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is that lost on you — p, izuku - Printable Version

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is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-25-2018

Aizawa wasn't known to be the most energetic type, always having his sleeping bag with him in case he decided to have a quick nap. But unfortunately he didn't have it with him anymore and so, he was forced to sleep on the cave floor, which was often cold and hard and not at all good for sleeping. He should know. He had slept in many places, and so far, that was his least favorite.

But, so far, he hated sleeping in the snow even more. People often said that if you covered yourself in the snow, you'd eventually get warm from the insulation--but he was a little too big to really burrow in. Even so, he managed to doze off, the light sheet of snow on top of him rising up and down with his breath.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-26-2018

Izuku was -- not always the most observant. Generally, he is, though, and rarely misses a clue. He'd become somewhat adept at spotting and avoiding dangers. Or running towards it, if it was a villain attack. He'd only gotten better, with enhanced eyesight, scent, and hearing. And also rapid learning, all thanks to constant fear for his life. Izuku really had an ideal life in this wonderful world of beasts and clans. Note the sarcasm, but at least he wouldn't be pressured into properly participating in future battles now that he was a Tenderfoot. He -- probably would anyways, once he got better at fighting, simply because Izuku didn't have the self-restraint to keep himself uninvolved. Most injuries would be better treated at camp, anyways.
In any case -- Izuku had been looking for Aizawa. He really probably shouldn't, but Izuku's quirk was definitely gone and he'd probably go mad without at least some reassurance that his previous life had definitely existed. Like -- Todoroki was missing(izuku hopes he's okay), and so was his quirk. Now the only thing Izuku has is Aizawa, and if that's not sad, he doesn't know what is. (at least izuku has anyone at all to fall back on)
In any case -- the little feline hadn't found the lion at camp. Not that Izuku expected to, considering that it was a cave. And the territory was massive, but -- and in a moment, Izuku literally ran into something. He hadn't been paying a lot of attention to anything the same shade of snow, and that was probably his first mistake. The feline withdraws with an annoyed sound, but after another moment, Izuku has realized that this is exactly what he's looking for. Izuku's nose scruches as he half-circles around the lion, and why was he covered in snow. He got that it could be good insulation, but this couldn't be how it worked. Honestly, Izuku could probably find a ton of other things to sleep on if need be. Not by going out and searching probably, but just conjuration, plain and simple.
"... I don't imagine that's actually warm," Izuku says, rather doubtfully. He wouldn't know, though -- he'd never had too many problems with the cold, and even then, he was adjusting quickly. Trying the 'insulation' thing would probably just make Izuku, all fur and sunshine, overheat, honestly. Granted, Aizawa was a lion, and definitely not adjusted to the cold, which was ... unfortunate. Maybe Izuku should look into a coat or something, he'd feel bad if he'd dragged his former teacher to Snowbound only for him to freeze.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-26-2018

Aizawa had never really depended on anyone, but he was never very reliant on himself, either. He was independent, only because he had never felt that anyone ever had his back. Being on his own was a safer bet. Now that he was in a foreign world, though, a few connections would probably be for the best. He didn't like the idea very much, still used to being a lone wolf, but he didn't have many options. It was either stick with other people or put his neck on the line by going out on his own.

He grunted as someone ran into him, both from the impact and annoyance. He half-heartedly glares at the feline, not expecting to see Izuku. He didn't want his former student to see him like this, hungry and desperate for a warm place to sleep, his eyes a lot more tired-looking than they usually were. It would probably be odd for him to see someone he had usually looked up to like this. Aizawa scowls and watches him circle around, ticked off because he actually had an inch of pride underneath his disinterest in appearances.

"Watch where you're going," he rumbles, standing up from the hole he had made in the snow, shaking off what remained on his back. He just shrugs at his comment. "It's as warm as it's gonna get. You're lucky with that thick coat of your's," his scarf provides a bit of heat, but not enough to last him in such a cold climate.

Now that his nap was interrupted, the lion began to stalk off, planning on finding a better, out of the way place.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-26-2018

Izuku's idea of independence, for one, was a -- fickle thing. He could survive on his own, of course -- he could hunt and fight and patch up wounds if need be, all without support, but he knew that it wasn't a good thing. It took a bad toll on his mental health. Living in clans was a substantially better thing, and so was actually having someone he used to know here, too. He wouldn't lie and say he wouldn't prefer having Todoroki back, but Aizawa suited him just fine. He's not even sure why the lion is still here, beyond Izuku, and even that was just barely convincing him. Granted, Izuku wouldn't plan on letting Aizawa leave without a fight or anything. The wilds were -- basically, quite literally hell. That and Izuku didn't want to be alone.
The feline's tail is swishing nervously as he peers at his former teacher's face, noting the exhaustion on his face. He was probably hungry, too -- Izuku had definitely heard about the hunting incident, though Izuku really isn't sure how to help. He'd gotten used to eating just about anything, early on -- from there, eating raw meat was easy. Maybe they could do some fishing? Raw fish was pretty standard, even as a human, so it couldn't be a bad place to start. Or -- oh, he's getting side-tracked. Aizawa is leaving.
"H-Hey!!" Izuku yelps, his tail giving a thrash as he bounds the short distant over to the lumbering lion. He can't just go without proposing the idea. It'll be warm! There'll be flowers! Izuku even has an excuse to drag Aizawa, being considered a 'younger member'(??) "I was going to ask if you wanted to go somewhere with me!" The feline starts, somewhat annoyed as he moves to intercept Aizawa's path. It wouldn't be hard to step over him, but it's the thought that counts. "It's out of the territory -- not as cold, either. Plus, I'm technically not supposed to go near the border without supervision, and this is a lot farther," Had Aizawa even been present for the meeting? Izuku doesn't think so. Either way, the feline is acting amazingly out of character, but he's just -- tired and bored and lonely. Plus, he kind of needs to restock on marigold. Wow, he's sure accumulating on ammo to make Aizawa come along. That's fun.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-26-2018

Aizawa had never thought much of Izuku. They hadn't gotten off on the right foot, really, what with him basically crushing his dreams and telling him he'd never become a hero. He didn't regret it, though. But it was still pretty awkward. He had high expectations for all his students, and just because he had had a hard time controlling his quirk didn't mean he would get special treatment. Lucky for him, none of that mattered now that they were animals. He was pretty sure their quirks didn't work anymore, either.

So, why is he sticking around? The only true reason is because Izuku knew things. Sure, not a lot, but he still had knowledge that would help him. That was what he would say if asked. But he was also staying for the familiarity of it. He wasn't ready to leave his old life behind, not yet. If not for either of these reasons, he never would have come with him to Snowbound in the first place. Maybe it was just that teaching/hero instinct in him telling him to protect the ones under him.

He feels a twinge of irritation as the smaller feline scampers after him, trying to block his path. Of course, he steps over him with no difficulty. It's almost comical how tiny he is compared to him. He isn't interested in whatever place he wanted to take him--that is until he makes the promise of it being warm. That's when he pauses, turning back with an intrigued glint in his eye. Really, he wasn't at all interested in being his chaperone. But if it meant he could get away from all this snow and shit, he'd be willing. "Alright, but just this once, Midoriya," is he being too formal? Maybe, but it's a habit he can't really shake.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-26-2018

For as terrified as the possible expulsion threat had been, Izuku didn't ever hold it against Aizawa. He'd long since grown used to people telling him that he couldn't be a hero, or that he wouldn't amount to anything. It's not like Aizawa had even been particularly harsh about it, so by this point, Izuku had basically forgotten about it.
Izuku lets out a grumble as Aizawa steps over him, having expected this. It doesn't stop the brief flash of panic, though, and the green-furred feline scrambles out from under the larger creature. It seems the promise of warmth had done it, and Izuku beams as he hears Aizawa agree. He didn't like leaving the territory on his own, anyways -- that didn't stop him from doing it, but there was always this overshadowing fear. Izuku was small and an easy target, after all. That sure hadn't taken a long time to figure out.
"Oh! Great!" Izuku beams, tail waving. He hadn't expected Aizawa to give so easily, but Snowbound was pretty cold. He's still not sure why Aizawa is here. Izuku really isn't complaining, but it's not like Izuku knew a lot, and it's not like Aizawa payed a lot of attention to him anyways. Honestly, Izuku could probably have gone and stayed at the field for a day or two and the lion probably wouldn't even notice. Maybe he should test that theory, just for fun -- he's itching to see if he can find any clues on Todoroki's whereabouts, anyways. (the only problem with this plan is Izuku's new position. Hm.)
"It's kind of far, but it's a nice spot!" Izuku finds fit to chirp, his tail swishing. It was kind of like with the stream, except ... way better. Izuku shakes his head, and spins on his paws so his back was to Aizawa. This was the way he had to go, right? Izuku wasn't all that good with directions but -- he's pretty sure? Hm.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-26-2018

Aizawa isn't sure why Izuku would want him of all people to come with him, but either way, he's fine with coming along as long as he's right about it being warm. He's had enough of this cold, even though he hadn't been there nearly as long as him. He watches him as he turns around and then pauses. For someone who had been very eager to go, he looked pretty damn lost.

Sighing, he walks past him in the direction he had been facing, deciding to just go ahead and try to find the place. Hopefully it wouldn't be that hard to find.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-26-2018

Izuku really did know where they were going -- uh, kind of. He hadn't traveled the route there from Snowbound Territory yet. He'd actually stayed in that field for a few days before deciding on a group to join. He'd always wandered pretty far during the day, so he knew the landmarks fairly well. But, again, it was far from Snowbound, and was probably only good for springs and summers before it frosts over. Better make the most of it for these few seasons. (if this implied Izuku planned on staying in Snowbound for a long time -- he absolutely, definitely was. He really liked it here, and he had a legitimate excuse as to why he didn't plan to leave!! He was a Tenderfoot now!!)
However -- there Aizawa goes, walking away again. Izuku sits in place for a long moment, betrayed, before he huffs and hurries past the lumbering lion to take the lead again. So they just -- had to keep going.  There was a steep hill at some point that they'd have to go down, if he remembers, and from there they'd just have to find the river. That didn't sound too hard. Izuku huffs and picks up his pace again.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-26-2018

Before long, Izuku is yards ahead of him. Oops. Aizawa isn't sure why he's in such a hurry. As far as he was concerned, this was just some warm place to nap. He watches the smaller feline trot way ahead of him, not hard to see against the snow coating the ground, so he wasn't worried about losing him. Really, even if he did, it wouldn't be that much of a loss. He'd just wander around until he either found his way back to camp or to the meadow.

After a while, he's blatantly aware that Izuku is, in fact, lost. His tail flickers behind him in irritation, grumbling under his breath about how he shouldn't have agreed to ever coming out that far. He had just wanted a nap, and now they were stuck walking around aimlessly. Now it was his turn to feel betrayed.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-26-2018

Izuku was always in a hurry these days. Normally, though, he didn't have people following him. At least Todoroki had been able to keep up with him, meanwhile at some point Izuku just ended up forgetting to slow down for Aizawa. Aizawa was just -- very slow. It shouldn't be hard to keep up with Izuku, Izuku being very small, but well, here they are.
Anyways -- no, it doesn't take long for Izuku to get horribly lost. He's not that phased by the whole thing, considering how often this happens. It was less a matter of directions, and more a matter of not caring, at least usually -- in this case, it kind of ... was. From directions. He can find his way back, easy, but Aizawa is clearly annoyed.
"Th-This can be fixed!" Izuku chirps with his tail giving a nervous wave. They can't be too far -- there's no snow on the group, but the grass is dry and dead under their paws.. Unless -- oh, then that means that just took a wrong turn, right? Izuku lights up. Right, so they just took a wrong turn from the river, right??? (izuku doesn't know a lot about grass, or rivers, but Izuku does know that it gets lusher and warmer towards the river, at least this particular one.)
"Got it! It's this way!" Izuku expresses with a sharp wave of the tail, spinning on his paws. He's a little disoriented for a second, trying to figure out which way he's supposed to go, and which way they'd turned, but he's got it!! The maine coon beams as he begins to trot in the direction he assumes the river is in. He could be wrong, but he was at least semi-certain, and that was enough.
