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gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - Printable Version

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gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - agathe. - 10-27-2018

[align=center]AGATHE'S HEARTCHAT - LAST UPDATED 10/27/2018

MARIA - - -
"She's fiery, that much is undeniable. I've only happened upon her a handful of times though so I certainly can't say how I truly feel about her simply because I don't know her all that well. Perhaps opportunity and circumstance will enable me to understand her a bit more in the future."
[color=COLOR]Agathe is relatively unfamiliar with Maria but views her as a decent enough person. She's obviously curious but worried that their vastly different personalities might clash so she figures that, unless she comes to her, the chances of them truly getting to know each other are slim. Besides, Agathe is still weary of the idea of friends, even if she wouldn't mind (reluctantly) becoming Maria's.

- - -
"Ren was one of the first people I met upon joining this clan. I don't trust easily nor am I exactly a friendly person, but I have faith in my judge of character and he seems like a good person. Decent too. Are we friends? I'm not sure, really I'm not. Friendships here are so completely than the ones I am familiar with but I suppose I can consider us something along those lines? Regardless, he's a walking curiosity and even I fail to get an excellent read on him."
[color=COLOR]Agathe, though she would never outwardly admit it in any form save a question laced with feigned confusion, considers Ren to be a friend. He's one of the few here that she trusts but he also is a subject of many of her curiosities. She silently looks forward to getting to know him better and even potentially opening up to him though she's not keen on telling him that. In typical Agathe fashion, she's hesitant to further any of her friendships in fear of the repercussions she might face - even if there are none.

- - -
"I dislike children but there's something about this one... No, it's no use explaining it."
[color=COLOR]Agathe feels innately protective over Clementine for reasons that she cannot explain. She struggles with a deeply ingrained dislike for children and yet, loathes the idea of anything happening to this one. She would not hesitate to strike down anyone who threatened Clem's life, even if she doesn't exactly understand why. She also feels responsible for the child in a oddly protective sense and wants nothing more to see that she gets stronger. She theorizes that it's because of her experiences growing up as well as the horrible things that sickly children had to go through where she was from.

- - -
"Titan is my coworker and I respect him greatly. I honestly don't think I'd be able to handle this whole 'Astral Seraph' thing without him, not when I'm still so new to all of this. I'm glad that he's not an arrogant hothead too- I don't think I would have been able to endure that hell. All in all, I want to consider us friends. I mean... I haven't really had true friends before, but yeah... I definitely think he is one."
[color=COLOR]Agathe greatly values Titan as an individual. She appreciates his quiet sort of strength and is glad that he is her partner throughout all of this. Without him, she is not afraid to admit that she'd feel lost and confused and, though she'd never admit it, is relieved that there is someone else on equal footing that has the power to check her temper and keep her from blowing up.

- - -
"After that little mask stunt, I'm not her biggest fan. Then again, she's a child and I will forever be made uncomfortable by children. What else can I say, honestly? Where are her parents anyways? Shouldn't they be ensuring that their child isn't running around causing mischief? Sigh."
[color=COLOR]Agathe doesn't entirely know how to feel about Isabelle. Children are always a source of confusion and great discomfort to her and, while a part of her wishes to one day be able to understand them, she fears how vulnerable such attachments might make her. 

guide for mobile:

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - MARIANNA - 10-27-2018

yells they barely know each other but whatever

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - FUBUKI - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]*throws ren over*

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - CLEMENTINE P. - 10-27-2018


Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - BABY — - 10-27-2018

ben swolo

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - guts - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: white; padding: 20px"]:eyes: isabelle??

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - agathe. - 11-06-2018

this is finally updated y e e t

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - demeter - 11-06-2018

[size=9pt]absolute fuckin disgrace that there isnt one for moon

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - ONISION. - 11-15-2018

drop kicks my asshole into here
wait that sounded wrong

Re: gods & monsters | agathe's heartchart - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]hsjsja they’ve hardly interacted but uhh billie??