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it's the singing // joining - Printable Version

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it's the singing // joining - charlotte. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"][color=black]A large figure moves silently across the plains; golden tendrils trembling in the creature's wake. Nearby rabbits making the most of the remaining warmth sprint away at the first sign of a hunter. Harvest mice cling to the stalks of wild grains, not even daring to blink until the threat passes. Luckily for the terrified prey animals, this particular creature seems to show no interest in the hunt. The only clue that it remains aware of their presence is a single ear rotating to locate the sound of frantic escape.

She cannot remember the last time she set foot here. It has changed much since her early days, back before she set off on her own. There was a point in time when she vowed to never return... But after hearing word of her parents' deaths, she started making her way back towards home. And now that she's here, well, she isn't sure what comes next.

Golden hour arrives as the sun sinks lower and lower in the sky. Brilliant shafts of blinding orange and yellow light wash over the terrain; an amber sea of grass. Pale ginger rosettes now blaze fiery amber as the creature slows to a halt just outside the border. It straightens to a proper standing position, revealing a muscular wildcat with pale eyes which seem to burn in the fading daylight. She is silent. Moments pass, seconds tick on by. She wonders when someone will arrive. If someone will arrive. Unsure of when another might appear to see to the joining process, the leopard rolls back onto her haunches and into a seated position.

Re: it's the singing // joining - BABY — - 10-18-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
The sunset patrols were always favored by the lion. The warmth of the daytime still lingered in the open air; it was not crisp and chilly like it was in the early mornings and the late nights. The horizon's vibrant palette was aesthetically pleasing and hypnotic to the naked eye — in simple words, it was striking. Beautiful. He could watch the setting sun for hours if it were possible, but unfortunately, they only lasted for such a short time.

However, for now, he was doing his best to take in the sights before the sun pulled the covers over its head and the moon [sup]ascended[/sup] in its place. Titan also enjoyed the twilight, where the stars would prematurely poke out into view and shine brightly. He enjoyed gazing up at the stars and studying the constellations. It seemed that Titan was in favor of both the light and the dark — that internal debate conflicted back-and-forth much more often and [sub]deeper[/sub] than one would think.

The masculine made out the shape of a leopardess seated on the edge of the borders. She wasn't trespassing, at least, so she hadn't given him a reason to attack her. However, if she proved to be a threat to the group, then he'd have no choice but to take immediate action. Of course, this could just be a loner or an ambassador from one of their allies, but he didn't know what to think these days. Anybody lingering near the border could pose a threat to him.

And, with that mindset engrained in his brain... "Who are you?" It was too s o f t to be a shout, but just firm enough to be considered a demanding tone.

Then, he bites his tongue.

A part of him told himself that he was still clinging onto strict formalities, brief greetings that were straight to the point. But, then again, an Ascendant could never be too careful these days.

Re: it's the singing // joining - charlotte. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"][color=black]Several minutes pass. She begins to grow bored before the sound of quiet footfalls reach her ears. Half-lidded eyes lift lazily to inspect the other who approaches. Oh, a lion. He seems...suspicious. With a form tone and narrowed eyes, it is not hard to miss the wariness in his demeanor. "The name is Charlotte," replies the leopardess in a casual voice, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left. "But you can call me Charlie." A friendly grin spreads across spotted features, allowing a brief glimpse of ivory fangs. Something about the tension emanating from her companion silences her. She wonders if she is in danger. Or maybe the guy is just constipated?

Finally, she decides to move on. It's awkward just sitting here and staring at one another. "I, uh, would like to join, if that's still allowed.." why wouldn't it? Then again, Charlie has avoided coming back here for almost a year. Lots of things can change in that span of time. "What's your name, tiger?" Somehow, she manages to maintain a neutral expression. But inside, she's cracking up over her stupid, unfunny joke. There's just something so hilarious about calling a lion...a tiger. Comedy gold.

Re: it's the singing // joining - MOONMADE - 10-18-2018

[size=9pt]"Where'd you come from, Charlotte?" Moon slips out from the surrounding undergrowth, tall beige grass opening to reveal his gaudy, scarred body. He looks the leopard over carefully, perhaps a bit wary, and with some amount of effort carves an expression onto his face that just barely passes as welcoming. They've been having problems lately. A lot. Moon wasn't so quick to invite complete strangers into the clan, anymore-- there were far too many reasons to be careful. "It's still allowed. Just gotta' do a small background check." A forced bend of the lips, creasing exhausted eyes. "You know how things are."

Re: it's the singing // joining - ONISION. - 10-18-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Tone." Oni's voice growled from behind Titan, a single blue eye focusing coldly on the male whom was his groupmate. He wasn't exactly in a bad mood, he just didn't.. Have the patience to deal with others being an asshole. The clan was already full of them, he was one himself.

Slowly, the male shifted his body to move closer to the joiner- inhaling through his nose softly, trying to be unnoticable. The smell was familiar, but he wouldn't be rude. "My name's Onision Mikaelson-Folie. Call me Oni." He meowed, a look of amusement in his blue eye, before it quickly disappeared.

Sitting down, the male shook out his fur, adjusting the eyepatch over his scarred eye before he dipped his head to Moon in his.. Oddly scripted welcoming thing he's got going on lately. Yeah, he could let Moon do that interviewing shit he always does. Last time he tried that shit he got snapped at.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: it's the singing // joining - charlotte. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"][color=black]Dry grasses quiver and quake as the vegetation gives way to two more individuals. A lion and a feral cat. The former draws her attention first. Observant green eyes trace over the male as he questions her origins in an authoritative, albeit exhausted, tone. "I am from nowhere, really. But I was born here a long time ago, if that answers your question." Charlie offers a friendly smile to the one who she assumes is in charge. The lion is slender and gaunt, betraying his fatigue; although high cheek bones and eyes like pools of honey cooperate to give him an oddly handsome appearance. The poor guy is much too young to look so run down. The leopard bobs her head in understanding. "Trouble with the neighbors?" Constant fear over getting invaded tends to put people on edge--it all makes more sense now.

The little one's snarled scolding towards Titan brought a smirk to black lips. "Easy now, pipsqueak," Charlotte says with an amiable chuckle. "The guy hasn't done anything wrong." How awkward would it be to see two clanmates clash? The female intends to avoid unnecessary confrontation. However, the younger creature's introduction distracts Charlie from anything she might have said next. "Mikaelson?" she repeats incredulously. "Who are your parents?"

Re: it's the singing // joining - ONISION. - 10-18-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

Oni didn't like the way this woman talked to him, as if he was some child who needed to be scolded. He had already heard that shit enough times in his life here in the Ascendants.

Onision also didn't like talking about his mothers, in reality. He didn't like talking about them because they were dead, and vampires weren't supposed to die. They were supposed to live forever, not leave their kids behind without much of a goodbye. All they had done was leave behind pictures and Suite's lullaby on recording. How cruel could a parent be? Every time he heard his mother's voice, he ended up crying. I mean, fuck, he couldn't even sleep on his own! He had to sleep with Alexander now.

The feline's cold blue gaze snapped up when the woman mentioned his surname, before narrowing slightly. His parents? He didn't want to talk about them, but from how this woman was acting, just from how her aura looked to the were-vampire, Oni let a loud, audible sigh of annoyance leave his maw. "Margaery and Suiteheart." Was all he replied, a grunted answer, really, but he didn't like talking about his dead mothers. At all. They had ditched him for the beautiful after life, something he would never truly know. He didn't believe in the same God his mothers did, he believed in deities, gods that all ruled a certain part of nature, but to them, in his opinion, he was cursed.

Immortality was a curse that the child had been graced with. To live forever, for thousands of years, to watch the people he loved drop like flies to nature and time itself, forcing him to remain young forever. It was cruel, but Oni had grown used to it. It was a part of life. He couldn't change it.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: it's the singing // joining - BABY — - 10-18-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
The leopardess had introduced herself calmly — Charlotte, or "Charlie". As they were still on a first-name basis, however, he would resort to calling her by her given name. She had smiled, though he hadn't returned one in response. Although she seemed nice enough, that didn't excuse the fact that she was a stranger and a possible threat to the Ascendants.

She was... looking to join. That wasn't a bad thing, was it? No. Titan wasn't sure if he could accept newcomers at this point, though, especially with the conflict with Sunhaven. "Oh..." The lion blinked, now not quite sure what action to take next. He quickly answered his name, "I'm Titan." before adding in, "I'm going to bring you to my—"

Then, as if on cue, the footsteps of Moonmade had sounded from behind them. Titan stepped back and glanced over his shoulder at the fellow lion, and he fell silent as he took control of the situation. He would assess the new additions of their group, surely.

"Tone." Titan flicked his ear, noting the new voice, but it took him a few seconds to turn his head fully to face Onision. Was... was he addressing him? He hadn't come off as that demanding, had he? Titan was just doing his job, assessing the borders and looking out for any potential threats. Although Charlotte hadn't come off as a dangerous creature, she very well could have attacked him right then-and-there had she been a Sunhavener. It wasn't wrong of him to be defensive of their borders; one could never be too safe these days, especially with all of the murders and captures and whatnot.

And besides, wasn't this "Onision" the one that was always snapped at and scolded, especially by Moonmade himself? He twitched his whiskers. It was a bit hypocritical—and frankly, a little amusing—that he was telling him to adjust his tone, out of all people. Titan was pretty sure that Onision outranked him, but in all honesty, he wasn't quite sure if he could seriously take orders from a petty, outspoken child that dressed up in maid outfits.

While he was tempted to calmly exchange, "I was just asking a question," he instead let it go. It seemed that the conversation had moved on already. This time, Charlotte had turned her own attention to Onision, and so had Titan. Why had she asked that of him, he wondered. Was something else going on here?

Re: it's the singing // joining - charlotte. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"][color=black]Onision's expression rapidly morphs from indignant, to thoughtful, to bitter. Well that's quite the face journey, thinks Charlie to herself. Sure, maybe the kid chafed from being talked to like a, well, like a child. But maybe he deserved it too. One thing she picked up from her moms is that improper behavior should be identified and corrected. And, as the elder, the female takes that responsibility upon herself. Oni might dislike it now, but perhaps he will thank her later. Ironic, considering the upcoming revelation. Margaery and Suiteheart, says the child, and Charlotte's eyes become full moons in her surprise. "Oh?" she says incredulously before a faintly amused grin snakes upon her rounded visage. "I guess that makes you my baby brother." This is not exactly the family reunion she had envisioned... Then again, she has not been home for a long, long time. Charlie only returned because she heard her parents passed on.

Re: it's the singing // joining - agathe. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Another family reunion? On top of attracting stray children, the Ascendants also seemed to have a knack for reuniting torn families- though she couldn't help but wonder why these estranged siblings seemed to be once again coming together. What had been the catalyst to their returns? Had some unspoken tragedy struck the family and provided them with enough means to try to unify it? Agathe felt as if she was missing pieces to a larger picture, instead merely perusing the few puzzle pieces that had been presented to her by her own observation. She'd understand one day, she was sure of it, but for now, she would simply extend Charlie a little bit of a restrained smile. She already liked her.

"I don't mean to interrupt such a sweet family reunion," She finally offered, that smile of hers becoming more of a show of teeth than anything else, "But I'm Agathe Ashyver." She'd cock her head to the left, golden gaze studying the other leopard with intrigued intent. So many big cats here! It almost reminded her of home. Almost. But that was a thought for a different time. Rolling her shoulders, the graceful creature would absently readjust her cloak, out of things to say. Should she be cordial and offer a tour? Or was it simply to be expected that these lost siblings would want some time to catch up?