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kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Printable Version

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kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Warringkingdoms - 11-17-2018

Warringkingdoms, better known as "Rin", woke up on the border of the Ascendants about six months ago with no memory of who she was. The group welcomed her in, and she became fast friends with many of them; she even became their cleric after some time. Though her friends began to disappear, or die off, or leave for the Bahamas (thanks, Bast), she remained there for long enough to pass on her knowledge of healing to a new generation of medics, then left on a journey of self-discovery.

Eventually, upon stumbling on strangely familiar ruins, she did find the truth- and it was not pretty. She did find out who her past friends and family were, but found out that they were all dead or mysteriously gone. She did find out where her home had been, but found out that it had long since been destroyed.

With nothing left to hold onto, Rin made her way back to the Ascendants. It was on this return trip that she ran across someone, multiple someones actually- some fresh out of the womb, some almost to adulthood, and some in between- all in need of a home. Reminded of herself, and hoping that she could at least help them not turn out the same way, she took them in.

Now, they've all come to the Ascendants, with Rin unaware that her entire medical team has flown the coop. Expect minor irritation, possibly some grieving when she finds out Moonmade is dead, and a lot of strife, but this family will get through it.

Actually aren't very strict:
• I don't have a limit on how many kids Rin will take (within reason; 20 kids at once would be a lot to deal with), so this is basically free game.
• Kids can be any species.
• Age range is pretty flexible- she's three and a half years old, so anyone less than two years looks like a kid to her.
• Post here with your character's name and some stuff about them, as well as where and how Rin would have found them (specific details don't have to be set in stone, but I'd like to have a general idea for writing purposes).
  • My only restriction on this is that Rin won't kidnap people/snatch kids from their mothers/do anything immoral to get these children. Basically anything else is fair game.
  • Once I reply to your post saying you're accepted, you're good to go. c:
• Kids should stay in the Ascendants for two weeks, and can move after that. Staying in the Ascendants or with allies is recommended, but hey, moving to an enemy clan makes good plot fuel. >Smile
• Everything else is fair game, pretty much. If you have a question, you can PM [member=78]Verdigris[/member] and I'll answer you the best I can.

Once a few people have signed up, I'll start a thread where Rin and company return to the Ascendants, and link it here. If you sign up after that, you can just jump in once I accept you. ^^

• Adelaine (RPed by Array)
• Miyuki (RPed by Fab)

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Verdigris - 11-18-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]tracking on main

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Verdigris - 11-19-2018

  nudging this

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - array - 11-20-2018

This is such a cute plot I figured I'd just toss my girl in here!
Her name is Adelaine and some information about her can be found here
As for how they met:
Perhaps my smol girl would have passed out somewhere from exhaustion after many days of just wandering around (since she just escaped recently escaped from the police, is physically not in the best shape and doesn't know how to hunt all too well). She's probably also whimpering and having a nightmare, calling out for her parents when Rin finds her. Rin would probably take pity on her and take her in. When she wakes up again, Adelaine will be low key grateful, but on the exterior she'll be really difficult, insisting that she didn't need any help and that she was perfectly fine on her own, but eventually, she'll learn to love Rin and accept her as a secondary mother figure.

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Warringkingdoms - 11-20-2018

  now this is the content I signed up for, I will yell about secret gratitude behind a bitter mask until the day I die
  accepted! I'll probs start the thread tomorrow or Thursday, depending on how long it takes me to write it, and shoot you the link

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - array - 11-20-2018

omg same, except my characters usually end up a lot more cutesy and soft than I originally intend so hopefully I can pull it off ok
alright cool, thanks friend

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - fabrie - 11-21-2018

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Warringkingdoms - 11-21-2018

  nah it's fine to be a mess fam
  yeah, that's definitely something Rin would do
  accepted, I'll link you the thread when it's ready ^^

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - Warringkingdoms - 11-21-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]the thread's ready, but I just wanted to check- would you guys prefer that I include a "please don't reply until all the joiners have posted" notice in the thread, or do you not care?
  either works for me, I just wanted to make sure y'all are comfortable

Re: kids in the dark -- this girl will adopt anyone she sees - fabrie - 11-21-2018