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MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

//Owen is physically and mentally hard. Minor-medium level injuries such as burn scars and cuts are allowed.

Owen had stayed in his indominus form, crawling around on all fours, his claws sinking into the ground. His form slipped through the trees, invisibility allowing his form to blend into the undergrowth. His smell was still strong, but he didn't care. They had killed Argus, they had harmed Luciferus' child. Murdered her.

"Masie, fetch shiny things. Delta, KILL." His last command in the babbled language was deep, serious. He would get revenge for those who hurt his friend's children. "Everyone keep an eye out. Watch yourselves and make chaos." His rumble was low, before his massive form broke through the trees, invisibility shutting off as he let out a loud roar, making a loud racket to draw attention to himself.

Act now, think later. That's how Owen rolled.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - axiom - 11-22-2018

The utahraptor beta moves behind Owen, her sickle claw taunt and pulled off the ground as she looks around in anticipation. The pack does not usually hunt together, and the promise of a fresh kill is enough to excite her. Even if she must tolerate the presence of the island mammal pack.

// track post, delta is 6' and 1000 lbs, so a beast to take down
she is open for fites and ripping off limbs and killin


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]/ difficulty depends on opponent. against opponents his own size he's challenging but mainly just because of experience as opposed to physical strength
also totally open to catching any rosebloods cx

The roar had set things off, the catalyst of events that would lead to the destruction of the Rosebloods, yet it wasn't Owen's roar that had caused it. Compared to the last time he'd been around, there was a clear difference in the territory, something he was sure he could blame the grieving Lucifer. Like suggested before, he wasn't going to sit around and claim that 'murder was bad' when his talons were forever soaked in innocent blood, but there was a certain like when dealing with friends and family that couldn't be crossed when dealing with him. When those he cared for got hurt, it was like the gryphon himself had been stabbed in the heart, sympathy not completely dejected from him yet. Stepping around knowing that a friend had lost their child was like thinking that all the earth beneath him was made of needles, the only way to avoid getting pricked was to use these assholes as stepping stones.

A raptor here, a fuck off dinosaur there, and the Privateer hardly the tank that Owen desired for distraction and mass destruction, Feliks began weaving his way through what was left of the trees. The location of their camp was a mystery to him, but he could deduct a general location depending on where the Thorny-bloods darted from. Remember what you said about ambush? The obvious damage already done to them was a confidence booster away from that thought, yet it still remained somewhat relevant as emerald eyes glossed over each wily bit of foliage. A popping sensation in his ears began marring his attention, he remained as diligent as he could regardless. "Rise and shine scumbags!" he'd practically scream out at the top of hoarse lungs, a far cry from the sullen creature he'd introduced himself as when talking to them. That meant nothing now.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - sephiroth - 11-22-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"](hard physical difficulty and medium to hard mental difficulty.  catching at least one typhooner would be appreciated, he's also open to mauling any typhooner or messing with their head)

Hnng, the Typhoon had already wrecked their territory to absolute hell, and now they were here to rub it in even further.  Let them come, the Pharaoh believed, he could strike them down with his forces.  At least he believed so, that’s what happened when you had a creature with power and a god complex and no fear.  Even against the enemy, even when his clan was already beaten into dust, he would stand.

Sephiroth had been out and about in the desert when the invasion started, so he would not emerge from the home base of the group.  Instead he kept to the sidelines and shadows as he slunk into the canyon against the charred foliage, the ash, the scent in the air that covered his.  Hm, many large animals.  But he did see one he could possibly pick off, one who had come here before to act as if nothing was wrong.  Well, now was the time to show them what happened when the Rosebloods were meddled with.  Pure unrelenting brutality.

The male lion caught sight of [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] and charged, paws thumping quietly along the ground as he ran foreword towards the Typhonner, ending it with a flying leap towards Feliks with his claws outstretched, aiming to crash into the griffin with the full force of his muscle, to drag his claws into the flesh of the enemy deeply.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - dead chars - 11-22-2018

/ typhooner, easy physical and mental difficulty, really not supposed to be here. if someone could rough him up a bit until he worms away that would be appreciated. a scar would be great!

Wasn't he slick? The pup (well, what would usually be a pup) had followed the scent of his father all the way to the raid, and he was here! Ha ha. Valentine had discovered a way to disguise himself in the most ultimate form: a raccoon. Raccoons liked to steal shiny stuff, which is what he planned on doing. He'd have to stay out of Masie's way, though, 'cause his disguise wasn't exactly foolproof. He still was bright white with a simple heart marking on his cheek. So... maybe not the best plan, but at least as a raccoon he wouldn't be instantly noticeable.

The rodent scurried along, trying to find where the Rosebloods might keep their cool stuff. If they had any, that was. They kind of sucked as far as he knew. Still, his eyes were peeled for anything golden or shiny, ears twitching as he tried to listen for any oncoming attackers. Of course, he was still rather inexperienced- it would be quite easy to sneak up on him.


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - teef - 11-23-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


moderate physically, and easy mentally currently. working on building strength. a few scars would be awesome -- also has a jian that folks could try to wrestle away from them //

bai shi didn't understand much of what was going on, only that there was battle taking place and that they could let out some of their rage in combat.

leaping into the fray, they withdrew their jian, roaring a challenge at whoever might dare come close, or at least giving a fierce battle cry. for this very reason, they missed their true form, the one that they had currently locked away for safe keeping, and to prevent from terrifying the smaller folks that they lived with.

stumbling across a raccoon, valentine, they growled, "oi! get outta here if you know what's good for you!" the gold and platinum fox yelled.


Questions no one can answer -

(Hard physically, easy mentally. Vagabond is 6ft and around 1000lbs and has armor plating on his back. This reply is short due to limited wifi. He will not attack children. Attack if late replies are welcome)

He had a raging headache. Everything about this situation was making it so much harder for him to think for even a moments notice. The massive hellbeast just wanted to try and get some form of rest. There was no reason for him to come to the help of the likes of the creatures that were around him. He only cared about his crew and setting up a business for himself. The Hellhound had been the killer of Argus, but that had been two weeks ago and he hadn't really thought anything of it. He had never been educated on what was friend or foe, or how this world worked after being the likes of a human. Vagabond was sitting in the forest as he blinked his vivid blue eyes hearing something off in the distance. He began to make his way over, breaking the trees slightly to see massive forms coming to and fro. He was really losing it this time. Was that a fucking dinosaur? The thing was massive! He had just seen a dragon right out of the game of thrones, and now he was pretty sure that he was going insane. He shut his eyes tight as if that was going to fix his problem only to open them up again. Vagabond didn't seem to show any fear to the current situation out of the factor that the Hellhound didn't think that any of it was real. His tails lashed wildly behind him showing his compromised mental state, and he just seemed to sit off to the side. The metal skull mask that he wore hiding all of the emotions that he was going through.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - Grey - 11-23-2018

[ ooc ] physically hard, mentally medium-hard. opening to capturing your character but doesn't do tortures. will primarily use sand and fire manipulation. will use earth elementals to deflect weapons.

He didn't want to be here. The Rosebloods were stuck-up bitches, attention whores who thought they had more power than they actually did. They never kept in touch, they were just extra bodies to him - meat shields in the case of any battle. Now they are the enemy and while Bakugou thought Luciferus was enough of a retaliation, leaving the dragon to do what he pleased, the Captain wanted to send a message that would be overkill. He didn't want to be here because he didn't want to give the group the satisfaction they wanted, the satisfaction of being considered worthy enough to be raided. They are a pitiful group he would rather watch melt and cease, watch seep into the ground. His body temperature rises, skin too hot to touch as he walks through the desert. Ashes cloak the rainforest from Luciferus's recent rampage, the ragdoll raising a figurative brow when he catches the sight of Rosebloods. He sees the lion move to attack Feliks, amused that no other members were attacking. They were simply standing around as though they were all lifeless dummies, watching and unsure what to do.

Eyes catch the sight of Vagabond, the male narrowing his sanguine hues. The sight of the metal skull mask reminds him of the image of Argus, the ripped flesh and missing eyes. It was almost like a signature. "Oi, stoic bitch," he calls out to the scaled hellhound, flicking an ear, "Were you the one who killed her and left that signature? The one with the throwing knives." After the small scuffle they had when discovering her body, he had examined the weapon that had killed the guard. The face was still in tact. What reason did the killer have in removing the face of only one victim? "Why were you after Argus?" Did he even know her name? His cheeks were burning up in heat, sand seeming to swim and move around his body as a result of his earth elementals, making it difficult for anyone to simply jump at him while he moves closer. He isn't worried about an attack. While he can be caught by surprise, he can teleport away and attack with his ranged fire attacks. He has burned Masie before by accident, a mistake on her part for touching him whilst he was upset. It wasn't his fault that the strength of his fire was a result of his emotions. Bakugou, however, wanted answers. Then he will fight, then he will pass his judgement.


MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

"Fuck talking. Get your bitch ass over here!" Owen snarled towards Vagabond, his spines quivering as he turned his head towards the massive hellhound, saliva dripping from his jaws. His tail slid behind him, his stance showing aggression toward the male. A loud growl left the dinosaur's mouth, and he wasted no time in lurching forward, swinging his spiked tail around in an attempt to bash it into the male's side. If such was successful, Owen would then use that time of lack of balance to attempt to grab onto the male's shoulder with a sharp-taloned hand, trying to push him to the ground. While his tail was swinging, he was sure his body was vulnerable to bites or scratches.

[member=2837]| THE VAGABOND |[/member]

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - toboggan - 11-23-2018

+ medium physically and difficult mentally, marco is here more so to prove his loyalty instead of getting square. he’s open to attacks, maybe a short-term serious wound. he will only retaliate, not instigate, and will be hesitant in doing so. he is 3.5 feet tall, and weighs around 85 pounds.

Marco had no score to settle with these ”attention whores”, as they were described to him by a less-than-glamorous being. He could understand why the bunch of his crewmates would want to strike back after their comrades were murdered in cold blood, but Marco himself had been largely unaffected by the Rosebloods’ death-dealing tendencies. In truth, the angel could still be considered new, despite him kicking around with the islandfolk for about a month now. The lynx never quite put himself into the bustling crowd, instead watching the actions of those around him; for this, he wasn’t entirely upset when he came across someone who hadn’t seen his broad face before. However, his role of observer swapped to doer upon his recent return to the tropical isles, in an effort to prove himself worthy of staying in the Typhoon, or something like that. At this point, the centuries-old entity did not know what to do with himself anymore, instead relying on the future for wisdoms rather than the past. To such a degree that simply “following the routine” became the most reasonable option for him.

The day before yesterday, he’d gotten back from his irksome pursuit of a certain person. The day after, Marco convoyed around the Typhoon’s perimeter, attempting to detect any threats looming just outside of the group’s reach. Today, he was participating in an onslaught against the people of the Rosebloods. Normal stuff.

The blustery air projectiled into his watery eyes, scuffed along his cheeks as he soared through the ozone at immense speeds, as if a wonky vent had thrown a fit and started shooting its gas right in the direction of the angel’s face. No sooner than moments later had he found himself in the fray of a magnificent large-scale battle, claws and fangs clashing as emotion and instinct infected the surrounding auras of all. In spite of all the chaos, which was admitted by a dinosaur whom Marco recognized as a fellow islander, he struggled to spot a lone combatant available for brawling with. Everybody had their own fair fights at the moment, and the honour-bound creature was not about to plague his dignity by outnumbering a comrade’s worthy opponent. Instead, his sights focused on a peculiar raccoon, who was encountering another unfamiliar face. An unfamiliar face which wielded a blade, and stood mere metres away. Marco did not understand what the fox said, exactly, but if all of the Rosebloods were hellbent on causing chaos and death (as he was led to believe), it certainly wasn’t good.

Picking up the pace, he’d swoop in, attempting to nab [member=2902]valentine »[/member]  into his paws. If he was successful, he’d place the procyonid away from the commotion. The creature, regardless of allegiance, was at too much of a risk by showing himself at this battle.

If unsuccessful in his rescue attempt, he’d likely collide with the ground, potentially harming the very being he aimed to save, or maybe even crash into the fox which apparently opposed him before.