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LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD // SUNHAVEN AMBASSADOR - buckingham barnes - 10-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The Sunhaven Warden silently padded along the railroad track, finally seeing the desolated volcanic island in the distance. Bucky visited the Typhoon two times, the first one had been a complete mess, while the second ran smoothly. When Sunhaven had a problem with the raptors, Bucky thought they'd never get along- yet here they are. While the Typhoon decided on a trial alliance, that's better than getting an answer of no right away. He hoped this trial alliance will turn into a legit alliance later on, it can be beneficial to both clans.

After padding for a little bit more, the former assassin finally reached the island. His paws made their way onto the hot sand- which Buckingham didn't feel bothered by. Before he joined Sunhaven, he used to live in a war-torn group from a desert. And no, it's not the Pitt. He waited by the shore, putting his gift basket down on the ground before him. His tail slowly swished behind him, as his gaze began to scan the territory for any Typhooners in the area. "I'm Buckingham Barnes, Warden from Sunhaven! I'm here for an ambassador visit," He called out, deciding to hold back on mentioning the invite until some Typhooners arrive.

[ link to mass meet & greet and camping trip: click me yeet ]


Speaking of the devil, think of him and he shall appear, but in this case the devil was just Raptors, in this exact instance, a baby one. The nest was near the entry to the island, thus someone's chances of encountering the large beasts early in any visit was fairly high. After the arrival of the newest pack member? This had only increased with the curiosity of a child now set into play. Every new scent she picked up coming from the border, she just had to look into it. Luckily enough, she had yet to actually get aggressive with anything she had found in the past, and it didn't seem that such would change anytime soon. Of course, if her sisters got aggressive she followed in suit or hid if the threat was deemed to big, but even when she got feisty the small raptor was barely the size of a domestic feline at the shoulder. At the moment? The infant was fairly harmless for her species, teeth still growing in and claw still too small to rip deep into someone. Thus, she was only dangerous if someone was smaller than her, but she had proven to be able to be gentle enough with CC's arrival.

A small chittering could be heard as the small brown downy raptor leaped from the under growth and pranced this little circle around him sniffing. "Blanket" he wouldn't understand her, she spoke her kinds tongue, yet she could tell that he was someone she hadn't need to worry about. From his scent? Masie could tell he came from the same general area as the cat who Owen had gotten her blanket from! "Owen! Blanket Cat Friend!" she didn't know what Sunhaven was, but that didn't matter much, she slowly side stepped closer, chittering and tilting her head after she called for her father.




female the typhoon raptor squad
Next to arrive was not as pleased to see Buckingham as Masie was, and the murderous glint in the feral utahraptor's eyes was clear as she stalked forward, sickle claws tapping and watching in disdain as Masie treated him like some new toy, dark yellow optics settling on the metal leg which she had made attempts to rip off before, only to be stopped.

The Sunhaveners had been visiting here, speaking with the Typhooners on their territory, and it unnerved Delta, made her wonder how prey could be stupid enough to basically wander into the raptors' jaws. She wasn't hungry, the meal from earlier that day was doing well to tide her over, but still, Bucky and all Sunhaveners have been considered a threat for awhile now, and here Masie was, oblivious to that. A quacking sound could be heard, sharp and loud, something that demanded Masie listen, or face the consequences. 'Back. Enemy.' She still had a few scars from the Sunhavener's attacks on her when she was hunting.

Claws outstretched, tail raising as she drew closer to Buckingham, head bobbing up and down a bit as she closed in, ensuring he wouldn't be able to escape the way he came, aggressive purring rising from her throat.
© madi


"Delta! Leave it." Owen's voice rang out as the indominus rex pushed through the trees, having caught the scent of Bucky from their nest either way. What led him here was Masie herself leaving the nest, and that usually meant there was strangers or visitors at the border. This meant danger, on their side. Wherever Masie was, the other raptors were most likely with her.

When he had arrived, he had been walking on all fours, the spines down his back rippling with apprehension and annoyance at the metal-limbed feline at their borders. Sure, he hated the guy, sure, he had also killed one of his members (the thought was pretty lit, honestly), but he wouldn't ruin a perfectly unstable trial alliance.

"Beta, beside Alpha. Watch enemy." Babbled Owen to Delta, his throat shivering with the noise as he stared Bucky down for a few moments. Then, he spoke again, this time in English. "Welcome again, Buckingham. How can we help you?" Came the neutral question, his voice not betraying the annoyance he actually felt right now.  He didn't like Bucky, and he didn't fucking like Monroe. Those two were the only two Sunhavenners he couldn't stand, but he had to get over it.



[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]It appeared that the raptors were everywhere he went. They were rather loud, letting Victor know they were out and about before he even physically saw them. He always felt a bit fearful being around the large animals for he was certain they could squish him before they even knew he was there. Making sure to put a bit of a distance between him and the dinosaurs, Victor's alluring blue eyes looked to Buckingham. With the question already being addressed, the striker stood back and stayed silent, awaiting for a reply. Despite being naive about all of the alliances and enemies the Typhoon had, he was well aware of this little 'trial' alliance. He heard a few members spouting on and on about it and simply took that information for himself. Swishing his tail to and fro, the husky finally took a seat before clearing his throat.


Perhaps, with their trial alliance now in place, Sunhaven will cease to annoy him. But first impressions have always stuck to him like tar and ever since multiple negative run-ins with the merchant guild, he would rather they had nothing to do with his life. Well, there is nothing he can do about it. They had been in a two-way split, half of their island wishing them to stay ripe for the picking while the other half desiring the idea of being on positive terms. To top it off, Captain Pincher seemed to like them because he was surely defensive against Feliks and Bakugou's criticisms. Regardless of how he feels, Bakugou has noticed just how prompt Sunhaven was when it came to responding to their trial alliance. They had cleaned up their act, one of their members immediately approaching with some kind of proposal for a medic society that he left Junji to accept or deny. Now, before they have had time to settle from their last trial ally visit, there is a familiar Sunhavener approaching. It was one of the creatures who had come to complain about Owen's vexing raptors only to run off with their tail between their legs the moment the reptilians showed up. It was probably a wise choice. Bakugou would have killed them on the spot but perhaps it wouldn't have benefitted Sunhaven's request for an alliance with the murder a pirate's pets on their record.

Bakugou hesitated to approach again, eyes narrowing when he sees two raptors beginning to approach the male. He doesn't want to see another repeat, twitching an ear at indominous rex before rolling his eyes. The last time he heard Owen try to order this particular raptor not to bite, she bit down hard. His sanguine eyes sweep towards Buckingham as he hears him introduce his name and purpose for being here, a scowl on his face. His expression wasn't directed to the Sunhavener but to his opinion of Owen. He hated the raptors with a burning passion. "If they make you uncomfortable then I'll kindly tell Owen and his raptors to fuck off before they ruin the trial alliance," the Reaver offers in a blatant tongue. The more he saw of the dinosaurs, the more sick of them he felt. He was absolutely repulsed at the idea that they were all living on the same island, consuming the same air as him when they were utterly terrible. "Especially considering last time Mr 'Alpha' here couldn't even control his pets." Perhaps this could be called 'picking a fight' but after seeing Delta offering the ambassador an aggressive purr was enough of an excuse for Bakugou to be especially rude to his own crewmate.

"Bakugou," he then decides to introduce himself, doing his best to suppress his dislike for Sunhaven by giving the other his name. "I'm a Reaver here. Otherwise known as his superior." He was directing 'superior' specifically to Owen but it could also be extended to Victor who he had acknowledged was there as well. But, of course, he was doing everything in his power to signal to the indominous rex that he was going to be particularly agitated if Owen failed to control Delta and Masie.


In spite of all her curious seemingly friendly behavior? The very second Delta arrived and called him a threat, she scampered to behind her sister quick as her feet would carry her. If the other had just attacked she may have questioned it like when she almost ate CC but especially with Blue so close and weak, but she had no reason to question the larger raptor in terms of threats. If something got past them because they had to worry about protecting her? Than Blue could end up hurt even further, that was the last thing she wanted.

This was so difficult to understand, but it was clear Owen considered them an enemy too, in spite of the behavior of the other members of their larger group outside of the pack. Looking at Owen she kept herself to the back side of one leg, ready to flee back to the nest any moment if the Alpha deemed it necessary to get her out of the situation.

Sometimes it really almost did seem as if Masie was learning to comprehend at the least context of what the other animals near her said, various small examples beginning to sprout. Amber optics cut over to Baku, scraping a foot against the ground and making a swift movement to be next to him. Masie imitated a motion she had seen from Delta many times, front paws on the ground, harsh hiss emitting from her throat, swinging her body back repeating it with a lean forward. However, unlike the typical move that came after the raptors behaved like that, Masie than backed off! Unlike her sisters, the infant had an easy time learning friend from foe or prey thanks to being wild born instead of bore in labs and experimentation. Regardless of how much she was growing to despise that male for how he treated her and the pack, she couldn't attack him without an actual threat. "Threat, Nest, Blue?" with her other sister in such frail state, the small creature looked to Delta in order to assess of if her sister also believed Baku could become threat to Blue if he found the injured raptor alone. When you gave a wild animal aggressive or suspicion that was what you got back.

She had to get back at him somehow, the noise that thing made pissed her off so much and if she couldn't kill it than shutting it up some other way needed to work. Recalling to the last time someone with this scent had been here, she decided to see if repeating a behavior she'd seen Owen preform back then would have any affect. Masie wandered for a second, returning with some jungle flowers in her mouth, walking up to the edge of her father's jaw and tossing them at Bucky. Once she had completed the task? She glanced up at Owen to see if he approved of her giving Bucky a plant like he had given blanket cat a plant. However, thanks to Delta she was clearly cautious and uncomfortable with the other, glancing to her sister every few moments to see if the other had noticed an increase in threat. Masie just wanted Baku to shut up forever and the threat to leave. If he carried the same scent as Blanket Cat maybe he would leave if she repeated actions and ended this.


L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
ah yes sunnysides and the trail alliance,

he liked to think they'd do far more favourably this time around - and their common enemies was an attractive prospect - the vantablack beast was far more inclined to be civil with them than say snowbound when they'd been so snubbed by the ice-goers - from what he'd seen before they seemed polite and reasonable enough,

bar the unfortunate raptor incident aside - and he did glance towards Owen here, hopefully he could keep better sense over his pack this time around, wouldn't do to ruin any chances.

he stepped up beside Bakugou with an incline of his head to the reaver before his gaze fastened back to Buckingham "Luciferus Grimm - Lucifer is fine - Officer here - I trust you and yours are doing well? not to much trouble with your enemies I hope?" an idle conversation but perhaps something to at least get past the raptors in the room.



When Bakugou spoke, Owen had to resist from snapping at the male because he was right, He was exceedingly higher in ranking than he was, and he didn't feel like disobeying an order. Begrudgingly, Owen lowered his large head in a respectful, but stubborn dip, before moving to nuzzle Masie with his snout. "Nest, Masie." Owen babbled to the child, before turning to Delta. She could stay, he knew she didn't want to see Blue in that weakened state. The weak were killed, and Owen didn't want Blue to die anytime soon.

"Just as long as a fight doesn't go down, it should be fine, sir." Owen rumbled to both of the higher ranking males, his experience from the Navy kicking in, the whole 'respect your high ranks' shit he couldn't stand for the longest time. I mean, he trained fucking dolphins. That's fuckin' cool.