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My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - Printable Version

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My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - jacob w.c. - 04-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was excited about this. Well, he was anxious too, his insomnia from the night before proved that, but it'd all been worth it. After some discussion, Leigh had allowed Snowbound to enter a trial alliance with Typhoon and Jacob intended to make the most of it. He wanted to do something classy but something that'd make everyone feel comfortable enough to have decent conversations. So, he decided to set up all sorts of blankets and pillows in the main tunnel and then blocked off individual dens with some curtains that he'd also made with his own paws. Of course, he hadn't made it all this week. He adored sewing and knitting and he was able to acquire this many over time. He hadn't been willing to leave a single one behind in the city, after all.

Once he'd gotten all the furnishings out, he set out some hot chocolate and various baked goods along with a large pot of pasta and sauce. He also had some cold drinks and, probably to the surprise of some, a bit of wine. While Jacob wasn't fond of drinking, he knew his guests might appreciate it and he was careful enough to place it on a surface elevated enough that it'd be difficult for any children to reach. Besides, it was only wine. He didn't want anyone getting completely wasted, after all. He probably wouldn't touch any all night. He was far too susceptible to the murky depths of alcohol and usually found his mind clouded before he even finished a single glass. No, he'd be sticking to water and hot chocolate.

When they'd left the city, he and Jersey had brought all sorts of musical devices with them and one of those devices was a fairly large speaker that was able to run on it's own. Jacob wasn't sure exactly how it worked, they'd found it in the trash a long time ago, but he set it up and allowed some light, cozy, instrumental music echo through the tunnels. Now that everything was set up, all that was left to do was wait for his guests to arrive. He was sure the Snowbounders would be here soon enough but the pirates might take a bit longer. He'd given them a map to get here and he'd made sure to leave a trail for them to follow of rocks. The weather hadn't been too bad so he was sure they'd still be able to see everything he'd set out. He could always go out and look for them if it came to that, though.

When the first few people began to trickle in, he stood near the center of his arrangements and called, "Thank you all so much for comin'. 'M real excited for ya'll ta' get ta' know each other. However, there's more than jus' this li'l party. I also set up private rooms where are blocked off by the curtains ya' can see hangin' around. This is a sorta' blind date event that I decided ta' set up so we can get more one-on-one conversations. All ya' gotta' do is come up 'ere n' either tell me whether ya' wanna' do a romantic or platonic event n' then tell me what your preferences are if ya' choose romantic or ya' can jus' write it on those li'l cards I got up by that box. Drop 'em in the box n' then I'll pair everyone off in a bit. While we're waiting for that, though, feel free ta' enjoy the food out 'ere n' get ta' know each other. I hope ya'll 'ave a nice night n' if anyone needs somethin', feel free ta' come get me," he explained before turning and starting to wander around the room to greet whoever happened to arrive first.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - melantha - 04-27-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]parties are not melantha's thing. she is what one would consider to be a naturalist: she eats animal foods, behaves likes an animal, and listens to her animal instincts. and her animal instincts tell her that entering a large group almost entirely composed of predators is an extremely bad idea. too many people, too may eyes, too much potential to be attacked or worse. melantha does not trust easily. she almost always expects the worst of people, especially those she is unfamiliar with. clan animals do not understand the constant fear that accompanies being forcefully removed from a childhood home and having to grow up alone in the wilds. in the wilds, the only thing scarier than a bear is a large group of creatures who can kill her.

there is no reason why mel should trust that a large event with people she has never met before will be safe, so why does she approach jacob? it's simple, really: she likes the guy. and maybe she feels a little protective over him and wants to be around to keep an eye on him. it could also be that she is more curious than she lets on, even as she approaches with a reluctant expression decorating her plain features. luckily, it seems that she is among the first to arrive. "uh, it looks...nice," she manages with an awkward smile, feeling extremely out of place. clearly melantha is not the most skilled in social situations. her sandy golden pelt gleams in the low lighting. although it is clear that she has taken the time to groom herself and don a subtle lavender perfume, melantha's appearance is very plain. she is no super model. compared to other wildcats, mountain lions are very normal looking creatures. her coloring is practical, her build functional, and there is not a single unique thing about it.

the location is filled with a fantastic aroma--a mixture of meat and seasoning and sugar--that it nearly overwhelms her senses. mel recognizes the pastries immediately from the time she encountered jacob taking a nap on a picnic blanket. as wonderful as they smell, she knows that she will be unable to enjoy the gustatory aspect of consuming them. but the pasta seems particularly appealing... the young female is nearly drawn to the food table by a primal urge before remembering that she is here for some sort of blind-dating event. according to jake, she is supposed tow rite her name and whether or not she wants a romantic encounter on a card... oh that's not going to work. "actually, i cannot write... will that be a problem?" she can read and speak, but writing? not gonna happen. and not because she cannot form her letters, but because she does not possess the ability to grasp a utensil in her paws. she refused to stoop to using her mouth to write, so she does not write at all.

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - arcy - 04-28-2018

Izuku has ... never been to a party in his life. He'd just never been invited when he was human, and he hadn't participated in any while he was in his old group. He just couldn't handle the noise volume, then. This seemed a little more tame, at least, though Izuku still winces seeing the speakers, even as they simply play classical music. At least their were some treats, to even it out. But there was also wine sitting up high, which Izuku considers for a second before scrunching his nose. He wasn't even legal. Izuku shakes his head, and then turns back to Jacob to hear what the wolfdog was saying.
A ... blind date event, then. Izuku's ears twitch back just the slightest, tail giving a nervous wave. Blind dates were a little awkward for his tastes -- granted, he'd only been on one that'd he'd stated to be platonic, but he was pretty sure it was just an attempt at actually setting him up. (it'd failed, clearly -- he and letty had never talked again after that, for some reason) Anyways -- Izuku trusts that this probably won't turn out too bad, so he moves to go write on a card. He doesn't want to state it out loud, though Izuku hasn't ever been able to hold writing utensils with paws. So with a grimace, Izuku conjures a little vial of ink(surprisingly, successfully) and dips a paw in it before just sort of ... vanishing it. Then, with an unsteady paw, he writes out 'platonic' on the card, and, as an afterthought, puts his name in the corner, just in case? It's all very smudged, but it's still readable, at least. Come to think of it, though, there weren't ... a lot of guidelines set up for this, were there. Was he supposed to put his name down, or just 'platonic'? Surely so, or else Jacob's only idea of who the writer was would be based on who put cards in. Well -- he has no reason to ponder over this now, so Izuku withdraws silently. He could try striking up a conversation, but there's only two people here right now, Melantha and Jacob, and both are probably ... a little busy. So Izuku just scampers past them and over to the food table. He can't cook or bake a lot himself anymore, so he does his best to make up for it whenever Jacob comes out with stuff like this. (it was only an occasion or two, but even so!!)


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - PIERCE - 04-29-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce sometimes had trouble interacting with newcomers in strange, new places, but he wouldn’t go so far as to call himself antisocial. No, for as a child, he really had been antisocial, terrified of contact with pretty much any other person, hardly able to force his name out at a joining, let alone look someone in the eye when they spoke. Somehow, though, he’d been promoted, and that new responsibility had been what forced him out of his shell. Well, that, and the help of his dear friends, though the only one whose face wasn’t a blur in his memory was his... partner, Riddlersgame. He had just been a little boy when he’d settled into that home, been so used to and good at talking to strangers. Why couldn’t he do it again?  Perhaps it was because he was truly alone now, but he was also a man. He could take care of himself. Anyway, back in his old home, even when he knew everyone and had no issues talking to others, Pierce hadn’t been a huge fan of parties. Not when he didn’t have anyone to go with. For, when you were alone, it was just noise and food and drink. Nothing fun about that. Friends, you could talk to and dance with and play tons of games with, but it was a little awkward when you were by yourself. Snowbound was a new clan, though, and not many people seemed to have friends yet, either, so it’d probably be awkward for all of them. Hopefully.

Seemingly one of the firsts to arrive, Pierce glanced around at the place. It was nice, and it seemed pretty cozy. Jacob seemed to know how to throw a not-crazy, calm party that probably wouldn’t end with his best friend drenched in lemonade. The memory was an odd one, but one that was starkly prominent in his mind, the sight of Riddler stalking off from his lovely little party dripping in a sweet drink, lusting for revenge-

Pierce shook his head. He’d promised himself not to think about him anymore.

The effeminate serval raised his gaze as Jake began speaking, ears tilting in his direction. Blind dating? Pierce didn’t have strong feelings about it- he knew he’d participated in a few blind dates before,  with who, he had no idea, but they never ended in anything, that was for sure. He considered a romantic date, and while the thought of Riddler floated to his mind once more, he shook the uncertainty away. He should try something new, and besides, there was nothing official going on between them. Odds were, nothing would come out of it, anyway. When the husky finished speaking, Pierce gave a little nod. Fun. He’d probably write his name down soon, but he better get some water fir-

"I can help you, Miss Melantha," Pierce offered brightly, silently praising himself for having been able to place a name to her face- that was one thing he’d always been good at. How did he know her name? They’d never spoken face-to-face, but he had overheard a few converations, and names were a bit difficult to forget. The lean tom moved gracefully toward Mel, offering her a sweet smile. "Th’ names Pierce, if you didn’t know. I, uh, have a lot of experience with writing if you want me to do it for you." Not only had he been writing and painting since he was a little kid, but he’d recently taken up poetry which, as one could imagine, involved a lot of writing.



Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - →AUGUST← - 04-29-2018

August had been scraping the velvet off his antlers on a wall when he remembered about the little get-together he'd heard of. It was supposed to be going on now, wasn't it? He frowned and scraped off the last little bit of velvet before turning and ambling off towards the place it was happening. He needed new friends.

When he walked in, he paused to take in all the visual stimulation. He seemed to need a lot more time to process things than he had before he died, but that made sense since.. His brain had been cut off from oxygen and slowly decaying for a while. His hazy eyes drifted over the entire room, taking in most of the details. He barely heard what Jacob had been saying as he looked, but understood the basics.

He couldn't write. He had hooves, and his teeth were likely to crunch through any sort of writing utensil. Jacob had said he could just come over and say, right? August didn't care. He made his way over to Jacob, carefully stepping over pillows and blankets; his hooves were dirty, and he didn't want to ruin all of the coloured fabrics. He squinted for a moment at Pierce and the girl he was talking to, then looked towards Izuku for a moment too. Other members, then. He'd have to talk to them after speaking with Jacob.

It took him a bit longer than intended to get over to Jacob, but he made it. He lowered his head so that he could be on the same level as the dog and stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. "Hello. I cannot write. I want to do a..." August stopped. What did he want to do? He thought hard. "Oh, right. I want to do a platonic event. Great." He lifted his head back up and turned to decide who he'd approach next.


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - lilyspoise - 04-30-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Oh jeez, was she one of the first Typhoon members here? Lilyspoise knew she'd headed over early, but she didn't think she would be that early to arrive...
Ah, well, she supposed she would have to deal.

Listening to Jacob as he explained what to do, she considered what she wanted to do. The tabby wasn't completely closed to relationships, but wasn't actively looking either, so she supposed putting it down wouldn't do any harm. It wasn't like she was committing to a relationship right then and there, anyways.

Moving up and grabbing a card and something to write with, Lilyspoise wrote, "Lilyspoise of the Typhoon, romantic or platonic, biromantic for romantic preferences." on the card with practiced ease. She'd been actively note-taking for what was months at this point, all for her herb research. Even to this day she kept a notebook at the Typhoon so that she could store midday thoughts, herb research, questions for anything and everything, and pretty much all thoughts that came to mind. It was a good venting source, and seeing as she didn't have someone she could spill her heart to in the Typhoon quite yet, she found herself turning to it often.
Hm, perhaps today will change that! Lil thought to herself, picking up the notecard and slipping it into the box. She made sure to nod up at Jacob, too, as a small greeting to her Snowbound friend.

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - london r. - 04-30-2018

There were a plethora of things London did not know, actually it seemed as if that list was longer for her than for others. That was probably because of how little experience she had, everything that seemed pretty normal for a group was completely new for someone who had been isolated for most of her life. It had just been her, her brothers, and her mother, for the longest time. That is, until they all died, one by one, and she had been powerless to stop them. She hadn't even tried, which, to her, seemed worse than murder. There was likely nothing she could have done anyway, but she should have at least attempted to stop the illness that had ended the lives of her brothers, or stopped her mother from committing suicide. There were so many things she should have done back then, but she hadn't, and it tore the girl apart. She hadn't known any better, which is just as it was now.

So what exactly was a date? It was not something London had heard of before, besides of course dates on a calendar, but she doubted that was it. No, those dates did not require going in a room. And what exactly did platonic and romantic mean? Surely someone else had the same questions, right? This was one of those moments when her past did little to help her figure this out. Maria had never told her about dates, or romance, she'd been too young for those talks back then. Or perhaps it was just because she had shown no interest in any of those things. Sure, she had read story books and dreamed of her own happily ever after, but she always saw the prince as more of a friend than a lover, for she had no idea that there was any love besides familial love. The girl was so confused, the raw emotions easily showing on her features. She wished Killua was here so she could ask him, it was a little bit embarrassing, after all, everyone else here already knew what all this stuff was, but the albino serval was nowhere to be seen. Not yet anyway.

Grabbing a slip of paper, the girl thought she may as well start by writing her name. Then came the tricky part, romantic or platonic. Jacob had said if one were to choose romantic, that they would also have to give their preference, which was  just another term to add to the list of unknown words of the day. She knew what preference was, but not when it came to, well, whatever this was. So it was easier to just go with Platonic, right? But what even was that? It sounded like the name of an illness or something, and quite frankly, the albino clouded leopard would rather not get sick. She had already lost people to disease, and she did not wish to follow in their footsteps, even if they were her brothers. She had just made her first friend after all, and she could not just leave him behind. Ugh, what a struggle. "Um, I think I might need some help." the girl would muse, her voice rather soft, even for the usually soft spoken girl.

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

Relationships and interacting with other's wasn't something that Killua had ever been good at. There had been no reason for him to be when all that he needed to know was where the proper artery was that he was going to end up needing to cut. It was easier for him to get adapted to the world in that matter if he didn't have to think about formalities all of the time. There were plenty of instances where one could consider the albino serval to be rude, and some of them would be right if they just didn't end up having a stick up their ass when it came to talking about a joke or if he was just messing with them. They didn't know how to relax every once in a while, and that was fine with Killua because he just messed with others in order to get some sort of reaction from them. Before he had been with his family there was no need to try and seek anyone out in that regard. The assassin wasn't supposed to have friends after all and he usually had a job to worry about before anything else. Once he did leave his family though, he had reason to learn how to interact with other's even if it was a small amount. Sadly, the apprentice didn't know what it was like to feel the love from the rest of his family, and instead, he felt nothing but loneliness ever since he had joined Snowbound. Stark and Amorette were nowhere though, and he was trying so badly to keep his head up high despite what was going on inside of his mind. He was getting some good progress but it wasn't enough just yet. It was only until recently with an interaction with someone that he didn't have to worry about what someone thought of him. London wasn't going to judge him for who he was and he wasn't going to judge her either. Killua doubted that the other realized how happy he was to be called her friend. A term that had been used to him for the first time in his entire life. Killua didn't initially know how to react to something like that, but he managed and kept tears from flowing down his face. A headache that he had once gotten while talking about friendships with others were now gone. And he had to admit, that the albino clouded leopard was interesting enough in his eyes to start following her around. Friends usually followed each other around when they saw each other right? Killua had no idea what to do when it came to terms of being friends, but he was just going to wing it and see what was going to happen. Like some of the other Snowbounders that lived in the area, they weren't all that fond when it came to parties, and Killua wasn't fond of them either. Too many creatures in one spot could easily make him uncomfortable he wasn't prepared enough. Killua had no idea that something like this was going to end up going on, and so when he was walking around and caught the scent of the Typhoon, it immediately put him into a bad mood. Compared to Jacob, Killua didn't trust the other group and he had no idea why Leigh had thought of it as being a good idea to let the rest of them join the camp. If Guru appeared, it would just mean that tensions would run high and he doubted anyone would blame him if he decided to end the female right then and there for the things that she had done. He wasn't deputy anymore no, but that didn't mean that others could just ignore his orders like they were nothing. The albino serval was standing there for several seconds as he lowered his nose toward the ground. It wasn't just one Typhoon member.

There were more of them. What the hell was going on? He couldn't smell any blood on the wind or any screams so he doubted that there was any sort of fighting right now. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed slightly as he began to trot his way toward the camp where everyone seemed to be gathering. The scent of Typhoon and the smell of sweets was quick to catch his attention. He tilted his head slightly as he arrived on the scene, and he had to admit he hadn't been confused like this for a very long time. What was happening? He barely arrived in time to hear what Jacob was trying to do, and one his eyebrows twitched. A dating event. With the Typhoon. How in the right mind was this a good idea? A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he didn't have any plans in participating in the event, raising one of his paws to rub the front of his face. That was until he saw how many creatures were actually participating in the event. First, it was Mel, and he could see exactly how awkward she felt, and he would be right there with her. He practically recognized everyone there, except for the deer that he wasn't really anticipating. The other certainly looked interesting, but it was obvious that he had some kind of disease that was going through him. Oh man, he hoped that no one ended up getting sick from him, but it was none of his business. He was somewhat late to arrive, but he noticed that someone from the Typhoon appeared. She was alone, which would be in their favor if there was indeed a fight that would break out depending on how the Typhoon acted or if he ended up making trouble for himself. Hearing a familiar voice, his ears perked as his attention turned toward London, and he almost immediately seemed to relax. London was certainly someone that he could count on to keep him calm in any sort of situation. As he started to walk silently toward London, a smirk would spread across his face as he looked toward Mel. "Didn't think that this would be your kind of party." Killua would tease the cougar as he walked passed her, making sure that the other knew that he was just going to blatantly ignore her either. At the same time, Killua grabbed a piece of paper that Jacob had provided to be put into the box for whatever reason. Killua came to a stop beside London, a smile on his facial features. "Yo." Killua greeted the other as he sat down next to her. From the look that was on the albino clouded leopard's face, it was obviously confused on what she was supposed to do. He doubted that she didn't know how to write her own name and that it was some other factors. Killua knew all the terms, but he had no experience with any of them. He was knowledgeable when it came to most things anyway, especially after his time living with the clans. He put his piece of paper on the ground and conjured up a small bottle of black ink. Killua could just dip his claws into the ink and write in that manner, having written many letters to his own family during his life. Killua was quick to write his name and 'platonic'. He had just made his first friend, he wasn't exactly ready to try and get romantically with anyone just yet. Once he had finished his, he pushed it slightly forward so that London could take a look at it. "Platonic means that you aren't trying to look for a romantic relationship with someone, basically just like a friendly conversation. While romantic means like the opposite I guess, like wanting to have kids with someone is more the romantic route." Defining what platonic meant was easy. Romance was a little bit harder. He knew basically little nothing about it like London did. But he at least knew what a date was, but he doubted a conversation would be considered to be a date. At least he hoped so. Killua would swallow hard at the idea of actually going on a date. It probably wouldn't end well.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob smiled as Melantha approached and opened his mouth to answer her question but Pierce was quick to step in and he gave a grateful nod to the man as he spoke, [color=#2954d0"Ah, no, tha's fine. Ya' can jus' tell me or Pierce n' I'll keep a note ah' it.[/color] His eyes briefly went to Izuku, a smile coming to his maw as he saw the tenderfoot run off to eat some of the food he'd set out. He was glad someone was eating it other than him. If he had to take it all back to his den at the end of the night, he didn't trust himself to not eat all of it in one sitting. However, soon his attention was captured by August and he nodded at the deer's request, writing out a note for him and dropping it in the box as he spoke. "Alright! I'll let ya' know who you're goin' with when I pull out all the names," he assured the man before he heard London's question. Once again, he opened his mouth to speak but Killua was already taking care of the girl. Seeing as everyone seemed to be handling the note business themselves, he let his eyes wander until he noticed Lilyspoise, who was dropping a note into the box.

He hurried to her, his tail wagging gently behind him before he called, "Lily! I's good ta' see ya'. 'M glad ya' could make it." He paused a moment, his eyes scanning the room once more before he looked down at her again. "Uh, ya' wouldn' happen ta' know if- I mean, it don' really matter I guess n' i's fine if ya' dunno'- but, uh, do ya' know if Pincher's comin'? I was jus' wonderin' 'cause, uh, I'm keepin' track ah' the numbers n' all that ta' make sure everyone can get a partner. I wouldn' wanna' leave anyone out," he asked with a light smile, though his eyes betrayed the nerves that ate at his chest. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous at the idea of the captain coming himself. Jacob anticipated that he'd be here, this was the first event for their clans, but it wasn't until now that he realized how frightening he found that idea. He'd even gotten him another duck but he'd just keep that in his bag right now. He'd promised himself he'd give him a duck every time he saw him. Maybe he should just ask Lily to give it to him again. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: My friends have always // open+Typhoon blind date event // been the best of me - ARGUS - 05-01-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]
(@ this account for interaction within this thread)

Argus has actually heard of the event while exploring the snowbound's territory. After a little bit of exploring - even with no one to really talk to beside the few acquaintances she had within the clan. she had heard the music drifting within the tunnels and oh joy was it to be underground again. In such a short span of time Argus had never really traveled underground for ah, specific reasons. Dark enclosed spaces did not scare her as much as they did bring out something- a part of herself that she tried to bury. A beast born in the darkness of a hive awakens only within the labyrinth that can host it.

She should've thought about vising this clan a little more, because within the expanse of the tunnels argus could feel everything she was running from in the typhoon come hurtling back at her. The wounds she had so openly showed to this clan now burned with an ancient power, and the strange glyph along her shoulder pulled at her, insistent and aggressively moving her further- deeper underground. Maybe if she had half a mind of logic she would leave the tunnels. The effects of the enclosed space was immediate, and as soon as she entered there wasn't a lick of logic left to drift in her expansive- slowly emptying head.

It was the music argus thought. Must have been the music that kept her from completely loosing herself. her sanity like fine grains of sand to drunken little paws. Slipping between her paws no matter how hardly she tried to graps it. Her eyes were dim lights of red. not blue- not yet. Because in her time- in her rule argus had kept the tunnels of her home a whisper. To where the footfalls of an enemy could be heard from the camp as clear as day- and prisoner's screams echoed wonderfully. Echoing within the tunnels and confusing even the allies that came to save them.

She was grateful not to be the only typhoon member along the expanding group within the area. Her eyes comically wide and no look of pupil within them. Her scarlet ta was perfectly black- covering the entirety of her eyes with small oval shaped dots of red within them. When she gazed across the room there was a chuckle ghosting across her lips and something whispered into her ear saying outsiders. Whatever spell that controlled the watcher now it had absolute control. Argus's limbs graceful but almost puppet like as she grasped a slip of paper. "It's been a while since i had to write in English." she apologized carefully writing in careful script with a few dabs of ink along one of her dulled talons. She had a crossed out z in front of her name but the rest carefully written. Argus Mortem. Platonic.

The great white b e a s t exhaled through her opening maw. a full body shudder that contained a full convulsion twitch that was the only tolerance of letting loose some of the wild frantic energy that was building inside her. With a flick of her wrist she pulled a bottle of heavy vodka from under one of her expansive wings. A small pathetic little bottle it was- but part of her emergency medical pack she kept on herself. She pulled to the nearest wall she could find and pushed her back against it. Letting the cold seep into her fur as she cradled her drink with reverent almost worshipful approach. She needed booze, lots and lots of booze. Maybe she could ask Jacob to allow whatever sorry sod to meet her outside in the snow. 