accepted the oath had it not been for the fact that I have been here for quite some short time. Not saying I wouldn't accept the oath later once I've gotten accustomed and acquainted with everyone else here but it'd be very out of character for me to accept something without much thought. I'll currently refrain from the oath and well, sorry, I guess." There was a brief pause as he lifted up one of his forepaws to scratch under his chin with his eyes hiding behind his pair of sunglasses that were concealing what words his eyes spoke, "But I will provide my services as you were kind enough to give medical treatment for my injuries and shelter." What kind of services? Just about anything but dying on the battlefield. He would have to practice using his powers before he would do anything like that again.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #c96470; font-size: 12px;"]— STARK FERRO

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - teef - 05-13-2019

troubling but not world-ending. the tigress could see the reasons why oaths were taken and were not taken. she also understood the pressure of supporting the group whole-heartedly. they wouldn't kick out the joining members, they just wouldnt rely on them as much as they did others, she supposed.

"welcome to all, and it's good to hear your opinions. luckily, there is no war going on here, and hopefully there won't be, so the oath is more of a keepsake from past times.", a faint chuckle and warm smile to all those around the area.

"we honor your words, and we understand. these days, trust has to be worked for, so I hope that you continue to enjoy the time you spend with us, and continue to progress within your own personal lives.", she spoke, bowing her head. she had no weight here, but she could only hope that her words would smooth over any wrinkles and help aid tena, because the poor woman led pretty much by herself and relied on her group for the rest. so she thought to help explain some of what she knew. if tena had differing thoughts, she prayed that this would not heed her own thoughts upon it.

(you're welcome ^^) //

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Honey - 05-13-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

While others would've decided it would be best to not give their oath, Honey was aware enough to realize that the people of this group had saved her life. Politely and mostly because she was shy in front of large crowds, Honey would give them their time to speak. She would step forward with her tail tucked as she felt eyes shift onto her.

Although she hadn't been here long, she felt safe. Besides one of the laws of her old pack was to protect what protected you and that was what Elysium did every day. So she would see no harm in promising to protect the place that was feeding her, caring for her, and making sure she had friends.

"Well... I give my oath to protect you all! I may not have my brothers and sisters or mama... But you guys have been really really kind and nice and sweet and helpful to me! So I promise that I'll fight for my home." her tail had crept out and slowly wagged low and deep despite its short length.

She would look at Ariside and smile.

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - teef - 05-14-2019

ariside would look back at the youth and give her a warm tender smile, the woman's shoulders relaxing. turning her gaze back to her groupmates she cleared her throat, "one last thing, if anybody wishes to learn about fighting, or learning some self defense, I will be offering some guidance. keep an eye out for it.", this type of thing was meant to help the younger generations keep themselves well and protected if the adults couldn't reach them in time, and she feared that one of these days, she would be too out of reach to help the little ones, especially honey, she wanted to pass on some protection.

not that it had kept her gang safe, but they were all older and illness had weakened them. didnt mean she didnt miss the arms dealer and the bright bouncing ball of sunshine and poisoned malts. she missed them dearly, she had been relieved to find her gang had come to this world with her after ... after one of her charges lost control of himself and killed them all.

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Straw - 05-15-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]It'd been a while since the last assembly, but then there hadn't been much to talk about until recently. Either way, Straw would make her way over, sitting at the edge of the crowd and listening in.

  Rin, Killua, and Stark all declined to take the oath. They each had their reasons, and Straw understood those reasons, but nonetheless it got her thinking. If she'd known it was okay to not take the oath right away, would she held off on taking it? ...No, she probably would have done it anyway. It wasn't like she had any serious reason not to, any lofty goal that required her to go elsewhere or otherwise withhold her loyalty from the Elysites.

  Nonetheless, they had made their choice, and Honey and Moomin had also made theirs. Adjusting her mask, Straw gave the two of them a nod. Looking up to Kade, she hummed softly in acknowledgement. Battle training would be useful with the Pitt skulking around, and maybe she could help out with that in some way.

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - beatae - 05-16-2019

lil was in the same boat as straw. she and her brother had taken their oaths as they joined, though... she had not thought much of it in the beginning. at the time the elysium had only been bumbling about with tena, straw, and occassionally kade as well. though now they were becoming a bit more active in their duties. had there been more to the community in her timely arrival, she may have thought different... but lilja didn't now, so she assumed her actions would have stayed the same.

"i hope you come back soon, rin!" the direwolf piped up, a bit confused at her statement. maybe she was like raziel, always on the move. "if anyone needs anything, i am always up to talk to, by the way!"