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BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - Printable Version

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BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - TSUYU. - 11-04-2018

//GORE WARNING! Lots of blood and mentions of guts.

Cold blood, pools of it, she could feel it at her paws, slipping in between the webs of her feet. She didn't realize it was so good, just to feel the sticky substance against her fur, spurting out from a slit throat, blackish blue fur ripped from muscle and skin. Clumps of fur hung from her jaws, soft choking sounding from underneath her. She never moved, blurry red vision rough with dizziness.

She didn't know how this happened, really. Dabi had said something to her, had moved too close to her. She had warned him, she knew she did. She wasn't comfortable, she wasn't stable enough to handle physical touch. She knew he was dead the moment she felt trachea under her paws grip, blood covering her whole underside as she laid atop the corpse of her friend- friend, right? He was close to that. What- didn't friends sleep with each other? That's what he told her, that's what she was used to. Oh well.

Intestines were strung from the wolf's corpse, hanging from her jaws limply, the familiar feeling of twitching under her paws soon stopping- all struggling halted. He wasn't struggling anymore. He was dead. Dead, dead, dead. A soft giggle left her throat, happiness rising up in her chest. He looked beautiful like this, all strung out and gutted. Her tongue soon hung from her jaws as she dropped the intestine, reaching in to tear the male's heart out. It was no longer pumping, and this irritated the girl as she squeezed it, blood pouring from the dead muscle.

"Ah, he's no fun.. Useless toy, ribbit.." Tsuyu rumbled under her breath, her ears twitching. Thankfully, she couldn't smell, so she'd be missing out on the smell of open flesh and blood, but oh well.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - teef - 11-04-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


violence was always attractive, something that drew out his inner carnage, that reminded him of those long ago days of conquest. wandering upon the scene didn't disturb him so much as surprise him, "hey tsu, sweetie, that looks quite pretty. we'd love to hang it upon our wall. you should be an artist!" he told her as the masked hellhound strolled over, fighting the desire to lick dabi's blood off tsyuy's head.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - guts - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Disgust worms it's way onto her face, the overpowering smell of blood and gore finding her nose. It was a common scent it would seem, at least in these parts. But she didn't smell any other clan scent, either. It was all just the same, and it quickly grabbed her attention. As much as she dreaded seeing whatever malicious scene that was in front of her, she found herself with the urge to investigate, wanting to see who it was that had been killed. She quickly regrets it as she finally sees Tsuyu and some other member, a wolf dead with his throat gouged. Her lips curl in distaste, recognizing the corpse although she didn't particularly know him personally. She knew that he was a clan-mate and that was all that mattered.

She wasn't certain, but she knew that killing other Pitt members was at least frowned upon. A punishment was likely in store, and while she would have felt a twinge of sympathy, she didn't. Murder of a clan-mate was a crime as far as she was concerned. In her opinion, the hybrid had had it coming for a while now. She had to atone somehow.

In the meantime, Cosette would stay off to the side, head turned away from the gruesome sight. She understood the thrill of the kill now, knew the pleasure of control--but this was too much. It was disgraceful.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - Stryker - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The smell of bloodshed was not common within the Pitt, or within the wild in general. After being born, carnivores grew used to the smell. Every once and awhile, the whiff of salty air reached him when there was a fresh chicken neck cracked or a body spread across the war grounds, but that was a rare entity. Not one he necessarily enjoyed either. This? Now this was different. It was a lone occurrence within the depths of the solitude parts of the territory. Pungent smells filled the area. Stryker knew the smell, one he wasn't fond of due to his past, but approached nevertheless with wide eyes and a grim expression spread across his face. Blood was obviously being spilled... and not for a reason. Following the trail of blood, Stryker found himself getting closer. Turning the corner, his pupils dilated.

There was no hesitance.

A paw aimed to slam downwards on the frog-manx hybrid's neck, attempting to pilot them down onto the ground and have their face go into the puddle of blood on the floor. There was no mercy in his actions. If she happened to snap her neck in the process or 'accidentally' have her eye be plummeted into one of Dabi's exposed eyes, he would not regret it. She deserved it. Since she had taken the life of another, which he assumed without reason, Stryker knew he would have to punish her rightfully. At the moment, he was furious and disassociating from reason, not thinking about his own consequences of his actions. If she happened to challenge him, his attitude would head south. Perhaps he'd even snap. And just like Cosette, he might see the thrill of the kill for once, even if it was too much.

Claws anxiously attempted to grab at her neck harder. The ardent was so tempted to end it all now, especially to another one of his failed slaves, but held off. Despite not listening to reason overall, he knew when to hold off. Eyes narrowing, his head lowered to the ground in an attempt to talk down to her like he was the superior figure... and he was (or so he believed). "Tell me why," he growled lowly. Yellowed teeth were bared as he spoke, spit practically flying out from his mouth. "You killed one of your own, frog fuck." She needed to explain... and fast.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - TSUYU. - 11-05-2018


Something that Tsuyu had found to be quite enthralling, she loved praise. She loved it when people acknowledged her, gave her compliments on her work, as if something as gruesome as this was something to be praised for in the first place. Maybe it was her unstable mind telling her that this was what she was meant to do, or her urgent need to kill the one who touched her without asking first, she didn't know.

She would have purred a happy response to Jerisdie's praise, would have ended up nuzzling into the other's form in thanks, but the moment she turned her head slightly, the hulking form of her Master had been standing over her, and her body was forced downward, legs shaking against the force being pushed on her. She couldn't smell the gore, but she could taste it, and she nearly gagged as blood seemed to pour into her jaws, touching her long, sticky tongue.

Her head was being forced forward, blood pulsating in thin furred ears, her heart rate increasing in a mixture of fear and excitement. The anger radiating off of the lion was so obvious that it had the frog hybrid whimpering underneath him, squirming to escape his grasp.

Until something sharp touched the back of her neck, and she tensed up. This wasn't a game. This wasn't a game, this wasn't a game anymore, Tsu! He wasn't going to praise her, she knew it- she screwed up so bad. Should she lie, or tell the truth? She had a right to kill him, didn't she? She had every right to rip his throat out for touching her- she could have been taken advantage of, he was much bigger than her, after all.

This was self defense, wasn't it?

A soft, broken croak left the girl's throat as she heard- felt, actually, her Master's breath, hot against her ear and cheek. She felt flesh under her body, blood nearly soaking up her whole underside, coming up to her sides, and she could feel vomit rising in her throat at the taste of it in her mouth. "He tried to touch me- I told him not to, ribbit! Tsuyu didn't want to be touched!" She croaked out, voice muffled by her face being pushed into the very carcass of the man she had killed.

They were friends once, she knew. But friends didn't touch each other without the other wanting it. This forceful action that Stryker was yielding over the frog hybrid was making her question everything- Why was she here? Did she do something wrong? Why did he sound so angry? Wasn't this what she was supposed to do? If she didn't like something, all she needed was to kill it, right?

"Did Tsu do something wrong? Was she not supposed to kill him, master? You don't think she's bad, do you, ribbit?" Tsuyu's voice seemed to break at the thought of being scolded for her actions. This was just the start of it- normally, she would have basked in the punishments she got, but this was different. It felt different- she didn't like it.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - Stryker - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Touching. They were touching.

No, not even touching... They almost touched. Dabi, the ruthless and idiotic fool, was trying to be sympathetic for once in his pitiful and useless life. Tsuyu, tainted by the ardent's manipulation, perceived the situation wrong. To him, this signaled he had once again failed to whip someone into shape. He must try harder. For now though, he wanted an explanation... yet he received nothing like one. 'Excuses,' his thoughts hissed. A low growl rumbled out from his throat, signaling his discontent with her response. Discontent bubbled in his head. Steam was practically leaving his ears in frustration. His anger was piling on top of itself, soon meeting the brim of his breaking point. Stryker held back though, letting her continue. He pressed down harder on her neck, forcing her to continue talking breathlessly and quickly.

Tsuyu talked on, continuing her anxious rambling. She didn't know what was wrong with the situation, obviously pissing the lion off more. Not only this, but she questioned if her 'master' liked her actions. After the praise from Jeriside, it seemed as if her thoughts were tainted by such a comment. Someone like her did not deserve to flaunt her pride. Obviously, Stryker was not satisfied one bit. Her attitude had tipped him over, causing his rage to spill over the brim known as his resistance. Unbridled, unrelentless rage left him.

Smoldering fury released from the ardent all in one movement. As he hovered over Tsuyu, he shifted over to his right and allowed his back legs to kick up into the air. Claws dug in further as continued to hold at her neck, ripping at her skin and creating deep, scarring gashes within her neck. After getting his grip, the immense amount of force of his back paws plowed into her hips. The sounds of cracking bones radiating throughout the jungle. Tsuyu's back legs were splaying out from her sides and going in all directions. Contorted and backwards, her legs signaled that her hips had been broken and that she would have to drag herself around with her remaining front legs and their unworthy strength.

Knowing that he hit where it hurt Tsuyu's own ego, the lion remained still and let his anger fester in the form of his tight grip once again. His claws continued to create deeper gashes as he spoke. "You took his life away, so I'll take your own lifestyle away too," he gloated mischievously. "I expect you to reform your ways, sweetheart." For the first time in forever, it felt delightful to do what was so wrong, yet so right. Stryker could get used to this.

//Powerplay confirmed and allowed by Riri + mobile

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - TSUYU. - 11-07-2018


Normally Tsuyu would have been much more happy to receive punishments from Stryker in the forms of slaps across the face or scratches, but she would have never prepared for this amount of pain. Everything went so fast- she was focused on the blood that began to pour out of her neck wound, so focused that she didn't realize the pressure on her hips until they had gave way with a loud 'Crack!'.

For a few seconds, Tsuyu didn't feel anything- it was like time seemed to slow down, because her master wouldn't do something as terrible as take away her back legs' use, would he? He wouldn't cripple her like this, he wouldn't.. He said she was okay here, he said she was useful, that he understood- didn't he? She was confused, so utterly confused.

Then the pain hit her like a bus, and the frog hybrid let out a loud, blood curdling scream. Crimson igor seeped out of her neck wound in heavy drops, her own blood mixing with Dabi's, how ironic. Charcoal irises seemed to stare down into those ice cold ones, dead and lifeless with deaths throes. By this time, Dabi's body was stone cold, and Tsuyu can fallen into his bleeding form, broken lower half uselessly twitching from the pain just running through her body.

Why? Why, why, why?

My legs. My legs. She couldn't hop anymore, she couldn't climb trees, she could barely swim, she couldn't wall walk. Take away the girls legs, and the frog couldn't hop anymore. A frog that couldn't hop had lost its purpose.

Purpose. Purpose. Purpose!

She had no purpose now- she was broken, and those who were broken were to die. She needed to die, she couldn't be useless. But death was so much more of a gift right now than a punishment. If he were to kill her, it would be a reward, a break from her inevitable pain of being a cripple. He could see Tokoyami again, and maybe even Dabi. Idly, her mind laced with unbearable pain, she let dizzy, dead charcoal irises move over to Jerisdie.

Why, why, why?

It was like her mind was fighting with her heart, her last amount of hero attitude telling her that this was wrong. If Stryker cared about her, he wouldn't do this to her. She was his slave, she was in his care, she could trust him- he would never.. This wasn't reality. She was dreaming.

Her mind was telling her different, screaming at her to beg forgiveness. To bow before the almighty God that Stryker had originally been to her- to submit, over and over again, because that's all her mind had been trained to do since he had brainwashed her from the beginning. Her mind warred with her heart, but her heart was no match, as weak as it was when it came to decisions.

She could taste blood, but was it her own? No- hers tasted different. It was nasty, disgusting, foul tasting blood. She gagged again, her shoulders barely holding up the weight of herself and the hulking form of Stryker as he continued to put pressure on the back of her neck, slowly causing her face to press that much harder into the corpse of her once friend.

Her shrieking came to a stop when the pain still continued, she figured it would never stop- she would continue to hate herself like this, she wanted to beg. Her mind won the battle, and Tsuyu sobbed out apologies to her master- to her God, because that's how she viewed the toxic lion over her. A god, someone whom was to be worshiped, and Gods, did Tsuyu worship the grounds he walked on.

"Tsuyu's sorry! She's so sorry! Please, please, please-" She swallowed, her breaths wheezing inwards in heavy gulps, she was trying to breathe despite the obvious hyperventilation and shock going through her body. She wanted to die- she couldn't live without her legs. Without her back legs, she was nothing. She wasn't Froppy without her legs, and the thought of losing her hero name- her villain name- made tears well up at the boundaries of her eye sockets, a rare sight to see. She wasn't one to cry.

"She won't do it again, she'll behave. She'll be a good girl, master, she won't do it again!" She choked out in a panic ramble, apologies spilling out of her mouth as her mind seemed to grow dizzy from shock. She lost her legs. Her legs, her legs, her legs.

Make it stop, make it stop!


Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - teef - 11-07-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


a ball of vile roiling emotion lodged itself in the hellhound's throat, his claws digging into the sand beneath him, grains shifting and cracking as life found hold where it shouldn't have been able to. his breathing was coming fast, too fast. he wasn't in control anymore. he could only think that he had lost his control as soon as stryker had stepped onto tsuyu.


her bones, her bones breaking echoed in his ears, blood rising up his throat in a choking motion. he couldn't feel anything, only the echoing ghost of pain as he remembered every single bone of his body being snapped and broken individually. he didn't know if his voice rang out with tsuyu's or if it was a solitary scream as he roared, "NO!" his voice wasn't his own, echoing deeper and deeper, taking on an abnormal quality as it sucked in the air around him.

rage, blinding, consuming, control-taking rage swept into him, crashed over him head to toe, ripping him from the control of his own body. the man he was before everything changed, was in control. jikai could stand many things but seeing someone like tsuyu, as helpless as a child if not a child herself, had been ripped from the spells and curses he had been bound beneath and behind deep in his spiritual core. his eye began to bleed with distress, needing to take tsuyu. call it the only good part left of a once-virtuous man.

head splitting by headaches coupling with tsuyu's screams and begging whimpers he snarled, "No! Hey! Damnit, look here you asshole! That's going too fucking far!" he snapped, uncaring for what may happen to him for trying to interfere. he didnt give a conceded damn about anything anymore, just about the poor girl pinned beneath the lion before him. the demon general had lost it as he attempted to body slam stryker in order to try and pull tsuyu out from under the lion. consequence be damned, he couldnt let another poor child be killed or hurt worse than he had already done.

his fault, his goddamn fault. should've known, could've been a better father, could've been a better bystander as his baby girl had been murdered, right in front of his eyes, screaming for her papa. he couldnt tell what was in his head or in the present, battling his demons in both places as he cried out his frustration. he just wanted tsuyu to be quiet, he couldn't focus! he wheezed as his mind tore at his sanity, she shouldn't be begging the monster that had hurt her!

(I apologize if that went out a little there,, found an opportunity for him to relate to the past a little and took it -- hes just a ball of vehement rage right now)
((jikai is the person jerisidie usdd to be before he lost his memory, jeri was his true name))

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - guts - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She watches the scene unfold, eyes focused on everything that happened but not quite registering any of it. Stryker's words sank in gradually, the serval leaning forward to hear what Tsuyu had to say for herself, what pitiful excuse she would come up with. She listens and she can feel a lump forming in her throat, suddenly finding it dry no matter how much she swallowed to try and wet it, unable to look away from what happened next.

The brutal cracking sound settled on her ears like nails on a chalkboard, every muscle in her body tensing in retaliation of the noise. She shakes her head slightly. This was wrong, wasn't it? She had never put it past the hybrid to kill for pleasure, and while she hadn't been that surprised when she ended up killing one of their own, her reason had caught her off guard. So this was unnecessary, wasn't it? Killing Dabi had been justified.

Still, Cosette doesn't dare to speak up, standing by idly as she watches, listens and lets it all sink in. She barely even notices when Jerisidie suddenly springs forward, too caught up in her own moral tug of war. Her eyes narrow, certain of how this would turn out. A wolf against a lion was a sure fight. Still, the voice urged her to go forward and protect her leader, as wrong as he was in the situation.

He's your ardent, isn't he? You should be defending him.

Her face contorts, emotion clashing in her eyes. Fighting wasn't even her thing, healing was, or at least it would be once she was more experienced. For now she would stick off to the side, observing what happened.

Re: BROKEN AND BENT && murder. - Stryker - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] With her pain and her fearful scream, came his pleasure. Stryker watched her boast out in agony, pleading for her almighty purpose to come back to her, but what was done, was done. The ardent had made his decision. It was the one he enjoyed. No longer could she stray and allow her path to go towards the darkness under his watch, even if the venomous lion was beginning to head there himself. Slowly, he too was going under. If he happened to bring Tsuyu along with him, then there was another person to support him along the way (even if it was manipulative and mindlessly). For now, he could preach justice. Inside, no matter how much he denied it, he was longing for those revering moments like these.

"Clean up your mess, but leave the body," he murmured. Stryker wasn't exactly sure what to do with it yet, but the leader was content on using it against Tsuyu to prove a point.

Then something happens. A revolt. These, though, were the moments he never liked. An incoming body slams into him, causing the lion to lose his footing and pull away from Tsuyu. He held himself up, not falling to the ground, and intensely stared at his opponent. It was another fool. Another traitor. Not only were they both outsiders, but they were both standing her defending the other for their disgraceful actions. It rubbed the ardent the wrong way. By now, he was beginning to understand Esklav's closed-off attitude for the Pitt. Stryker was reluctant to trust nowadays.

Neon hues glared down at Jeriside like daggers. Finding a weakpoint, the lion dove forward and attempted to grab at the wolf's face with his claws. If his grip was tight enough and successful, Stryker would attempt to push the wolf's head down towards the ground right next to where Tsuyu had her own earlier. "I'm sure you and Tsuyu are going to enjoy a nice cell together," spat the lion. They wouldn't get out of this without proper punishment. Once trusted individuals would be reduced to slaves within the clan until they once again proved themselves. After this though, Stryker was unsure if that would even happen.