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improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - Printable Version

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improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - deimos - 05-05-2019

Sam wasn't one for freaking out.

She was freaking out.

The gator was laying there. Just freaking laying there. The doe-cat had found her way onto a post, standing on the wood and staring at it with wide eyes. She didn't dare make a sound, considering she basically tripped over the tip of it's tail groggily just a minute or two before. Samantha had climbed up here, giving a short scream at the beast on the way up. The post was covered in claw marks now, and the two seemed to be having a stare-off.

Finally, words were uttered from her mouth. "Nothing to be scared of, Sammy. Just a gator who's clearly not supposed to be where it is now." She whispered, her green eyes still fixed to the beast. Her paw reached out, but she pulled it back in to her tense standing spot, back arched and fur standing on end. There was no way she could get down right now.


Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - Crow Roux - 05-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
The tabby did a double-take when his eyes settled across the form of a gator lounging across the cracked ground of the town square like it owned the place. Crow had never seen one so close before. Each scale glittered dangerously in the dim lighting that perforated the forest that ominously loomed at the corners of his vision, and he stared, transfixed. What was he supposed to do about it anyway? He was just one small guy against one large gator blocking his path.

"D-don't ask me, I dunno," he spoke with a shake of his head, then took a few steps backward, gaze meeting the doe-cat atop the post. Then he began to click his tongue enticingly at the gator, the way one would tempt their dog. "Uhm, here kitty kitty kitty." It only had to move a few feet to give Sam a clear shot to the ground without any risk of being snapped up for lunch; the idea made his skin crawl.

Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - deimos - 05-07-2019

Sam hissed beneath her breath, toes curling over the edge of the pole. "What do you mean, you don't know?" She flicked her gaze towards Crow, then back to the gator. Let's.. name the gator Twix. Now, Twix had heard Crow, and turned it's long muzzle towards Crow. It's jaws parted, a small hiss emitting as it's long body slowly started to drag itself to face Crow. No sudden movements yet.

""I.. wouldn't stand there if I was you." Sam whispered, slowly moving her paw out again, as if tentatively ready to leap whenever it scooted further away from her and towards Crow. The gator stopped, staring at Crow with it's dark eyes, toothy jaw sticking out.


Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - arrow - 05-12-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Oh this is....this is too good." Arrow let a snarky grin pull at the side of her mouth, sitting down nearby Crow and casually itching her ear. Gator? Here? She could hardly believe it. Almost thought it to be some figment of her imagination, a hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation but no, here this fat ass reptile was, alive and well. She would have lifted a brow if she had one, taking to just shaking her head in amused disbelief instead.

Was she going to help? Probably not. What was she gonna do? Maybe use herself as bait, she was not against the idea of delivering a boxer style hit directly to the lizard's dark eye. Put em up, dinosaur. 

Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - selby roux ! - 05-12-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It was at a distance that Selby first noticed the alligator. Its presence puzzled and startled him; didn’t these things usually keep to the water? He struggled to remember what to do if you came across a feral animal. Scream, yell, fight? Weren’t those last resorts? Was this a worst case scenario?

Not entirely sure he was doing the right thing, Selby crept back to his home. He took two trowels for noisemakers (and possibly weapons, depending on how poorly this went), and came running back.

He screamed, yowled, and banged the two trowels together as he approached, trying to scare it off. He stopped just a few feet away from the gator, fur fluffed up and tail lashing in an attempt to make himself seem scarier.

Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - deimos - 05-12-2019

Sam's gaze briefly darted to Arrow, her eyes narrowed. The other only seemed amused, if not happy this was happening. What a shithead. The teenager looked back to the gator, staring it's ass in the eye as she moved to jump onto the ground, crouching as she landed. She grimaced as she stared at the gator. The next figure that approached only brought her heart to a stop.

Selby had brought back noise makers. In the case of this gator, that was a very bad idea. Not only was this gator hungry, but now it was pissed that it hadn't had a meal nor napped. The gator's jaws pried open, hissing loudly at Selby before starting it's charge toward's Selby. Sam didn't hesitate, rushing forward after the gator. What could she do? Barely burn it? Her eyes widened as a knife was conjured, tiny but enough to stab in the right place, maybe. She tucked it between her teeth.


Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - selby roux ! - 05-12-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby’s eyes widened as the gator charged toward him. That had decidedly not been part of the plan. Still, he had been aware of the possibility of violence. Without hesitation, he attempted to drive one trowel through one of the gator’s eyes and the other through its throat with as much force as he could muster.

Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - deimos - 05-13-2019

Sam, it seemed, didn't have to run very far or try very hard.

The gator was struck in both the eye of the throat, but not before it had reached it's snout far enough to attempt clamping down on one of Selby's legs. It's squealed as it was stabbed, writing against the trowels. Sam paced around the side, watching the magnificent beast start to beat the bullet.


Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - selby roux ! - 05-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby swore almost inaudibly as he saw the gator reach around quickly. He jerked his hind leg away just as the strong teeth closed around where it would have been. The black feline pulled the trowels out of the beast as gently as he could manage, then reached around its neck in an attempt to snap its neck. Better to end its suffering. Whether or not he would succeed, Selby nodded at Sam, grateful for the backup.

Re: improv singing made techno -- gator in town square - deimos - 05-20-2019

Sam gently stalked around the side of the gator, tail lashing behind her as she eyed the corpse of the gator. Speaking of the gator, it had died there on the street between Selby's paws. Though, the neck wasn't quite snapped. She raised an eyebrow at Selby as he nodded at her, before huffing. A cigarette, wrapped in black instead of white, conjured between her jaws. She lit it with the tip of her right paw, idly eyeing the gator.

"Uh, thanks. I guess."