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Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Printable Version

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Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-01-2019

It had felt like so very long since she had any hope of being freed from the fear of the beast breaking out. But now... now she had a chance like she had not had before. Jiyu had offered to help her wrest control from the beast and she could only add to the hope that her sister and father would eventually help her. She had not asked for this but it was the hand she had been given so she might as well fight instead of giving up.Perhaps with the help of Jiyu she would eventually be able to turn the beast from being her captor to being her weapon and she would be able to make her body its prison.

She had found a note that morning when she awoke in her isolated sleeping spot. The note had instructed her to meet Jiyu at the Oasis and to be there by noon with a strongly worded Warning that she better not be late,so here she was laying and absorbing the heat of the sun as it helped relax her still healing hind legs and the almost constant stabbing pain that came from them. She would wait here as long as needed if it meant her finally having help and a way out of being a prisoner in her own body 

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-02-2019

At first glance, Jiyu was an entirely cold frozen ice princess who seemed to care for nothing apart from loyalty. For the calico? The imagine of an emotionally dead stoic worked just fine for her because she wished things really were that way without any effort on her part. Instead the chill was just walls she had become so used to putting up that she would feel shaved bare if she let them down. Feeling nothing was way better than hearing Fatal's voice in her head or worrying that the animals around her would abuse her at any given moment. Hope was something she had given up on a long time ago for herself even if she seemed to unknowingly give it to others at numerous times across her life. However defeating fear was something that the calico was far from unfamiliar with, everything wrong with her being merely another way to drive other's back. Keeping other's away from the core of her being which a certain someone had made sure was nothing besides fear, insecurity and uncertainty? Was the only way she could live without fear, heck the only way she could live period.

It took her longer than normal to get out to the oasis on account of her hunched over back, something she didn't know she'd be thankful for soon enough when its purpose was revealed. "Good you're not late." her blue optic blinked as she made her way across the oasis avoiding the pond in the middle best she could. Even if she drove people back from the fear in her center? It didn't stop her from avoiding other things she was afraid of.

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-02-2019

She startles awake and looks up at the calico,once more being in awe and fearful of her amazing beauty and slowly begins trying to get up, the action sending a shit if stabbing  pain through both of her hind legs. She attempts to hide the pain as she grinds her teeth together but it's obvious just due to her body language "i-I'm usually n-not late e-especially s-something as i-important as this.....s-sorry for f-falling asleep th-the heat i-is so soothing a-and relaxing hmm..."

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - teef - 01-04-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi was last to arrive, with greetings from jerisidie. they moved into the area quietly, slowly, so as not to startle anyone there. "good morning." they rumbled, blinking sleep from their eyes. the last few nights had given them very little sleep.

//sorry its short//

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-04-2019

Seeing that her sister was also here only reassured her and made her feel stronger. She had never had anything close to a family and so far baI shi was as close as she had gotten so far. She waant willing to mess this opportunity up. She wouldn't mess this up, because if she did she knew she would be doomed to takao ruling over her."G-good morning sister th-thank you again f-for letting me sleep In your den i-I hope I didn't wake you as I left."

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - teef - 01-04-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


giving a tempered sigh they nodded to usagi, "you did not wake me, no. it was ... other things. let's start by stretching out a bit." they advised her, already sliding into a long stretch themselves. it felt so good to have their large body back compared to their tiny fox one.

guessing that it would be easier, they changed their forms rather quickly, fur sprouting between scales as their size dropped to their original. "there. just stretch all the way out." they told her, demonstrating by sliding their front legs forward until their belly touched the ground and their hind legs were extended behind them, finally relaxing in this pose, wiggling their toes and tail.

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-04-2019

Usagi nods and attempts to follow baI shi, wincing and trying to quiet the groans of pain that came from doing the stretch as hot icy spikes of pa in continued slamming through her legs and tears spring into her eyes. She would not cry out. Not in front of baI shi, but damned it hurt like the nine Hells!as she stretched she tried to speak a bit to take her mind off the pain but it was very evident in her voice"I-I'm sorry I f-forgot about th-the herbs i-I was so tired l-last night a-and I got here a-as soon as I woke up....a-also i-I'm sorry for calling y-you sister..sibiling.."she was already messing things up and wasn't even here for a full 48 hours uugghh

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - teef - 01-04-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


they gave her a quiet approving look, "you're learning. good." they answered, waiting for her to finish stretching out before they started pushing their upper half upwards by collecting their front legs under them. they considered her for a moment before clearing their throat. "if we put your hind legs in a crutch or band, I could help you to walk" they thought aloud.

shaking themselves as they stood up they padded to the oasis, lowering their muzzle to smell it, being cautious of poison in the water. they growled as they caught the scent of poison, eyes landing on a bottle not too far away. "jiyu. i am calling a meeting after this." they snarled, anger spiking in their heart.

(late response to the poisoning rofl)

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-04-2019

"A-a band a-and you helping me walk?"Seeing baI shi stand she begins trying to struggle upwards groaning before her legs give out and she falls to the dirt in a poof of dust, she lays there and begins growling, frost beggining to form on her coat even in the heat."Ugh whY am I so weak.....SHOVE OF TAKAO YOU ASSHOLE YOU ARE NOT WANTED OR NEEDED UUUGGGHH"Her face looks strained as she writhes slightly in the dirt,mentally trying to remain in contol. "I will not fail baI shi and jiyu you bastard this is my body and you will shove off until I need you so kiss my ass". Her face slowly losses its strained look and she relaxes into the dirt,panting and let's the beat seep into her hind legs and the frost begins to melt and seep into her coat as well as sliding off

Re: Wresting Control//Jerisidie,Bai shi,Jiyu - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-04-2019

The calico wished she could move a bit better for this, but with her spine ridged in the way it was that wouldn't be happening. Glancing around she saw everyone was finally gathered which meant she could begin this process, crawling herself onto a warm rock to make things more comfortable for her ailed form. "How much use do you have in your back legs." she nodded at the nomarchs comment about a meeting, turning her attention back to the younger animal. First she had to comprehend the female's physical abilities.

"Hnn." with the noise she glanced at Bai to make sure of what she was seeing, frost a very important clue, potetionally usagis body trying to fight off the soul inside.