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We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Printable Version

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We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Blazic - 05-08-2019

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Honey - 05-08-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

[OOC: CAN I JUST SAY I'VE BEEN A FAN OF LYOKI CATS FOREVER!!! i've always wanted one they're disturbingly cute!!]

The pup probably shouldn't have been left alone to wander so close to the sea. Especially for one who didn't know how to swim and especially at night. But there was a sound of tumbling that her round sonars picked up on.

Her body began to fill out with consistent meals and nourishment although her ribs were still visible and her cheekbones a little too prominent.  But the youth did not dwell on things they could not change. She was happy as can be.

Her tail whipped back and forth in excitement as she bounded over, seeing a cat.

"Oh jeez Mr! You sure took a mighty fall! Are you alright?" she said smiling as she looked up at him with eagerness. Maybe he could be her friend?

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - arcy - 05-08-2019

trying to hold the wind
In a way, Moomin would agree with Morte's outlook. In basically every other way .. well. Moomin was an optimist if nothing else. Death came eventually, and that was scary, but the most important thing was to make the most of what you had! Help people, live the best way you could. He -- well. Moomin hasn't actually really thought on it before, because unless Snufkin decided that it was a day for deep conversations, it just ... didn't feel relevant.
Moomin didn't particularly like thinking that deep, anyways. He was afraid that if he did he'd turn out like mr. muskrat, and nobody wanted that. All that talk about how everything was pointless ... But it wasn't!
Moomin sighs. Not a lot happened today -- Moomin got a little nervous testing his limits. He was afraid he'd wander too far and get lost again, even if the mountain was recognizable and there was no way he'd wander far enough that it'd fall out of sight. Nobody said fear was rational. Even so, he'd managed to convince himself to go into the woods. The woods were kind of scary at night, but Moomin didn't think it mattered.
Well, not until he heard something crashing through the woods. The polar bear, alarmed, stiffens. Was it a person? It was probably a person. But that was very scary in its own right -- though, nobody had tried to hurt him, cause he was so big. Speaking of, it was very strange to be the biggest person around -- he'd always been very small for what he was, as compared to the others.
"E - Excuse me!" Moomin shouts. Nobody should be running that fast in the woods at night! Even if it was somebody from around here, Moomin was very concerned about them. "Hello? Where are you -- Where are you going?" Feeling a little paranoid, he makes a quick trot after the sounds.
Well, if nothing else, they don't sound like they're a terrible big creature.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Blazic - 05-08-2019

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - teef - 05-08-2019

"the town is populated." a voice greeted him as a large tigress leapt to the ground from a tree above, her pads softening her landing, making it almost silent. "their bedtimes are their own concerns. forgive me if I seem sharp." she spoke, blue eyes glittering in the little light around them, giving off what one could feel was a protective air.

"t'was a nasty spill. are you sure you don't want one of our medically inclined fellows to take a look at you?" she asked, tail flicking in the darkness that didn't quite hide her odd colorings, but it was enough to cover the lethal muscle hiding under her pelt,  the woman stepping before honey and moomin, in a way that any would know. morte surely looked strange, but who was she to judge as one covered in scars.

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - arcy - 05-08-2019

trying to hold the wind
Moomin found it kind of strange how many people still treated him like a child despite him being ... so much bigger than them. Like, it was a mixed bag of who did and who didn't, but it was still a strange ratio. He wasn't convinced half of these people had even seen a bear in their life!
"I'm not a kid!" Moomin says with an annoyed whine. His voice is pitched high, so it really doesn't help his case -- but he isn't! However, he's incapable of being annoyed for more than a few seconds at a time, so with an annoyed slump, he huffs and lets it go. He mumbles a greeting to -- uh. The tiger. Started with a K? Kave? Kade. Right. "Y -- yeah! Hey -- why does your fur look like that?" Moomin mouth goes faster than his brain, some days. His alarm is evidenced by his sharp squeak, eyes going wide. "S -- Sorry! That was rude. I haven't met many cats before," Moomin interjects hurriedly. All of the cats he'd seen so far hadn't had so little fur on their face and paws, though! Even so, he feels terribly bad for asking.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - fae . - 05-08-2019

Oh, a gathering of the big people! The pretty tiger lady was here, as was the really really big dog - and then there was a smaller dog, which looked more like a dog, and sounded a lot like her. Then the last person there was the weird goblin cat. She wouldn't call him that, of course, because some people thought goblins were evil, but she didn't - even if they weren't real, she wouldn't use it as an insult. That would just insult everyone involved!

"Hi there mister! Nice rock!" She said, as she came to stand in front of the big dog that was totally not a child, according to himself. Hopefully he wouldn't mind; he was big enough to just look over her without bother, so it shouldn't be able to bother him, right? And he seemed the type not to be offended by stuff like that. She could trust him not to be for now, at least. "Hello everyone else! And hello again there, mister! Welcome to Elysium! It's a nice place, if you feel like joining. I've been here for only a day or two and I already love it - though it does get a bit cold. Except, you're wearing pants, so I guess that doesn't matter!" Weird pants. Maybe she should call him Panty? Pantsy? Mr Pants? Something along those lines, likely.
tags - "speech"

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Blazic - 05-08-2019

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-09-2019

Killua was far from being remotely an optimist when it came to most aspects of life. Instead, he had been raised to think of worst case scenarios first so that he would be able to prepare himself if the worst did happen during one of his missions. There were a couple of instances where worst case scenario reared its ugly head and he had to completely change his tactics to be able to get out of there alive. Most jobs that he had been given in his youth weren't all that difficult for someone around his skill level, but that usually leads to him underestimating those that he came up against. Having grown up in a negative atmosphere, it was rare for Killua to have a bright outlook on his future. He knew that he was probably going to die fro his family or be slaughtered in a fight that he wasn't read for. It was bound to happen, and he was somewhat fine with that. However, he was afraid of dying. Every time he came into contact with his brother, he always thought that this was how he was going to die. Despite knowing that his brother wouldn't actually kill him unless he wanted to get on the bad side of their father, and killing another family member was against the rules. No one broke any of the family rules unless they wanted to be severely punished, which he had never really seen before and had no want to. Killua knew what his family was capable of in the means of torture. He could handle torture in most cases, but if his brother was the one to administer the torture, Killua would not stand a chance. His brother had been the one to teach him when he was just a kitten exactly how to withstand torture, so his brother would know where he would be the weakest physically. Killua feared his brother and nothing else.

Having grown up with creatures of various shapes and sizes, some of which were a lot larger than he was, size rarely mattered to him. This gave him in an edge for being an assassin as it made his enemies underestimate him simply because of his age. His enemies knew nothing about him unless they knew about his family, and if someone knew about his family he immediately considered them to be an enemy. Unless he had been the one to openly tell them about his family, which only happened with a couple of animals across his life. Killua was still somewhat out of the loop when it came to the clans that were in the area. He was still gathering information on how this area had changed since the last time he had been around. The albino serval had tried to go back to Snowbound, a place that he had once considered to be his home, only to see that it had been reduced to ashes. He had no idea how the fire happened in Snowbound, and so far there was no one around that actually knew about the place except for a couple of faces. The former deputy of Snowbound deeply missed those that he considered to be his family in Snowbound. London, Stark, and Mel were just a couple of names that stood out to him. Due to how he was raised, it wasn't uncommon for him to be running around in the middle of the night. He rarely slept in the first place and he wasn't about to start either. His mind was constantly plagued by nightmares from his brother, and so instead of sleeping and potentially hurting himself, he just stayed awake. Besides, this would mean that he would have more time to explore the area around him.

Thanks to his enhanced senses, it wasn't hard for him to hear voices off in the distance. He barely knew anyone in Elysium, and had only arrived the other day. He had been looking for answers but instead found more questions. Killua didn't mind the massive mountain that they were on, as it reminded him slightly of Snowbound in that regard. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he began to silently walk in that direction, before looking up toward the trees that sparsely spread across the mountain. The serval would crouch down for a split second, and leap 10ft into the air before landing on a branch of a tree. Killua always enjoyed being off of the ground in the trees so that he was able to get a little bit more of a vantage point. From there, the young assassin would begin to make his way toward the voices, leaping from branch to branch of the adjacent trees. Servals weren't the best climbers in the world, as their legs were primarily used for jumping. A couple of familiar scents filtered through his nose as he approached the area, and stopped a small distance away so that he could observe what was happening in front of him. Killua could say that he had seen many different creatures during his time with his family. His father was a dragon, and his brother was a black tiger with wings. Yet, he had never seen the mutation before on the animal that was currently being surrounded by all the Elysium members. The cat wore certain articles of clothing, even a pair of pants that Killua found a little bit odd. It wasn't like h was one to judge though as his appearance wasn't exactly normal anyway. He flicked one of his ears as he listened to the conversation of the group for a couple of moments so that he could get up to speed of what had happened up to this point. From the way the cat was reacting, he didn't seem to like having so many larger animals surrounding him, making him uncomfortable. Killua could understand that, as his first time joining a clan was extremely strange to him as he didn't like all of the attention.

Especially since he had been trying to lay low and keep his identity hidden to most of those around him. Killua was fairly certain that most of those that were around still didn't know his name, which he was fine with. The less they knew of him the better. He was still in a strange place, and falling into old habits that had helped him survive in the past were coming back to surface. After a couple of seconds of observing the one called Morte, Killua leaped into an adjacent tree near the ground. His jump was completely quiet, thanks to the air elementals that cushioned each step that he took. It wasn't really something that he could completely turn off either. On top of helping him remain silent, the elemental power also made it so that he didn't give off any scent, the elemental power keeping air close to his body so that his actual scent wouldn't permeate into the world around him. It was a nice power to have, and since he's had it since he was born, he knew all the tricks to the power. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he looked at the other's patchy fur, which was similar to the way that his right arm looked. There were some patches of white fur missing on his right arm since the last confrontation with his brother. Laying himself down onto the branch, he opened his jaws and conjured up a lollipop that quickly fell into his mouth.

He listened to Morte talk about dragons and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Killua would alert others to his presence if they hadn't noticed him yet with a small snort from his jaws. "I'm surprised that they didn't eat you. A barbequed cat would probably be considered quite a delicacy." The former deputy of Snowbound would say with a small smirk spread across his lips. It was obvious with the way that he spoke that he didn't believe the other's backstory at all. Killua didn't really consider the cat to be all that strong just looking at him, but there could be hidden strength that he wasn't exactly seeing. The likelihood of that though was rather slim. From the sounds of it, this guy would be staying here for a little bit, which didn't matter to Killua as he held no social attachments to anyone he came across. "Where did you come from?" The albino serval would question with the lollipop in his mouth as he tilted his head calmly, a neutral expression now on his face. Did Morte even know of the clans before he came here? Gathering information was one of the many basics that his family taught him, and often times he did it without realizing. While at the same time upholding information from those around him, as he didn't bother to introduce himself, just like he had done when he first joined.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: We're Tired, And We're Hungry, And We're Bored | [Maybe Temp?] Joining - Honey - 05-10-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

A lot happened real fast.

"But I'm Honey!" she said smiling. A white cat as big as she would walk up. He seemed a little mean. Especially the way he talked but she didn't mind.

"Maybe he is a tough guy! That's why the dragon did hurt him!"