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MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Printable Version

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MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Brutus - 05-05-2019

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And then came everyone else. After the leaders had their own meeting, things were surely going to be tense within the neutral ground's vast fields. Though this was supposed to be a peaceful enviroment, it was not required.

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Kydobi - 05-06-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]
Few people bothered with these things. The last time he had journeyed here little to no one came. It slightly bothered him that he was possibly wasting his time again.

But here he was. And none could say the jaguar never did show or try, Yawning Kydobi made his way to the back and hopped in the same tree as last time. If others wished, they could try and have an interaction with him. But he was slightly irritated right now.

But regardless the brute was polite.

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-07-2019

He knew of group gatherings. Did he like them? Of course he didn't like them. He wasn't exactly the best when it came to social interactions as he was never raised on what social interactions were appropriate at what time. Killua felt little reason to be cautious around an area that he at least knew a little bit. He had been the second in command of a group that once existed somewhere in this area. Now being burned down to the ground and his friends nowhere to be seen. The albino serval didn't know what to do with himself at the moment, and was currently struggling to figure out if he should move on or not. There were far too many happy memories for him just to abandon everything at least. The young male didn't bother with the likes of running along to the ground and instead had a knack for staying up in the trees. As he neared wheree a couple creatures were starting to gather, the albino serval perched himself up above Kydobi. The former assassin constantly kept his air elementals in play, meaning that hearing him and catching his scent was basically impossibl. However, white against green certainly did stand out a little bit. He was still considered to be a child at the age that he was at, but the albino serval was far from actually being a child. He didn't hold any specific groups scent on him, as he had just returned today. His metal claws kept a grip on the branch that he had laid himself down on, a lollipop sticking out of the corner of his mouth. His sapphire blue eyes looked around in a calculative manner around him, wondering if there would be anything entertaining to happen later. He looked down at the larger wildcat below him, a bored look spread across his face. It was then a smug look spread acrossed his features, as he wondered if the wildcat noticed that he was above him. There was around 10ft between the branch that he was on to the ground so it decent fall. "Well, this is definitely a entertaining party." Killua would say in a obvious sarcastic tone toward Kydobi. He had never been interested in coming to these things, even when he had a rank of significance, because it was always the same shit over and over again. He had better things to do with his time. Like eat candy.
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

What a way to make an introduction!

What a way to make a entrance to this land!

A striped goliath carved from marble and shadows would stride into the area. Looking at the two men there. His eyes glazed over both seeing no threat. Easily dwarfing both, at least in his mind.

Yawning the brute would sit.


Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-07-2019

There were many different type of creatures that were capable of inhabiting this world. Killua himself had fought many different beasts during his lifetime, one of which had been dragons. He distinctly remembers killing a dragon as a means of a job when he still worked for his family. It was a lot easiere than he had come to realize, as his elemental powers gave him a distinct edge over those that he came across. He didn't have the raw power that most creatures did when it came to a fight, but what he instead had was speed. There was no reason to worry about strength when he could dodge most of the attacks that were thrown at him anyway. Servals were the second fastest creatures that lived on land second to only that of a cheetah. He didn't really have to worry about anything catching him as long as they didn't catch him by surprise. The assassin was capbale of hearing long distances thanks to his enhansed senses and his massive ears that were on the top of his head, which even allowed him to hear smaller noises undereground. To say that Killua was intimidated by larger creatures was far from the truth, as he had to deal with almost everything being larger than him for the majority of his life. Hell, half of those in his family were larger than him, taking a variety of different bodies across the years. Killua doubted that he would meet anyone that he would recognize in this place, and if he got bored then he would just teleport away and go somewhere else. Hearing the set of large pawsteps heading his direction, Killua angled his ears backwards but gave no other indication that he knew that the animal was below him on the ground while he remained in the tree. The albino serval eventually looked over his shoulder with the lollipop in his mouth as he took note of the tiger. At first, seeing the tiger sparked fear through his chest, as if he had been shocked. He didn't visibly flinch, but considering that the only thing that he feared took the form of a tiger meant that he was taken off guard for a second. Although, his brother was a melanistic tiger that had wings, while the guy below him just seemed to be a regular tiger. The likelihood of the other having powers was possible, but the other didn't show any powers when he approached the gathering area. Still being a child, Killua moved himself so that he was looking in Kanga's direction. "Hey stripes! Come here to enjoy the party too?" Killua called after the tiger, not bothering to be formal in any way, and even giving the tiger a quick nickname. Not a really thought out one, but that wasn't his specialty and didn't really care either. A smirk would spread across his facial features after he called to the tiger, while at the same time swirling the lollipop in his mouth. 
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Kydobi - 05-07-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

And already this "party" proved more eventful than the last. Still not interesting but there was at least more faces than usual. And there was certainly a mix of flavors in personas.

And all were felines.

A pale boy would walk forward and rake his way up a tree. More effort than Kydobi would ever require for such a feat He would open his mouth to reply to the comment but was interrupted when a exotic looking cat would make  way to the area. The striped brute didn't even need to say anything, so loud was his persona that Kydobi snorted.

He made eye contact, acknowledging the brute's lack of worry and almost brushing off of Kydobi's danger. But that was fine. The man knew what he was capable of and would not be so pestered.

"This is certainly better than the last one", he would say to the serval below him.

He wouldn't bother with the tiger and just observe. Giving him a chance to prove the jaguar's intuitions wrong.

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Two cats, and while the smallest of them all pretended he didn't notice them he knew they did. For why wouldn't they? He was a sight to behold. At least in his humble opinion.

He looked at the jaguar, smirking when the cat snorted. Go ahead an be threatened. Not all had the potential to royalty. The attention turned back to the white serval.

"No not for this. Just got here," his deep baritone informed, "I came to conquer."

His voice was dead serious and he looked into both of their eyes. His ambitions would not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of this land. His movements would be loud and all would hear.

One way or another. And he would do all he could get to the power and everything to maintain it.

Kanga winked at the serval before he got up and walked to the trunk of his tree, placing one massive mitt on it. He looked up, it wouldn't be hard to climb up onto such a low branch. Not hard at all.

"But first I need to lay with a woman. It has been a while."

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-07-2019

The albino serval always felt a lot more comfortable when it came to being in the aspect of a tree than the likes of the ground. He wasn't exactly sure why that was, maybe it was just a habit that he had picked up when living in the Zoldyck's estate. As soon as his thoughts turned to his family, the wildcat was quick to change the direction of his thoughts somewhere else entirely. That was the last thing he wanted to think of honestly, as it would mean that he would get paranoid like he usually did in regards to whether or not if his family knew that he was back. He just needed to get stronger, and once he was strong enough he would be able to take on his bastard of a brother and actually put up a little bit more of a fight. There were was still an ache in his forehead every time that he did think of his brother. Having been with the group from these places for a very extensive time now, he had seen many different characters and different faces. Everyone held themselves differently, and there were those that he automatically didn't get along with either. The young male probably still had a little bit to learn here and there, but whenever it came to experience he had plenty of that in regards to anything physical. Any social interaction was a toss of a hat, as he didn't always know the best way to respond to someone talking to him. Practice made perfect, but he would much rather be in control of a situation than have someone else control it. Hence why he usually did whatever the hell he wanted despite having affiliated with a place. It was common for him to go from one place to the next to see what the group was about and what groups still existed and what those did not. He bet that the Typhoon was probably around sticking their noses in where they shouldn't go. A place that Killua never liked for the factor that there had been conflicted with them from the very beginning when the groups were just starting out. The former deputy had wanted to rip them apart, but he wasn't trying to be an assassin anymore, he was just trying to be himself. His journey was more on the line of self-discovery, as he figured out how to be a normal kid again.

A lot more difficult to actually do instead of just thinking about it. Especially since his family was constantly on the lookout for him as they tried to bring him back to the family, in which he would refuse. He wondered if they were still pissed at him for stabbing his mother in the face despite her deserving the attack that she couldn't dodge. No matter. His species wasn't the greatest when it came to climbing, as his species was known to live in massive savannah plains compared to that of a forest. Killua was far from normal in every sense of the world despite his outward appearance. Instead of having grown up in savannah, he had grown up in a forest, allowing him plenty of time to figuring out to become an expert climbing. Having a 10ft vertical leap made his life a lot easier whenever he wanted to climb anything. His claws made easy work with any material it came into contact with. His sapphire blue eyes turned to look at the jaguar, Killua being mindful to memorize the other scent and features as he did so. It wasn't that Killua would be caught staring at the jaguar, as he was quick to memorize anything that he came across. Killua rolled the lollipop into his mouth as he listened to the larger wildcat speak before speaking himself. "Better huh? It must have been pretty shitty then considering that this party isn't even a party yet." Killua said with a small chuckle escaping his jaws. The assassin wasn't against using any type of language when he talked to anyone and was usually pretty informal in his form of speech. Argus would be able to vouch for him. With his metal claws unsheathed, the wildcat grabbed the lollipop out of his mouth and waved it in the air as he continued to speak. "Well, what's your name? Come from any of the groups around?" Killua questioned the other in a bored tone. He didn't really seem to care whether or not the jaguar was going to answer his questions. He wasn't here to force anything from anyone. Maybe if he was acting like he had been originally when he came back from these groups and was a job he would, but that wasn't his life anymore.

The Zoldyck's attention soon turned to the tiger as the other began speaking. A neutral look soon spread across his facial features, getting rid of the smirk that had been on his face when he had been speaking to the jaguar. The wildcat came here to conquer the clans. Killua had to hold in the urge to laugh at the tigers face. So he was one of those guys. It reminded him of a tiger that did take over a clan, saying that he had been doing the right thing, even demoting Killua from deputy at that point just because he disagreed with the guy. The tiger had been someone that was created with lies, and everyone simply followed along with him like they were lost sheep. It made him sick and Killua could have easily killed the tiger if he had wanted to. If only his interaction with his brother never happened, he could have gotten the chance to do so. Killua couldn't help but roll his eyes at the tiger as the other began to make his way over toward them. Killua's body didn't move at the movement from the tiger in front of him. If the guy thought he was trying to see big, then he should meet his father. Who, ironically was a dragon most of the time, but could change body thanks to shapeshifting. "Uh-huh. Sure. One man army? I'm interested to see how far you'll go." Killua almost said with a sneer. It was obvious that the serval didn't care what happened to Kanga and didn't believe for a second he would be able to take on most of the creatures that lived in this place. If Argus, or even the dragon guy from Typhoon were still alive, the guy was as good as dead. Besides, Killua wouldn't let him get that far himself, as the guy would probably take innocent lives as well to get what he wanted. Killua stopped waving his lollipop around and put it back into his mouth as he listened to the male continue. When the tiger mentioned 'laying' with a woman, the expression that spread across his face seemed to be like that of a normal child reacting to a parent talking about kissing someone. Slight disgust as his nose curled at the other's description of what he wanted to do. "Eww stripes that's gross! What generation are you from? We don't say that kind of stuff around here!" There was no heat behind the words he hissed at the other. If anything, it seemed like he was slightly embarrassed at the crude language. He used crude language himself, but it had been a long time since he heard it use. The last time he heard it was probably from his adopted father Stark when he was flirting with that one guy.
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

The child was confident. Held that false cockiness most young males did. But it was fine. Let him laugh it did not bother him.

"Shut up and suck on your lollipop boy. You still have a lot to learn."

He looked at the white cat, his little metal claws. All that. What a waste. Poor little lad. But sometimes the smaller became more ruthless in an attempt to compensate. Kanga rolled his eyes and dropped back to the floor. The dragon wouldn't let a child's laughter bother him. If anything it touched him. Poor boy.

"Where's your parents kid? I wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

For now the jaguar was very unimportant. Background for now. It was just the pale one that intrigued him.

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-08-2019

There was a reason why Killua usually went to clans or groups that were more about peace. It was in those places that he didn't find egotistical idiots that thought they could take on the world themselves. However, it didn't make complete sense for someone like himself, to go to a group that didn't believe that killing was the right way to go. Everyone that he had been around were idiots in some shape of the word, whether it was their strange morals or how they acted toward their enemies, it made no difference. The young male had come across groups that were all about murder and torture for the clans that he had lived in. Killua lived in four clans, each of which he held ranks in some way, not like it mattered to him. Killua watched as they were attacked by groups that stated that they didn't need 'allies' and that they could do everything that they wanted 'alone'. Killua had been the first one to laugh in their faces for their idiocy. If maybe they were even remotely as strong as the rest of his family, then he could see them being capable of accomplishing their goal. All of them were complete pushovers as he would be one of the few to meet their challenges, without fear. He had watched as one of the members of the enemy had quivered underneath his white paw begging for mercy from the wildcat. The enemy was lucky that there were other's around or he would have slit their throat quickly and been done with it. Killua enjoyed knocking egos down a peg when they offered themselves to him. Some animals thought that they were smug enough in their own powers, but had never been beaten before. Killua had never lost a fight against a clanner. The only fight that he had ever lost in his entire life was against the likes of his brother, which he never could imagine that the would ever win in the first place. The assassin had made sure that during his training that he was the strongest their was, and his small size made it easier to fool those that thought they were better than him.

Only to realize in horror that they were about to be killed by a child. Killua also had killed clan leaders when he was working with their families. One of which had been a leader that lead a clan that was drenched in nothing but blood. Sure, the leader had never done anything personal to Killua, but payment was payment at the time. He had managed to trick the leader and it was all over with one swipe of his paws. He killed a dragon that had been the leader of another clan that probably didn't deserve it. The wildcat at the time had no reason to show anyone the likes of mercy, and that mindset still stood. When he attacked someone, he always had the intent to kill instead of just to try and beat someone to the inch of their life. Unless there were spectators, but that was a different story. The albino serval had even marched into an area before after a group had left bodies on their borders saying to watch out for them. It was an idiotic move as Killua was able to track down the group and find his way into their camp like it was child's play. They couldn't fool the likes of a Zoldyck after all. Killua had stopped right outside of the groups base of operations and called out to them. It was there some of the group members came to face him, and he beat them to an inch of their lives. This wasn't about him killing them instead it was about him showing power and exactly how weak they were compared to him and the clans. They swore that they would come after him, and Killua laughed in their face. After that event, he had never heard from that group again and figured that he had done his job at the very end. Killua also was not one for games either.

The assassin turned to look at the tiger as the other regarded him as 'boy'. Killua hated being regarded as a child when he was further from such despite his appearance. It was common for him to get on the good side of those that had questionable morals, but this tiger was starting to get on his nerves. The wildcat didn't say anything for a second as he snapped his jaw shut, breaking the rest of the hard candy in his mouth with ease. The serval crunched the candy for a couple of moments before taking out the lollipop stick with his claws and looking down at the tiger. With the stick in between his claws, Killua would aim to flick the object at the tiger's face, as a means of disrespect. He didn't use any of his powers to increase the power that it would hit the tiger, so the other could easily dodge it if he was paying attention. "Don't treat me like a child. You may regret it later." Killua said, his tone dropping slightly low as he did so. The albino serval seemed to remain serious for a second, flexing his claws into the wood of the branch that he was on. The threat was far from empty. This guy thought he knew more than him? That was laughable. The assassin couldn't help but laugh a little at the tiger's question of where his parents were. Seriously? The assassin thought for a second on how to answer the question, as his parents never mattered to him. Although he did look up to his dad a little bit. "My parents? Dead in a gutter somewhere. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, kitty." It had been awhile since Killua had a fight. That didn't mean he was rusty, as he had been training himself to go up against the likes of his brother. Right now, he considered the tiger to be a pushover. Size wasn't everything. His parents though were very much alive. There was a chance that his mother actually may be dead, but considering the medics that they had the estate, he doubted that she actually died from his attack.

(All IC opinions of course!)
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: