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Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Printable Version

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Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Masie - 10-23-2018

She'll likely need watched for a few days considering her young age, but the injury won't be lasting, she won't suffer in life for it, the worst lasting effect it may have is minor discoloration in the affected area not a real scar. However, she will have trouble eating her normal diet for a few days, since it will hurt to open and close her mouth.

The shape of an indo-rex moving through the territory with a B-line being made would likely be painfully clear. In terms of pain? She could only focus on the first real hurt she had felt, what had taken place made every time she had scraped her legs while tripping around feel like absolutely nothing! Pain radiated through her muzzle originating from a narrow roughly four inch long, inch tall strip on the side of her muzzle, now pressed into the top of her fathers head as she squirmed around up there trying to get it to stop. Unluckily, the hurt caused by burn marks did not fade that easily, such things required medical attention. So far, nothing like this had needed to happen before, there was no way to know how the tiny raptor could or would react to someone trying to heal her, touch her, when she was in pain. This fact? Was further influenced by the fact she had sustained the injury from trying to give someone an innocent, kind and comforting touch. Anyways for now she was trashing her head around on her father's.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - OWEN. - 10-23-2018

He knew his daughter wasn't that injured, but it still unsettled him. He could avoided the whole thing by having Masie stay away from the border- or maybe, maybe he could kill Bakugou. If anyone hurt his children.. He didn't know what he'd do- he was already paranoid enough to the point that he didn't even let Blue leave the territory, let alone let Masie too close to her.

Masie was his child, his daughter, and Owen was already overly protective of her. When he was nearby, he tensed when she left his shadow, even though he knew she'd return. His single amber eye glanced up, feeling the uncomfortable squirming of his daughter on his head, the blanket becoming clumped up from her nonstop squirming and shifting.

Lifting his head up to look around for the medic- however familiar he was, Owen let his loud voice rumble across the territory. "Junji! I need your help over here, Masie- Masie got burned." He grumbled, the spines on his back rippling. Bakugou- he claimed his raptors were a thread, but they only ever attacked or showed aggression to those who showed the same to them. Even after he had explained to everyone that they responded more to emotions and body movements, Bakugou seemed to continue acting like an idiot. Pincher didn't even act like that around the raptors. God, Lucifer had a fight with Blue, and he didn't even show anger towards her!

Owen seemed to be stuck in thought as he moved to stand on all fours, his large body a burden for him at this point.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - AMUNET - 10-23-2018

Ament knows possessive like a sickle claw, no - larger than a sickle claws - curling around him at night- chilling him to the bone and yet- comforting. These were the fist ever memories ament had of lucifer, after a many failed attempts to slumber near the elderitch mother figure of the venandi- too many sleepless nights- too many cold nights of children craving warmth of each other and only able to tolerate the chill that their food giver seemed to radiate at short intervals. It was the start of the word "mine" first uttered by one of the ven- he couldn't remember who- in regards to luce. THey all wholesomely agreed to the sentiment. Possession- protectiveness started when they were young and exploring and they were so very- very small. Started when all three of them looked towards one another- looked at mother and with savage hearts and rabid near erratic learning curves took to protecting their own. THeir pack- their mother.

Even still this possession lasts, runs in their blood like the divinity his sister's so claim they are apart of. He has no illusions to what he is- to how close lucifer is to them- yet not. Not a sister- not pack but an entirely new identity his dna struggles to comprehend into a definable term. - THeirs all the same, his all the same. They do not follow luciferus everywhere- and he does not follow them to their travels. He is a looming shadow here, in this protective plane of warmth and birth where their egg shells litter the nest grounds of their resting place. He makes this place home that they are sure to return to, weary and tired and ready to be embraced in the chilly shade of void mother.

Truly- the only pain ament has known in life is the pang of hungers from birth. In that regard he is spoiled rotten as well as his sisters. Ament knows enough of warmth and chill to prefer the former rather than the latter and the slight sharp wince of tugging teeth on feathers when his sister's tug him awake- or preen a little to roughly. Hunger is the only pain he knows, and it is not something he wants to experience ever again, never wants to see his sister's experiencing it- although they all did once to get out of their eggs. To meet the world, a necessary evil in the world, unpleasant as it was. SO he hunt for his sister- for virgo to make sure she is fed. At home tucked into the warmth of stolen blankets and cotton fuzz and surrounded by a wreathe of shiny glorious babbles ament had delighted to give her.

FOr now he takes time to familiarize to his home- his comfort. His curiosities and his lands are plentiful and warm but even to him the detection of a chill runs through his marrow. Winter's near approach makes him quicker to bristle and easier to anger- irritable. His sister's condition- his alpha's cndition does not help things. THe very least thing he needed was to spot another one of the group's alpha stalk past him- too close to their nesting grounds and too close to virgo's sickness. He stomps through the area clumsily- and although ament does not now it is owen- he see's big raptor with big teeth and small bundle of tight concern and raises his hackles. crest flaring- in the lighting of the sun the russet feathers bleed a redder crimson hue and his coal-like features harden in a snarl. The purring he makes is not kind.

Ament does not care for owen's size, although ament has grown in his absence- the size of a german sheard- owen is still larger. He does not care for this, nor the bundle of whimpering writhing mass upon his head. He cares for virgo first- always pack first. Before his life before his own health- and he challenges the other where they are standing. Stepping clearly through the undergrowth. Giving the other moment's to back away- to leave to prove he is not after virgo. Virgo is wise but she cannot understand their language- he need's mother here- mother could solve this. Mother mother mother.

strangers here- one is weak and the other is large and he smells like the other pack- he cannot get past me- cannot hurt virgo- i will kill him. It is not his first thoughts, but the only he spares for himself as he let's his own dna call to him. The other has tense-spare few moments before ament strikes- the little venandi angling his head slightly upward at maise- it is clear what his target will not be the legs or neck- killing blows- but rather emotional ones.
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Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - JUNJI - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]junji had always been cautious of owen's raptors. the man always claimed they only attacked when provoked, but there had been several occasions in which the boy had seen them lunge, go for someone's throat for being just looked at for a moment too long. he needed to get them under control.

so when he heard the calling of the distressed father, the soothsayer only felt his heart sink. he wasn't looking forward to treating one of the beasts, not when he had so much to worry about. a quick glance to his rounding belly and the angel slowly grabbed his herbs and headed off, following the male's voice until finally reaching the enormous creature and the child squirming on his head. "set her down," junji said softly.

he removed his satchel and set it on the ground, plucking open the clip and pushing his muzzle inside to grab the appropriate herbs. out he pulled a small bottle filled with raw aloe vera, along with comfrey root. jun set down as well his canteen of water and finally settled his gaze back on owen and masie, blue eyes lingering on the latter. "does she bite?" the angel queried, drawing his attention back to the much larger beast. "she bites me, and you treat her yourself, accepit eam?" a slight harshness to his tone, just a moment of it, before he returned to the primary focus; treating masie. in the back of his mind, he recognized ament from the other raptor pack, such only raising his level of paranoia. junji would not let it deter him. if the young raptor wanted to cause trouble, owen would take care of it. probably.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - OWEN. - 10-24-2018

The smell of Ament caught the indominus rex off-guard, but soon his attention shifted to the angel, worry evident in his eyes as the rex turned his back to the ven creature, nearly curling protectively around Junji for a moment before lowering his head, allowing Masie to slide down his snout and onto the ground, sharp spines sticking up dangerously. "She won't bite.. You're a friend." Owen rumbled to Junji in confirmation, noting his rounded stomach idly before he leant down to nuzzle his snout against his daughter's side.

"No bite. Doctor. Help with burn." Owen babbled to his daughter slowly, the command coming out stern, but still a fatherly, paternal touch of worry to it. He wanted his child to be okay- He didn't know how herbs worked, he hoped Masie would behave. "Behave. No bite." He repeated this time, his tone a bit softer, gentler.

"That's aloe vera, right? Make sure she doesn't eat it- if you tell her not to, she probably won't. Promise. She's the least dangerous out of all of my raptors, Junji." He reassured the medic, keeping his form bunched over the two of them still. He didn't care how large the venandi pack had gotten- He would protect his young from them.

Silently, he hoped Lucifer would come and collect his child. While his own were weak, it was safer not to have them around each other, or else a brawl for territory might happen, and that was never good.


Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Masie - 10-24-2018

Masie wasn't really able to focus on the presence of anything besides herself and slightly Owen, so she didn't even know Ament was there, how could she. However, she was still different from her siblings who had never gotten the chance to learn the way she did, not the way they had been experiments in spite of fathers best efforts on them. However, she was also still much like her siblings in the way that she could understand why they lunged and the way this world looked to them. Right now? She didn't realize many things, but growing up she would eventually realize the other animals around never put much stock into properly learning how the world looked to her family in order to try to get along, they didn't care. Yet, at the moment she was blissfully unaware of the unjust judgement of those she called siblings, the way everyone judged them without actually knowing them. All because no one could stop long enough to know them, that's exactly how she would see it when she got old enough.

Before growing up, she had to get over tonight's challenge, the searing pain in her muzzle. Sliding off her father's head was sloppy, hitting her hip awkwardly as she was thrashing her head the whole way, unable to understand why it hurt. All she could understand? Was Baku had done it. Quickly, she retook a defensive position, backing up under her father and snapping her head around, confused, lost and hurt. Owens muzzle against her side caused her sharp hands to raise to grip onto him, that action able to center the infant to him briefly.

Masie didn't understand everything spoken to her, but luckily she was quick as ever in spite of her pain, so she understood in some way that whatever the doctor would do was going to take the pain away. Slowly, she in her defensive crouch scooted closer to him, sniffing and tilting her head only able to wince instead of evulate him properly. Father was here, she needed the pain to stop, there was no choice. Realizing her limited options, Masie scooted the rest of the way lowering herself down in front of Junji with the burn facing him, scared, concerned and confused glare on him. She clearly didn't trust him, but that wasn't so odd, it was the first time she was dealing with an actual healer when she was injured.

She had the potential to be dangerous as her sisters, but she had some piece of mind that had been robbed from the others by ingen or whatever, which made her the least dangerous of them.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Luca - 10-24-2018

It was fortunate that Owen did not, in fact, curl protectively around Junji, for wherever the angel went Luca was sure to follow. It wasn't that he was jealous, or he thought that there was a chance that Junji would leave him for Owen, he just believed that the raptor tamer didn't deserve to touch the ethereal soothsayer. Perhaps it was childish to hold grudges for so long, but he could still feel the phantom pain of teeth in his ass. That fabricated masochism he always paraded around to protect himself from the reality of pain couldn't save him from the sensation of his insides becoming his outsides. He would stay bitter about it until the end, especially if Owen kept up that attitude of his. He wasn't even fighting at the time. The mere thought of the memory drew a sharp huff from his lips, face set in an unapproachable frown as he grumpily sat off to Junji's side.

He didn't care much for Masie or the other raptors. In fact, one might even be able to catch the animosity that glittered in his eye as he stared the child down. Luca often boasted that he didn't like to kill children, but that sentiment didn't extend to ferals. "What's the point of healing it?" he asked bitterly, his own words sour on his tongue. "It's just gonna grow big and crazy like the others." But Junji had always been better than he was. Luca didn't expect the soothsayer to stop just because he was here now, sitting a short ways away and offering nothing but unhelpful jabs at Owen and his scaly overgrown rats. That's what they reminded him off, all scuttling around and snapping at folk. The thought made his skin crawl, and he couldn't help the way that his disgust showed clearly on his face. Whether this disgust was directed at Owen, Masie, or the sudden images of rats that invaded his mind was up to interpretation.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Masie - 10-24-2018

As the days had went by, Masie had showed further and further hints of being able to understand something apart from the tongue of her feral species. Luca spoke, and she didn't know most of the words, but noise was what she understood well. Amber optics narrowed as she rose from the ground, keeping herself just low enough that Junji could continue to treat her. Right now, she was already in pain and extremely agitated, entirely in no mood to deal with someone who made the noises he did. Unable to understand the sentence she did collect that he didn't want the doctor to heal her, just like how Baku spoke of wanting to see a raptor corpse, both sounded the same to her.

Masie did her best to stay relatively still, not interfere in being healed but the noise coming from Luca continued and she couldn't disregard it. Blinking she processed the mostly nonsensical noise and made enough sense to know in some way he had just claimed she was less than him, couldn't understand. Only, she did understand, maybe not the words but the intent, the implication something was fundamentally different between them. Not for a second did she believe the same as him. "Take It Back!" the low hiss escaped her, as she lowered herself again to make Junji had the best angle in spite of her not being too large to begin with. If Owen had doubted that she could somehow understand parts of what was being said outside their tongue? He had proof now. The look engraved onto her optics and muzzle in spite of the pain? Both screamed, take it back.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - JUNJI - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]he was quiet as owen complied and babbled to his daughter, ears only twitching when he assured him she wouldn't bite. that was good; he wasn't looking forward to another injury, when he could barely feel one of his legs already. the soothsayer gave him a slow nod.

"that's good to hear," junji murmured, settling his eyes upon the burns on masie's muzzle. "what burned her?" he padded closer somewhat cautiously, though he took some comfort in owen' reassurances. she wouldn't bite. no harm would come to him or his belly. a soft sigh escaped the angel as he neared the girl, uncapping his canteen and bending the water from it; he cooed gently to masie as he then tried to settle the cool water over her burns to relieve some of the pain. burns were nothing pleasant, he knew that. the heat that caused them always stayed for some time after. he hoped the coldness against the heat would soothe her.

he glanced to his side as luca made his entrance, smiling softly to him before returning his attention to his patient. "memor esto verba tua, amor." the angel purred to him. he wasn't keen on listening to an argument while he worked, and though he could understand why luca was so spiteful of owen and his raptors, it could be saved for later. preferably when the child was out of earshot and not injured. junji took the comfrey root into his mouth and chewed it to a poultice; he hummed softly to masie as he spread it over the worst of her burns, then dabbed the aloe vera mixture over the lesser parts. he topped it all off with a large leaf, pressing it gently to the sticking poultices; just so they didn't come off so easily.

jun glanced up at owen and nodded. "she'll be okay. just make sure she doesn't rub any of the poultice off. bring her to me in a few days so i can check and make sure the burns are healing alright." with a soft rush of his paw over her cheek, the angel stepped back to sit closer to luca; he stretched a wing around the hound and pressed his muzzle briefly into his fur. "she's certainly sweeter than your other girls. just make sure she stays that way, hm?"

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - OWEN. - 10-24-2018

"Bakugou did, but it wasn't his fault. I have to teach her not to touch him. She was only trying to comfort him, I think.  She's.. She's got more empathy than my girls, since she wasn't.. Born in the same conditions my raptors were." Owen rumbled lowly, a single amber eye giving Luca a thoughtful stare before he glanced back towards Junji. A soft, affectionate rumble escaped his throat as he called his child back over, a huff of breath leaving his nostrils. Relief.

"She'll behave, Junji. I can't promise that she won't get protective of her sisters because- well- those are her sisters. She wouldn't be a pack animal if she didn't want to protect them or me. The typhoon is our home, and she'll learn eventually that she must protect her home. Including all of you." Owen spoke calmly, spiked tail remaining protective as he made sure Ament made no move to attack- He would shred the little thing if he laid a single claw on his child, and Luci would probably bitch him underground and he'd absolutely hate himself after. But really, this was his kid. He would sacrifice every body he could to protect all of his girls.

When Luca spoke, Owen's body tensed further, and with a calm, but shaky voice, Owen gave the silent sentence to the demon. "We had to fight to protect the clan we were apart of. You can't continue to blame me and my raptors for this when you reincarnated. Unlike us mortals, you reincarnate. If we die, it's permanent. One day I'll prove that I'm here to protect all of you- until then, feel free to continue your grudge, Luca." He rumbled, hurt in his amber eyes for a split second before he stood up onto all fours, leaning his head down for the small raptor to jump up his snout.

"Up, Masie." Owen spoke calmly, before he gave a thankful glance towards Junji. He was thankful the medic wasn't rough with her, and Owen made it a mental note that he'd protect Junji if needed to. "Thank you, Junji. Do you need anything in return? I could have Masie go with me herb searching? Her sense of smell could help, and I've been wanting to work with her on scent tracking." He asked, a toothy smile taking his pale features.