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MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - guts - 04-22-2018

Hughes had definitely played Spin the Bottle in his time. It wasn't something he indulged in when he was older, but he had played it countless times in his youth, gathered around with friends as they watched the bottle spin. They were fond memories, or they were at one point. Now they were only reminders that he was no longer a human--and no longer alive. But he tried not to let those thoughts get him down.

It had took him a bit to find a bottle in this place, but he eventually managed. So he came scampering over to the center of the dome with a bottle clamped in his mouth. He set it down on the floor, sitting back on his haunches and barking out towards anyone who was nearby. "Anyone up for a game of Spin the Bottle?"


Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart liked to consider herself a veteran of this game. She was well versed in the intimate details of this little game, and it was certainly fun. However, she had not played since she began seeing Margaery about two years ago. Suddenly, she wondered if she would be in trouble for this. She almost debated turning back, but she was already near Hughes.

"This'll be fun," the ivory observer mused, lacing a smile upon her lips. She hoped Margaery would show up and sit beside her. Or wherever so that whenever Suite spun, the bottle would land on her.

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Margaery - 04-22-2018

[color=black]"Cheating on me already, love? I thought we had a real spark going. My only hope is that you think of me when you're kissing someone else," Purred Margaery, appearing next to sit besides Suiteheart. A little game like spin the bottle had the incapability of bothering her. She was comfortable and confident in the strength of her relationship and doubted something as trivial as a party game would do anything to rock their firm foundation. They had been ripped apart time and time again, broken, put back together, and tested by fate themselves. This would do nothing save generate a few laughs.

Rearing upon her haunches, she eyed Maes mischievously. [color=black]"If the pretty lady to my left is playing, you can count me in as well, darling," She offered, nodding her head. Things were getting to be okay and... dare she say she was actually having fun for once? This wasn't pure bliss, no, not even close, but she felt light, even a tad-bit happy.

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Character Graveyard. - 04-22-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Spin the bottle. A rather interesting game to play or what's she heard about it. But since Luna hadn't ever played it before- as she was a very socially-awkward child. The female took a seat beside Hotelsuites and spoke in a soft voice. "I'll play."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - radeken - 04-22-2018

[color=#40bf40]Is it alright if I just watch?” She liked social atmospheres and entertainment but thinking about the kissing factor made Radeken’s stomach do this uncomfortable twisting thing. Perhaps I’m sick? And if she was sick, it was for the good of her colleagues that she didn’t participate. So, there. The wolf sat herself down without really waiting for an answer, getting comfortable.

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - guts - 04-23-2018

Hughes hadn't been that sociable since he had joined the group, as he was too busy trying to adjust to things, but it was nice to finally be around others. He cared for his best friend, sure, but he was the outgoing type--the kind who enjoyed being around people. Just one person often wasn't enough for him. He liked to have connections, for many reasons.

He nods to Margaery when she speaks. "Of course. I'd never plan on breaking up a lovely couple," he smiles at the thought of him and his own lover. But he supposed he should get used to being on his own now. Everyone thought he was dead, after all.

The canine's pleased to see others coming to join. He's glad that people are interested, since he had planned to do well after being given the task. "That's fine! It's not for everyone," he isn't sure if he'll play himself or not. These kind of games aren't really his taste, but maybe he'll make an exception this once.


Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Roy Mustang - 04-23-2018

What grabbed his attention was the voice of his best friend, which he recognized almost instantly. It was still taking him a bit to get used to the fact that Maes was alive and well, and here in the Ascendants with him. He thought for the longest time that Hughes was dead, and that he would never be coming back. Surely, this place has proven him wrong, and the tiger is quite glad to have his closest friend here. It made this situation of living in a new environment far more comfortable than it had been. The flame alchemist was the next one to pad over, glancing over at Hughes for a moment. The male thought for a moment or two, before he sat himself on the ground, wrapping his tail around his paws. "I'll participate," the male said with a cocky, confident tone, with a firm nod of his head.

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - guts - 04-30-2018

He's happy to see his friend join in. Really, Roy had always been busy with his position as Colonel, and it was always nice to see him take a break. Still, they would have to find some way to get him back to Amestris soon. He would say that he had come to terms with the fact that he would have to stay behind, but really, the idea scared the hell out of him. Having his friend around was the one thing that had made things the slightest bit easier.

Flashing Roy a sneaky smirk, he turned to the other participants, motioning towards the bottle set in the middle. "So, who wants to spin first?" he wasn't too interested in going first. He was still uncertain about participating at all. Would this be considered cheating? He wasn't sure, but it still definitely felt like it.


Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Who would go first? Easy: Suite would go first. The white feline cracked a lopsided grin at Maes' question. She raised a paw. "Oh, I would fucking love to," she purred, giving the bottle a hearty whack.

The bottle circled the group, landing on each member for a split second before moving on. 'Round and 'round the bottle went, and where it stopped, she had no clue. She did wish she possessed some type of ability to make it stop on Margaery. That would be good. It would be the perfect excuse for some good ol' PDA, wouldn't it? She giggled at the thought.

The bottle began to slow down, and it started to linger on each being present. It continued on this gradual decrease in speed for a few more seconds until finally it stopped on the next one to post.

Re: MAKE A FOOL OF ME — SPIN THE BOTTLE - Character Graveyard. - 04-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Unfortunately for Luna, the spinning bottle had landed on her. And she wasn't quite pleased with it. But she'd be okay. It was just one kiss, right? Blue eyes slowly moved upward in Hotelsuites' direction and she spoke. "Well, isn't this awkward?" The snowy wildcat chuckled nervously. "If you don't mind, you'll have to act first- as I'm saving my first kiss for someone I love."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯